Young Girl DIES; Spends One MONTH in HEAVEN; Shown When People Will DIE! with Dr Spirit Sunshine Frost

On today’s episode, we welcome the luminous Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost. With her radiant energy and profound insights, she delves into the extraordinary experiences that have shaped her spiritual journey. From the depths of near-death experiences to the heights of spiritual awakening, Dr. Frost’s story is one of resilience, transformation, and divine purpose.

As a teenager, Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost endured a tumultuous life filled with challenges that many would find insurmountable. Abandoned by her mother at a tender age and navigating a world with an alcoholic father, her early years were marked by pain and confusion. Seeking solace in the wrong places, she found herself experimenting with drugs, leading to her first near-death experience at seventeen. In a hotel room, a seemingly ordinary moment turned into a profound journey as she collapsed into a bathtub, bleeding and numb. What followed was a descent into darkness, a harrowing realization of self-worth, and ultimately, an ascent into light and love.

In this profound conversation, Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost recounts how her near-death experience was not just a brush with the afterlife, but a transformative encounter with her own soul’s worth. She describes sinking through the physical realms, feeling the earth and tasting the metal, before finding herself in a place devoid of God, a manifestation of her own self-condemnation. It was in this abyss that she began to sing a childhood hymn, calling out to the divine for remembrance and love. Her mindset shifted, and with it, her trajectory; she began to rise, carried by a guide who showed her the value of her existence and the potential of her future.


  1. Self-Worth and Divine Love: Dr. Frost’s journey underscores the importance of self-worth and how it aligns with divine love. Her transformation began with a shift in her mindset, recognizing her own value despite the self-judgment imposed by her upbringing and experiences.
  2. Guides and Timelines: Her experience with guides who accompanied her through different stages of her life highlights the notion of spiritual support and the concept of multiple timelines. Each guide held her memories, showing that we are never truly alone in our journeys.
  3. Purpose and Transformation: Dr. Frost’s story is a testament to the power of purpose. From feeling purposeless to finding a profound reason to live, her experiences illustrate that our lives hold significant meaning, often revealed through our most challenging moments.

Returning from her near-death experience, Dr. Frost found herself profoundly changed. She sought purity and spiritual connection, joining the LDS church and immersing herself in a lifestyle of extreme devotion. Yet, as she later reflected, this was another form of self-judgment, a replacement for the addictive behaviors of her past. It was a path that provided structure but ultimately led to another transformative moment—a second near-death experience that expanded her spiritual understanding.

This second experience, facilitated by a healing session with Native American healers, took her out of her body once more. She found herself in a clinical, white space, surrounded by beings of light who she recognized as her soul’s parents. They comforted her, explaining that she had died in a previous existence to be born in this one, and that her concurrent physical ailments were tied to that past life’s death. This revelation brought her a deeper understanding of her purpose and the interconnectedness of her lives across timelines.

In her return to the physical world, Dr. Frost embraced her spiritual gifts more fully. She stepped out as a public spiritual guide, despite the ridicule and persecution from her community. Her journey has been one of relentless service to others, from aiding in cold cases to providing medical mediumship and spiritual healing. Her work, now widely recognized, continues to transform lives, bringing light to those in darkness.

As she concluded our conversation, Dr. Frost shared her wisdom on living a fulfilled life: “Living a fulfilled life is first having self-love. If you can’t find a way to love yourself, then the love other people give you will never be enough.” Her message is one of profound love and service, a beacon for all seeking to understand their purpose and connect with the divine within.

Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 478

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 0:00
17 years old, vulnerable, you know, undressed in his bathtub in a strange place with people that didn't care about her. And I thought I don't want to die this way. I did this. And I decided I was gonna take a bath. And within just a few seconds, my nose exploded. I was bleeding from both nostrils. My eyes this, my eyes started, the blood vessels in my eyes started to break. I collapsed into the bathtub. I don't remember I just saw my heart pounding. I wanted to scream for somebody but I was totally numb. My face was numb my throat was numb

Alex Ferrari 0:46
I like to welcome to the show, Spirit Doctor Sunshine Frost, How you doing, Doc?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 0:50
Hi Alex. Good morning, everybody.

Alex Ferrari 0:53
Thank you so much for coming on the show. I'm looking forward to hearing about your your adventure and misadventures in spirituality. I mean, it's been a journey for you. Without question. You didn't have to just one nde you had 2 nde's, which I always ask, stop. I always tell people stop dying. It's not part of the program while they keep doing it. But before we get started, what was your life like before you add your very first near death experience?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 1:23
I have had a really traumatic and really tough childhood, I was abandoned by my mom at three, my father was an alcoholic. So I came from a very loving, very dysfunctional family. And that kind of led to my first near death experience at 17. I was involved with drugs like most teenagers, I was experimenting with things that I shouldn't have been. But not having those parental role models. You know, I was really lost to my own devices. And I was already kind of out of the house by 16 doing my own thing. So by 17, I wanted to be with the older crowd, I wanted to run with the older boys. And I found myself with a girlfriend and I had a hotel room and we were gonna party with these gentlemen. And one thing led to another. And I ended up having my very first spontaneous nde

Alex Ferrari 2:15
So before we get to the end, yeah, where did you come from a religious background?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 2:22
Yes, very religious. I always say I'm a card carrying Baptists, Mormon Pentecostal, born again, recovering spiritualists.

Alex Ferrari 2:32
I think you covered almost a lot, I checked a lot of boxes off there.

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 2:36
Well, I had a little bit of a gift as a child, but I never thought it was a gift. I was always really taught that this was against the church, it was against God. So I was very afraid to use any of these abilities. And they were very spontaneous as a child, you know, knowing the phone was gonna ring Alex, maybe knowing somebody might be ready to pass or be sick. Those are things I would say as a child, but be very chastised for. So I was very afraid. And I was taught that this was a curse. So even though I probably had maybe a little more than a modicum of ability, I did a great deal of suppressing and fear before that nde.

