The wind whispers through the trees, a melody of mysteries untold and truths hidden in plain sight. On today’s episode, we welcome Ellyn Dye, a soul whose journey through the veil of death brought forth a cascade of wisdom and wonder. Her story begins in the tender years of childhood, marked by a profound experience with the other side, a moment that set the stage for her extraordinary near-death experience (NDE).

Ellyn’s life before her NDE was already interwoven with spiritual encounters. Adopted as an infant and having faced the loss of her adoptive mother at a young age, Ellyn recounts a pivotal night when her deceased mother appeared to her, a spectral visit that reassured her of love and protection from beyond the grave. These early brushes with the ethereal world planted the seeds of her later understanding, preparing her for the monumental event that would transform her existence.

One fateful day, Ellyn found herself in a car accident that catapulted her into the realm of the divine. She recalls the surreal moment of looking down at her own body from above, an out-of-body experience that was both exhilarating and enlightening. “Cool, I’m out of my body, I always wanted to do this,” she thought, embracing the newfound freedom with a childlike wonder. As she was drawn into a tunnel filled with sublime light and love, Ellyn experienced a peace and joy that surpassed earthly understanding.

Emerging from the tunnel, she was greeted by a congregation of loved ones, including her biological and adoptive families, and even her beloved pets. This reunion in the afterlife was a revelation, a reminder of the interconnectedness of all souls and the intricate tapestry of our earthly and spiritual families. Ellyn Dye felt an overwhelming sense of belonging, a homecoming to a place of unconditional love and acceptance.

The journey continued as Ellyn encountered towering beings of light, entities that embodied pure love and wisdom. These beings revealed the tapestry of her past lives, showing her the lessons learned and the soul’s evolution through the ages. Despite the allure of staying in this blissful realm, Ellyn was shown a vision of humanity’s potential—a world of peace, collaboration, and harmony. Though initially resistant, this vision ultimately inspired her return to the physical world, with a renewed purpose and understanding.


  1. The Power of Self-Love: Ellyn’s experiences underscored the importance of mastering self-love, a journey that requires overcoming abandonment and rejection to find validation within oneself.
  2. Interconnectedness of Souls: The presence of both her biological and adoptive families in the afterlife highlighted the deep connections that transcend physical life and death.
  3. Vision of Humanity’s Potential: The glimpse of a harmonious future for humanity serves as a reminder of the collective potential for growth and transformation when love and collaboration are embraced.

Ellyn’s return to the earthly realm was not without its challenges. Integrating the profound spiritual insights she gained took decades, a testament to the complexity of merging divine wisdom with everyday life. She learned that true self-love and authenticity are essential for personal and collective transformation. Her laughter, a gift she was told to cherish, became a beacon of light, demonstrating that even the simplest joys hold profound spiritual significance.

In this profound conversation, we have Ellyn Dye, whose narrative is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless nature of the soul. Her story invites us to ponder our own journeys, the unseen connections that shape our lives, and the ultimate destination that awaits us all.

Please enjoy my conversation with Ellyn Dye.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode DE015

Alex Ferrari 0:00
Tell me what your life was like, before you died.

