In the mystical tapestry of today’s episode, we welcome the incredible Ginette Biro. As a gifted medium and near-death experiencer, Ginette shares her profound journey from the physical realm to the ethereal, offering us a glimpse into the vast unknown. Her story is one of courage, spiritual awakening, and a deep understanding of the unseen forces that shape our existence.
Ginette Biro recalls her early years grappling with her mediumship abilities, a journey that began around the age of five. “I would go to bed at night and know there were people standing around me,” she says, reflecting on the invisible presences that filled her childhood nights with both wonder and fear. This gift, however, was not something she inherited or was prepared for by her family, making her path all the more challenging and remarkable.
As she grew older, Ginette’s connection with the spirit world deepened. At the age of 20, a pivotal moment occurred when she encountered her lifetime guide, a presence that validated her experiences and urged her to embrace her mediumship fully. This encounter, she explains, was the turning point that led her to pursue her gift despite the fear and uncertainty it initially brought. Her cat’s reaction to the guide’s presence provided her with the reassurance she needed to move forward.
In her twenties, Ginette’s mediumship flourished through word of mouth, as she offered readings that resonated deeply with those seeking connection with their loved ones. However, it wasn’t until her near-death experience (NDE) that she truly stepped into her role as a spiritual guide. During surgery, she describes an extraordinary journey to the other side, where she met her grandmother and a council of guides who presented her life’s blueprint. This experience not only affirmed her purpose but also granted her the resilience and wisdom to navigate her spiritual path.
- Embrace the unknown: Ginette’s journey teaches us that the unknown, though frightening, holds the key to our true purpose and potential. By embracing her mediumship, she found clarity and direction in her life.
- Trust in guidance: The presence of her lifetime guide and the validation from her cat served as powerful reminders that we are never alone on our journey. Trusting in the guidance we receive can lead us to profound discoveries.
- Transformation through adversity: Ginette’s NDE was a transformative experience that reshaped her understanding of life and death. It highlights the importance of facing our fears and embracing the lessons that come from our challenges.
Ginette’s story is a testament to the power of resilience and the beauty of the spiritual journey. Her experiences with mediumship and her profound NDE have shaped her into a beacon of light for those seeking to understand the mysteries of the afterlife. As she continues to share her gift, she inspires us to look beyond the physical realm and connect with the deeper aspects of our existence.
In one of the most striking moments of our conversation, Ginette states, “The driving force behind it for me was that I have always had this strong undercurrent, if I could call it, or like purpose within that when it’s pushing me in a direction, I have to go in that direction because if I try to go against it, it’s just a non-starter.” This profound insight captures the essence of her journey and the unwavering determination that has guided her.
In conclusion, Ginette’s story is a reminder that we all have a unique path to follow, one that is often revealed through the trials and tribulations we face. Her journey from fear to acceptance, and ultimately to spiritual mastery, encourages us to trust in our own inner guidance and embrace the unknown with an open heart.
Please enjoy my conversation with Ginette Biro.
Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode DE013
Alex Ferrari 0:00
Tell me what happened to you when you left this realm?