Alex Ferrari 3:21
Yeah, I've had that's one of the common themes I get on the show is a lot of people who their programming their religion, their community, the stuff that they kind of stock stack on top of you, kind of really hold you back. And I always find it fascinating that if someone has the ability, like you were saying, even as a young child, how can you not? If you truly believe that there's a God or source and that they it made all things? How can you be broken in that way, if you have an ability that it's obviously God given? Because you didn't pick it up. Because they think it's picked up picked it up from the devil, obviously, the devil just goes around handing out these gifts. I don't know where even Dante didn't write that.

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 4:12
I was told everything from it's the music my family was listening to we weren't praying enough. I wasn't praying hard enough. I I've been baptized four separate times. And every time it's actually increased my gift every single time. So at this point, I don't even I just take a bath and I get I get baptized every day I advise myself every day it was in salt, water and little soap and water. But it did it actually increased the gift the more spiritually pure I became, the more intense the ability to channel became. So it was totally synonymous, one with the other. So my experience internally, politics really didn't match what I was being told. So it caused me a great deal of turmoil and stress. I ended up you know, really turning myself into self harm and eating, you know, dysmorphia and things like that as a really young teen girl with all of these feelings and intuitions, but just being told they were witchy you know, you're a witch, I was told that so many times growing up, like, oh, you're a witch. She's a witch, you know, your what you're doing is witchcraft. And I'm thinking, I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything. I simply would tell my grandmother, oh, your mom's calling or we need to bring a bandaid someone's gonna get hurt. And then of course, you know, how could you know that? And they go, Oh, that's witchcraft. So I heard that a lot enough to really make me stifle all my gifts and abilities.

Alex Ferrari 5:35
So tell me what happened. That night in the in the hotel room, what what led to your nde.

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 5:41
I'm going to be quite honest. That's the way I am with my show, I do a show called Spirit Uncensored, we try to never censor anything, because you never know what part of your story is going to resonate with a different audience. So this is the unpolished version, not what's in my book, there's more detail in the book I'm coming out with this year. But essentially, I was a young girl that had never really partied. And I went to the bathroom. And I did what I thought was going to be a simple little setup, little things for each of us. I don't want to get into the details.

Alex Ferrari 6:16
Yes, we connect, we can connect the dots.

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 6:19
I did this. And I decided I was going to take a bath. And within just a few seconds, my nose exploded. I was bleeding from both nostrils, my eyes this, my eyes started, the blood vessels in my eyes started to break. I collapsed into the bathtub. I don't remember I just saw my heart pounding. I wanted to scream for somebody. But I was totally numb. My face was numb, my throat was numb. And immediately I just felt myself sinking in. I was already in the bath. At this point. It took me about three seconds from one to the other. And I began to sink through the actual, which was the most unusual feeling. Because I was totally in fear. Panicking, I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, I could hear myself trying to breathe. But then in one moment, it was just like drowning inside myself. And then I was thinking through the water. Through the cast iron bathtub, I could feel the metal, I could taste the metal somehow, even without my body. And I was going through the floor of the first the first storey hotel room, moving through it downward, not upward. As most people experienced, I was thinking downward and I could feel the earth I could smell it. I could feel this dark, cool feeling. But yet I knew I was very separate from my body. And I instantly began to it feels like I was there for a day. And I remember just saying this is what I deserved. Because I had been the victim of sexual abuse. I was had no parents that really loved me, my mother abandoned me in a in a bathtub when I was three in a hotel room. I really didn't have self love. So I in that moment believed in my mindset believed I deserved that. And so in a few moments, I was very separate from everything that felt like God. And I had to go inward to find that place. And I remember I went to a oneness when I was a little girl. And it was like a little Wednesday night program at church. And there was this little song about Jesus and you know, do you love me, I love you. And I started to kind of sing inside myself. You know, if you're real, do you remember me kind of singing that song? And it's still emotional even now, you know, just saying, Do you remember me? And as I began to think it, my mind was like a balloon carrying me upward back through the sinking, I was just almost shooting up as if my own mindset was determining where I was going to go, is the most incredible thing. My mindset was taking me either to heaven or to hell. My own belief, you know, and I began to rise up. And then Alex, I went through my body and I saw my body. And I felt such a sadness, and such a shame and how badly I treated my body and how the things I had said about her and how much I judged her for her physical books and how I had put all of these restrictions on food and said these things about myself that weren't true. And I saw her there. 17 years old, vulnerable, you know, undressed in his bathtub in a strange place with people that didn't care about her. And I thought I don't want to die this way. What did I do to my body? Why didn't I love her? She's so precious. And I think everybody feels that way when we're out of body how grateful we are to have had that vehicle. You know, the we don't appreciate our bodies. There's such a gift to us really in the physical world. We can experience the joys of food or are so many other things that we can't enjoy in the Spirit. So I looked at my body. And I kind of wanted to stop there for a moment, but I kept going upward. And it was like two stories up. I was with a guide, and the guide I could not see the face of but I could see a very bright image around the guide. And I started to cry. And my guide said to me, without talking just through the mind, you don't need to cry, it's okay. And I said, I deserve to be in hell. And I was just so upset, like, why am I here? I don't deserve to be here. I should go to hell. I'm not a good kid, I'm not a good person. I haven't been a good person. I've I never did anything for anyone else. You know, I really believe these. This narrative, this projection internalized of myself and my being. And this guy just said, let me show you something. And they showed me what I know now know to be timelines. And they said, sunshine, if you continue in this timeline, this is what will happen. And they showed me. They showed me the man, he was probably 23. And I was 17. And the other guy was like 26. And my girlfriend was 17 to 17 year old girls in a hotel room with a 25 and 26 year old man men being given drugs. And they showed me that even after they found my body, they didn't call 911. They left the hotel I called the hotel to find me later. And I had already passed for many hours, there was totally no ability to resuscitate. And my grandmother, who dearly loved me, was the one that got the phone call that I had passed, and I was her only grandchild. And it was devastating for my family. And they showed me all the people, which I couldn't really see at that time. But they gave me this feeling I couldn't remember because they wouldn't let me remember who I was going to meet in this life and the things I was supposed to do. But they showed me the timeline of dying in that moment, and what that would have meant for me. And then he showed me another timeline was to him. And he said to me without talking, of course just telepathically he showed me it was as if I had choices. And every choice I made opened up another timeline, which I didn't know it then it just felt like a wishbone is what I called it when I was 17 Oh, I have a wishbone has a decision to make one road or the other. And they showed me he told me about my my life had been chosen for me with my own oversoul with my help, and that my life was to be a life of transmutation. And that that is why it was so difficult. And that I had taken on a five, five, trans mutating life path, which is like five lifetimes worth of suffering, that I had chose that because that was a guide soul in this life. And I didn't know what any of that meant at the time. But he said, Do you want to go back and I still was very insistent that I did not want to go back. If I didn't have something to give to the world, because I felt very purposeless, and that my life was meaningless. Even though I had felt compassion for my body. I had felt compassion for my grandmother. I just felt as if I serve no purpose. And I really didn't want to go back here again, without a purpose just like a leaf on the breeze floating through life feeling unanchored and grounded, feeling alone and separate from God and from everything because I tried so much to get close. But I never felt connected. So I was told that not to worry. And they call me Christina, which is my middle name. You do not call me sunshine on this. Becky said, Christina, I promise you, you will have a gift to give the world if you trust me, and you choose to go back. And behind him there was this beautiful place that it was so beautiful. It was like a beautiful park, if you can imagine, you know, Central Park. And there were benches everywhere. And they were children just and I knew all the children that had passed and childbirth or in young children. These were not older. These are all very young children, that it either just came off of planets or were going to transpire on the planet. And they were with the grandkids and great grandkids and they were in this park. And there were animals and things there. It was just beautiful pets that had crossed over were there. I could see all of this from where I was at. I could see reception areas to my right there was like a some temples it looked like in the back with crystal ceilings. It was quite beautiful. But I can only see the first part I can see very clearly Alex but the rest of it. It's as if it was in a different frequency than me and I really, I couldn't make it out from where I was at. As we were talking I had moved further into what you call heaven I guess which is just seems like it's only maybe two realms above us. But there There's multiple levels that have everything. So like three have like when they teach three heavens, I agree with that maybe 12 or 13 rooms in each heaven, and then 12. And each of those maybe 144 levels, who knows. But I knew that there was multiple levels to this, that I couldn't access or see just knowledge intuitively not knowing this. And I decided to come back. Why I made the decision, because I felt really confident in that promise that there was something that I was here to give the world. But there was something there was some purpose for me. And I wasn't just a name a faceless child, a person that didn't matter. I felt they promised me and the promise felt so real, that there was something important I was going to do in the world, that would make a difference that if I chose this timeline, I would be cheating. Like I said, they I don't remember, but I know they did show me many things. But when I came back, I couldn't remember the details of like me meeting you right now. Or, you know, me doing the things that saving the lives I've saved as an EMT, or as a surgeon, like, like, those things I never really got to see. But they gave me enough confidence that my life had a huge meaning for me to choose to come back.

