Saturday, June 25, 2011

Declaration: After 10 years, I'm still a higher ed novice

I have 21 month old twins, and my son jumped into the kiddie pool today head first without an ounce of fear - and loved every second of it.  He went back for seconds, thirds and fourths! I'm going to do the same thing - with a blog.  So here goes nothing.

If you know me, you know that I love my job as an enrollment manager. You also know that I have a master's degree in enrollment management, and that I read article after article about higher ed.    Sometimes I feel like I can't keep up with the ever-changing landscape of higher education, and twitter doesn't seem to help that feeling.  Every second that goes by, my news feed is filled with links to higher ed articles.  After 10 years in this business, I still feel like a rookie.

Then I read @TimNekritz's blog post, "no gurus: we are all social media students".  In his post he writes about how social media is constantly changing and that there are no experts.

There are no experts.

Those four words jumped off of the computer screen at me.  I've been wanting to start a blog as a place to begin networking with other higher ed/enrollment professionals, but was too afraid.  After all, I'm no enrollment expert, right?

So, today, I am declaring myself a higher ed novice.  After 10 years in the business, I am still learning.  Yes, I definitely have opinions about the future of higher education and not everyone will agree with them, but some will! I look forward to networking and getting to know others through this blogging journey.

I've survived jumping in head first into the pool of blog-land! I kinda liked it.  I think I'll go back for seconds, thirds, fourths, ...



  1. Finally finding time to read this blog. Awesome! Glad to have provided a bit of inspiration, and am sure this will be a great journey for you! Really great attitude!
