Pastor: If You Have Faith in God, He’ll Multiply Your Toilet Paper Rolls March 29, 2020

Pastor: If You Have Faith in God, He’ll Multiply Your Toilet Paper Rolls

Conspiracy theorist Rodney Howard-Browne, who said the other day that he wouldn’t close down his church due to COVID-19 because if anyone sneezes then he’ll “neutralize it in split seconds” with his 13 special machines, held a church service earlier today at The River in Tampa Bay, Florida.

During his sermon, he said that if people just had faith, God would magically multiply their toilet paper rolls by — I’m pretty sure this is what he’s saying — helping them get it on.

… I believe that this should be a time of supernatural sustenance. Where what you have in your hand will multiply. And every day, there will be multiplication.

You’ll look at your toilet paper, and you’ll think, I’m gonna run out of toilet paper, but you have another roll where that other one was! You don’t know. How did that even take place? Are the toilet paper rolls getting together and having families now? What is taking place?

When you look again, there’s still enough. You think you’re gonna run out, but when you look again, there’s still enough.

That’s supernatural sustenance! And God really wants you to trust Him at this time. Are you with me?

The only thing multiplying is the coronavirus because a bunch of Christians in this audience because they still haven’t figured out how self-quarantining and social distancing work. And Howard-Browne is just egging them on by spreading lies about how God will prevail over a virus that doesn’t give a damn what anyone believes.

It’s irresponsible, reckless, and par for the course for preachers who care more about protecting their brand than saving their flock.

(Thanks to Kyle for the link)

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