Woman, DIES Giving Birth! Has DIVINE MEETING with JESUS in Near Death Experience! with Sheila Gillette

On today’s episode, we welcome the remarkable Sheila Gillette, a woman whose life was forever changed by a near-death experience that set her on a path of profound spiritual discovery. Imagine a young mother of three, suddenly confronting the edge of life and death, asking for nothing but a chance to live—to continue raising her children. And then, in the quiet of that life-altering moment, she’s met by the presence of a divine being, none other than Jesus himself. The radiant warmth of his smile wasn’t just a gesture—it was a healing touch, one that transformed Sheila’s life forever.

In this profound conversation, Sheila shares her near-death experience, which occurred after giving birth. She describes the sensation of suffocation, as if an elephant sat upon her chest, and the way the room seemed to brighten in her darkest moment. As she looked towards the light, she was greeted by Jesus, who delivered a simple yet profound message: “Remember, my child. You are loved.” It was this message that sparked a miraculous recovery, one that even doctors couldn’t explain.

From that moment on, Sheila’s world was transformed. She began to experience a series of psychic phenomena—messages, visions, and an awakening to the spiritual realm that she had never known before. “I started having all kinds of psychic phenomena happening to me, externally and internally. I could hear messages just like I heard Jesus’s voice that day,” she shares, offering a glimpse into the extraordinary experiences that have shaped her journey.

Sheila’s early encounters with divine voices and angelic presences were both a blessing and a burden. Living in a time when such things were seldom spoken of, she felt isolated, unable to share these incredible experiences with those around her. Yet, over time, as she embraced the role she had been given, her abilities flourished. People began to find her—those seeking answers, guidance, and healing. With each encounter, Sheila realized that she had been given a gift not just for herself, but for others. She was, as she says, “a student of spirit,” led by angelic teachers and the divine guidance she had asked for in her moment of need.

Despite the fear and uncertainty that surrounded her experiences, Sheila continued to trust in the messages she was receiving. “The angels kept teaching me. They were my mentors.” Her story is one of resilience, faith, and an unwavering commitment to a path that few would have the courage to follow. And while her journey might have begun with fear, it is now defined by the deep connection she feels with the spiritual realm.


  1. You are loved beyond measure. Sheila’s encounter with Jesus revealed the simple yet profound truth that we are all loved unconditionally. This divine love is ever-present, even in our darkest moments.
  2. Trust in your path, even when it seems impossible. Sheila’s near-death experience opened her to a world she never could have imagined. Her story is a testament to the power of faith and the courage it takes to walk a path of uncertainty.
  3. Spiritual growth often comes through the challenges we face. Sheila’s life was forever altered by her near-death experience, and it was through this profound challenge that she found her purpose. It serves as a reminder that our greatest spiritual lessons often arise from our deepest struggles.

In this conversation, Sheila Gillette takes us on a journey of spiritual discovery, from the brink of death to a life filled with divine purpose. Her story is a reminder that we are never alone, and that the love of the universe is always within reach.

Please enjoy my conversation with Sheila Gillette.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode DE032

Alex Ferrari 0:00
Tell me what your life was like before you died.