Alex Ferrari 16:14
So when you were there, there was no life review. There was no, like, there wasn't, there wasn't,

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 16:21
It wasn't a life review. It wasn't a life review, in the fact of This Is Your Life. This is what you did. I knew already that I felt so condemned i because of my religious background, that I didn't need the review, I already believed I deserved to go to hell, I believed I was totally impure, totally unsaved unworthy. I was so convinced of my own worthiness, and that I was that I didn't have a value to God, how could he love me? So I already had so much self condemnation, that they didn't even try to contain me actually, they're trying to raise me up into my worth and value and say no. And they showed me two timelines, which I didn't really look back on my life, which is strange. I never looked back on my life. And the first indie II know, the light, yes, I did get rose up in light, my guy was there, because I wouldn't I didn't go through any Bush, I went from the bottom, up through so my body, then there was an immediately a guide with me. And then the guide, and I went together to this reception area. And then that reception area, as I said, he showed me two timelines, one where I would pass then, and it would cause a great deal of suffering. And I would have negated this life path. And essentially, I would have had to do it over is what I think I was being told, I don't remember those words. But I remember the feeling of I don't want to do this. I don't want to do all of this, again, realizing that at 17, I'd already transmuted sexual abuse, abandonment, being an orphan, I'd already transmuted so much, I didn't want to remove those things to gain the value. So I was like, no, no, no, no, okay, let's, let's try. But if you're gonna send me back, give me some great, give me some special, it'll just be worthy. So I have a purpose. And that's what I do remember about that.

Alex Ferrari 18:09
Any other any other details that you that come to mind in that experience before you got that sent back?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 18:15
It just that I didn't know about concurrent timelines, I didn't know that everything it I, you know, I had a linear thought of life like we were born here, we die here. That's all there is. I didn't understand that. There were guides. And this is of course, the mind of a 17 year old that had been really religiously institutionalized. So I didn't have the understanding of spiritual matters. I really studied or trained, it was a very untrained, just religious dogmatic mindset.

Alex Ferrari 18:45
Alright, so what happened when you?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 18:48
They gave me what I can handle.

Alex Ferrari 18:51
That makes sense. Yeah, you couldn't process anything else that was going on? So what's really fascinating about this, this nde is that you, you were going downward at first, and then that you that you got shot up once your mindset changed. And that coincides with a lot of other negative near death experiences. It sounds like if you would have kept in that negative vibe or that mindset, you would have gone down to a place of your own making, because that not technically a hell but a hellish experience, because you deserved it in your mind. And that's what I've seen commonly and others because of religious dogma, that just like oh, I am worthless, I have to go to hell. And only when they decide, I need help, or please save me, then, boom, you fly back then either a light concert, Jesus comes, you know, Buddha comes someone comes, grabs you, and then takes you to where you want to, but it seems like halfway down, you were like, I'm gonna go back up, and you change your mind. And this could have been a very different experience for you. But this is very interesting to hear this because it coincides with other stories I've heard.

