Donald Trump
Former President Donald Trump. (Lev Radin / Shutterstock)

Former President Donald Trump is set to give a speech about the economy Thursday at Alro Steel in Potterville, Michigan.

The event, at which he is expected to talk about manufacturing and inflation, is part of a multi-stop trip across the Midwest, and comes as Trump ramps up his presence on the campaign trail after weeks of relatively few appearances.

Trump spoke at the National Guard Conference in Detroit on Monday. Thursday's event was scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. ET, but didn't get started until closer to 4:30 p.m.

The Midwestern trio of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin are expected to once again play a critical role in the outcome of the 2024 election.

ALSO READ: The real reason corporate media won't cover Trump's attacks on democracy

Watch the event below or at the link here.