Some stories touch the soul so deeply that they leave you pondering the vastness of existence. On today’s episode, we welcome Annette Bricca, a woman whose near-death experience (NDE) at the tender age of seven redefined her perception of life and the realms beyond.
Imagine a child, standing innocently in a school lunch line, playing a simple game with friends, unaware of the cosmic journey awaiting her. That was Annette’s reality until she suddenly found herself transported into a luminous tunnel. As she described it, the tunnel wasn’t merely a path but a symphony of light and color, a radiant embrace of unconditional love. “It felt like I was home,” she recalls. “Even though I was only seven, I instinctively knew this place was more real than anything I had ever known.”
The NDE wasn’t just a fleeting encounter; it became a compass for her life. From that day forward, Annette carried an unwavering sense of gratitude and an unshakable understanding that existence is far more expansive than we’re taught. Her journey into the unknown wasn’t the end but a profound beginning, preparing her for the trials that life had in store.
One of the most striking aspects of Annette’s story is the foresight that came with her experience. At just ten years old, she had a vivid premonition of being abducted—a chilling event that came to pass two years later. Yet, even in the darkness of that ordeal, she found a thread of divine connection. As she lay captive, a Christian radio broadcast urged her to call on God, sparking a moment of courage that led to her daring escape. “I realized I had to save myself,” she said. “And in that moment, I knew I wasn’t alone.”
Her ability to tap into unseen realms didn’t end there. Following her escape, the FBI, intrigued by her psychic insights, enlisted her to help solve cases. Remarkably, as a teenager, Annette solved two FBI cases, turning her traumatic past into a gift that served others. Her resilience and intuitive abilities became a beacon of hope, not just for law enforcement but for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of life’s mysteries.
Despite her extraordinary talents, Annette remained grounded, yearning for a semblance of normalcy. Moving to California as a young adult, she sought to reinvent herself, trying to distance from her psychic identity. Yet, the universe had other plans. Her story reminds us that some gifts, once awakened, are impossible to suppress—they become an integral part of who we are.
In sharing her journey, Annette offers a profound reminder: life is a tapestry of light and shadow, joy and pain, all interwoven to reveal the greater picture. Her NDE was not merely an isolated event but a catalyst for transformation, offering insights into courage, intuition, and the boundless nature of the human spirit.
- Life extends beyond the physical realm, offering glimpses of love and interconnectedness that defy earthly understanding.
- Even in our darkest moments, we have the strength to rise and reclaim our power, often guided by unseen forces.
- Our challenges and traumas can serve as gateways to discovering deeper purpose and meaning in life.
As you reflect on Annette’s incredible journey, may her story inspire you to embrace life’s mysteries with an open heart and a fearless spirit.
Please enjoy my conversation with Annette Bricca.
Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode DE048
Alex Ferrari 0:00
Tell me what your life was like before you died.
Annette Bricca 0:08
So my near death experience happened when I was about seven or eight years old. So I was my parents were divorced. I lived with my mom, my brother, my sister and I would, you know, say that it was typical of in the 70s, what a divorced family would have felt like. But I knew that I was psychic even at a really early age, but I didn't really care. I mean, I knew things that would happen. I would see my family members when they were going to pass over. I would see their faces melting, and a few people in my family and people I knew that were much older were psychics. I was familiar with it, but I was just a kid. I didn't really care about that, necessarily. So when the near death experience happened at a very young age, I mean, I knew right away what it was, but it at seven years old, it completely changed my life. Because even now I'm 57, years old, and what I think 50 years ago that this happened, once it happens, it can never not happen. You don't ever not remember it. I don't you know, it's just like it happened yesterday even now. So it kind of set me up for living a life of really, of gratitude, of feeling grateful and thankful, even as a really young kid, and that there was a bigger picture of everything, so that the way that my life ended up evolving for a lot of really scary, terrifying things that happened. But I think that the near death experience happened so that I did get a big picture feeling at seven years old. So, you know, at that moment, I wasn't I knew it was profound. It did change the way I thought about things, but I didn't until about I was 10, and then 12 is when I really understood why it happened. But it was, it's transformative. You know, I've said to a couple people in the past that whether or not people have had near death experiences, it's like one of the greatest gifts you could ever have. I mean, I feel bad that people have to die for a period of time to have it, but, but having it, and especially the at a young age, it changes everything that you think. It changes how you feel about the world. Because you know that there's more than this. You know that there is a higher being. So even if you're religious, even if you know I was Catholic, going to church, and I knew about God, but no seven, I really care about God, but I I got it. I got it. There was a big picture. And I remember after the near death experience, like telling my family members about it, and they, you know, they were in their 50s and 90s and 70s, and they're