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Can I Use PPC to Gain More Home-Buying Clients?

By Ben Shepardson | December 30, 2022

As a real estate professional, it’s imperative that you spend time and resources on growing your business. This means you need to find smart, cost-effective marketing methods that deliver consistent results over time. There are perhaps dozens of different marketing strategies you can employ to increase the footprint of your real estate business, depending on what type of client you’re looking to specialize in. An example of this is is pay-per-click (PPC) marketing, which can be used to build a client base among house hunters. Here’s how you can use PPC to gain more home-buying clients.

What Is PPC?

Pay-per-click marketing is an advertising strategy that involves running online ads on specific websites, such as search engines. You pay your advertising provider for every user that clicks on your ad. PPC offers advantages over so-called “organic” marketing in that you don’t have to design your content to rate highly on search engine results pages - instead, PPC ads are automatically placed at the top of these results. 

PPC ads are common on just about any major commercial website, such as Facebook or Amazon. However, you’re most likely to see PPC leveraged to its fullest effect on Google, as this search engine is the most popular and has the lion’s share of online search traffic. This means that it’s easily the best ch for running a PPC campaign if you want to have the greatest possible reach.

The Advantages of Using PPC for Real Estate Marketing

So what makes PPC such a great tool for finding house hunters and directing them toward your real estate services? There are several different answers to this question. First and foremost is that PPC allows you to target your ads with a high level of specificity. You can accomplish this by choosing the specific keywords you want to be associated with your PPC ads. There are dozens of different permutations you can choose from that can provide you with strong results, especially if you conduct some keyword research into what’s popular with home buyers in your chosen demographic.

Another important benefit of using PPC for real estate is that you can begin seeing the results of a PPC campaign almost immediately. This is in stark contrast to building organic keyword strategies, as this approach requires a slow, steady build-up to maximum search engine results page ranking. Instead, a PPC ad appears at the very top of the results page from the very beginning. This makes PPC powerful because you can directly compete with larger real estate companies on an even playing field, something that’s exceedingly difficult to accomplish using an organic marketing strategy.

Finally, a third reason that PPC for real estate is such an advantageous strategy to pursue is that it traditionally exhibits a high return on investment. It’s no big secret why this ROI is so high: the conversion rate on PPC is known to be incredibly cost-effective. With the majority of homebuyers using the internet to begin their home search, the revenue-per-conversion of PPC makes it especially rewarding, even in instances where the costs of a PPC campaign add up over time. 

How to Leverage PPC the Right Way

PPC is an invaluable tool, but it’s not a surefire thing. You need to understand how to use PPC effectively to get the best results out of it. Otherwise, you’re unlikely to get the results you’re hoping for when it comes to sourcing new clients looking to buy property. Instead, you have to pay close attention by knowing your market intimately so you can target your ads effectively. You’ll need to decide what areas you plan on targeting, the types of buyers you want to help, and the types of properties you’re looking to specialize in.

In this case, it will be highly beneficial for you to use Google Keyword Planner. This online tool helps you find keywords that are active and popular while also showing you future forecasts of their likely performance going forward. If you can find keywords in these popular categories that coincide with the demographics you’ve chosen to target, you can then use those keywords in your PPC campaigns to attract the homebuyers you’re looking to work with. 

Using Google Adwords Effectively

Once you’ve selected the righ combination of keywords with Google Keyword Planner, it’s time to design your PPC campaign. For this, you’ll need to use Google Adwords, the platform Google uses to organize and launch PPC ads. Google Adwords is a highly specialized tool that relies on machine learning algorithms to provide you with important feedback. Its Performance Planner feature will take the keywords you’ve selected and provide you with recommendations so you can get the most out of your campaign while also projecting your performance on a monthly and quarterly basis.

Google Adwords helps you design your PPC campaign by assigning your campaign what it calls a “Quality Score”. This is a helpful metric that aids you in making smart choices for your PPC campaign and can help you redesign your campaign to boost your clickthrough rate (CTR) as high as possible. The higher your Quality Score, the higher your CTR is likely to be, so follow the recommendations that Google Adwords provides for the best results.

The Final Word on Using PPC to Attract More Homebuyers

PPC is a powerful tool for driving more traffic to your real estate business, but only when you craft your PPC campaigns properly. Use the tools that are available to you, such as Google Keyword Planner and Google AdWords’ Quality Score metric, to fine-tune your approach and maximize your potential clickthrough rate, and you’ll be able to see results in almost no time at all.

Ben Shepardson is a Realty Biz News Contributing Writer and has a long track record of success in online marketing and web development. While pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems, he worked doing enterprise-level SEO and started an online business offering web development services to small business customers.
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