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The Counter’s Kehribar
The Counter’s Kehribar. Photograph: Rob Lawson/The Guardian. Drink styling: Seb Davis.
The Counter’s Kehribar. Photograph: Rob Lawson/The Guardian. Drink styling: Seb Davis.

Cocktail of the week: The Counter’s kehribar – recipe

Grape and grain combine with festive chocolate and maraschino to create a warming fireside sipper

This drink draws its inspiration from the rich colour of amber, or kehribar in Turkish. The blend of whiskey, cognac and cherry evokes the warm hues of this gemstone, and of cosy nights in front of the fire.


Serves 1

10ml maraschino cherry syrup – we use Luxardo
3 drops chocolate bitters – we use Bitter Truth
25ml whiskey – we use Freud
25ml cognac – we use Hennessy

Measure everything into a mixing glass filled with ice, stir for 30 seconds to dilute and chill, then strain into a rocks glass filled with fresh ice and serve.

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