In the vast tapestry of existence, we find ourselves entwined with the profound mysteries of life, death, and the realms beyond. On today’s episode, we welcome Sandra Champlain, a beacon of light in the field of near-death experiences (NDE). Sandra has dedicated her life to exploring the realms that lie beyond our earthly understanding, and her journey has touched the lives of many.
Sandra’s path to understanding NDEs began from a place of deep personal fear. Growing up with an intense fear of death, she embarked on a journey that would eventually transform her life. As a chef by trade, she spent over 30 years catering to race car teams, but her nights were often filled with existential dread. Despite being raised Catholic, Sandra sought comfort beyond her faith, delving into various spiritual practices and beliefs.
One pivotal moment in Sandra’s journey was her attendance at a mediumship course in California. Initially skeptical, Sandra found herself experiencing undeniable moments of connection with the spirit world. She recounts a striking experience where she visualized a deceased man’s spirit during a practice session, only to have the details confirmed by her partner in the exercise. This encounter marked the beginning of Sandra’s deep dive into the world of mediumship and NDEs.
Throughout her exploration, Sandra discovered the powerful phenomenon of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). Her first successful EVP recording, capturing a clear “Good night, Sandra” from a deceased relative, left her both terrified and exhilarated. This experience fueled her commitment to understanding and sharing the reality of life after death. Sandra’s story is a testament to the profound impact of verifiable evidence in transforming fear into a deep-seated belief in the continuity of life beyond physical death.
Sandra’s work has brought her into contact with countless individuals who have had near-death experiences. She emphasizes the common threads in these accounts, such as the life review process. Describing it as an “omni Max theater with all these different screens,” Sandra explains how people relive their actions and emotions from both their perspective and that of others they impacted. This profound experience often leads individuals to a greater understanding of their life’s purpose and the importance of love and kindness.
- The Power of Belief: Sandra’s journey from skepticism to certainty showcases the transformative power of belief, supported by verifiable experiences and evidence. Her story encourages us to remain open to the possibilities beyond our current understanding.
- Life Review and Accountability: The concept of the life review teaches us that our actions have profound impacts, not just on ourselves but on others. This encourages a life of empathy, kindness, and mindfulness.
- The Comfort of Continuity: Understanding that life continues beyond physical death provides immense comfort and can alleviate the fear of dying. Sandra’s experiences and research offer hope and assurance that our loved ones remain connected to us in meaningful ways.
In this profound conversation, we have Sandra Champlain guiding us through the intricate dance between life and death. Her insights and experiences remind us that the journey of the soul is infinite, filled with lessons, love, and everlasting connections. Sandra’s work illuminates the path for those seeking to understand the mysteries that lie beyond, offering a beacon of hope and understanding in the face of life’s greatest uncertainties.
Please enjoy my conversation with Sandra Champlain.
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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 475
Sandra Champlain 0:00
I brought my recording into class the next day. And the other people that were in class all had somebody very significant who died, whether it was a child or a spouse, and they could all hear my recording. And I could see on their faces the difference that it made for them verifiable evidence, whether it's people meeting their great grandparents or someone who they didn't know existed and coming back and having that or those people that are on an operating table and flatlined, and they can read the name tags. A lot of people see loved ones. But that life review Yeah, I believe it. I've heard it explained different ways. Some people say it's like an omni Max theater with all these different screens. But it's all happening at the same time, which is mind blowing, we can think of that.
Alex Ferrari 1:02
I'd like to welcome to the show, a Sandra Champlain. How you doing Sandra?
Sandra Champlain 1:06
I'm doing great, Alex. Thanks so much for having me.
Alex Ferrari 1:09
Thank you so much for coming on the show. I just love the way your name sounds, just rolls off the tongue. I had to say it that way. So I appreciate you coming. You are you are in as they say, an original gangster, an OG in this in the near death experience space. You've been around doing this? You were one of the you were one of the first doing, you know, a podcast 10 years ago, that's essentially, you know, what, who was doing a podcast about near death experiences. 10 years ago, I started podcasting. Honestly, almost nine years ago, but only three years I've been doing this show, but I started podcasting in 2015. So I guess you started around 2014.
Sandra Champlain 1:49
Correct. And I didn't know what I was doing. And I didn't know if anybody listening. I just the quality wasn't great. I didn't care. I had some great stories and great interviews. And I wanted to share them. So it comes from a very authentic place. I know you do too. So just want to serve people help people have better lives and share with them what we know.
Alex Ferrari 2:11
So what got you interested in the near death experience space? Because it's, I mean, it's not where all the cool kids hang out, that's for sure. And especially 10 years ago, so what got you interested in this whole in this whole process?
Sandra Champlain 2:27
It's the whole realm of life after death, and near death experiences are part of it. I have never had a near death experience. But I've interviewed hundreds of people that have where my story goes back. I'm a chef by trade, spent over 30 years catering for race cars and the MC series owned by NASCAR. And that was my day job. But growing up, and up until the mid 90s, I had an incredible fear of dying, that just wouldn't go away. I was raised Catholic, and very secretly. I started studying other stuff. I mean, no all kinds of different religions. Yes, yes. I couldn't find that comfort, even though in the Catholic phase faith, they believe in life after death, surely, but that wasn't enough to rest to my fears. And so very secretly, I went on this journey of what's possible. The subtitle of my book, first of all, my book is called We Don't Die A Skeptics Discovery of Life After Death. I didn't believe in any of this. I was open. But I was raised in a family where you have to see it to believe it. Dad, an airline pilot, mom, travel agent, there was a local psychic medium in town, who kept making false predictions. So somewhere in my young mind, that whole world of that kind of spirituality. You know, I wouldn't say the woowoo stuff. I didn't believe in any of that. So in the 90s, when this fear of dying hit me, and it hit me hard, I go to bed at night. Panicked, like, what would happen if this was my last night, where I'd look up at the stars and start thinking about how endless the universe is, right? And it all came back as fear. So with that, I went on this journey. And the first thing I did is I, well, after looking at the religions out there, I had met a friend, nice lady, but she talked about angels and spirit guides, and I thought, you know, you're so nice. I just wish you wouldn't talk like that. Right? That was me. But she would talk about angels and she gave me a deck of angel cards that were called. And I went off on one of my racetrack catering adventures, you know, eight or nine days cooking in the heat. I was down in Sebring, Florida, and I had this deck of cards with me. Every day I'd pull a card just thinking any card would apply, right. But every day, I picked out the exact same card after shuffling the deck. And the card was music, listen to music. And typically I didn't listen to music when I was cooking. We were working. So fast pace, and I didn't want music to slow me down. But in this case I did, I turned on the radio. But on a peppy station, what happened was I started knowing the songs before they came on the radio before they were announced. It creeped me out because this would be a psychic ability. And certainly if psychic and medium abilities were real, I