like, Wait, what happened? It's just a life changing, Game Changer event. So I was at school. I was in the hot lunch line. It was, you know, big, long line, but it was me and two of my friends. And there was a record, a free standing record player, like on a metal stand, and we were right next to it. We were going to play a game that who could hold their breath the longest. And there was, like, I said, three of us, I was going to go last. I told them, I know that I'm going to beat you too. And I did go last. I did beat them, because the next thing I knew, I was in the nurse's office. So I so I passed out. I hit my head on the on the metal stand. I was in the nurse's office. But before it came to I saw a white light, and I saw a tunnel, and kind of like the classic story, almost, of what you hear about a near death experience, but not a tunnel that was small, like big, but you could, you felt like you knew that you were surrounded by something. So I was in a tunnel, and I felt myself like going towards this white light, but not like I was walking, like I was being, like, shuffled or scooted forward, like, like, just being pushed forward, but not me walking. And I saw this white light, but, but the thing that I that's notable and noticeable to say, it wasn't just a white light. It was, I could hear music, and it was also white light, but with colors as well. And it was almost like, you know, on Fourth of July, when you have a sparkler, and it's, you know, sizzling and sparkling, like, like crackling and like, kind of sparkling too. But it you just felt complete love, I mean, and I felt like I was embraced by it, and you felt like an enveloping of love, and you're not afraid. And you I was scooted towards this white light, and I just felt like I was home, you know, and at seven years old, I don't even think I know what I would even say the definition of home was, but I felt like I was home, and I and then all of a sudden, I was told that I had to go, and then I was being scooted back. But I did not want to go. I wanted to stay and I and I also knew that it was not in the same realm. I knew that I wasn't like in the consciousness realm. I knew I was in a different realm. And I and I felt like I knew that I had passed away, or that I was passing or about to pass, but I was told that, no, no, this was not your time. And then the next thing I know, I woke up. I was in the nurse's office. She was leaning over me, and, you know, just saying what happened, and I didn't tell like I said, my family members, till a day or two later. And then when I realized what that was. And, you know, I realized that. But once I had that conversation, I felt like I went from seven to like, 30 immediately I felt old er, even though I was. A kid, and I was doing kid things. I didn't, I wasn't afraid of anything. I mean, I just, it's such, it's really such a gift. You know, that's stupid. Holding my breath in the lunch line was one of the best things that's ever happened to me in my whole life. It was really fabulous. And even now, when I talk to people, and, you know, and like you said, many people, the big question they have is, you know what is out in there. You know what happens when we pass away? It altered my life. But I believe that the reason why that happened in hindsight now is because of all the things that were going to happen to me, so that I was brave enough and courageous enough to get through what I needed to so I do think it happened for a real, particular reason. I think that they thought that it was too much, and it was overwhelming. And they didn't want me to be afraid that I had maybe, you know, was about to die, but I wasn't afraid. I was the opposite of afraid I was, and I think that it only took a couple days to tell them, because, you know, I was living with my mom, and my mom was not the stable one my father was. So I didn't want to tell my mom right away, because she was unstable. So I waited a day to talk to my father, who lived out of state, to tell him he understood it. He, he, but I think he was afraid that I thought it was too much. I don't think I did a good enough job at the time of explaining, no, no, this was fabulous. It was a great gift. You know, he, he accepted that I went through it. But I think that he was trying to, trying to make me not afraid, but I wasn't afraid at all. I was the opposite of her free, but when I turned 12. So one of the things that I did see when I was 10 was that at there was a girl that was about 12 years old that she would be abducted. And I saw that there was a period of three days that she would be kidnapped, and then she would, you know, be taken from her home, and that a lot of awful things would happen. So it ends up that two years later, that was me. I was abducted from my bedroom from two strangers. They kidnapped me in the middle of the night. It was over a three day period, and they put me in a car. They had duct tape in my eyes to my mouth, and I went in. So it ends up that it was four miles away from my home. The next day, when my mother realized that I wasn't home, she called the police and the FBI. And back then, it was 1979 as a child, as minor, they didn't tell your name on TV. They so they showed like my face, but they blanked it out. They didn't say my name, and so they had said that, you know, here's this missing girl, and the the FBI was at my mom's house. So that happened for a three day period. So when this was happening, I was like, laying on a crack mattress, and so I was I had duct tape on my mouth and my eyes, and there was a Christian radio station on in this room, this this bedroom that I was stuck in with these two guys, but they were having parties, and they would have this music I love, but there was a Christian radio station on it at one point, it kept saying, If you believe in God, you know, ask God for whatever you need. God is here. God will listen. And here I am. I'm, you know, I'm being, you know, beaten, raped, drugged.
