Pastor Checks-His-Phone: Christians Can Pray for God to Destroy Trump’s Enemies November 19, 2019

Pastor Checks-His-Phone: Christians Can Pray for God to Destroy Trump’s Enemies

Right-wing pastor Perry Stone, best known for checking his phone while speaking on tongues, said Christians could join in prayer and ask God to destroy critics of Donald Trump.

Because God can get violent if you ask nicely.

Stone made the comments last week during a service at his Omega Center International church in Tennessee.

Stone said there is “an unjust balance” in Washington because Hillary Clinton was allowed to “smash her BlackBerrys to keep the government from seeing what’s on them” and was not prosecuted for treason for keeping “four classified letters on a server,” while Trump, he contended, has been the victim of an unrelenting conspiracy to remove him from office that he alleged “was actually funded by George Soros.”

“It may come to the body of Christ fasting and praying and asking God to clean house himself,” he continued. “This is going on the internet and I’m sure somebody will pick up what I’ve said. Right Wing Watch, I know you watch me, so go ahead and post what I just said and let’s see what happens. And then when it happens, you can apologize for being an idiot.

Jesus will return before Right Wing Watch ever has to apologize to Perry Stone.

But it’s telling that Stone thinks God cleaning house means eliminating Trump’s enemies. They could pray to defeat terrorists, or the scourge of disease, or cancer cells. Instead, Stone wants Christians to come together to get rid of people who hold Trump accountable.

That’s where his faith-based priorities are.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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