wouldn't have known right because I didn't believe in any of this. So it kept happening. And I would have other synchronistic times I'd know somebody's name before they introduce themselves or the phone would ring and be a telemarketer. And I knew their name. Bottom line is I ended up taking a weekend course out in California on mediumship. The promise of the course was if you attend, you're someone who can see the deceased people around others. I so wanted this to be true, Alex, but my skeptical mind said it's impossible. There's only one way to know for sure. And that's to go. So I lied to everybody in my life. And I said I was just going to kind of a business meeting. And I went to this medium school. There were only about 15 people in the class. It lasted for the weekend, the instructor said, the first experience I guess I've had is she says I want to tell everyone how a medium reading is done. She says you just create the safe space, this bubble of light between you and another person and invite in their loved ones. They're still people. So have respect for them, introduce yourself, and if there's any information that they would like to tell you to give to the recipient. Okay, so she says we're not going to be medium now. But we're going to just do a trial run for later trial run. I can do that. I'm creative as a chef. So we each took a partner I didn't know anyone there and I went first to close my eyes and around this lady, I just imagined this big, beautiful bubble of light. And very, respectively. I said if any of her loved ones want to come through with the message I'm here. I honestly believed I made this up. So with my eyes closed, I'm telling her story. I see a man behind you. I'm feeling it's your grandfather on your mom's side. He's a fisherman in Denmark. He's his name is Yan. He had blond hair and blue eyes. In my brain. I created him smoking a big cigarette and coughing. So I thought he died of lung cancer. And he had big gap between his front teeth. And so I continued on, I said, I'm feeling like, he wants you to give a message to your mom. That he never said I love you. And he's proud of her, you know, that sort of message. But in life, he never said I love you. So I opened my eyes just simply to say okay, you're next and the lady's crying. her grandfather's name was Yan. He was a fisherman and Denmark fit the entire description. And she was always told by her mom that her dad was rough and tough never said, I love you. It was right on. And I was stunned. And then it was her turn to work with me again, make believe. And she described my grandfather that came he used to walk with his name, the German Shepherd dog that was always by his side. So it was that moment that I knew that there was something more. And that fear of death just started dissipating. Like there's something here there's something this is real. Now the bad news is, is every time I tried to be a medium, it seemed like it wouldn't work when I was okay with being wrong. And when I felt like I was creating and relaxed. That's the time I was right. So I left that weekend seminar. Excited and believing that there's something else but still, I was afraid to tell anybody because well, we all like people to like us, right? And if somebody said Sandra, who do you see around me? And I got it wrong, Alex, I'd be laughed at so I didn't tell anybody. And I didn't actually open my mouth about it until I did some EVP work Electronic Voice Phenomena. Which Shall I continue on?
Alex Ferrari 9:42
Please! Oh, no, please.
Sandra Champlain 9:44
Alex Ferrari 9:44
Absolutely fascinating. Before you start like when I've been brought, I mean people have tried I've had as you as you as well as I we our Rolodex is pretty thick when it comes to psychic mediums near death experiences channelers So we could pick up a phone and call a lot of different people just because of the nature of our work. So a lot of you know, my friends now who are in that space, they've always said to me, Alex, you've got some stuff. I'm like, no, no. And, and they'll guide me through some stuff, or they'll do a guided meditation or something along those lines. And exactly when you said this, when you said, Oh, it's kind of like you're making it up in your head. That's when it's real. Because it feels that way, doesn't it? Like when you're in your mind? You feel like, okay, well, now there's an old guy, his name is Han, he's gap and you're making you feel like you're just your imagination is running wild. But when you have evidential proof evidence right in front of you, then I know that wasn't a story you made up that was my grandpa. That's very powerful. But I think that's something for people listening, who are interested in investigating this kind of phenomenon within themselves. To allow them that's the best. And I've spoken to a lot of people about this. So you're, you're the first one that nailed it for me. Allowing yourself to it's not just your imagination, just go with it. Pretend it's your imagination, but at the end, it's actually something coming through. That's fascinating to me.
Sandra Champlain 11:18
And our imagination is everything I've come to find out because I've I've done some stuff, some wild stuff. And it all happens through our imagination. Being a human, there's two sides of us, you know, we've got the analytical mind that skeptical mind. And I don't know why we believe it so much. Because if anybody's like me, you know, we look in the mirror in the morning, getting old, too many pounds, gray hairs coming in. There's self defeating words that come through, right. And meanwhile, we would never speak to a child or anyone else like we speak to ourselves. So we've got this other side of us the daydreaming side, that love and loving side. That's the side that we use for this communication. So with the medium psychic, all of that were divine souls having a human experience, this 26 plus years has told me we need to get out of the way we need to get that analytical mind out of the way. It's great to have it it keeps us safe. But when we want to connect, and when we want to create it is that place of the imagination, it is that place in the present moment. So anyways, we can talk more about that down the road. But my next story is a juicy one. Go for it. Very juicy. Okay, after I went to the medium class, very secretly, I'm like, what else is there? Right? So I've taken classes in remote viewing with Russell Targ hypnosis. I've studied it all in the realm of life after death, yet still afraid to tell anybody because I tell you, I need to have some good solid proof before I'm going to risk losing relationships over this. I went to Barnes and Noble bookstore at the time. And I said to the universe if I'm meant to help people believe in the afterlife, I need some evidence I need something else. And I see this bright orange book called The Idiot's Guide to communicating with spirits written by Reverend Rita Berkowitz, and Massachusetts, and Reverend Rita not only is a minister, but she in the medium. She's an artist. So I was introduced to spirit art or somebody not only is a medium, but they draw a picture of your loved one, right? Oh my gosh, where can I find a spiritualist church because that's what faith that she belonged to. Little did I know hotel I turned to the back of the book, her church was 45 minutes away from where I lived. I went to a service. And then I went to another service and then I went to another service and in spiritualism, it's kind of like a Christian based event, except for at the very end. The minister does readings on the congregation. And it's a wonderful to watch. On this one particular day though. She had a couple as a guest has guests. They were talking about Electronic Voice Phenomena EVP This is the first time I'd ever heard about this. They both had deceased children from previous marriages, they said they left their house with a fan running and they put the digital tape recorder on a pillow just let it record for 20 minutes. They said we're gonna play for you what was on the recording when we came back in? Alex it was sounds of little kids laughing saying, mommy Daddy, don't be scared. We're still here with you. Wow. My brain had to figure this one out. Because if now people can communicate this way by, I need to know about it. You know, this could be what I need to be able to share this with people. I went home, I bought a book called, there are no dead there is no death by Tom and Lisa Butler, how about EVPs and I started trying to record Well, good Catholic girl Sandra's scared the heck out of myself. And I said, I shouldn't be playing with this. Something's wrong with this
Alex Ferrari 15:31
It's a Ouija board essentially.