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 20:05
Absolutely, I really felt as if, like I said, I felt like if I could, there's no time. So it's very hard. We all explained this, that there's no time. But when we're in the body, everything is ruled by time and circadian rhythms and lunar cycles. So to say that I was in that pit of despair for weeks is fair. And to say that I was in heaven for at least what felt like maybe a month is fair. But this whole information was downloaded. I mean, all of that. I remember heaven having sounds, everything made a beautiful noise. And when I read, there's some books, I've read my time in heaven. He talks about the grass having a sound and the trees I could hear singing that lasted. That singing stayed with me for two years after this experience. I could hear if I focused, almost like hard to explain a beautiful choir a symphony, but it's so low and no one else could hear it. I'm like, can you hear that? No. Can you hear that? No one else could hear it. But me I tuned into that frequency when they say there's just singing and constant praising and joy. It's true. And everything there makes such a beautiful sound. The grass, the leaves, there's a frequency of vibrational sound like the crystal bowls. That's why we love them because they are absolutely the frequencies of heaven. It really is. Everything in nature makes this beautiful sound. And it all sounds perfect.

Alex Ferrari 21:38
So when did you what happened when you came back down?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 21:41
I was very depressed. Depressed.

Alex Ferrari 21:44
Literally, though, when you actually came back.

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 21:48
It was it was instant. It was I didn't

Alex Ferrari 21:50
You woke up, you woke up, you were alive.

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 21:54
I woke up, it was a puddle of blood. I had been bleeding out of my nose. And I had just collapsed into the tub and the water. I'm very tall. Actually, that's what saved my wife couldn't fly down completely under the water. When I had, I kind of had had my head show against the side of the tub. And I had one leg like I was like this. So my legs out of the tub. And I could not skip down any further. But I woke up and it had been, I would say probably seven or eight minutes. I know a lot of people would say that's not possible. But my heart did stop. My heart did restart. There was no damage. I can't explain it. I know it was a bit of time. The blood here had already begins it already dried here. It was just a puddle in the water. Everything was it was quite horrific really to wake up with that. And to be like, and then I went to tell my girlfriend what happened. And she goes, Man, you must have been really high. You know, I just I gotta go. And they're like, No, you need to stay is it? No, I've got to go. And I remember just what hair, wet clothes, didn't even use a towel, throw my clothes on. I ran out the door, went back home and just really tried to piece together what had happened. And I did talk to some people in the church and they again, same exact limited mindset. This is witchcraft, you were using drugs, Satan gave you a delusion, you know something to that effect and could not except that I'd had this experience so profoundly beautiful and that I had seen not necessarily God but I saw the place of the face of and my personal experience with with with source. And they just, you know, there was no validity to that. That was back in 1997 You know, somewhere around that. No, no, I'm sorry. 9094 or something like that. So there wasn't a lot of nd evidence like you know, Dr. Moody hadn't come out yet. The movies you hadn't come out yet, you know. So I mean, I get it. It was limited and I guess at that time it was my personal so it became really a spiritual solo quest for a long time. And I didn't really share this experience but it changed me a lot.

Alex Ferrari 24:08
So as you're going so now after this experience what what happened to your life? How did you deal with this this downloads?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 24:16
I became super big curious. No, I got baptized LDS that year no drugs, no alcohol, no sex. I really wanted to like, subscribe to the highest level of purity. I felt like the LDS culture was the one that got closest to capturing what I was wanting to live.

Alex Ferrari 24:34
And what is LDS?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 24:34
Latter Day Saints. It's Saturday st church it's you know, they call this Mormons. So I was baptized I got taught the lessons three months later got baptized and went completely 100% into the most purest lifestyle like it live you know no caffeine, no coffee, no rated our movies. I really wanted to show God how grateful I was that I got my life back. That it wasn't going to just waste my life on you know gratification. Send unselfishness, and I went, I was a high school dropout. I had actually dropped out in my freshman year, failed my sophomore year for messing around, had already. I got arrested for armed robbery by 14 years old. Not really with a gun. But yeah, I had been in some trouble. I was just the rebel. And here I was showing God, hey, this is a new leaf for me. So I went back to school, I finished all four years in one year and nine months, ended up getting a scholarship, went to the Brigham Young University for medicine decided to study medicine because I felt so compassionate for my own body, I got this huge interest in anatomy and physiology, became an EMT. Started doing all these amazing things, you know, really wanted to show God, hey, I'm on this path. And look at me, look what I'm doing. It's not a waste. You brought me back, here I am. And that lasted for quite a couple of years. For me,

Alex Ferrari 25:53
Just a couple. It was only a couple a few years

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 25:56
17 17 years. 17 years.

Alex Ferrari 26:04
So you so from, you know, from the level of where you were at 17 for another 17 years, you kind of went to the opposite side of the spectrum. Sounds. Yeah, it sounds like you went from one extreme to another extreme. And there wasn't a whole lot of balance. In the sense, you just went all in. You seem like you're whenever you do something, you do it all the way. And I appreciate you figure on the battery or full blown sainthood Either way, we're going all in. Yeah. So then you were happy? You know, you because

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 26:44
I mean, I thought I was happy. I didn't realize how much self judgment again, I took on the self judgments. And because it fit into that I really didn't have to give that up. If you think about it, I really didn't Alex give up self judgment. I just allowed someone else to judge.

Alex Ferrari 27:05
Right, you gave you that you gave your power away. You gave your power away.

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 27:09
Yeah, I was like, you know, I do sacrament, we can't live without sack, you know, and I have to do it. And I need to, there was all this legalism that really fit going from addiction or somebody that was an addictive personality from one thing into another. I just it was a plug and play situation.

Alex Ferrari 27:26
Right! You went That's what I said the extremes, you just exchange the one for the other. You just so you you so from the outside, it looked like you had really changed in in many ways you had, but in the underlining under underbelly of that you really hadn't changed. You had just switched the drug or switched the the thing apart, like you said, plug and play along with it. So it's fascinating because you're I think you're the first I don't think, maybe not the first but but many endears, don't go back to religion? Or don't go back to an organized religion, you went all into an organized religion. First. Yeah. And to be fair, you were 17. So you barely you're just trying to figure life out, you had gone through a lot of trauma you're trying to, and this is what you thought was the path for you? What was the point? What happened in the second near death experience? Because apparently, the other side is like, alright, she kind of gets it, but not really, and she's got other stuff to do. And we're gonna have to, we have to bring her back up, guys. Okay, where are we? Where's, where's the next exit point, we could bring her back up? What happened in the night in the second near death experience.

