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Review: Shark AI Ultra 2-in-1 Robot Vacuum and Mop

The company wins the “most improved” award with its latest do-it-all smart cleaning contraption.
Shark AI Ultra 2in1 Robot Vacuum with iPhone displaying Shark app on purple backdrop.
Photograph: Shark
Shark AI Ultra 2-in-1 Robot Vacuum and Mop
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Multifunctional! Maps quickly and accurately. Mopping is effective and doesn't get your floors wet. No need for replacement bin bags. Not as pricey as competitors. 
Auto-empty doesn't always empty all the way. No auto-empty bin sensor. You still have to hand-wash the little rags (yech). 

I’ll admit it: I have residual trepidation from the last time I reviewed a Shark smart vacuum. The company’s other home appliances may be reasonable dupes for pricier options, but when I received its first-ever smart robot vacuum, I ran it 35 times and it never developed a map. I lived in a 1,000-square-foot house where I could walk from my bed to my daughter’s room in 12 steps.

So my expectations for Shark’s new AI Ultra robot vacuum were very low—especially since I hate most robot mops. I’ve tested many over the years, and few have seemed faster or more effective than simply dragging out my manual Swiffer. But time has passed, both for me and for Shark. Now that I live in a larger house with different types of flooring, the Shark AI Ultra has become one of my most reliable cleaning companions. It may not scrub as hard as Ecovacs’ enormous and expensive Deebot X1 Omni, but it's surprisingly effective at half the price.

Location, Location

If you’re familiar with robot vacuums, you know that they tend to be pretty finicky about placement. That goes double for a robot vacuum that doubles as a mop. If you want to be able to start the vacuum from your phone, without carrying it into the kitchen, you have to … well, find a place to put it in the kitchen. That way, the robot doesn’t have to travel, dripping, across your carpet.

Most robot vacuums I’ve tried can be safely stowed in discreet locations (I’ve even parked a few under the couch), but oftentimes mopping vacs take up more space. Chances are you'll have to move the garbage bin and the dog food bin in the kitchen, as I did, to make room for the Shark AI Ultra. Accessories are also an issue. Some vacuums, like the iRobot Roomba j7+, have storage bins inside the docking station, but others like the Shark require you to empty out a shelf in your closet. 

When you switch between mopping and vacuuming, you also have to swap out the dustbin, so I needed to find a convenient place where I wouldn’t forget about that too. It comes with an effective and pretty innocuous-smelling cleaning solution. (If you don’t like it, you can use plain water.)

The Shark dock itself is fairly unobtrusive. I measured it at 14 inches high and 19 inches deep, which isn't too big compared to other auto-empty docking stations. After I plugged it in and it charged, it mapped my (now larger) house accurately after one 20-minute mapping run—a huge improvement over my first Shark robot vacuum.

To Each Their Own

Everyone uses their robot vacuum and mop differently. Some people want to pick up their whole house after the kids are in bed, set up a routine, and wake up to a sparkling new house, like a bunch of elves came through in the night.

I used to clean like that. But now that my husband is traveling for work and I am single-parenting two grade schoolers, a dog, and a grouchy hamster during the week, I take my bits and pieces of cleanliness when I can get it. Shark’s SharkClean app (iOS, Android) is remarkably simple and easy to use. Once I mapped my house, I designated separate rooms and added a no-go zone around the fireplace, where vacuums tend to fall in.

When my kids are in school, I pick up the kitchen, fill the mopping bin, and lock it into the bottom of the robot vacuum. I particularly appreciate that the app offers a time estimate (that is reasonably accurate) for how long the cleaning will take. I was also surprised by how effective the mopping was. It’s very hard for a robot vacuum to calibrate mopping correctly. If it releases too little fluid, it’s not effective. Too much and it leaves your floor a dripping, soggy mess.

The Shark’s bin releases just enough cleaning fluid, and most importantly, it wiggles as it mops to scrub the floor. If you select UltraMop in the app to spot-clean, you can see the squiggly pattern in the floor as it mops. The microfiber cleaning pad, which was easy to slide on and off the bin, showed a lot of that dirt.

Speaking of the cleaning pad, this is one of my major pain points with robot mops. It’s certainly more sustainable to use a reusable cleaning pad than it is to throw out multiple wipes with each Swiffering. Shark includes two you can swap out. When I wasn’t able to throw them into the washing machine, they did clean remarkably well when I washed them by hand in the sink with some dish soap. However, washing mops by hand is gross. I found myself thinking fondly back on the Ecovac Deebot X1 Omni's little swishy pool with self-cleaning mops.

That said, the 35-minute mopping time was accurate, and it picks up a lot of dirt. The mapping was incredibly precise—after each mopping, I checked the edge of the carpet, and it was dry. 

Works Hard for the Money

After my kids are in bed, I swap out the bin and set the Shark to vacuum their playroom. It navigates an additional several hundred feet, for a total of 800 square feet of cleaning per day. In two months of runs through a veritable Indiana Jones-type booby-trapped temple of robot doom, it only got stuck once, on … well, some unidentifiable plastic figurine that got stuck in the roller. 

Otherwise, it adeptly navigated the space and picked up all the loose dog hair tumbleweeds. I also deliberately left millions of minute pieces of cut paper under the counter after a craft project, and it picked those up as well while mopping (the mopping bin also has a rudimentary dust bin). 

Just about the only quibble I have is that the self-emptying function doesn’t always work reliably—I do end up checking it after every run, just to make sure it hasn’t gotten clogged. Also, unlike the iRobot vacuums, the Shark doesn't have a self-empty automatic bin sensor. That means that it doesn't know when its bin is full and will just keep going. This may be a dealbreaker for some. However, it does place itself back on the dock accurately, you don't need replacement bin bags, and the self-emptying does work, unlike some other robot vacuums I could mention (I’m looking at you, Yeedi).

The Shark’s most attractive feature is its price. My favorite robot vacuum is still the insanely reliable and accurate Roborock Q5+ (9/10, WIRED Recommends), but with a self-emptying bin, it costs $600. The Shark AI Ultra has two functions, not one, and is roughly the same price.

You can also buy this robot vacuum without the self-emptying bin for $430. If you clean your house as I do, room by room, and don’t find using your hands to empty bins to be completely disgusting (as I do too, sadly), then it's a fine way to save some cash. For several months, I found the Shark AI Ultra to be a reliable cleaning companion. You can’t ask for much more than that.