Sandra Champlain 15:32
Yes. Which that was taken away when I was a kid, too. Can't play with that no devils work. Several months later, it was actually a Halloween weekend. Back in 2005. I was burnt out from cooking for the race teams just over eating, stress eating, you know, just having a real tough time. And I found out there's a place called the Omega center in Rhinebeck, New York, that has wonderful retreats, you can take a class and art or whatever. So I said, I'd like to go there. And it just nature walks spa, vegetarian cooking. I thought that's a good place to go. I only had this one weekend free. And who was there, Tom and Lisa Butler, teaching Electronic Voice Phenomena. So I felt that was the bread crumbs that like I needed to attend. Scared to death. I didn't know what I was doing. But I was met. There was just five people in the class. And then Tom and Lisa, who were both spiritualist ministers, they were part of the film light noise when that first came out. They trained the Hollywood studios on how to record. But they said all the messages that were that come through are loving or they're funny. Okay. And little did they know it would turn into a horror movie. So even though it became a horror movie, it drew a lot of attention to EVP. And I think that's how most people in the world started realizing this is a real thing. During that weekend, we would do recordings, and then try to listen to them. Well, Tom and Lisa, were hearing lots of things on my recordings, I couldn't hear anything. They said, it's like listening to a different language, you need to know the language before you can understand words, our brains are trying to pick up the background noise as opposed to the subtle words within them. So they told me a lot of great things about my grandparents, who were deceased. And I've had, that's really cool, but I need to hear this myself. So the very last night of before class ended the following day, I went into my cabin, alone, it was pouring rain outside, I held my digital tape recorder up. And I imagined again, the imagination, my aunt, uncle, grandmother and grandfather at the foot of my bed. And I very humbly asked if this is real, and you guys are with me, and I'm supposed to help people believe in at the afterlife. I said, I need you to try to talk really loud. And then I'll say good night. So I let this thing record for just one minute. And I said good night. I played it back. And I didn't have a computer to put it in to loop the sounds over and over. But there it was in second number 46. On the recording, it said in a man's voice voice. Good night, Sandra. And then good night, good night, good night. At scared the heck out of me on one hand, and excited me on the other hand, because suddenly, you hear about the veil between this life and the other is like they can see me but I can't see them. So I was excited. Concerned, went to bed that night a little bit freaked out, I brought my recording into class the next day. And the other people that were in class all had somebody very significant who died, whether it was a child or a spouse, and they could all hear my recording. And I could see on their faces the difference that it made for them. And it was that that had me go out not publicly. But I was no longer afraid. I did this with family members and friends and I started attending afterlife conferences and I would do recordings with people that I met there. And I would go into one of our hotel rooms and we put the shower on for background sound because I figured it's the water that was the white noise that would work. And now I was starting to use my psychic sense along with what we heard. And often we get some really good words that the person could hear and I could hear too, but then I'd see them in my mind's eye and then Alex they pull out a picture and it'd be the same person. Wow. Talk about hat being comforted. it from this girl that was so afraid of dying to know that we live on. So over many years, I continued exploring different things. And I was excited about it. But then, as time went on, I stopped talking about it. You know, I was so busy. We own our own catering business cooking for the race teams. And that little voice got the best to me that said, Who are you who's really going to listen to you know, you're not smart enough? You don't have a book out there. You didn't go to school for any of us who's really going to listen, but somewhere in my mind, I knew if I ever had a book, I'd call it we don't die. Right. I love that title. And I recorded everything that I did. So I kept a journal of everything that I did. But the day came, obviously, because here we are, on this interview today, that in 2010, my dear dad, John Champlain was diagnosed with cancer. Five months later, he died. In those five months, my loving siblings and I turned into monsters, I would say, I didn't think I was a monster, but I'm sure I occurred that way to them. The arguments that happened over dad's care and dad's belongings, and I didn't recognize any of us, it was ugly, it was nasty. It was not predicted. I was the only cinco kid everybody else was married. And so I was able to relocate to Florida, the dad down by dad's side, and then they moved him to Connecticut where they lived. And I was right there with that till the end. Just because I loved him. Right. That's it. Through the course of all of that I got labeled as the greedy narcissistic sister and you know that not only did dad die, and I went through that grief, but the relationships with my siblings was lost. You know, I never give up faith, but it hasn't healed yet. I know from what I've researched that one in three people whose parent and dies, you know, siblings aren't talking to each other. I went through a deep dark depression. I wasn't suicidal. But I felt so low that I totally got it. How somebody could feel this bad and think the only way is out something clicked in me like I'm always this smiley, happy Sandra even stressed out or, you know, bad things happen. I'm usually upbeat, and I'm always the glass half full kind of person. Alex, I was not me, I was somebody else. And for whatever reason, I decided to start studying grief. Why does it have to hurt so bad? Why did we go through this? You know, I mean, we've all Well, I hope someone watching or listening right now has not gone through grief. But it's, I think the worst pain any human being will ever feel. I ended up uncovering a world of grief that I didn't know their stages of dying, also stages of grief. But above and beyond that, I found out that our biology changes when we grieve. We have these healthy neurotransmitters that run through our system. You know, I always think of a car with all the different fluids that a car needs to run. And these neurotransmitters help us as human beings. And I found out that when we grieve, we lose quite a bit of these neurotransmitters, things like serotonin and dopamine, things like that. And they explained for the anger and the sadness and not being able to eat and not being able to sleep or vice versa.
And I thought, oh, that's why I feel so bad. Well, then it said, these neurotransmitters are also in charge of how the world occurs to you, your memory centers, your how you perceive the world. And I that's the aha moment because I was fighting with my siblings about things that never even happened. We can start grieving before someone passes anticipatory grief, it's called. And of course, after someone does, and we grieve for all kinds of reasons, not just over a death. And it started all making sense that we were working with unhealthy brains trying to communicate, when you think of somebody who's a dicted to some kind of a drug, some kind of a substance. And then you take them off, right, take them off that substance. They go through it withdrawal, you would never trust them with your bank account information and other things that are so important. The grieving process is very similar. Our drug is love. When that is broken when grief occurs. Our A system goes haywire. So my thrust for everything I do, and I talk about life after death and grief, and communicating with our loved ones and living a powerful life. But what's beneath all of it is I don't want any more relationships to come apart. There's a huge percentage of people that kill themselves when they're grieving. And I thought I got to talk about this, I ended up recording an audio called How to Survive grief, people can still find it on YouTube, it's out there. And it was about not my journey, but what I learned about grief, and then different things people can do to help raise the levels of these neurotransmitters like getting outside, being with friends and family, you know, hugging a dog, you know, different things, being in the present moment, and how it all works. And so I put that out into cyberworld. You know, I put out on Facebook, which I only had a handful of Facebook friends. But within a month or two over 3000, people had heard it. And I started getting emails that not only did it make sense to people and give them some understanding, but Alex, people speak and to say, I chose not to take my life because of your words. How can I not share this then Right? Oh, another aha moment that if I could be bold enough and figure out how to publish a book, title it we don't die. Tell people everything that I know about the afterlife. Slide In chapter 10 Is that grief audio. And then the rest of the book is how to have a powerful life. While we're here, and I tell everybody, you don't have to buy the book, if you don't want to. On my website, we don't at the bottom, feel free to enter your name and email address. It says you get the first few chapters the secret is it's the entire book. If I can do anything, to get people to read that grief chapter to help save lives, understand grief, help relationships, I'm gonna do it. So that's a gift for just anybody listening.