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 28:38
Well Alex, there was a little gap. So when I joined the church, I was able to get something they call the Patriarchal Blessing, where they have a patriarch, and he has these prophetic gifts that he puts his hands on your head. And it's a very big deal on the church to get your blessing. And I remember him putting my hands on my head, and speaking this wonderful words about me. And I really wanted them to come true. So I set Step four is to really make all those things happen. You know, I was going to do all these travels, and I was going to do missionary work, and I was going to help a lot of people. And because he had said those good things, I really wanted to do it. So it really propelled me toward that side. And I have to say, to defend my faith at that time. I still love the church. I think it's wonderful. It helps a lot of people and I have nothing negative to say, I will say that I felt comfortable when I told the missionary friends I have these gifts. They're like, well, that's just a gift of the Holy Spirit. So they were the first church to ever tell me that my gifts were of God and that as long as I was living a pure life, I wasn't doing divination and I wasn't seeking, you know, dead people or anything. They really made me feel safe and comfortable in my own gifts as long as I wasn't doing them for pay or I wasn't, you know, out there in a certain type of way. As long as I represented myself clearly they seem to be okay with it. So, it helped me to realize that this is a gift of God that it is an intuition of the Holy Spirit. And you know, however you want to name it, but they accepted it. So I felt accepted, and therefore I move further into it. And if I wanted to be judged, I just had to go to the bishop, he would let me know what's up. I didn't have to judge myself, you know, I would go in for my interview to get my temple recommend, and I have to run through the list of the things I did and didn't do. So for me, that was great, because I was always too hard on myself. So it's nice to have someone say, Oh, this is good. You did? Well, I don't see any issues. Here you go. I guess getting that free pass kind of let me off the hook with that for myself. And so that lasted for a while, and I did dwindle off, eventually not going I went through a divorce. And I didn't feel supported in that time. And it was kind of like, What could I have done better? What could I have done more, even though I have felt I had really been fair and honest, in my marriage. It's hard when you're not married in a church. It's such a big part of the culture. It's it's such a big part of the families are forever movements and everything. They teach that now they do more divorced care. But then it was really a single woman with like four kids or something going around. It was hard. You know, what could you have done better? What can remember the bishop sitting with me? What could you have done better? What could you have done more? And it really separated me from the church because it became not a personal path, but more of a path like of my whole family. So everybody had to be doing it for me to be okay. In the church standing, I guess. So I ended up moving away from that. And my gift got stronger and stronger. Alex after that first nd I remember it took me about a year, and a lot of nd survivors go through a depression we really do. I mean, coming back here is like, you get caught up in the physical. But you remember that this is an Avatar State and that this is not this is a simulation. This is a simulated life, for our personal growth and development. It feels real, it is real. The body we live in itself is real to this dimension. But the spiritual self is living a simulation. This is an avatar that we've chosen for what we need it to be used for. And so there was some depression. Yes. And I think the church filled that in. But eventually when I went through my divorce, I began to feel that same kind of sadness, like, if I don't know the church, am I really connected to God? So I went through a real spiritual journey. I was an EMT, paramedic, and I was at the scene of a 10 car pileup. And I at this time, was not involved with religion. And I was really self seeking source connection. And I had triaged this man, he was hit in a silver sedan, and he was very injured. And I remember we did a C spine, a C collar, we got the jaws and we got him out of the car. And I truly are assumed to go to the hospital and I thought he was gone, because I'd went on to triage someone else. There was 10 cars, people everywhere, it was just chaos. And as I was doing that, I ran back by the car and I go, Oh, my God, he's still here. What happened? So I reached into grab the C collar and my hands go right through him. And it wasn't even him. It was it was his actual spiritual imprint in the car, and I was seeing it. And I got the chills, even right now even telling the story gives me the chills, because I thought in that moment, I'm losing it. I went through a second time. And then I just turned and walked away. I didn't even want to process when it just happened to me. And it was a little, probably a few days after that. I took four days off after that incidents. And then I went back and I began to see orbs, I could tell you if someone was going to die, just based on those orbs that I would see every time I had a call in the ambulance when we went to pick up a client if I saw an orb either in their house, or in it, but they always came from a light source. So there's a light here in my office, it would come from the light to the person if I saw any type of order move from a light source toward my patient or into the ambulance. I already knew they were going to code we're going to lose them. So I I actually quit the ambulance business and got out of it. I did not want to work in that and I went into surgery because I'm like, well I can control some of these parts moving parts. I went into surgery. I was in surgery for about a year and I did a surgery on a little boy I'm not gonna say his name for his mother's sake but he was nine years old. He was at the time I did not know he was nonverbal autistic because by the time they come to me they're already sedated they're already not speaking you know, we do the tape the eyes the you know, we intubate we put them on there, make a sterile field. And I saw as I was scrubbing in yeah As a surgical technologist and first assistant some scrubbing in everything I saw like it was a metal sink and I saw a light metallic we reflect and I looked, and I was just barely caught that little orb and I thought God not again, not again. So we're in the surgery and the doctor adjust the light with the handle, and I saw an org go from the top of that lamp into his body. And it was not more than 30 seconds later, he began to have malignant hypothermia, which is the fatal reaction to the anesthesia. And his heart stopped and he did actually code and die on the table right in front of me and I saw the orb gather a second Orban come out of his mouth, and they went up to the ceiling together.

Alex Ferrari 35:46
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Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 36:22
And I thought oh my God, what did I just see? So I'm out behind the actual hospital an hour or two later, the mother is hysterical in front of the emergency room. Crying very upset. She speaks Spanish, I speak English. But I'm getting this urge to tell her like spirit was pushing me like in the back. Just go tell her it's okay. Tell her her son is okay. I figured I don't know this woman. I don't even speak Spanish. Like why would I be telling her any of this? But no sooner than that. I just kept feeling this strong urge and I saw that she had another son who spoke English. He was talking to the hospital staff outside the emergency room. And a car has been come running over a parking block and she's screaming you know, they give us you know screaming they took our son or their son had passed and I walked up it's like is if something was pushing me Alex down the sidewalk and I tell her your son is okay. Just the worst message because he's not okay. He just passed. Like I really shouldn't have said that. And I've learned since then. So really be careful how I speak to survivors. But I said your son will be okay. And then she interpreters are sort of like my brothers. Okay. And then I'm like, no, no, no, he's not okay, but he's okay. And spirits like man, you're messing this up. Carol are doing a terrible job because she goes up excited and falls down and is collapsing in her husband's arms. And then I'm like spirit, please tell me what to say. And spirit said toddler her mother came to get her son and everything is okay. So I'm like, tell her her mother came to get her son and everything is okay. And when I said that she started screaming because crying but happy because her mom had died of cancer a week before.