And at this time, I didn't even know how long I had been there. I it ended up that I was there for three days. But at that time, I didn't know. I had no concept at the time, and I thought, okay, if there's a God, yeah, God, I could use you. You know, if you're here, I need you right now. And so I got brave, and I took the duct tape off my eyes, and I saw that there was a window in the room, and that the and it was in September, and that the window was up, and that the shears were like billowing. So I knew that the window was up, and I saw that there was a phone right next to the mattress that it was on. So I hurried up, I picked up the phone, and I called my mom, and the FBI got on the phone, and they said, Listen, you've been gone for a few days. Tell us, you know, look out the window, try to describe your surroundings. And so I did, but then I heard these, you know, bad guys come back up the stairs. I heard hung up the phone, put my tape back on my eyes, and then, like, about an hour later, when ever whatever happened happened. They went back downstairs. I thought, I gotta get myself out of this. They're going to kill me if I don't, you know. And I realized then that I was going to get away because I was going to get away, not because the FBI was going to charge to the door and save me. I had to save myself. So I hurry up. I got dressed, I jumped out of a second story window, and I broke my foot, but I hobbled over to the next door neighbor, and I remember, like it happened yesterday. I mean, there was a young guy who was, like, in his 30s. He was lying underneath his Corvette, working on it so I can only see his legs. And I thought, oh, you know, I hope I can get his attention. So we, I guess I was crying, and he came out from underneath the car and he said, Oh, are you the girl that's been on TV? And I said, Yes. And we hurried up, and we went into his house, and he called 911, and the police and the FBI came. And so it ends up that they were caught. I They did go to trial. Six months later, they were both sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison. Each they served 26 years in prison, but at the time, when I was getting ready for my trial, the FBI agents that were in my house that so there were two FBI agents on the case, and they said to me, when I explained that, I kind of knew that this was going to happen, and that's why I had the the nerve to jump out of the second story window, and they're like, Well, what do you mean? How did you know? And I kind of told them, and they said, Listen, we actually have a couple other cases, like missing person cases. We're working on. Can, can you help us? And at that point, I had never done anything psychically. I just knew things, but I never, like gave anybody information. I said, Well, I think I can, but I don't know how. And they said, Well, you know, we need help, so whatever you can do will be helpful. So then I said, All right, well, let's, let's try it. And so they gave me a little bit of information. And at the moment, I don't think we all thought that I would start solving cases, necessarily. We just thought, Well, we'll see what happens. We'll see if I could help. And I actually, in that six month, times, solved two cases for the FBI. So here I was preparing for my own trial, and then I was solving two cases for them, and that's just kind of how it evolved. And so from that point on, then we six months later, they got, you know, they went to jail, to prison, both of them. And so about a year later, I was 13 years old, so then I went and moved in with my father, and I said to him, Listen, I need to know why this happened. Because even though, you know, I got away and they went to prison, and you know, everything's kind of okay. Why would they pick me, you know, like, and so my father showed me two New York Time articles. One, one of the kidnappers had escaped from a prison and Schenectady New York seven months prior, and drove to where I was living in Michigan to come and kidnap me in particular. So it was, it was some random it was a setup. He was coming to get me, and so I said to my father, what he he escaped from prison. Because I didn't know that at the time of the trial, when I was, you know, testifying, I didn't have to back then, I didn't have to be in the courtroom with them, so I got to testify. They were not in the courtroom. Then, when they testified, I didn't have to be in there. So when my father told me a year later that, you know, one of them was a escape, escape convict from prison. And I then I got really, really afraid. I thought you got because thinking it was random was less scary than knowing that somebody escaped from prison and drove all this way for seven months and came and got me and, you know, and I was really, really terrified. So then here I was trying to live a normal kid life. I was 13, 14, 15 years old. I was, you know, a cheerleader. I was doing, you know, book reports, whatever normal kids do. But then I was the FBI were contacting me and asking me to help them solve cases on the side. I wasn't getting paid for it. Then the local police, I was doing that for them as well, and even one of my best friends in high school. I remember I went over to her house one day. We were just hanging out, and her father, who was like the local police detective, who I didn't know was my girlfriend's father. When we both saw each other in the kitchen, we had act like we didn't know each other, because I was helping him on local cases, but I didn't know that that was his daughters. So we, you know, had because nobody knew that I was doing that, except the people that knew. So when I graduated from high school, I thought, all right, I don't really want this life. You know, here I was like solving all these cases. I was a psychic, but I didn't really want to do that. So I moved to California because I thought, I'm going to reinvent myself. I'm going to just, I don't know, do something else.
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