Alex Ferrari 27:10
You know, as a recovering Catholic myself, how do you balance because there's so many people that are watching and watch our shows that come from a very dogmatic background? You know, heavy programming, I have to Catholic experience as you do. I mean, we were terrified. I was first grade they showed talk to me about hell and the devil. I'm like, what? Well, I don't want to have a first grade. Can you imagine a five year old telling them that there's if you don't eat your broccoli, you're going to hell, stuff like that. It's It was insane. But for people who are watching this, or listening to this on the sly, just like you were at the beginning, doing these little things without anybody in their in their life around them, knowing that they were doing it, and they're having this internal struggle of the programming they got as a child, and the dogma that you know, all this, all these rules that were thrown on them, and balancing what you knew what to be the truth, and what was helping people and what was good. And it seems like what everything that they were telling me. You know, I always tell people, there's great things in the Catholic religion. And obviously, Jesus was a very, very cool guy, his message got a little muddled along the way a little changed here and there by by powers that be. But overall, though, there's a lot of dogma there that it's fear based, fear based. You said Fear, I was afraid I was afraid I was afraid of dying. Of course, you were afraid of dying, you're Catholic. I feel that way. You feel that way. So what can you tell people who are struggling with this, and not just our conversation, but just in general of breaking away from that dogmatic idea that's not serving them anymore, might have served them. And for many people still serve them all the way to the day they die? And that's fine. But for whoever is looking for that alternative route of ideas and thinking like you did, and I did, what advice would you give them?
Sandra Champlain 29:00
Well, thanks for asking. First of all, I think there needs to be intelligence and what we believe when we start looking at the big picture of life. And this is just, I don't want to say it's common sense, because I think we have grown up believing everything the little voice in our head tells us and a lot of that little voice says what either our religion or our parents said or their parents said, but we have to start questioning things. When we think about it, we're living on a planet that is hurling around an ever expanding universe, right? Everything that we look at and touch and see somehow comes from those basic elements. So sometimes I'm mind blown thinking that you and I are connecting right now here looking at each other and we're not in the same room, you know, we start questioning, right reality and even if we look at things down to the quantum level, if we put a little camera in an atom that I'm making up one of our cells inside of us, there'll be nothing, all we are is vibrating energy. I ask people to not believe that little voice of negativity, go back to being a kid when anything's possible, and then look for the intelligence, what would make sense I am of the belief that we're all divine souls having this human experience that we don't die. That's what I 100% believe in. I never tried to push my beliefs on other people. If you want to adopt what I think great if you want to take some of it great. If you don't, it doesn't fit for you. Great. So whether it's our religion, or what other people say, because there's a lot of the self help gurus out there. So a lot of people on YouTube, or podcasts that say this is the truth. Is there one truth? I don't think so? What's your truth? What is the thing that's going to have you get out of bed every morning? Is it believing in reincarnation? Maybe you want to be a good person because of that? Is it believing because of a religion told you something, you're going to be punished? If that empowers you and puts a smile on your face? Great, but I don't think it does. I think we get to a certain age, as human beings, it could happen, because something awful happens like a loved one dies. Or we get diagnosed with an illness that we start asking ourselves the bigger question. And when we slow down enough, and we can get present to ourselves. And dare I say if we can meditate or find that quiet moment in the morning when we wake up or just before we go to bed. Things happen. There is almost 80% of people that believe in the afterlife. But there is probably 80% of people that don't talk about it for the same fear I did. Because people think we're weird, right? Little did I know, when I started opening my mouth. How many people either told me they had some kind of a psychic story, or near death experience. I told you I worked with race car teams, I had a champion winning racecar driver who said I have never told anybody this story, Sandra. But in my younger days, I got into a terrible car wreck. And he said I was in the hospital, I was in a coma. I felt myself flowed out of my body. My grandmother and grandfather were there who are deceased. He says it's a world that looks so much more real than the world we're living. He said it made this life seem like just the dream. He says I was given a choice. Go with grandma and grandpa, or come back to earth. And he said, I saw my body, I saw my mom and dad and brother praying by my body side. And I chose to come back. Of course he did. And he was filled with all kinds of the pain that human beings have. But he said because I had no fear of dying. I had no fear of living. So this guy went to race, you know, 200 240 miles an hour would break before or after anybody else. And he won a lot of championships, because he didn't have that fear of dying. And so as far as religions go, or anything goes, my goal really is to have not be afraid of death. So we're not afraid of life. So that which makes sense to your soul, believe in and know that more people believe than don't. And if it doesn't make sense, or if it sounds too weird, or do you know you don't have to adopt it? There's plenty of people that are x nuns and priests. Even the Vatican has done EVP work, right? So that kind of information is out there. And I'm happy to connect people with any resources.
Alex Ferrari 34:06
Did you hear that the that the Pope just recently came out and says, Ah, hell is kind of a metaphor. It's not really a real place. He literally just said that, like a few weeks ago. And as you can imagine, not well received by the dogmatic following of that, because he's one of those rare hopes. Who's he was, he was put there to kind of shake the Shake, shake the system up a little bit. But he's like, yeah, it's more of a metaphor. And everyone's like, what, what, what, what, that's not what that's what we've been told for the last 1000 2000 years.
Sandra Champlain 34:42
There's no real proof of hell just want to say, I think hell is right here on Earth. This is the worst to get and it's pretty lousy.
