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Cultural Orientation for Black Americans in Africa
Sep 142024
I am a Tanzanian cultural consultant helping Africans and Americans navigate cultural differences. In this video, I am presenting a resource, an online course I have created specifically for Black Americans who are moving, or have moved, to Africa who want to know the culture there, so they can flourish in it. HERE IS THE COURSE: https://joseph-s-site-c20e.thinkific.... Here is the online bookstore where you can order my books: The Black American who calls herself "The Black Mzungu" wrote the following message on Amazon about my book, "Africans and Americans: Embracing Cultural Differences": "For any one from North America or Western Europe, this is a good introduction to African culture, especially Tanzanian. If I read this before moving to Tanzania 14 years ago, I might have been able to avoid some stress and frustration. I still get frustrated as my way of thinking and project management style, sometimes clashes with my Tanzanian family and acquaintances, especially regarding punctuality, and being direct. Professor Mbele gives a good perspective from an African point of view. The visitor or expat will be more compassionate as they find themselves waiting, and waiting, and waiting; he or she might even make new friends as time is flexible."

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Joseph Mbele

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