Ginette Biro 0:09
Yeah, so I embraced my mediumship abilities, it was around the age of 20 is when I was like, Okay, we're gonna figure this out. But up until then, like, I can go back to the age of five, feeling people in my room, I knew there were invisible people in my room, but I didn't have like a family line of mediums or that grandmother, that wise grandmother who would sage the house or something, I didn't have that. And so I didn't have this reference point, I no reference point for what was happening. And it couldn't explain why I just knew, but I would go to bed at night and know there was people standing around me, I'd have the covers over my head. And so much of my early years with this gift was actually very scary, because I didn't understand it, right. And then, you know, as I got older, I communicated with my grandmother after she passed, but in my mind, I was like, that was just a dream, tried to logic it all away. And then I started hearing spirit and the ways that you hear spirit isn't always audibly, right. It's not always like an external voice. Sometimes it's the voice in your mind. Sometimes it's your own voice in your mind, but not your thought. And so to try and discern all that, when again, you don't have a reference point led me into a ton of anxiety when I was 17. And so I say that because underneath all of that are on top of all of that I was like a normal kid doing sports and school and plays and everything. But I had this bubbling Gary aspect to my life that I wanted to understand, but didn't know where to go to understand it. And so it was around the age of 20, ish, mid 20, early 20s, that finally one of my guides actually was standing down the end of the hallway. And I was in the house by myself, I was folding laundry, and you know, there's always this kind of like prickly or bubbly sensation when they come near. And now I really liked that feeling. But when I was younger, it would, you know, give me the heebie jeebies. And that feeling came on. And I heard this voice at the end of the hall this big, like firm, masculine voice saying she net looked down the hall. And I mean, you can imagine I kind of yelled every profanity, I could think about a tear. And he was like, scheanette, look down the hall. And so I remember turning my head so slowly to see who is there. And it was actually my, what I've come to know now is my lifetime guide standing there. And he was essentially like, now's your time to actually get into this, okay. And the thing that changed it for me was that my cat at the time was sitting there staring up at him looking at him with her tail kind of wagging, you know, when like, Wags back and forth. And I knew in that moment that she saw him, and I saw him. And it just it was this piece of validated me being ready to dive into actually learning this instead of running from it. So that was a big change maker for me. So like you said, like, I always kind of knew there was stuff, but I kind of avoided it tried to be so normal, if I could put it that way. And then after that experience, I was just like, Okay, we're gonna dive in and see what this means. And it led me to embracing my gift as a medium. And I worked, it was all through just kind of word of mouth that spread. And I was busy doing mediumship readings for about a decade. You know, I did talk to my family very bluntly, I was like, Listen, guys, I am seeing deceased people and spirits. I talked to them. And I realized I always have been feeling them. So I'm exploring this. And so it's kind of like no one was like, Don't do this or anything like that. But it was kind of like, Alright, you're not sure, you know, kinda like we'll see. Because again, like I didn't grow up in a line of mediums where it was like, Oh, welcome to the club or something like that. It's just it was kind of like an unknown, but it so it was like yet to be seen, I guess. And the more that they saw, you know, I would say something and then it would happen. Or I would validate something that I couldn't have known that maybe occurred before I was born and things like that. Once enough of those things happen, then it was more accepted. But like you said, that closeted medium, I was willing to share it with kind of certain people. And it kind of just grew by word of mouth for the first 10 years of doing my mediumship work. It was all just word of mouth. I didn't really advertise. I didn't. I didn't have my website. I didn't, you know, it just kind of spread that way. And I was happy with that. I was like, Yeah, this is good. And you know, I'm doing my thing, but it was after my NDE that my guys are like, so if you're going back, you know, you got to actually step up and like, really share this. And I was like, Yeah, I get it now for sure I'm in. So it was just kind of this neat evolution, but it did take time. But the driving force behind it for me was that I have always had this strong undercurrent, if I could call it or like purpose within that when it's pushing me in a direction I have to go in that direction because if I try to go against it, it's just it's a non starter. I just can't go against it. And so that's I think, but just kept going rushing me through, to stand in my truth and keep going. So what I've come to understand is there have been many lifetimes leading to this one, too. First of all, give me the resilience to keep going to give me the framework of past life understanding is that when ignited would just come back in memory or knowing it's kind of like, you know, when you say you try a new sport, and you realize you're really amazing, right? You're like, Wow, look how good I am at golfing. And this is my second time golfing, right? It's