Alex Ferrari 38:17
Oh my God. And you would have you learned have known that?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 38:22
No. So hospital. Someone from the Smoke Shack had been sitting out there smoking watching this, told the staff I was called in I was reprimanded. I was told that this was totally out of OSHA, HIPAA, I broken every regulation be talking, I had no right to talk to this family. But I had done it. I told my supervisor I saw a light and they go oh, what are you the sphere of light. So I quit my job at the hospital and became the sphere of light. That's kind of how I got into this type of fields.

Alex Ferrari 38:54
So so when did the second nde happen?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 38:56
So I actually that just happened to me three years ago, and I was experiencing some extremely bad gastrointestinal issues. I couldn't figure out why. kept going to the doctor back and forth. I could not figure out why I was so sick. I was having food intolerances. I was having stomach aches migraines. I was always feeling sick. So I have a very good friend of mine. She's a Native American healer. And I work with her so I called her over to do a healing on me. And I had her and another one named Angel boss brain energy learn Angel boss were with me and I said we need to do a healing because I feel like I'm gonna die. And they kept saying sunshine. You're so dramatic. You're not gonna die. There's nothing wrong with you. And I go no, I seriously feel like I'm gonna die. And this This was like three months before this November incident happened November 11 2018. I'm sorry. 2019. And I had just felt like I was gonna die. I was so depressed that it started like right around October and I kept having all these issues so I asked them to come do a healing on me now. One was that my head when was that my feet this is a unique nd II and the fact that my heart didn't actually stop. But I had a completely out of body experience. So we were on the run the healing table, and I told her, I thought I was going to die. And she said, It's okay, we're going to do some work on you just calm down, you're alright. Soon as she started doing the healing on my head, the whole time, I have to say they had one had my head when I had my feet. And my heart started pounding. I started crying burning out, my body was so hot. And I just said, you know, I'm afraid to die, I started crying, I'm afraid to die, I'm afraid to die. And I felt as if I was being regressed back. And as I kept crying, I felt like my body was lifting up out of my physical form. I was being hoisted somehow up above my body. And I can see I can look down when I knew I was still alive. But it says if their energy was anchoring me to the body, and I looked down and saw my body, Alex, but then I remember hearing these voices say it's okay to die. You've already done this. And I remember saying, What do you mean, and at that time, I was just transported very, very shortly, very quickly, like, hold through. And I was standing inside of what looked like, I believe it looks almost like I want to say almost like a hospital or a lab. I was inside, it was all beautiful white, but it looked very clinical. And I was on a table, it looked exactly like the way I was laying right now on the bed on the healing table. But in this, in this instance, I was told by these two beings, and they were I could see them, even though it was laying down one was to my right one was to my left, and they had came around me and they were very tall, very tall, completely light beings. Their bodies look just like mine, but maybe eight to nine feet tall. If I had to guess, very, very lanky, they didn't have any of the curvatures really that we have very long, very, very pale, extremely white. And I knew that they were like a mother and father to me that I had known them forever, that we had been together. And it brought me such comfort because I never had a mother and a father in this life and to know that they're not on Earth right now. I was no longer seeking them. I was so glad that they knew who I was. And they remembered me and I remembered them. And they said, Don't Don't cry, you've already died before and I go, how did I die? What do you mean, and they said, You died to be born there. You died here to be born there. Let me show you. And they showed me that my body went completely numb, and my spirit had to disengage from my bought my body in that world to come to this one. It felt like death to me there and I was crying there to saying I don't want to die. They're like you're not dying, you're being born, it's okay, you'll come back, I was afraid, because it starts at your feet and moves upward as your awareness is transferring into that fetal body or into that baby body. You know, and it's a trap, you feel trapped, you know, it's very loud. I remember all of that happening. Where I had a fully functional body, I was completely able to think and move freely. And then I was being into this tiny infant body. And they were showing me that that was death to me there to be born here. And then I said, I was still a very upset and they showed me my guides. And I was shocked to find out I had a different guide for each part of my life. And they had all my memories I had one is a baby that just was with me from ages zero to two. And that guy just stayed with me because it loves to be around infants and enjoys that time of life and enjoys guiding a soul through the infancy. Then I had another guide from two to four years old. And this guide had all my memories. That's what was shocking to me, every guide had every memory. So I had a playmate from two to four that showed me the toys I played with from the ages of two to four and they were correct. The memories I had I had one from four to six years old. And then from six to nine when my sexual abuse started, I had a guide that was there just to support me through that time, that God was with me through everything that I was never alone. I felt alone. But I was never alone. I had a guide that was with me in my early teens from 10 to 12 When I started self harm, and they had all my memories. And I told him I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to be here and they said that the core of my being every human spirit has it's called the core of your being and it is the part that is instilled within I guess, the mother's womb or the fetus. However to help this website's implanted Your soul then begins to come into that body, it has a choice, but it begins to come into that body. And the core of the being can die, even while a soul is on earth. And when that happens, the person will get suicidal, they'll become addicted, they'll lose the light in their eyes. They'll become homicidal, all these different, strange, human behavioral phenomenons happen when we disconnect from the core of our being, which is our higher self, we can do that through drug use, or abuse, or we can disconnect. And they said, you know, the core of your being is dying, and don't let it die. You know, you're okay. And I said, Why do I feel like I'm dying, and then, which is the most fanatical thing they said, because you're dying in your past life. But I was like, what? And they said to me, I was poisoned at the same age that I was in this life. Four years ago, the same age, in my last life, I was poisoned. And in this life, I was experiencing the with no physical reason, the exact same symptoms, pain, suffering, food intolerances, fear, foods phobia, everything I was experiencing, was in perfect match in alignment to what I had just experienced in my past life. And then I said, you know, telepathically Why am I going through it again? And they go, because they're happening at the same time, which I couldn't grasp. I'm like, What do you mean, they're happening at the same time? And they're like, Well, when you heal this life, heal, heal that one. And that it ended, I had heard that, but I didn't know what that meant to mean that you're saying a part of me is living in the past, at this very moment being poisoned by somebody by a family member. And I'm experiencing that physical energetic residue in this current life. And they said, Yes, and this is why you're afraid to die, because your death was going to happen tomorrow. At the same time, as it was happening in that, that timeline. So I was physically experiencing that. And that healing I did the day before my death. Actually, I don't know if it stopped it, but it definitely stopped all the symptoms for me in this life. So it was really an unusual NBe I really felt comforted. I've never, I don't I don't know if anybody that talks of tall light beings, being family, but when I felt so happy, because I began to look up, you know, Star seeds, and I feel so happy because I'm like, Oh my gosh, this explains so much. You know about Star seeds, because I knew that they were, you know, Nordic, I knew that when I looked them up immediately, I recognized myself as well you know, six foot blonde hair, food intolerances, psychic ability, healing, ability, ability to, to have thought communication, so it really felt good. And I have felt so grounded and connected since then. I've really never suffered with that feeling of loneliness that I had before that experience.

