DPP brought mercy killing case to build public sympathy for assisted suicide, say MPs

The Director of Public Prosecutions has turned the Kay Gilderdale case into a 'showpiece' to promote the legalisation of assisted suicide, MPs said yesterday.

Keir Starmer QC brought an attempted murder trial against the mother to try to build public sympathy for making assisted suicide legal, they added.

Mrs Gilderdale was cleared on Monday of the attempted murder of her daughter Lynn, 31.

Keir Starmer QC
Kay Gilderdale

Showcase? DPP Keir Starmer QC and mother Kay Gilderdale

She had already pleaded guilty to assisting her suicide.

Yesterday, as the DPP was forced to issue a statement defending the prosecution, a House of Commons motion suggested Mr Starmer brought the charge to coincide with the release of his own guidelines on assisted suicide. 

These effectively give the green light to relatives to help desperately ill loved ones to die.


Tragic: Kay with her ME suffering daughter Lynn, who she gave morphine

A final version of the Starmer guidelines is to be published next month but critics say the DPP's aim is for Parliament to make assisted suicide legal.

The motion - put down by former home office minister Ann Widdecombe - has support from pro-life MPs on both sides.

It said: 'His guidelines jeopardise the right to life of the vulnerable sick and disabled.'

The MPs acted as right-to-die campaigner Debbie Purdy called for legislation to ensure there will be no more prosecutions of people such as Mrs Gilderdale.

Enlarge   Lynn Gilderdale as a girl aged 10

Decline: Lynn Gilderdale aged 10 as house captain at her primary school - before she became bed-ridden and suicidal

The multiple sclerosis sufferer won a landmark ruling last year after asking whether her husband could lawfully help her travel to Switzerland to die.

Judges told Mr Starmer to publish guidelines on when he would prosecute for assisted suicide.

Mrs Gilderdale fits all the conditions for non-prosecution. ME sufferer Lynn took an overdose of morphine in December 2008.

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