Alex Ferrari 34:51
Well, from my research, my understanding is, this is not historical research that I've done, and I've spoken to a lot of scholars about The concept of Hell was picked up by Constantine in the Council of Nicaea. And they put it into the Bible because this isn't held does not exists in the Torah. It does not exist in the old. In the Old Testament, it does not it was just like, from and please in the comments if I'm wrong about the Torah, but it says like when you die, you just kind of like it done. It was never there, they never really explained that you kind of like this fell into the ground or something along those lines, you like you just seep into the ground, that's the end of it. But the concept of hell, to my understanding was Jesus was preaching. And he kept pointing to a lake and saying, there is this hell that this is that lake is where the city threw all their garbage and burned it. And as a metaphor, he's like, if you guys don't get your act together, you're gonna go over there and burn, you're gonna burn forever. And that was where it originally came from. And then constancy and the council, they said, that's great, we could use that. And they stuck it in there. And then Dante painted, what we know as hell is Dante's Inferno, that is the concept of Hell was done by a wonderful author who screwed up humanity for a long time with that story. But that's what that's that's the concept of the devil and the seven lay levels. That's all Dante. It's not biblical at all. So I just wanted to kind of put that all out there, because I run into these kinds of information, talking to multiple scholars, and it's been reaffirmed by multiple guests of mine, who I tell that to our actual scholars, and they go, oh, yeah, that mean, yeah, of course, not that. So when you start going down that road, and how the Bible was really put together, and you just start going. Okay, this all makes more sense. But But I wanted to ask you, because you've done a lot of Near Death Experience interviews, you've spoken to many near death experience or syllabi. And I wanted to kind of share notes, I wanted to hear what you thought about certain aspects of the common near death experiences. And what I've seen. And I'll tell you a quick story, the concept of the Life Review, I'm assuming you you've that's come across your, your your desk, yes. Where you go in and for everyone listening, you go in, there's a room or something, there's guides, or your parents or your grandparents, someone's there, and you see your entire life in front of you. And I've been told it looks like Minority Report, if you remember when he was moving the screens around, kind of like that, wherever you focus your attention is where you, you don't just see it, you actually go into the scene, if you will. And you feel both your feeling of how you did the event, if you're hurting somebody, and then you also feel the other person's. And I had a friend of mine, who's on my team. And they didn't believe in any of this stuff. When they were they were on the business side. And they called me they like Alex, I just heard this, I heard this one interview did. And that life, that life review thing, man, I scared the hell out of me. I gotta be a better person. Because if I'm gonna feel if I do something bad to people, I don't want that. And it was so powerful. I was like, I heard that I was like, wow, that's what you pulled out of that. I was like, that's so remarkable. That that has that power. And reincarnation is a broader stroke of that. But the life review is like the scalpel, it's like really pinpoint. Like, you're gonna feel this. If you hurt someone, you're gonna feel it. And vice versa. If you did really good to someone, you're gonna feel that on the other side. Is that what you've come across to learn?
Sandra Champlain 38:37
Absolutely. I just want to back up a little bit about near death experiences, because there are so many different ones. Right? Our we're still connected. A lot of people say there's a silver cord that connects us to it, right? You've heard that? Yes, yes. And it's still connected with the near death experience. So I think a lot of our beliefs and feelings and maybe religious beliefs and everything is still tied in. And so it's it for as many ways as we live life, there's many different near death experiences. So I say for the commonalities. And you know, some people have scary near death experiences. Some people who try to kill themselves don't because of the scary thing they saw. Right? And so that might be a preservation system in place to keep them alive. I don't know. But once you fully crossover, there are a few near death experiences out there that are the same as some of the great information that we've got about the afterlife, you know, some of the bottom line things, but for the most part, yep, a lot of people see a light they see a tunnel, or they feel unconditional love that which they believe in, whether it's Jesus or whomever can and appear, even people that are atheist say, Have a beautiful experience they might not see a religious figure. There might be that feeling of love. A lot of people see loved ones. But that life review Yeah, I believe it. I've heard it explained different ways. Some people say it's like an omni Max theater with all these different screens. But it's all happening at the same time, which is mind blowing, we can think of that.
Alex Ferrari 40:25
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Sandra Champlain 41:01
You know, they can see in front of us behind us, you know see it all. And yes, they see and feel how they treated other people. So I think that's a good thing. Because I'd rather have my life review every night before I go to bed that I can live with myself if I've got to do this again. But then also we get to see that ripple effects of the good that we did and where it carries on to. And that's a much more powerful way to live life make a life about service and making a difference with others. And the only way you can do it is your way you know from what you've learned, nobody has to write a book or have a podcast, just be a good person and share. But absolutely on that life review and nobody's judging us. That's where I was gonna say that. It's not upsetting. It's growth for your soul. And I think that's why we're here is for our soul to grow to learn. I think that the afterlife is a great place and a little while maybe we can talk about some of the different reasons I believe in the afterlife. But I I think for myself, and again, I don't want to push this on anybody, I'm not going to tell you this is the truth. But for me, Alex, I believe that the afterlife or the before life is a fabulous place. Right? We can think it create it. And it's all puppies and rainbows and butterflies and hot fudge sundaes and all those great things with our loved ones and to explore everything, learn everything think is great. However, when something's good all the time, it can get very, very boring, could it so for me, I think you know, I don't know what your favorite food is. But say it's pizza, right. And if that's the only thing you can eat for the rest of your life, it's not special anymore. So I imagine that in the Hereafter, there's this big sign this way to planet earth. It's kind of like an amusement park, you go, and you're gonna forget who you are. But there's all these different experiences that you can have for the soul to grow all these different adventures. It's like a game, because you forget who you are, you cannot ever lose, you cannot ever die. But while you're there is stuff feels real. So for every, like, if we want to be courageous, you know, we're not given courage, we're given terrifying situations in order to become courageous. Yeah. But then we forget who we are. And so I think we get to a certain age, a loved one dies, we start asking these big questions. And suddenly, it's like, hey, you know what, I chose this. Okay, wherever anybody is, no matter how old you are, you're the perfect place. Guilt I think is a waste of time because our previous selves, you know, earlier in life, did the best we could with what we knew. So this is the time Yeah, go for it.
Alex Ferrari 44:04
Yeah, I want to jump in for a second that I was just it just popped into my head is like, because a lot of people have a problem with that, like, oh, we are challenging ourselves to grow. And it's like, why would you put yourself into such painful situations and, and sometimes horrific situations to grow. And I just all of a sudden, just something popped into my head, which is like, well, when you go to the gym, you stress your muscles, you hurt your muscles, you are literally tearing muscle fibers in pain to grow. Now that's not as extreme as a lot of stuff that a human being will go through in their life. But as it as an as an analogy, you are literally going to a gym. Getting heavy weights, lifting more than you're usually I suppose that you're normally doing your daily basis to grow your muscles to make them look bigger gets stronger, but without the pressure her distress, the weight that he's pulling back down on you without tearing, literally tearing your muscles apart at the micro level to grow, and then after you're done, what happens the next day you're sore. And depending on how good of a shape you're in, you can be real sore, you can't move or not. It's the same thing. So the earth is kind of like our gym, and we plan our workouts in life. Like who's going to be our trainer? Who's going to who's going to be what classes are we going to take? Are we taking Pilates and yoga? Are we taking swimming, and boxing and kick, all that we plan all those things out? And it's if anyone can wrap their head around that we do that. Now, in life, we go to a gym to work out to get into shape we go running, who Why would you run running is ridiculous to me. You know, but people do it. I don't like running personally. But I know but it is painful. And if you've run for like a mile like I have my friends on my like, yeah, just did a five mile run amok and you insane? Why would you do that to your joints? Yeah, why do that to your joints. But it's because they're trying to build to grow and challenge themselves, because sitting on the couch doesn't do it for them anymore. So that's a big kind of reinforcing what you just said.
