Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode DE011
Alex Ferrari 0:00
Tell me what your life was like before you died.
Amber Cavanagh 0:08
So I was actually born gifted. I was a psychic medium from the moment, my earliest memory. So super, super young. And so, you know, I was always kind of different. I didn't really fit in. I didn't know what was wrong with me when I was young. And so I was fairly isolated. I had, I struggled making friends and stuff like that. But I grew up I learned to deal with it. had kids got married all that. So it's a much longer story. But that's in a nutshell. And so it was coming up to Christmas. I should have known because December 23, nothing good ever happens in our family, but we had spent the day the 22nd. I'm making gingerbread houses with my kids and our old foster kids, because we've been foster parents on and off. And so it was a busy day, and I knew, prepping for a big dinner there was going to be like, I think 30 People coming for dinner. And so we had a big huge day. And we were gonna watch a Christmas movie, my kids and my husband and I are sitting down watching a movie. And I all of a sudden got the worst headache headache of my entire life. I couldn't even function I just but I've had headaches kind of chronically tension headaches, stuff like that. I have, you know, some back and neck issues. So it's not wasn't totally uncommon, but it was really painful. So I said, You know what, guys, I just not feeling well. I have a really bad headache. I'm gonna go to bed. So they stayed watching a Christmas movie. And I went to bed and about an hour later, I guess I don't fully remember it. I texted my husband and said, this headache is really bad. Can you bring me some Tylenol and Advil? And he's like, Okay. And so we brought me that. And I guess I fell asleep. The doctors think I fell into unconsciousness because the headache was caused by my carotid dissection. Left carotid dissecting it, I guess can be really painful. And so I fell asleep, probably around 1030 At night, and I woke up at 4:45 in the morning. And I had no idea what was going on. I thought maybe I had sleep paralysis, because I couldn't properly move. And I didn't understand why. And it turns out, we found out like I was completely paralyzed on the right side of my body. I didn't even have a shadow of movement don't like they poked me nothing. And I also lost all speech. And so I was in bed, but my husband wasn't there. And so I was like what is happening? What is going on, and I thought I was dreaming. So I wanted to get to the bathroom, which was right beside the bed. And so I pushed myself off with my left hand and somehow sat on the edge of the bed. And then I tried to stand up while I was paralyzed, and I fell and you have a really tall bed for some reason, hit the whole bed on the way down. And then I realized I was not dreaming. And I had no idea what was going on. And I just needed to get to my husband. And it turns out he had fallen asleep on the couch. And so I was trying to like hook army crawl with one arm to the door. I couldn't move. Paralyzed weight is dead weight. You can't you can't do anything can't move. But there was a wall. And so I banged on the wall really, really hard. And I guess my husband had kind of stirred when I fell out of bed. But when he didn't hear anything else, he had fallen back asleep. And then I banged on the wall. And he came in. And it's like you didn't turn the light on. He's like, What are you doing while you're on the floor? And I'm I couldn't talk i i could say two words. Michelle, which is my sister's name for some reason. And fuck, which that's not helpful. And I could, yeah, because swearing is on the other side of my brain, which is wonderful. And I could like grunt or something. And he's like, why are you on the floor and he tried to pick me up and I weighed a ton and he couldn't under so he turned the light on came around. And he is a level three first aid attendant for work. And he looked at me and something you shouldn't say when somebody's having a stroke. I think you're having enough in stroke. And then he put me through the test, put your arms up, smile talk, like the be fast thing and I couldn't do any of it. So he called 911 My parents live in our basement suite and my mom had heard the banging so she came up of course because you know everybody's so human. I didn't have clothes on I had underwear and so I'm trying to tell them I'm cold Can I have some clothes before the amulet but I couldn't talk and they couldn't understand what I was saying. And so with my not paralyzed arm I started hitting myself but they thought I was saying I'm in pain. I strokes aren't painful. You cannot feel and you don't It doesn't wake you up. It's not Yeah, it just doesn't hurt, paralyze big, feels weird, but it doesn't hurt. And so I kept doing that. Finally my mum got it and put on a pair of pants and like a fancy sweater, I don't know why. And they the paramedics came, and they said, they didn't think it was a stroke. They they thought it was drunk, and so or fly because we live in a nice neighborhood, a nice house, and they just thought I was a drunk housewife. And they were really rude. And we're moving really, really slow. And my husband was getting super angry. And he's like, she doesn't drink. She doesn't smoke. She doesn't take birth control. This is a stroke. Look at her. She can't smile, she can't talk.