like, Well, you probably did that in the past life or something like that. Right. So what I heard from my guides is that there was much preparation for this lifetime. And essentially, being here now. And everyone that does have these open gifts or open awareness to their purpose right now is so specific to the massive change that we're going through in the world, like we're in massive, rapid ascension, right? My guy had said from the year 2020 to 2024, it's about 100 years worth of intellectual and spiritual awakening condensed into four years, right. So there are many souls here at this time opening and finding this like thing that's pushing them to do more to help to ascend to awaken, just like you are doing your thing, right, like you're living your purpose. So I feel it's very timely in conjunction to everybody else that's here. At this time, I was very comfortable again, at this point doing mediumship. So mediumship, to me, again, everyone's different, but to me, I'm like a translator or an interpreter, right? So I hear spirit, I interpret it and share it with the person. So I'm like that middle person, right? So there's more consciousness that's going on of me being a part of the conversation. Whereas channeling is where like you said, I move more out of the way. So I'm like, say three quarters pushed out, in a way not pushed out, I step out, kind of, but I'm still connected, but I'm hearing it come through me and into my voice audibly. At the same time as somebody else, not hearing it before and translating it. It's coming direct through me. And so the first time this really happened, I was doing a mediumship reading in the spirit that was coming through me or connecting with me, she was telling me these things, and I was telling the person, but I kept not quite getting it the way she wanted it. And so it was so interesting. She said, um, she said, Do you mind if I just kind of direct through you? And I was like, okay, like, What do you mean, she's like, can you just like, move over a little bit, and I'll just come direct through you. And so I remember saying, to my client, I'm like, I'm just going to channel this because she wants to speak directly. And he was essentially that, that's where I learned, you just move to the side. And then they come direct through you and I had more of her like inflections, her cadence of speech, apparently, her tone, not that my voice fully changed. But you could see, or you could hear apparently, the similarities, and it just came directly through. And so it's like, I was hearing it for the first time at the same time as my client was. And so it's this free flow thing. And I would say, it varies how much I remember in detail of what is said in channeling, the higher the frequency of the being, the less that I remember in the moment, and the more that I'll need to go back and listen to get the full memory of it. But if it's like a family member friend that wishes to channel through, then I'm usually more able to kind of keep up with what's coming through. What's interesting is what led me to that was, I used to have a lot of troubles with my menstrual cycle, essentially, I would hemorrhage every month. And so it was so severe that you know, we couldn't fix it, we finally had to do surgery, essentially, that's to really make it a small short story. So we get to the point of surgery. And there was something really interesting. And I mean, I wrote a book about it. So there's the whole story in there of how it led me to that moment. But what happened was, you know, going into the operating room, I had this amazing sense of excitement. And I've had surgery before and I'm not usually like excited and wanting to high five people, but like, I swear I could hear music in the background. Or maybe I just felt music but like excitement. And I remember when the anesthesiologist came to put me under, I felt like a kid who was waiting for the lifeguard to say I could have my turn on the water side. Right? Like, you know, when you're waiting there, and you're like, come on, let me go let me go.
And it was so interesting, because as soon as I was put under my grandmother, who was in Spirit came and met me. And what was interesting is when I started walking up this kind of like grassy hill where I could see the blades of grass in finite detail if I wanted to, or not, and the sky was like this most beautiful, amazing summer blue. I knew where I was, like I knew exactly where I was, I knew I was on the other side. And I knew this was vastly different from any other astral travel I had done, or spirit communication. And we have spent 1000s of hours in readings talking to spirits about their transition, how they died all of this, but none of that was the same as this as being there. It's like feet on the ground. Right? And so I walked up this this hill with my grandmother and we came upon this like summer barbecue Like atmosphere picnic kind of thing. And I could see the the red and white checkered tablecloth. And what I realized was there was all of these spirits from my life that had crossed over, but lifetimes before, and I knew them all. And they were just walking up. And I was giving them the best hugs that you can imagine. It's like you want a toddler, I always say when a toddler throws themselves in your arms, you know, they're giving you all of their love. And I got to spend the time reminiscing and talking to people from lifetimes before being like, what have you been up to what's been going on and, and so it felt like I spent hours, their hours. And then after that my grandmother took me to this separate place, kind of at the what I call like the Edge of the Galaxy, or where the