The First Lego League

The Primary Sevens along with Caelan from p6 have been working really hard this term on the First Lego League Challenge :

FIRST LEGO League Challenge teams are introduced to a scientific and real-world challenge for teams to focus and research on. The robotics part of the competition involves designing and programming LEGO Mindstorms robots to complete tasks. The students work out a solution to a problem related to the theme (changes every year) and then meet for regional, national and international tournaments to compete, share their knowledge, compare ideas, and display their robots.


Their team is called the Cog Cats.

The challenge has involved an incredible amount of hard work. Along with the robot challenges went an innovation project where the children had to design a solution to the problem of keeping people active.

The group were also judged on their core values of:

  • DISCOVERY – Team explored new skills and ideas.
  • INNOVATION – Team used creativity and persistence to solve problems
  • IMPACT – Team applied what they learned to improve their world.
  • INCLUSION – Team demonstrated respect and embraced their differences
  • TEAMWORK – Team clearly showed they had worked as a team throughout their journey.
  • FUN – Teams clearly had fun and celebrated what they have achieved

The group have worked on this all term working very independently and show an amazing amount of resilience. Both in the robot challenges and the innovation project the children have had to repeatedly iterate on their work, improving and testing each time.

They have exemplified the school values of Respect, Responsibility Resilience & Compassion

On Thursday 17th June we went along to the virtual South of Scotland heats. The group had to run their robot through the challenges, present on their innovation project and answer questions on their core values.

Although we did not win our heat, we were delighted to be the winners in the Core Values section. I think this victory show what we already know about this primary seven they are pretty decent kids!

Author: John Johnston

I am a teacher, currently working in Banton Primary for North Lanarkshire Council. I also act as Product Owner/provide support for Glow Blogs.

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