Sandra Champlain 46:15
Yeah, and I don't think Alex that we plan everything out. I don't because there's some really awful stuff that happens here. You know, if you're a parent loses their child to something horrible. Can't say off the kid planned it right? Like tell the parent that it's the parent. Yeah, if that empowers the parent, I would never take that away. But I think we come to a place where these adverse conditions take place. So we might have a theme to which we want to live our lives. But stuff can happen. You know, we can pick to go skydiving, right. Not everybody does. You know, things could happen. Who knows, not necessarily skydiving. But I think everything that we learn and like you said the the gym, school, you know, Earth is a gym, for the soul. Everything that we learn, and every way we grow, we can make a difference with another person. I am a big believer in paying it forward. The great Zig Ziglar said, don't remember the exact quote. But you will have everything you want in your life if you help other people get everything they want. It's all about being of service. I could not be here with you today. Had I not gone through painful things in the past and I am not upset with my siblings. A lot of people think oh, you know, must be upset. No, we're doing the best we can a wise soul told me that our relationships are like circles, right? Like the income part the bottom, and they come back together? Is it this life? Is it the afterlife? I don't know. But if I didn't behave exactly how I did if dad didn't go exactly the way he did if my siblings and I didn't participate, I would have never gone looking for these answers. I wouldn't have the book, I wouldn't have the podcast impacting many.
Alex Ferrari 48:09
Exactly. So so that example is a perfect one's like, Okay, you went through hell with your siblings, there's no doubt about it in a very difficult time in your life when you lost your father. If you wouldn't have gone through that hell, you wouldn't be who you are today. It is hard. It is hard. And you've forged you into the person you are today. Whether we like it or not looking back at it, you go oh yeah, that makes perfect sense. But when you're in the fire being forged, not fun. Not fun at all. But I've gone through, I've gone through a lot of a lot of stuff in my life, a lot of trauma and in different areas of my life as well. And looking back, I wouldn't change a thing. It's easy to say that from this point. Looking back very easy to say, oh, yeah, of course I needed to go through that. But when you're in the mud, when you're in the bullets are flying by you, you're just like, really is this really? So and even now? I mean, I'm sure you go in I'm sure your life is not happy go lucky that everything works perfectly. Even in these moments. Now when there's certain things that happen in your life. You go okay, what is this trying to teach me? What am I? What is this person trying? What am I am I here to teach them? Are they here to teach me? How What's the situation? Why did this situation happen to me? And I always look at it that through that lens, not always I get there very fast. What's the we are? Sometimes you know, you do have those knee jerk reactions. But I've noticed that instead of taking four months to do it, it might take a couple hours to go into it and go oh, okay, okay, it's sped up. The awareness has sped up a lot in this in my life it has.
Sandra Champlain 49:46
We can be responsible or we can be a victim. That's the way I look at it. And I don't mean yes, people are victims of some horrendous things that happen, not that kind of victim, but just when things happen, you know, great Exam. polls, you get a flat tire, right? Like, oh, you're gonna be so mad at the flat tire or whatever. Okay, great. That's a waste of time. You can say, Okay, I'm responsible because I knew I should have gotten the tires check last week and I didn't, okay, it gets, you know, gets you on to a new thought. It's much more empowering to live. Like, I'm responsible for it, even when bad things happen. Not that we really are responsible, but it gets us away from making other people wrong. Where can we learn? What can we grow? How can we grow from it?
Alex Ferrari 50:33
What would you what would you think of this? Because I came up with this idea. And I just thought that, and I've heard this idea before. But this analogy I kind of came up with were events that happened in your life are not negatively or positively charged. And and I'll explain why. It's just what it is. So if you get into a car accident, right, you and I get into a fender bender, right? Just a fender bender, bad day for us, you know, oh, god, my car's gotta go, I gotta go to the mechanic and we got to do insurance, bad day for you and B, right. So we've associated to the event and negative outcome, because it's going to cause us pain and pay all this kind of stuff. Now you take that same situation, and take it to each of our mechanics, great day for them. Same accident, two very different perspectives. For the mechanic. Great day, I'm able to feed my family because of the situation. And I'm helping people, but for us was like, Oh, my God, look what happened to us. So it's the exact same event, two very different energies. Looking at it, what do you think?
Sandra Champlain 51:33
Day before yesterday, my mom and I were driving, we were about an hour away from our house. And all of a sudden, I'm hearing this loud noise. She's got a big suburban vehicle. And I pulled over and I looked under the car, and there's some kind of a strap that's hanging metal rubbing against the road. I didn't know what to do. Oh, my gosh, we're not around home. We started calling places. And thank God for the iPhone, right? I can see what garages are near me. There was a garage just three miles away. And they said, Yeah, bring it in. Well, not only did they fix it in record time, they introduced us to a person nearby who had a rental car that we could use for a day charge this not very much, you know, I would have thought it would be a lot more than it was it was very dangerous had we kept driving. Bottom line, Alex, it restored the view I have of humanity, right your faith, my faith in humanity. There's a lot of negative stuff going on here about it all in the news, but to have good people who they ended up finding a problem with one of our brakes too, so they fix the brakes and all that reasonably priced. Yeah, it restored my faith in humanity. And I left that situation, thinking, and my mom did too, like, there's a lot of good in the world, don't forget that. You might miss the negative stuff. But there's good in people and, and all you need to do is ask and people are there to help or make the call. People love to help people love to help us they do in all of our
Alex Ferrari 53:19
But we're programmed to do that. We are literally as a species. The reason we survived and become the A, the apex predator, if you will on the planet, is because we work together. Unlike a lot of the other animals in the kingdom. You know, we got together in tribes we got grew, we started helping each other we started sharing information, it is part of our nature to do so. And we actually get a reward, an endorphin rush, when we help people there was that there was that study that I forgot what college did it where they gave, you know, 10 people $100 Bill, each angle, you can go and spend it on whatever you want. Or you can give it away up to you. And the people who went and spent it on themselves, then not get it. They were like happy for a second because they got something cool. But then it dissipated. But the people who gave it away was like this sustained endorphin rush of helping another human being. And it's so powerful because that's it's literally in our programming inside of our DNA is to help people so it feels really good. And you're right. You look at the media, the media is only there to sell you the negative and keep you in fear in the world is not coming. I mean, I always say like, look, there's a lot of crazy stuff happening in the world. There's always been a lot of crazy stuff happening and I mean, it's just the way the world is that's what this gym does to us. But, but there's also so much good and when you start meeting people talking to people at the core of the deal, they all want the same thing. They want to love and be loved. They want to be able to provide for their family. They want to have you know, they want to have some fun And maybe they want to help people have in the core, these are four things that no matter where you are, what culture you are in the world, you want to love and be loved, period. And when you don't get that love, that's when a lot of the negative stuff comes out. Because they don't know how to deal with it. And maybe that's the way they were raised and things like that. So it's, it's a fascinating gym that we live in.
