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Who shall be the Disciplinary authority? What are the specific conditions?
Jul 312024
-Who shall be the Disciplinary authority? What are the specific conditions? • It is the rank of the Appointing authority that is important, not the Designation. • SSPOs in Junior Time Scale and in Senior Timescale, though both known as Sr. Supdts. by designation, are different in rank. • If an official is appointed by a Supdt of Post Offices, who is in Group B, but confirmed in the post by a Sr.Supdt of Post Offices in Group A Senior Timescale, only a Group A Senior Time scale officer can impose one of the major penalties on him. • An Appellate authority or an authority higher than the Appointing authority cannot exercise any concurrent original disciplinary jurisdiction, ie, cannot initiate disciplinary action against a Government servant. • Such authorities are also forbidden to issue any direction in regard to the penalty to be imposed. • The President can impose any of the penalties on any Government servant. ------------------------------------ Visit for latest Government Orders. #Kayveeyes #Yours_Kayveeyes #K_V_Sridharan #NFPE #P3 #Postal Disciplinary authority Adhic disci0linary authority Penalties Disciplinary rules

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