Southern Baptist FAITH TRANSFORMED by LIFE-CHANGING NDE with Dr. Mary Helen Hensley

On today’s episode, we welcome Dr. Mary Helen Hensley, a woman who has walked the line between life and death, emerging with profound insights and a deeper understanding of our spiritual existence. Her journey is one that starts with a life-altering event, a near-death experience that has since shaped her worldview and transformed her approach to life itself. The story she shares is both awe-inspiring and humbling, offering a glimpse into the realms beyond the physical, where our true essence resides.

Dr. Hensley’s tale begins on a seemingly ordinary day, December 14, 1991, in Charleston, South Carolina. The mundanity of her life, marked by a job far beneath her qualifications, took a sudden and dramatic turn as she found herself on the brink of death following a catastrophic car accident. As she describes it, the world slowed down, and in those moments, she made a conscious decision not to experience the impact but to leave her body, entering into an otherworldly state where time and space as we know it ceased to exist.

What struck me most about her narrative was the sheer clarity with which Dr. Mary Helen Hensley recounts her experience. She speaks of the “music of the spheres,” a sound that resonated deep within her soul, marking the beginning of her detachment from the physical world. “It was amazing,” she says, “I’m not that body,” a realization that ushered her into a new understanding of existence. In this space, she was free from fear, pain, and attachment, observing her lifeless body with the same indifference one might show a set of discarded clothes.

Her journey didn’t end there; instead, it led her to what she describes as a “Homecoming,” an overwhelming sense of love and recognition from two benevolent beings. These figures, though not the religious icons she expected, were familiar in a way that transcended earthly relationships. It was in their presence that she experienced her life review, not in a linear, chronological sequence, but in a simultaneous, multi-dimensional display that forever altered her perception of reality. The message was clear: she was, and always had been, infinite, a being of light navigating through various incarnations and experiences.


  1. We Are Not Our Bodies: Dr. Hensley’s experience reinforces the idea that our physical form is merely a vessel for the true self, which is infinite and unbound by earthly limitations.
  2. The Music of the Spheres: The resonance she describes highlights the connection between sound, frequency, and our spiritual existence, suggesting that these vibrations are fundamental to our experience of reality.
  3. Concurrent Lifetimes: Her life review suggests that our lives may not be as linear as we perceive them, opening up the possibility of simultaneous experiences across different dimensions of reality.

In this profound conversation, we are reminded that the trials and tribulations of life are but temporary states, designed to teach us and help us grow. Dr. Hensley’s story is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless nature of our true selves. Through her words, we glimpse the eternal, understanding that we are more than our bodies, our experiences, or our hardships. We are, in essence, infinite beings of light, on a journey of love, learning, and endless discovery.

Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Mary Helen Hensley.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode DE026

Alex Ferrari 0:00
Tell me what your life was like before you died.

