Warhammer 40K: Blood Angels Army Box – Lemartes, Astorath, & The Death Company Mini Spotlight

We’ve got the miniatures from the Blood Angels Army Box in the studio and up close. Let’s see what’s new with the Sons of Sanguinius!
Games Workshop has the new Blood Angels Army Box out this weekend. Good luck trying to get your hands on one. We got one in the studio courtesy of GW. Unfortunately for me…someone else already claimed them. So yes, I’m actually in the same boat as everyone else with this release. I’m queueing up with all the other Blood Angel players out there hoping to score my own copy. I have a feeling it’s going to be a blood bath (for our wallets).
Okay okay, enough with the doom and gloom about supply chain and availability. What I do know is that at some point in the future Astorath and Lemartes will be available individually. And the standard edition of the codex will also be available, too. But, if you’re like me, then you’re curious about what those minis look like up close. So let’s take a look!
Astorath The Grim
Astorath is back with his new mini. Clearly this is just an update/homage to the previous miniature for him.
Much like the other characters from the Blood Angels who have gotten updated, it’s still them…just Primaris’d. I will say that this new version appeals to me more than the previous one. It’s slightly more dynamic as the torso has a slight tilt. He’s still got all the same details as the previous version Astorath is just larger. Also the new mini ditched the scrolls and the nipples. So…maybe not ALL the same details.
Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost
Again, another update for a classic. There’s a few things about this mini I’m not 100% sure I think I like. Personally, I don’t really like the update for his helmet now. Why does he have a ball in his mouth? Is he a rabid dog playing fetch? I mean, maybe…he’s in the throws of the Black Rage after all. I prefer the old mini’s helmet in that regard.
This new one also is all hunched over in a “come at me, bro!” pose. Which…I get. He’s a little on the aggro-side which makes sense. I feel like I’m in the minority in that I like the Primaris Update for the Jump Packs out there. I also like his updated weapons and wargear. I’m not fully behind his chest piece looking like a rib cage — but I get it. Just to be clear I’m not a full on hater of this mini. But I’m also not fully in support of this new one either. I’m pretty “take it or leave it, whatever” with this one. But this is the internet and you either have to be a 1 or 10 on things. There’s no room for nuance anymore.
Death Company Upgrades
I’m pretty sure Goatboy was the one who assembled these and he opted for a couple more Death Company options to showcase. The Upgrades work with pretty much all the Primaris Space Marines Intercessors kits. There’s lots of extra doodads to add to your dudesmen. I also appreciate the extra heads you can use to swap out for your Blood Angels.
There’s certainly some “Space Vampire” heads to go around in that box. But with the various vials, wargear, and shouldpad upgrades you can kit out the minis in the box how you like. You can also spread the love around to other Primaris squads if you want to do that instead.
The new boxed set is out for pre-order today. Good luck on snagging your own copy. I’ll see you over there.
Just like being a Space Vampire, this box is a mixed bag. But I think there’s a lot more good than bad over all!