Alex Ferrari 48:07
So after this after this nde, had you come out of the closet, if you will, like publicly?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 48:13
Yes, yes, I was way out of the closet. But I didn't really know why I still felt different. Yeah, I was channeling already. So I was already doing messages I had done my first 200 readings for St. Jude's kids. I had worked on Sandy Hook. Columbine, the Green River Killer I had done missed over 40 Missing Persons I had done, I've done about 100, pro bono medium ships for cold cases I do, quote, yeah, I always try to do cold cases, I try to keep a balance spiritually of what I get paid to do. And what I do for free. So I'm scholarship if people need help, they can just apply for it. And I do a lot of cold cases, for people that have lost traction on their case, and I connect to the souls and try to give clues or information. And then I do a lot of water medical mediumship Believe it or not now, because of that experience. I now see why so many clients have physical problems that may or may not even relate to their body at this moment.

Alex Ferrari 49:16
Right. Right. For my understanding is that like, if you have a, you know, your your shoulder hurts, and it's been chronic all your life, and there's never really been an issue for you never had an injury for it. You could have been hit there with an axe during the Middle Ages, or something along those lines. Or if you have like a mole or something on your back. You might have been shot in a war back there. And that's where it's manifesting in Yeah. Is that Is that what is that?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 49:44
Absolutely. That is absolutely true. And I mean, I have now got to work with I've done over 150,000 sessions at this point. And that's a lot of sessions and I can tell you that at least 20,000 of the people that I work with and do session work for I don't call them readings, their sessions, and that they'll actually come through and show me in their Akashic that they are not always living concurrent, some people are living concurrent, some people with schizophrenia are living concurrent lives. And they're picking up on two or three different perceptions, which is sad that we don't understand that yet. But some people are living concurrent. And once we realize that we can address that and actually separate the timelines, and they don't no longer experience they have. I mean, we've I've seen personally working with clients, remissions of cancers, lupus, fibromyalgia, just so many different things. I've seen injuries, and I've seen people that had what I call war wounds, because they did really have them. And once we address them, we heal them. And we separate the timelines.

Alex Ferrari 50:57
It's amazing. It's interesting. From your experience, I've heard this is that we there are multiple parallel lifetimes going on to us currently.

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 51:09
Never heard that until then.

Alex Ferrari 51:11
Right, so from what I understand, it's that we have parallel lives in this life. We also have our past lives, our future lives all happening at the same time, too, which is fascinating in my head hurts thinking about it. But as we moving to so in this conversation, you and I are in the same timeline and our lives at this time period on Earth. But if we make a decision, that's a major decision, not like if I catch up or amusing mustard, but every major decision splits off to another timeline. So like, and I always use example, like, what if I did date, Billy, how about if I married Billy, what would have happened? If I married Billy, my high school sweetheart? What would have happened? And there's an entire timeline that they show you on the other side, sometimes to just for you to go, oh, that's what would have happened. All right. Yeah. I'm glad it didn't go that way. Or did I take that job in New York or not take that job in New York? How would my life changed? Or something along those lines? What is your understanding of that world?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 52:08
You know, I did not know about Nexus points. But that is exactly what it is. There's nacwa. There's Nexus points, where I was calling them wishbone moments when I was 17. Right. Because like a wishbone. I was like, Oh, I could stay, I could go. But there's always a there's always a consequence, you know, and not necessarily a bad one. But it's just this is the consequence, if you stay this is the consequence, if you go when I came back from this second nde, which was an out of body and nde I don't know if it's truly technically but I do know, I was fully absent from the body. And I and I was experiencing my pre death existence. So I would still call it that. I definitely feel as if I was being told that a my oversoul was going to come back with me more. So I would never be as separate from my higher self as I was before that experience. And when they told me that I was living another life at the same time. That was not a question that was an absolute like, yes, time is not as linear as you think. Many things are happening. And yes, to answer the question, Nexus points, it's where paths cross or converge, and you have two spiritual contracts you can go. So we'd like to say it is something that they told me was a bigger decision. But it had to be a decision that affects contracts for it to change timelines. So it can't just be I'm gonna go with the red shoe or a blue shoe or I'm gonna go on a date with Jimmy or a date on Anthony. It has to be if you had a contract with Anthony, then yes, that would be a nexus point. And if you simply had a contract with Gavin then that would also be a Nexus. So if you had signed a soul contract to help Gavin through addiction, you're gonna help Anthony through the death of his mother. Then whichever way you go is then formulating a separate timeline. Absolutely true.

Alex Ferrari 54:00
What when you came back? You had already you already been working. You've already been doing sessions. You're all in at this point. When you first decided to come out of the Spirit clock was it? Yeah, that's literally the Blue Cross. Because you're a witch obviously. Yeah. To come out, how was that? How was that? How did it how did the people around you deal with it?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 54:25
Oh, terrible. Terrible.