Dr. Mary Helen Hensley 0:08
So it started at birth. My father had a visit during my mother's pregnancy because my parents had been told that my mom had the German measles in the first trimester, and said, basically, they were like, listen, folks, just get your head around the fact that if the baby survives at all, everything's not gonna be okay, and you need to just accept this. So dad, who's a Southern Baptist minister, by the way, has this visit. What's really interesting about this is he didn't get a visit from the old angels. He had to call it a celestial being visit because he couldn't describe with words from within his box, within his paradigm, who came to see him. So he always referred to him as celestial wings. You know, I think they're probably his guides, to be honest. So when they came and they were like, you're gonna have a daughter. And remember, this is 1969 you know, you're gonna have a daughter. And there wasn't ultrasound at the time, so they didn't know I was a girl, and they're like, you know, these two were like, she's gonna have some unusual abilities, and you're gonna have to help foster that. So imagine, you know, you're a minister, and you get told death, there's the creepy music in the background, and the preacher's like, okay, okay, okay. So on December 14, 1991 I was living in Charleston, South Carolina, and I was living down there with my boyfriend. And of course, when you're dating the same guy that you were dating in college, and now you're graduating, and you're still dating the same guy, like your mom's picking out the China and the silver, and you're gonna pick that guy, right? So it's like, this is happening. This is a thing. So I had moved to Charleston because we were still dating, and I was working for a sign company, and I wasn't making signs or selling signs, or even designing signs with my big graphic design degree. I was cleaning, mopping floors because I couldn't get a job. And it was the best thing that ever happened, because people there really were, you look back on your life and you're like, oh my god, they totally got this world that I was getting ready to enter. They said some stuff that actually, you know, I remember being out to dinner once they they dropped this line about, it was something about the Bible, and I remember going, oh my gosh, you know, because I was that kid now, growing up in Sunday school and in youth group and all this going hand up in the air. And I'm like, that doesn't make sense, because it doesn't. I was that kid, right? And so, like, I remember them saying, and I was like, oh my god, they were the people who told me that I needed to learn everything from the inside out, not just to be a good business person, not to learn to mock the floor so that I could also be the top executive, but because it was important to view the world through everybody else's eyes. And you look back now going, oh my god, it's like they were these angelic beings that were sent to my life to help prep me for what was getting ready to happen. And I believe that. So on that Day, December 14, we were going to the Christmas bar. I was going into the Christmas party for that job, and I lived in an apartment complex, and there was a major highway in Charleston called highway 17. Loads of lanes of traffic this way and loads this way. So I pulled up to the stoplight, and my light was red. And so I'm sitting, I'm the first car, and I'm like, do, to do, to do. And light stays red, you know, and then it turns green. So I have to cross a whole bunch of lanes of traffic here before I make my left turn going into town. And so, you know, I live in Ireland now, so my steering wheel would have been on the right side, but over there, it's the left side. And so as I'm driving across this way, this is impact point. So my light turns green, and I make my way across, and I get to that last lane of traffic, and I look, and I went, that car's not going to stop. And I see this car barreling towards me, and then all of a sudden, just like this, everything slows down, almost to a crawl, a standstill, and I'm just sitting there. I was not scared, I wasn't upset. I was just like, oh, this is normal. And I'm like, Okay, I'm getting ready to die. Well, how do I want to do this? And it was like I was totally in control. There was no fear, no nothing. And I'm like, okay, he's going fast, and if he hits me, that's not hurt. So I can feel the hurt and then die, or I could go up and out of my body and the body gets hit and then be dead. And I was like, Well, you know what? This seems it was so familiar. I didn't feel like I needed to experience I was I didn't have anything to gain from the impact, the pain. So I am now not just having a near death experience. I'm witnessing my own death, because in that