Blogging is still new enough that this kind of thing…

Posted: February 3, 2011 by datechguy in blogs, oddities, personal

is pretty rare:

It is with heavy heart tonight that I post the sad passing of one of our fellow conservative bloggers, the infamous Snaggletoothie.

I received an email from Chris’s father this evening telling me of his son’s death. Chris suffered a seizure Monday, fell and hit his head, and by the end of the week he was in a coma. He died Friday afternoon.

My condolences to his father, his family and friends.

I’m old enough to note the oddity of mourning people you’ve never actually met, but as the decades progress this will become more and more the norm and we will be reading regular blogger obits as one does in any community.

It’s not a pleasant thought but perhaps It is time to say this aloud now while I am able.

All of you out there, from Adrienne’s Corner, to Robert Stacy McCain, from Haemet to Hotair, from Glenn Reynolds to Val Prieto, Barbara Espinosa, Aliester, Bill Jacobson, The Lonely Conservative, Sissy Willis and the Anchoress, and No one of any import Smitty, Peg and everyone else I’ve left out (and I’ve left out many). My fellow bloggers, those I have met and those I have not. You have all made my life richer and happier and I thank each and every one of you for it.

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by CatholicPreachy, Lisa Graas. Lisa Graas said: Blogging is still new enough that this kind of thing… via @DaTechGuyblog […]

  2. Roxeanne de Luca says:

    My condolences.

    Blogging has been great. I’ve met some bloggers in person (or over the phone) whom I had “known” for years prior to the meeting. One of my blog-friends FedExed me cookies during law school finals. Another calls me for advice. It is fantastic to meet people whom you otherwise would never know, and to develop a social circle of people whose values you share.

    My best to you and your family, DTG.

  3. While I’ve had the pleasure of making your acquaintance in person, and look forward to saying hello at CPAC, I know what you mean about all of the people we “meet” out here in the blogosphere. When you lose one, it really is like losing a friend. My condolences go out to his family and friends.

  4. Peter you are such a sweetie. Right back atcha, you and the other blog folks I “mingle” with really enrich my life. The moms on the playground will only listen to so much politics.

    Sorry to hear about Snaggletoothie. I didn’t get a chance to get to know him or his blog.
