Qurbani, also known as Udhiyah or the sacrifice offered during the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. This is a significant act of worship in Islam, particularly during the days of Eid al-Adha. Let's delve into the steps:
1. Significance of Qurbani:
- The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are highly favored by Allah. Qurbani is a sunnah, heavily emphasized, and, according to some scholars, considered obligatory. It is a way to get closer to Allah and gain more rewards.
2. Who Should Offer Qurbani:
- Qurbani is required from any Muslim who can afford it. It is an act of worship on behalf of oneself and the members of the household. Both men and women can offer Qurbani.
3. When to Offer Qurbani:
- Qurbani can be offered from the period after the Eid prayer until the last day of Dhul-Hijjah. The sacrifice is allowed in the country where the person lives, or it can be done in a different country.
4. Conditions of Udhiyah:
- The animal selected for sacrifice should be free of faults, without any visible defects. The basic principle is that the Qurbani should be offered if one can afford the price of the Udhiyah.
5. Refrain from Cutting Hair and Nails:
- Those intending to offer Qurbani should refrain from cutting their hair and nails from the beginning of the ten days until after the sacrifice is performed.
6. Amount of Qurbani:
- One sheep is sufficient for a man and his family. Alternatively, seven people can share a camel or a cow, as mentioned in a hadith. One-seventh of a camel or cow is equivalent to one sheep.
7. Sacrificing the Animal:
- The sacrifice should take place from the Eid prayer until the last day of Dhul-Hijjah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized that sacrificing before the prayer is not valid.
8. Distribution of Meat:
- It is preferred to divide the meat into three parts: one-third for personal consumption, one-third as gifts, and one-third given in charity.