moment, the second I've made the decision, there's this noise. This is why I love frequency, because this is where my understanding of frequency began. And I'm like, it sounds like I played music every year. I played the devour on, you know, the round drum here in Ireland. But my favorite instrument is the alien pipes. Alien means elbow in Irish. So it's the underarm bagpipes. You know, you've got the bagpipes that have the big bag, and then you have the ones that they pipe this way. It makes this most gorgeous drone when they're filling the bag with air. It's like mom. And I love that sound, because for me, it always means, hey, we're getting ready to have an awesome session, you know? And so I just had such a good feeling, and it's the closest thing I can think of that sounds like that. So I've made that decision that I'm going up and out, and all of a sudden I hear that sound is kind of undulating, and it's really deep. It's a low vibration. And with that, I me, who I really am is now up and out of the body, and this is where I you get that. Oh yeah, I'm not that body, you know. So I'm actually quite nice to my meat soup. Now. I don't make fun of myself or tell myself I'm too fat or do whatever, you know. I'm just like, go live it up, do whatever, because that's not me. I'm just, you know, try to take good care of my suit when I can. But I also have fun in my suit, and I'm up and out, and that sound is getting louder and louder. And what I have hence discovered is that that sound and that low drone, low vibration, is what keeps us connected to the earth plane, the physical experience of being in the earth plane, and that's why it drives me crazy when people are like, Oh, that's so low vibration, or that's, I'm high vibe. I'm so, you know, I'm so high vibe, and they're really low vibe, and I'm like, you so don't understand what's going on here, because it's like, it's like the dichotomy of dark and light here on Earth, where both are necessary in order to weave a beautiful tapestry of human experience low and high vibration, you can't have a nice piece of music without both. It's like the dark keys and the light keys on the piano both necessary. So it was this kind of a lower, slower vibration. So now I'm up and I'm out, and I'm looking down, and everything speeds back up. And so all of a sudden, that car with the 81 year old man in it who had hit a couple and almost killed them earlier in the year, but never had his driver's license taken away, thank God, or I wouldn't have had the accident. But now he's coming at me at an estimated 75 miles an hour, and he T bones my car. So he hits the car, and the car, literally, it was a little Toyota Corolla folded in half, and I can see myself. I see the body pinned back up, the seat folded up under me. I was wearing Bermuda shorts and a Santa Claus t shirt. This was Christmas, and I watched my head go like this through the driver's side window. That's when my neck broke and glass goes out. The glass in the passenger side blows out the car spinning around. And I'm just watching this with totally detached interest. And I never, ever do a talk like this or speak to people without giving this reference, because it's to date, the best thing that I can do to describe this to people, because I get asked all the time, like, weren't you? Were you so upset you were, like, 21 years old, you know, like, Oh my God, my life is too short. You know, it was nothing like that. And that, the best way I can describe it is, if you've been outside, and so you're in Texas, you know how hot it gets, like, you're super hot, and you're all sweaty, and you've been, you know, working in the yard, and you're gross. And you finish your work, and you feel good about what you've done, and you walk into the house, and you peel off the sticky clothes, and you throw them down next to the washing machine, and you go, have the best shower ever. It's cool, it's washing off, and you're like, satisfied with the work you've done. And like, the last thing you're thinking when you're putting on the head and shoulders is about the clothes next to the washing machine. So I never even thought twice, and this is the truth. I'm watching the body, and I can see, and it was like unanimated. It was just a body. It was just the pile of clothes next to the washing machine. If you were ever on a frosty morning and you went outside to heat the car up, you know, you go, you turn the car on and the heaters running, and you know, maybe you're doing the wipers to get rid of the frost and the radios on to a passer by, the car looks alive, but there's no driver, so we know the car is not alive, and we wouldn't say, oh my god, the poor car is now dead. You know, it was like, that was the body. It was like, You're so crystal clear.