What are you doing? Let's go. So they very slowly got me into the ambulance. And my husband couldn't come in the ambulance again COVID. They're super strict about stuff, because it was in 2021. So we're just starting to be able to gather. And so halfway, they didn't turn the sirens on. And I know now because after having that first stroke, the first two, I had a few TAs and as soon as they suspect stroke, they call it on an radio and say, stroke code coming in. And so they didn't call it halfway through to the hospital, I grabbed the guy, I grabbed his hand because I was so scared. And I looked at him like trying to say like, I can feel like I'm dying. And he looked at me finally, and he said to the guy in the friend, I think it actually is a stroke deal, didn't turn on the sirens still didn't call a stroke code took me to the hospital in triage. And then they were all kind of shooting the shit with all the other paramedics while I was just sitting there. Finally a guy and the guy who checks you in triage, turned around and looked at me and said, What are you guys doing? She's clearly having a stroke. And then a stroke called Code was called and everybody came running in that time, my husband was on the way he had called my one sister, and she's on the way my kids didn't come, my husband was trying to protect them and wasn't sure what was happening or anything like that. So they took me straight to CT. And I started going kind of in and out of consciousness, all this stuff happened that they found out, it's I had a massive stroke, a completed stroke, and it caused a secondary stroke, and I'm dying. And so they need to light like me. So they got everything arranged to lifeflight me because I did brain surgery, that was the only option. They gave me TPA, it didn't work. That's the one that reverses strokes, didn't work, and didn't even get a shadow of anything back. I couldn't talk still. And so all the family came said goodbye, I got into the helicopter. And they let my husband come because I said I was probably going to die before we got to the other hospital. And we took off and the sun hit my face. And my husband tried to block it out, I closed my eyes when the sun hit my face. And I woke up on the other side, there was no in between there was no go towards the light, there was no one telling me to come or calling me there. I just close my eyes and open them. And I was in the most beautiful garden I have ever seen in my entire life or felt like there were colors that don't exist here I had no shoes on. And so just even the grass between my toes was like nothing you've ever experienced, it was more peaceful than any moment I've had as a human in this life, there was a creek and I could put my toes in it. And it was like everything radiated God's love and energy. And there is a certain glow kind of like Avatar, you know, a certain glow to everything. So every molecule could connect energetically with everything else. So the grass could feel the water, the water can feel the feel the flowers, I could feel all of that there was no separation. And my guides were there. And I had already known my guides. So I recognize them. There were a few of my loved ones sort of standing to the side, as well as my husband and my kid. Because I was there to make a choice. I had to choose whether or not I wanted to come back. And if the choice was I have to leave my husband and kids. And when it would not even be a choice I would just come back. But our higher selves are always there. So there's always a piece of be there. There's always a piece of you there. Every human in existence as a higher self or a higher being that is always on the other side kind of like the puppet master for all of your life. And so I needed to know that my kids and my husband would be with me, no matter the choice. My mother in law was there. She passed also on December 23 and bad day some of my pets were there. I didn't talk to any of them. I didn't need to I didn't go up to them. Everything was telepathic. They were just there in support. And then off to the other side, there was a huge group of people. And when you cross over, why no longer exists? So everything that we wonder or think, why would that ever happen? Why? It's gone? There's no why because you know, everything in the second year there, all of your hands, human on the ship is gone. And so there was this big group of people and I looked, and in a millisecond, I was like, Oh my gosh, those are all of my other lives. They look different than me, men, women, children, old people, young people, all different time dimensions. So past, present, and future, some looked like 1800, some looked like 2300s. And they were they're also in support, because we all kind of work together on the other side, not here necessarily. And so my guides, didn't tell me what to do. They didn't say you have to go back or not. They did tell me what would happen for either outcome. So they told me, you know, if you choose to stay here, that's totally fine. And this is what your kid's life will look like your husband's life will look like your family, this is what's going to happen, or sort of the future of everything you leave for choose not to go back to and then they showed me what would happen if I chose to go back, they said you will do amazing things. But the first 18 months, you'll want to die, it will be so hard that you will question why you came back and let me tell you, it was it was the first six months especially It was horrific, I did want to go back. But they said the reason for that is in 18 months, you are going to learn a lifetime of patience, because that's the main theme in my life. This This one is patience. And I've always struggled with it patients with myself and others. And I needed to learn a lifetime's worth of patients and 18 months, because after that, I would switch from 70% learning life and 30% teaching life to like 60 to 70% teaching life and only 30% learning. So essentially putting some of the lessons I might have learned aside so I could teach more people about I don't know, awesome things, which hopefully is now what I'll do. And so I felt like I had 50 years to decide there was no rush, there was no judgment, God didn't tell me to come back or not. God's energy was there, I could feel it. But there was no suggestion of, you know, if you don't come back here, you know, I'm judging you when you're failing and whatever, there was nothing, nothing like that. And so I pushed my feet in the grass, it felt like for a long time, because it just felt so amazing. stood in the water. And I could see myself here, I can see my family, I could see them bargaining with God, saying, you know, if she lives, I will do everything and anything you ever want, I will change my life, all this sort of stuff, I could see them all tacking because they were going to drive to the second hospital, I could see my body. And I could see, it was still clinging to life. My I was still in the helicopter, my temperature was rising. Because my brain was shutting down, I started helicopter land, and come to me get to the hospital. And my guides explained that I needed to make the choice. By the time I had a grand mal seizure, because of the brain swelling by the time the seizure was done, because I was going to go back into my body when the seizure was done. If I was going to die, my brain would keep swelling, and I would be brain dead because I would keep having seizures. And so finally, it felt like finally even though it was It wasn't that long that I was, you know, out of my body. I said you know, I'm gonna go back I really want to do this. And the second I made the decision so I wasn't in the garden anymore. I was in this like light filled waiting room, because my soul chose to not be in my body for the seizure because it's painful. So I was in this light filled rig kind of I think I've heard stories of people like above a hospital bed, when they're getting surgery and stuff like that. I think it's it was kind of like that, like this sort of little waiting area if you don't want to be in a body that's super painful. And as soon as the pain was done, I was not in the waiting room anymore. I was in my body and I was unconscious for a couple days a day two days. Yeah. And that's then when sort of the battle with my human self started. Yeah, thought is literally everything and God does not have the ability to judge to hate anything. God is just love God did not give me an opinion of what I should or shouldn't do. God made me feel strong enough to make the decision on my own.
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