查韦斯誓言整改监狱系统_国际频道_新华网: "委内瑞拉总统乌戈查韦斯15日说监狱管理长期混乱如同癌症必须大力整顿. 他当天接受国家电视台采访时宣布将在内阁组建专门部门加强监狱系统管理必须改造这些陈旧的监狱 ...
Updates & Legacy — Stigmabase is a Canadian Non-Governmental & Nonprofit Initiative. Our mission is to inform about stigma around the world and make the data collected accessible for researchers. Stigmabase is very attentive to misinformation and lists only reliable sources. — The marginalization of individuals or categories of individuals is a too common phenomenon. Millions of people are facing this problem around the world and many complex factors are involved.