Alex Ferrari 54:29
I mean, it just saying stories. I'm like saying like, I'm going all in. I'm gonna be a professional doing

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 54:35
Oh, my God. I got laughed at a town I believe the small town I was in. Everybody's like, Oh, she can't be a psychic. I know her. She's in the PTA. The PTA. Like I know. She's not a psychic. She's a soccer moms like, Get real. You know? People don't understand that. Just like you can be a psychic butcher Baker, candlestick maker. It's a level of awareness. It's not a one time thing, it's not a one label. Like you can be an Italian, right? Catholic motocross racer like there's, we can tribute and quantify multiple labels to ourselves. I actually don't even call myself psychic. Because I don't know if I like the label, maybe because it was so associated with witchcraft, and it's not so All

Alex Ferrari 55:26
Right, and you might have been burned at the stake somewhere.

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 55:28
I was actually I was shown that I did. That was my first that was my first parallel life that I saw. And they were so proud of me. I forgot to mention that. Yes, it was like 14 1432, I was actually, I was actually killed, I was actually burned alive. And with my house and everything, and it wasn't just me, it was me and a daughter. We were both burned alive. And so my fear of coming out in this life was about transmuting, the fear of persecution and judgment and ridicule. So to go back to my story, that's exactly what I faced was persecution, fear and ridicule. I was laughed at I was thrown out of the church. I have since then not been able to get a temple recommend even though I live all the gospel principles. I tie that did everything I was denied simple membership. So I eventually left the church. I joined a non denominational Christian Church tried to be with them. Same thing happened because of my job. My kids aren't even allowed in the Christian homeschoolers grew. I've dealt with a lot of of that, you know, and you know what I realize it's a limited belief and idea based on perception. So I don't internalize it. But it was awful to be in a small town I was laughed at. I mean, people would say things like, if I got a ticket, like, couldn't you predict that? Or if I had anything like my roof leaks? Well, couldn't you predict that? What's the lotto numbers? What's the you know, whatever. And so there's a lot of like, misunderstanding with how this gift works. A, I don't use it for myself. I don't use it for myself, I use it for the betterment of others. And through that I am blessed by helping others I heal myself. And by healing others, I heal the future so I raised my vibration by raising others but I don't use it you know, to get I don't gamble. I don't do lotto numbers or, you know, bet on the races. People don't understand that. So as long as you I think in the beginning, I really took it personal, Alex, but now I just kind of laugh at it and just it just goes over my head. I don't worry about it.

Alex Ferrari 57:37
Sunshine I'm going to ask you a few questions. Ask all my guests. What is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 57:43
Oh, man, I live it everyday. Living a fulfilled life is first having self love. Like I said that first one was major if you don't, if you can't find a way to love yourself, then the love other people give you will never be enough. So if you seek all validation and others, they can take that away. So loving yourself, no matter what it is you love about yourself. Number two, surround. It's all love calling for love. So finding love within the world, whether it's with a group of friends, whether it's with your pet, whether it's just helping others, it can be orphans, you know, I have 30 Orphans I take care of I love them. And there's always this exchange frequency of just love. So love yourself, love others and find a purpose in life because without purpose, it's very easy to get discouraged and bogged down and stuck in ourselves.

Alex Ferrari 58:37
If you had a chance to go back in time and speak to a little Sunshine. What advice would you give her?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 58:41
Oh, man, you're such a beautiful powerful being and I'm so grateful that I got to walk the planet with you and keep transmuting because that's we're all really here to do that anyways just to transmute learn the lessons level up and go back and tell the story and laugh about it later.

Alex Ferrari 58:58
How do you define God or Source?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 59:01
We are we're from it. I always try to define it now as God is a disco ball. And we are each a fractal of that. And depending on where you stand in the room, I actually have a disco ball in the center and we teach this right here in the center. You know some people are gonna see it as the feminine some people might see it as the masculine Some will see it as Krishna, some is Buddha, samba Shiva, Parvati, Mary Joseph, Jesus, it's all source. We're all part of source expressing ourselves. And that's what I believe there. Were never separate. That's just an idea. If we can convince people they're separate from God, and we can sell them the plan for how to get back to them.

Alex Ferrari 59:45
Yes, I don't know about you. A God's been telling me I need a Learjet so you can send donations to. What is love?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 59:58
Love is the ability to give and receive of yourself. So to give something of yourself and to receive something of yourself, and I always teach that love is not a feeling, but rather the action of looking after someone's best interest, whether you're with them, or it's behind their back. And what is the ultimate purpose of life is to serve God and to serve each other, just to serve to just be of service to and I tell, I have a lot of clients that are in I'm virtual. So I do a show virtually. And I teach that we are all God's expression of love on the planet. So learn to love one single living thing. And if you've done that you already have a great purpose. Feed a cat water, a plant, hug a child, say hi to a neighbor, just do something to make the world a little better. Even if your house found, find one small thing can just give it a little bit of love. And you've already made such a difference on the whole planet.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:55
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 1:00:59 is pretty simple. You can just hit Sunshine Frost on Google. I have a YouTube channel. It is spirit. Dr. Sunshine Frost Tiktok. I have a nightly show called Spirit. Dr. Sunshine Frost and pretty much the same on Instagram and Facebook.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:15
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 1:01:17
I love the show. I love the next level soul family thank you to the one tribe. That's my group. We're called one tribe because we believe in healing ourselves, then turning back to heal each other, hopefully healing the community raising the vibration. So I just want to thank everybody that got me here because I didn't do this by myself. I think my guides, Angel stores, I thank you for doing the show. I'm a very big fan. But it's because I see the important work you're doing giving a platform to so many who truly need to hear these messages so they don't feel alone anymore. If I can help like 117 year old girl not do or zero guide, not do what I did or get stuck, then I feel like all of it's been worth it.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:07
This has been such a pleasure having you and thank you so much for sharing your amazing story of awakening. Like I said, Your misadventures. It's your spiritual journey. So I appreciate you in what you're doing to help awaken the planet. So thank you, my dear!

Dr. Spirit Sunshine Frost 1:02:21
Thanks so much, Alex.

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