Ellyn Dye 0:03
I was adopted as an infant, didn't know who my biological parents were. My adoptive mother died when I was 12. And she showed up in my bedroom the night she died, she was in the hospital and told me everything was going to be okay. And she loved me. And she'd be watching over me. And so I walked into the living room, I got up and walked into the living room and told my grandmother that you know, mommy died? And she's like, No, no, that can't be. And then we got the phone call from my father at the hospital saying she had passed. That was when I realized that there was a lot more going on. And they were teaching me in Sunday school, I went to Presbyterian Church at the beginning, then Lutheran elementary school, then then we went to the Methodist Church. And then my father married my stepmother who was Catholic. So I did a little bit of all of it. And I also kind of realized at some point, you know, they all sort of think that they're the only ones who are saved. So somebody's got to be wrong. Well, I was going down down the road, and there was another car coming up the road, and we entered this intersection with a light. And just as we entered the intersection, he came over into my lane, I had enough time to recognize that that was happening. And he was going to hit me. And that was it. I didn't feel any impact at all. But the next thing I knew, I was looking down at the top of my car from maybe 12 or 15 feet up, I'm looking around, going cool. I'm out of my body, I always wanted to do this. And I saw the other driver get out of his car and walk over and I looked inside my car. And I thought isn't that nice? He wants to see that I'm okay. And he turned off my headlights. And because it was a state with contributory negligence, and he wanted to blame me for the accident. So I'm outside my body. And it occurs to look around in every direction. And it occurs to and I can hear everything and see everything and occurs to me that way. If if I'm here looking at the top of my car, and my body's in the car, who am I I thought I was that but apparently I'm not. So I thought because I had read things I thought there was gonna be a tunnel a light around here somewhere. And I heard it like wish up from from the side, I felt it before I could see it. And there was this just sublime, gorgeous, peaceful, loving energy, like seeping out of it. And it pulled me pulled me in through the through the tunnel, it wasn't a really long tunnel. And as we got to the other end of the tunnel, this, this feeling of peace and love, and joy and bliss got stronger and stronger. And I got to the end, and I was in this atmosphere or realm or something didn't seem like a place because it was just all kind of light. But I was just really vibing on what it felt like. It's like, oh, this is this is where I'm supposed to be that place was foreign. And I didn't belong there. And this is where I this is where I belong. And you know, all the burdens and worries and stresses just fell off. I had felt like, you know, if when the ocean comes up on the on the beach sometimes leaves little pockets of water when it rains, you know, and, and I felt like I was one of those little bits of water that had been stranded on the sand in a hostile environment. And somehow the wave had come back and picked me up and brought me back, you know, into the ocean. So I was just loving that. It's like I could stay here forever. And then I heard this kind of commotion and and I looked over and there's this whole throng of people there was my mother who had died. She was the first one I saw. And all of my grandparents and a couple of aunts and uncles, we just had a wonderful reunion and they said, you know, we're so proud of you. And I said, but I haven't done anything. But we're we're proud of you just for getting up every day and doing your best because life on Earth is hard. And I'm like you got that right. Really interesting part of it was that I saw these other people and I knew them immediately. And they were well it was my biological father and biological grandparents. Now in my 3d life I had never seen them or knew who they were but I knew immediately who they were and they knew me and they were there to greet me and big were union. And I realized that my family that I grew up with who were there knew these people too, and that there had been this plan and and that I had a plan A and a plan B. And I think it was based on whether my biological mother decided she could keep me or not. And they had all been involved in planning this thing. And I'm like, did anybody consult me? No. So we have this great reunion, and it felt like it lasted forever. And then I started to feel uncomfortable, because it wasn't a place and we're used to colors and then 3d and dimension. And I thought, I wish it looked more like a place and and that was when the scene just changed as if this big hand with with brushes or something came over and painted the landscape. And suddenly there's, you know, grass, and hills and trees and animals, dogs and cats running around all of my dead cats came to see me and they were having a ball. And I thought, you know, I'm glad I'm seeing these people. But I think I'm supposed to see somebody else. And I don't know who it is. And I saw this pathway at the kind of background. And I thought, well, I'll go down there. So I follow this pathway. And along the way, I'm looking at these colors that we don't even have words for with because we've never seen them. And everything was a lot like the grass talk to me as I walked past it really fascinating. So I walked through this down this path and through some woods and over this little brook, and came out to a clearing that had like a gazebo in it. And I could see that there were people standing in there. So I went up there and and saw this group of about 12 people beings very tall 12 to 15 feet, and I'm five, four, remember. So at the beginning, they just be held me that's the only word I can ever come up with that they they beheld me and I knew that they knew everything about me, they knew every thought I'd ever had, they've seen every action, they'd heard every word every inaction, and they loved me, for all of it, every ounce of me, they loved me for all of it. And you'd think they'd be intimidating, but they weren't because they were so loving. And they kind of embodied that that feeling of joy and bliss and love. So we commune with each other for what seemed really seemed like a long, long time. And they I said at one point, you know, what was the meaning of all of that? I mean, that places nexty. And, you know, people are mean, and you know, I don't think there's any love on that planet. And I don't I'm not going back, you know. And they showed me, they showed me all like, like on these big TV screens. They showed me all all of my past lives. And I could see the progression of things that I'd learned and things that I carried over from one life to another. And I'm like feeling it takes forever to learn anything there. And it's always through pain. And they showed me that it's like, look what's coming for humanity. And I see this magnificent world where there's peace and prosperity for people. And there's a quality and people. It's there's no competition, there's more collaboration. And I'm like, Well, that looks great. But you know what, I'm not going back and you can't make me and they're like, yes, you're that's okay. You don't have to go back you you basically did. You accomplished what the main thing that you wanted to accomplish, and you don't have to go. I'm like, and then they said, but let us show you what you can accomplish if you go back. So I woke up in the emergency room and I started to swear I woke up in the emergency room and Sona. And the thing was, I knew that they did not make me come back. They showed me something that made me change my mind. But I couldn't remember what it was. And they told me actually that my laugh is is one of my best gifts to the world. And, and that laughing is one of the most spiritual things you can do. As long as it's not at somebody else's expense. I thought okay, so you know, I'm in the, in the emergency room and swearing and the nurse comes over and I said Why am I here? You know, I was saying Why am I here? And she's like, you're in the hospital because you were in a car accident. And I'm like, no, why am I here? You were in in the hospital. Because of a car accident.

I'm like, nevermind, you know, so that that started the like 40 year integration period of everything I had learned, I think I must be a really slow learner because it took me a long, long time, because I had all of this information in my head, all the metaphysical stuff, but I had never integrated it, I'd never brought it from the head to the heart, I had never integrated it into my life. And, you know, we toss around the word integration. But Do people understand what, how difficult that is? I learned that, you know, being sarcastic at people was a hostile act. And I had, I had to change my personality. But one of the things that we had talked about during my NDE was, you know, why did I put myself through all of those experiences as a child, it was horrible. And they said, well, because he wanted to master self love, and you had tried in many lifetimes, and you haven't been able to and because of what you wanted to do later in this life, you knew that you had you were going to master it or die trying. And I said, it almost killed me. And they said, Yeah, almost. And I said, But you know, rich, abandoned men after abandonment, rejection after rejection. And they said, Well, if you want to learn, learn self love, that's what you have to go through. Because the Self Love has to come from inside yourself, not from other people, not from outside validation, you know, so yeah, you give yourself rejection, you give yourself abandonment, over and over and over again until you get it you know, and so that that ended up being kind of the focus for me of learning, self love. And first of all, I had to learn who I was because I had twisted myself into a pretzel before and didn't know who I was. And I think a lot of people don't know who they are, because they've spent their lives trying to please others and be some as Oscar Wilde said, these be yourself because everyone else is taken, you know. And so, you know, the whole concept of it. It took me years to figure out who I was, or even how to go about figuring out who I was. And then it's like, Okay, now that I think I know who I am, you know, how do I take that out into the world and be authentic, and I have come really to believe from from working with the lion beings that that that's one of the most important things on the planet that needs to be learned. Because once you have self love, if everybody had self love, the world would be a totally different place.

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