Oh my gosh, I'm not that body. And it was amazing. And so in that moment, I look over and a girl that I went to college with, now Charleston, at that time, was about 350,000 people. I wasn't from Charles. I'm from Virginia, but this girl who was my suitemate in college was from Charleston. She was three cars behind me at stoplight, who knew, I don't even know why, and she watched my car get hit, spin through the thing. And what was so interesting in that moment was that I could feel her emotion. I wasn't finding a way for my body. I had no attachment, but suddenly I'm zoned in right on her, and I could feel her horror, and I wanted to go, don't worry about me, and I don't cry for me. Argentina, I'm good, but it was so interesting to note that I could go in and interact. So it's kind of like when you talk about departed loved ones or people who are around us. Are they hanging about watching sometimes? Do you know? You know, are they watching you naked in the shower? No, it's not like that. But there's this capacity to interact and to feel what's happening with the other person. And so I could feel this with her, and it was really unusual. So next, my attention is back on the car. The car is finished spinning. It's come to a halt. I'm now like hanging there like a little. Up it. And I don't know how much time passed, but enough time where an ambulance was called and a guy comes later and walks up and he reaches through the passenger side of the car and turns the engine off. And so I remember seeing him very distinctly. And I saw some lady who ran up and put her phone number on the front the passenger seat, and then she ran off, which I thought that's weird, you know. Like, why would she do that? Maybe she had to be somewhere. Maybe she didn't want to get involved, you know. So as soon as that happened, all of a sudden, that low drone starts changing pitch, and so I can hear this, what I always call it, the music of the spheres, because it was just so beautiful. I've been trying to recreate it my entire adult life with, how do you describe the indescribable? It was incredible. And there was just this a beautiful sensation. And everything is getting faster. And I think this is where other people who've had the experience, they talk about the tunnel of light and that maybe it's faster slower. I don't know why I didn't experience it the way that they do, but it was like I was here one minute, and then I was here. So some people talk about this, you know, you can't buy Park Place with a pink $500 bill. Do you know, like, but you're in it, and you're playing the game, and you're doing it, and then you put that away, and it's like, oh yeah. Oh, this is reality, or is it, this is this reality? So there are multiple realities happening simultaneously, and so you're in this space, and it's just like, Oh my God, oh yeah, oh. So I don't I couldn't even tell you how long was I hanging out there. Do you know? Who knows, in Earth time, it was probably about 15 minutes, so I'm in this space, and I'm just feeling it, and that that for me, was where the whole love is, and oh my gosh, oh yes, I remember. I am infinite. I'm wonderful. This is amazing. And then that atmosphere starts taking shape in front of me. And this is where it gets interesting, because I was like, these the shapes form, and they look like two old men. And I've had people, it's been so funny across the years. And they're like, of course, they were old men in the patriarchal and I'm like, No, I loved the old people. I loved those old people. So of course they would take that shape for me. And, you know, as a child, I didn't have that whole understanding or feeling that I was in a male or female dominated world or whatever. I just loved old people, and so they took that form for me. Well, imagine, that's right, do you know? Because I'm like, where's Jesus? You know, y'all told me Jesus is going to be here, and there wasn't Jesus. And then I'm going, Judge, where are you? Judge, wasn't there because I was being allowed to have my own experience. And so here they come, and they step forward, and it was so wonderful, like I can Oh, it gives me I've told the story 5000 times, but I get the chills every time I think about it, because in that moment, they are waiting so patiently. Oh my gosh. And they were waiting for me to recognize, and I couldn't. And I was like, Oh, do you know? And I'm like, I know I know you, but I'm not sure how I know you. But I know I love you, but I'm not sure why do you know that kind of thing? And so all of a sudden, they just sat until I did, and I was like, boom, it dropped. And I was like, and boom, Homecoming. Of all homecomings, it was the best feeling in the world. So you're like basking in this love. You can't even imagine. You can't even imagine, and I can't, I can't even describe it for you, but they must have been the most trusted loving with me since the.of time, because next came my life review. And you know, it sounds so cliche, but it's so not cliche. It's not what you expect as either. You don't see it in a movie. And this is where my entire perception of reality just got blown out of water, because I am in this space. And next thing, it's like the atmosphere opens up around me in the 360 like IMax cinema style experience. And you know, you'd think you'd do your life review, and it would go chronologically, and you'd go through each of the events that happened. And that's not how it happened. I'm late, four years old at the kitchen table talk. I'm 11 years old, getting otif on Bismarck, my full first Bulldog. I'm 17 years old, and I'm being raped at you know when I've gone down to check out the college I'm going to go to? I'm 16 years old and I'm getting my driver's license. I'm 12 years old, getting my first saddle Oxford as a cheerleader. I'm 14 years old, finding out that my dad's retiring from coaching. I'm 16 years old again over here, and I'm going to the new school where my dad's becoming the headmaster, and I'm leaving the school that I'm with all the kids that I've grown up with. And there's this whole series of events that's happening at the same time and like, I am turned on my ear forever because of it, because it's this concept now of concurrent lifetimes. Now I'm living concurrently in my own life experience. In that moment, it was crazy. So I'm like, Oh my gosh, I'm none of these things and all of these things at the very same time. Or it's not necessarily the wrong path, because one of the things that's happened to us as human beings is that we have, you know, where evolution has gone grossly wrong for us, is that we have evolved into a species that believes that if we are uncomfortable, that it is wrong, that if we are offended, that it is wrong, if we are in pain, that. It is wrong. A good life is one where you do everything that real, you that immortal, you took on the temporary suit in whatever capacity, in whatever generation, in whatever century, and that you came in here to learn something, and you have to remember it is so important that you don't isolate everything is part of the growth. Everything is part of that picture. And so when you start getting on your little high horse, deciding that you're a really good person, because you don't do that, and that person does something that you don't particularly do in this time, you've lost the run of yourself, because all of us are the asshole in somebody's story. So you're going to be that in everybody's life. Everyone's not gonna like you, everyone's not gonna agree with the choices that you make. And so I think reaching an understanding of that is where a good life happens. Do you know, understanding why you're here and what you're doing here is the new healing. I'm doing it. I am living it every single day. I want to screw up. I want to make great choices. I want to laugh. I want to love and, you know, oh, so you actually want to be uncomfortable, dudes. I've had cancer twice. I've had a brain tumor. I broke my neck and died like I've done it all, do you know? And I'm still And the very fact that I am alive and breathing in the midst of a pandemic without being vaccinated makes so many people angry, and it just cracks me up. You think I'm so deeply involved in the moral dilemma of yes or no or this or that, I don't care? I'm doing my thing and you do your thing. That's the beauty. That's the big give here. That's the big gift. It's that you see that all of us have different opinions and different choices, and that you go over in your lane and you do your thing, but if you're gonna come over in my lane, which you're welcome in, don't come over here and start judging what I'm doing, because it's not the same thing as what you're doing, because then that just shows me you actually don't get what this is all about.

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