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Llama Inn London’s Chilcano
Llama Inn’s Chilcano. Photograph: The Guardian. Drink styling: Seb Davis.
Llama Inn’s Chilcano. Photograph: The Guardian. Drink styling: Seb Davis.

Cocktail of the week: Llama Inn’s chilcano – recipe

Peru’s second-favourite way to drink its favourite spirit, pisco

This is the second most popular way to drink pisco in Peru, after a sour. If you don’t have ginger syrup, cordial or wine to hand, you can always swap the soda for ginger ale, though if you’ve got a sweet tooth, you may also want to add a drop of sugar syrup, too.


Serves 1

60ml acholada pisco – we use Barsol
25ml lime juice
10ml ginger syrup
, or ginger cordial or Stone’s ginger wine
2 dashes Angostora bitters
Up to 100ml club soda, or to taste

Measure everything bar the soda into a tall glass, add ice and stir to combine. Top up with soda to taste, and serve.

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