Sheila Gillette 0:08
Well, I was a very young mother, so I had two small children at home, and I had a new baby. And after the birth of that child is when I had my near death experience. And so I my prior to that was just being a mother, a young mother, very young. I started having my children in my teens, actually, and so I was 24 when this, this all happened to me, and it was, you know, an interesting experience to your point about jobs or positions to be had in the world. In my near death experience, I had pulmonary embolism after the birth of my youngest daughter, and I could not breathe. I had an elephant sitting on my chest. My lungs were full of fluid, and I could not breathe, and I was in intensive care, and I I just kept saying, Hey, God, give me a job. I'll do anything, because I had two little ones at home and a brand new baby and and my intention was, I want to stay here, to be their mother. Family was very important to me, and so I I just kept repeating that like a mantra, because I knew if I closed my eyes, I'd never open them again. I just knew that I just lay there in that cubicle in the bed, just holding on to life and, you know, asking for a position. Now, if God had given me a roster of positions to take, I don't know that it would have been this one, because this was 1969 and none of this kind of thing was spoken of openly. You know, the the only thing, only thing that I found that could speak to what was happening to me was a book about Edgar Cayce's life. Because the only thing I could find that even resembled what was happening to me. It was in intensive care, and it's as if the sun rose in the room itself. It was so bright, and I was blinking, and as I look and focused, there was a movement at the end of my bed, and Jesus was standing there. Well, you can imagine a 24 year old going, Oh, hello. Like this is interesting. I was mesmerized by his eyes so warm and lovely and beautiful Hazel Green eyes, and I just kept looking at him, and he took his arms like this and folded them or crossed them inside the garment he was wearing had long sleeves, and when he did that, he smiled at me, and when he smiled, I heard In my inner mind, hearing like we hear our own thoughts. I heard a distinct male voice say, remember my child. You are loved. And at that point, I felt as in my crown opened up, and this warmth started just seeping down inside my body, in every cell and as it went through through with the trunk of my body, I felt as if I could take a deep breath. Andrew start getting better, and I didn't know till after the fact that my family was being prepared that I would not live through the day. Well, I surprised them, and I know that we call it near death experiences, and I had several of the kind of list of things that people have that come back and talk about it, but I really, truly believe I had a miraculous healing in that intensive care. So I was in the hospital about a month, and I got home in about six months after I was home, I started having all kinds of psychic phenomena happening to me, externally, internally, I could hear messages as I heard Jesus's voice that day, and I just knew things, and was given information about things that were happening in the world I couldn't possibly have known. And this, it was a little scary, but, well, a lot scary, in some cases, because I didn't have anybody to talk to about it, and I didn't know anybody that was having these kinds of experiences. Then the angels started speaking. I had the phenomena happening, and then I try trance spontaneously after doing automatic writing and became a direct voice trance medium back then that the term channeling wasn't even used for this type of work, and I started getting. All this information, like I said, that I couldn't know, you know, there was no way in my consciousness, in my intelligence, they could have had that information. So I kept getting confirmation after confirmation, and I trusted what was coming, because things were coming through. But it was off putting. As you can imagine, my children's father terrified him, and like I said this, I didn't go into social situations. Let's say and say, Guess what I can do. Because people would have been they would have been terrified, but the angels kept teaching me. They were my mentors, and people started finding me, and I don't know how you know, we didn't have the marketing tools to say I'm here and open for business. It's just people kept finding me, and I was invited to go to a conference by the University of Miami called psychics and scientists, which they gathered psychics and and scientists who are researching Parapsychology and metaphysics. I don't know how they got my name. I got an invitation. I went to that I met some scientists, and they tested me for my psychic ability, which, in that time gave me, it was like that good housekeeping seal of approval, you know, like you're not a crazy person, you're psychic, which you know, for me, was real validation from science, that this was something that was real in my life. I had the evidence of the information, but you know, it's as we all do. It's nice from from a third party, validation like that. And so I've been doing this work ever since my family were Catholic and Episcopalian, which is a form of Catholicism, and we went to church on holidays. My parents didn't go every week, but they took me because I liked going. I liked the sense of spirit. It wasn't the dogma that I paid attention to, but I like the building. I like being in the building. I liked the choir. I liked it felt good to me there, you know, I didn't really pay attention to what the priest was saying much, you know, but I thought, sure feels good in here. And so I used to say, will you please? They just thought I would go, okay, and they take and drop me off and come pick me up. So in a sense, that was my spirituality, but it wasn't religion, and I think that was just from many past lives of being in those kinds of experiences. And my family was very I was curious about spirituality. So I had when I had friends in school, I went to church with them too, you know, I went to Protestant and Methodist and and my Jewish friends, I got to go to synagogue with them. And so I was a student of spirit. Let's put it that way. I was doing automatic writing, and I trance spontaneously, and then this voice came through me. And the voice that came through me identified as an entity named orlos. And orlos said, very soft spoken and very genteel, said, I'm here to prepare you for higher teachers. And I was in a train. I was in a trance state, in the sense of I couldn't move my body. It happened when I was laying down like Edgar Casey, and that was a little unnerving to not be able to move. And now I know, you know it happens at night to people when they have out of body experiences that night paralysis, but it was my body being held in a certain state so the electrical system on my body, my nervous system, wouldn't short circuit, because they were working on the frequencies of my body. Now this sounds a little strange it did at the time to me, because I didn't know what that meant, but I just trusted Alex, you know, when I was in that intensive care room and I said, Hey, God, give me a job. I realized when this all started happening to me, this was a job. And like I like, I said, I had I been given a roster of positions, I probably wouldn't have chosen at that time this particular one. Now I'm very glad I did and and have learned so much, but in that time, people were afraid of even talking about metaphysical things. No, each soul chooses incarnation, and you all have won the lottery. You have a body. It's not something demanded of you. But a choice to be made for growth and expansion and awareness and the experience of the human experience, having a body to touch and be touched, to have all the senses to be experienced and to experience emotions, that is a gift. So the purpose all purpose is life itself, and most importantly, each soul wishes to survive once in a body, survival is the ultimate desire for that choice of experience. Yes, though, to understand that what you're looking for is how to express that life energy flowing through you, purpose, in purpose, but passionately so. The better question is, how do you know what your passion is? You know by how it feels you would do whatever you're inspired to do creatively in life. It's almost a compulsion to do it for the artist? How many artists begin drawing at a very young age, and then are told, you can't survive, you can't live that way, and then they stop until later on, as much more mature to see and try again, but the good opinions of others about what you should or should not do do not count, because they are seeing you through the lenses they see themselves. And if they think they can't, you can't. Yes. So remember, the inspiration comes from within and under. The I don't know, is the knowing. You all know where your passion lies, it's just been covered over by beliefs that you are not worthy of expressing it, and that's just untrue. And when you can rewrite those scripts, change change those beliefs, events won't change situations, circumstances that you've been through where beliefs were adopted about yourself that were untrue, those events won't change, and some of them are very horrific, but what can change is your perception of them, seeing the gifts and Blessings rather than the victimization and who you are today because of that, the strong being, because of these little parts of yourself that had the courage to keep going and to survive at all costs.

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