Sandra Champlain 55:23
It sure is. And even I, and I'm sure you when you wake up in the morning, do we remember who we are and what we've done and the difference that we made? No, because we're, we're in the gym ourselves, we still gotta lift those weights and, and like you said, You know what, it doesn't take as long I think sometimes to figure it out. But yeah, I can get cranky. Oh, absolutely can make other people wrong. And I said, Oh, wait a minute back up.
Alex Ferrari 55:49
You know what my kids my kids know the buttons boy. Whoosh. They know those buttons real well, real? Well, not one thing. Yeah, I know. Exactly. Now, one thing that you did mention was negative and D ease. And I love to talk because we don't talk about the negative, near death experiences as much. I've had probably, maybe two or three out of over 120 or so I'm on the show. Because there's not they're not very common. To my understand. They're not a very common thing. But this is my understanding. And I'd love to hear your thoughts of them as well. My understanding is what I've been told from near death experiences with have done it is a lot of times their belief system caused them to have to go through the negative, like, Oh, if I died, I didn't feel good. So I had to go to this hellish place. None of them to my understanding, and maybe I'm wrong, I'm sure there is stay there. And they don't like go to hell or a hellish place, have demons or whatever happened to them while they're down there. And then they just come back, terrified of the afterlife. That generally doesn't, I haven't heard that there might be a case or two that there. But I haven't heard that, from what I understand is like I've heard I had one lady who came on, she went into this dark place. It was like, you know, apocalyptic city, there was it was really bad demons everywhere, like a lot of negative stuff. And she was just like I had, I was there for like seven days, in her mind. And in this experience, she said seven days. But then I just said, I just want to get out of here. I'm sorry, I just want help. And at that moment, a light showed up. And all the demons scattered, all the negative energy scattered. And sometimes it's Jesus, sometimes it's an angel, Michael or someone like that. And they took her up, and then she's in and she's in this more positive, you know, place is that kind of what you've, you've come across in your negative NDE's?
Sandra Champlain 57:50
Exactly what I've come across. And I think we're still connected so our own beliefs can get in the way. And as the gentleman had told me, he tried to end his life and he saw something fearful. He says it shook him to stay alive. So I do think that there's some really interesting stories of people that have had some while they haven't been nice people on planet Earth. And so there they go in the near death experience, and there might be thunder and PAL and darkness. But instinctively, whether they pray or they say I'm sorry, all of a sudden, there's that pinprick of light and it grows and it's like we're always here. This is something you're dealing with, you know, but that love is there for all of us. So I don't think anyone would get stuck I really don't and the same thing holds true if you're say an atheist and you have your near death experience and you know there's something once they do finally pass and they see it all you know, there's some there's a lot of stories of atheists in fact that have had near death experiences that now believe you know, and so whatever it is that we there's so much more I guess is what I want to say and it's a gentle and loving universe after life. Nobody gets anywhere non judgmental and our loved ones are there healthy well looking their best you know, we get to the age we want to be the health we want to be.
Alex Ferrari 59:30
Animals are there as well. Oh, yeah. The animals are our animals are there as well. Our, our furry companion is, as they say, one of my favorite nde stories, and it's just a quick little aspect of an atheist who went to the other side. And when he got there, Jesus showed up and he didn't believe in Jesus. I mean, he'd heard of Jesus, obviously, but he never believed in Jesus. And Jesus was dressed in a suit, a business suit, with his hair pulled back. And he's like, Jesus, why are you Why are you dressed in a suit? He goes, because you're a businessman you wouldn't have taken me seriously if I didn't dress like this. And he couldn't stop laughing and Jesus me Jesus barely. I always say Jesus the hardest hardest working man in show business always shows up you know, especially in the Western in the western near death experiences I've heard I've had in the eastern once I've spoken to Shiva, you know, in Buddha and and many other kanji and and a lot of other Ascended Masters, people Yogananda that will come to a near death experience. Which brings me to the next point is that, from my understanding, every near death experience, and if you've hinted at this is custom built for the person. It's custom designed for you to feel comfortable walking in. So if it's grandpa, that makes you feel that grandpa's there, if it's grandma, if it's Jesus, if it's your dog, whatever, if it's an angel, if it's a spirit guide, whatever it is, that makes you feel comfortable going through this, it's a very jarring process coming out of this experience into that one. When you get past that, that's what people don't understand like you, it is custom built for you. There are common things that happen, right? Most and that all have life, life reviews, most not all go and visit a, you know, a city or a temple or things like that. My understanding too is there's always a point of no return on your death experiences. Like if you can't go past that door, you can't go past that you can't go over to the garden. If you pass that you can't go back. So all of that, what do you what's your opinion of all the things I just said?
Sandra Champlain 1:01:40
I agree with it all. I do. I do. I do. I think they're wonderful. And I love how you say custom built. Like if that's not a loving universe, right? Custom designed just for you. Yeah. What fascinates me is this vertical evidence, you know, verifiable evidence, whether it's people meeting their great grandparents or someone who thought they didn't know existed and coming back and having that or those people that are on an operating table and flatlined, and they can read the name tags. There's a funny story. I'm sure it was not funny at the time that I heard. And it was a woman who flatlined in her bathtub. And she was a pretty big woman. And one of the paramedics was not so kind. This woman remembers the whole experience. She read the name tag, she went and found the people that saved her to thank them, and turn to the one person and could repeat exactly what they said, Oh, freaked this lady out. But, you know, be responsible people or people, no matter what sevens, what ailments they have if they're dead or not. Even if they're dead. Correct. But isn't that something? She went? She told off this person,
Alex Ferrari 1:03:14
Even if they're dead.
Sandra Champlain 1:03:15
Alex Ferrari 1:03:16
So from your research, Sandra, what is your understanding of our spirit guides? Because that's a term that's been thrown around a lot with spirit guides? And what's the difference between a spirit guide and an angel and our relatives and things like that? Can you explain a little bit of what you've come across in your research in regards to what spirit guides are and how they help guide us?