the edge of the universe where the universe is essentially creating itself. We were in this white room with this massive whiteboard room table. And I had my counsel around me my guides, we all have a group of guides or counsel and and they rolled out on the table, these blueprints. And I was like, what I'd always explained to people that our life was like a tapestry, right. And we like weave the weavings of fate and all this as tapestry, but they rolled it out and showed it to me as blueprints. And I remember looking at it thinking like this looks like architect blueprints like how cool is that? Right? And so when they rolled it out, I saw this massive line down the center. And it still had this energy moving back and forth. It's kind of iridescent energy that you know, it was like lifeforce. So my guides and I, we went through my life review up until that point, like where we were, and we went through everything. And then there was a certain piece that was remaining. Now the piece that was remaining was about six inches long in my memory. But I can't remember how long that is compared to what we reviewed before like one of my guides shoulders is right in the way. So I don't know how long it is because of course I would measure to see right. And so once we were hit that juncture where we were right, then that's when they asked me if I wanted to stay or come back. And that's when I really realized the juncture point that I was at. I was like, wow, oh, well, yeah, I want to go back. And so they said, you know, if you if you go back, then you have the opportunity now with what's remaining of your life to change out different juncture point. And I was like, oh, and so they said you will remember the first one, but you won't remember the others until they happen. And the first one I remember it was like a fuse and a fuse box kind of thing. Like I was pulling up this fuse. And remember, it was one of chronic illness cuz I had always had something wrong, right. Growing up, I get sick, easy, all this kind of stuff. And so I remember pulling it out and being like, Are you sure I can do this? And they're like, Yeah, and I put it down. And it picked one of health nip like put it back in. And I remember kind of thinking like, we'll see you guys we'll see, right? Because I was so used to just being the one who was always sick. And so I changed a bunch of them, which really taught me the idea of how much we do design our life blueprint. That's our destiny piece. And so, after I did that, they asked me again, do you want to stay like I'm sure you want to go? Or do you want to stay here. And that's when I had the opportunity to see my higher self essentially, separate from me yet still the same as me. And I know that doesn't make sense, really in our human terms. But on the other side, so many other things make sense. And when I got to see the value, and the awe and wonder that my higher self had for the human experience, how much what we're all doing right now and the triumphs and the pitfalls and the struggles and the successes and everything in between how valuable that is to the soul. I was like, wow, yeah, I absolutely have to go back. And so that's when I had an understanding that my body had been weakened up to that point that if I decided to stay, I would have they it was basically like a light switch. And it would have just been a switch, essentially, that would have had me code on the table in the operating room and just have a massive heart attack and not be revived. And so I was like, No, I'm gonna go back. And so it was interesting, because at that point, then everything this next piece happened with this within a span of like, three, four seconds, but I heard the nurse in the recovery room say she net, are you awake, and then I felt my spirit go like mush back into my body. But I could still feel my grandmother with me. But then my higher self came in so clear and I'm not clear after surgery. I'm quite the comic, actually, my higher self came in and said to the nurse with my eyes still closed, I was like, I need you to write something down and the nurse stopped what she was doing. And she was like, okay, honey, what is it and I was like, I need you to write down these four phrases. I'm a medium and they're very important. Then I need you to fold up the paper and put it in my hand like I gave her clear, like instructions. And so she did and so I wrote it down. I have it on my desk here. So this is the paper from surgery. And these words wouldn't really make sense to people. I mean, it's great Baba tree roots time doing twine and they went far. So it doesn't really make sense to people. Baba was my grandmother. But what happened was, my Higher Selves caught the nurse before I had anything Amen I put into my body because my higher self knew that if I had pain meds, I would question all of it. Right? Like, there's still a linear sense to me, right? So I, you know, I had that paper, I gave it to my mom. And after I was in recovery, I was like, don't lose this paper. And then it was a couple days later, when I had no more payments, and my body spirit was like, It's time for you to read the paper. And so I remember I unfolded it, I read those four statements, and it just everything flooded back to me. I already knew something significant happened to have pieces of the memory, but these words triggered the whole experience. And I remember I sat that afternoon talking to my parents, I was like, Guys, I have to tell you a story. And they're like, Wow, and then I wrote my book, like it just all poured out. And so that's, that was my NDE and the best nutshell I could give you.
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