Sandra Champlain 1:03:35
The thing I'm most passionate about, obviously, is evidence of the afterlife to help us live a powerful life. So giving people evidence that their loved ones are still around. And, you know, there's so many different ways that we know the reality of the afterlife. But with guides, I believe that we have a little team that works with us. And I think that we have one head honcho, who we knew before we came here, and we had a chat with him, and I'm gonna go into this life. And these are the things I want to do is the difference I want to make. I personally think, because I really didn't want this mission, Alex because I didn't believe in this stuff. But who knows, I worked very hard catering for these race teams. So one of the hardest races we ever did was the 24 Hours of Daytona. So I'd be awake something like 46 hours straight, working nonstop feeding 1500 people delivering food to 20 Different pits for the pit crews and then people coming under the tent that the powers that be said hey, look at her, she can take on a lot. Let's give her this one. You know, she's afraid of dying. Let's put a ball in there. I don't know. But that we have somebody that knows us and loves us who's always be by our side. With that unconditional love that they talk about near death experiences that we get our brains and minds can't get around. We can't even imagine how that feels. But that there's somebody with us all the time that loves us, and is not judging us, and is there for our success. And we may live a whole life and never even talk to them, and know they're there, and that love never stops. So I think that's a pretty great thing to think about. And then also, depending on where we're at in our lives, say all those years, I was cooking for the race car teams. Maybe I had some divine guides, that had a lot of experience in doing that. There are times, and I know you've had them that you've had these aha moments that all of a sudden, it's like, Hey, where'd that just come from? That's a great idea. They seem to be spoken in our own voice. I don't think when we have those moments, whether it's our loved ones, or our guides that are working with us, it still sounds like us. So it may not feel different. And so you might think it's you. But besides having the guides, I think that we are each able to tap into our own divine soul. I do a lot of work with a trance medium called Scott Milligan. And for people that don't know if somebody with their eyes closed and blend, the love from out there
Alex Ferrari 1:06:36
Whoopi Goldberg ghost.
Sandra Champlain 1:06:37
Correct. That sort of thing. That sort of thing. Yes, but this for the last seven or eight years, I've been very close with this fella Scott Milligan. And for over 25 years ever since he was a teenager, he would be involved in these circles. They called him seances, you know. And eventually, he got to the point where people speak through him, not in a creepy way, done with love. And so almost every Friday since 2020, we've been holding what we call in the arms of eternity, we first close our eyes, and Scott has a very gentle voice and leads everybody to send healing to the world. And then he'll be quiet as the music plays. And it's normally 99% of the time, a gentleman by the name of Eric, that speaks through him. And when I first heard this, I was at a retreat center. And I didn't even know something like that existed. You hear about people channeling channeling Mother Mary and channeling Jesus. And what Scott and other teachers say is those people can't be proven not that Jesus and Mother Mary didn't, weren't there. But could this be somebody making this up? Right? Could this be could it be, you know, you don't know. Because, you know, we humans we believe in often happens. But for all these years, and for every Friday, we get into the most wonderful conversations that people on Zoom can ask questions about life and death in the afterlife. There's never a hesitation. There's never an um, everything is spoken as if you are talking to the wisest person that's lived and he says I I'm speaking on behalf of many. And it's my voice. And every week, I am so humbled at these experiences, because we asked some of the big questions about what the afterlife is like. And even if there's a question he can't answer, he'll bring in a scientist say to answer the question. There's been times, many times that people will type a question in the q&a box on Zoom. Now, it's only Scott and I and the people on Zoom. I'm the only one who can read the questions that people type in our friend in the afterlife, Eric, who died the end of the 1800s. So he has a very formal way of speaking. He knows questions before I even read them. Now Scott's eyes are closed. No one else is there. Those are holy cow moments, shall I say? Not only that, there's been times where, again, Scott's eyes are closed. Someone comes on and says ask the question. This friend in the afterlife can work as a medium, and talk about their say a deceased child and give evidence that they survive even evidence of what the person is doing in that moment. I get the goosebumps so many times every week, witnessing something like this and then even myself, you know, it seems too good to be true. There's a great school called the Arthur Findlay College in the UK. And you can take classes and different things. So I took a couple of weeks and I took a trance class Ask just like, What is this? And now we do them with Scott online? Because you know, times changed in 2020? And how can we get the most to the most people, it's by zoom, right? And so for even myself, it's where I was going with this originally is, if it's somebody from the afterlife, we need to be able to prove their existence. So this Mr. Eric has given who he is and when he lived, and all of that has been verified. There's even a Native American person called Morningstar that speaks through and his life has been proven and speaks totally different, right? Even in the trance state, Scott has spoken different languages that he doesn't know, I mean, that that is the intelligence of the spirit world. But why I brought this up is because we human beings can tap in to the divine nature of our own soul. And there's something people call automatic writing. And you can either have a pen in hand to paper, or be on your computer, it's a wonderful way to keep a connection with someone who is deceased. Even if you think it's you typing back, I think it takes our loved ones time to be able to communicate this way. And for us to let down our guard and go into that place of our imagination, that we're able to, you know, ask a question and then write back as if you were them, you know, in in time, it could be them. Well, I'm telling you this because the same thing happens where we can so called channel, people that have lived, but not only that, the divine nature of our soul. So while I do believe that we all have guides, Alex, I've taken time that I've just quieted my mind, you know, gone to a happy place. I have down days I do, as many people do. And I say, Okay, I need some advice. You know, what can help me right now, or what can help me help others. And so, I just unpleasant and all of a sudden words come into my mind, and I type them as I hear them. And when I open my eyes, I read it. And very often, there's words that I don't even know are words, I have to look them up. There's phrases, I would not say, when you read a good poem, or you see a piece of artwork, there's, or you hear a song you feel it's divinely inspired, you get goosebumps, right, you feel that connection? Will coming out of my own fingertips with words that I'm just hearing, and I typed them as I hear them. And then I read it, I get that same feeling. So I don't know, is it Sandra? Is it my soul? Is it somebody's working through me? Bottom line is it doesn't matter. Because it moves me from here to over here. Being back in a place of belief, and knowing that I'm not alone and believing that there's more to life than meets the eye. And there's more to me, then I know, that's a long way around your spirit guide question. But I believe there's all kinds of forces that work with us and but not to negate who we really are, we can tap into that divinity of our soul.
Alex Ferrari 1:13:16
That's so beautiful. And to kind of stay with the theme of spirit guides. The other concept I've heard of in a near death experiences is the divine Counsel of the Council of Elders, this kind of room with a group of elders. Who are they, they're usually either light beings, or they're not relatives, generally speaking, their spirit guides, but like, not spirit guides. They're like, kind of like, these are the guys or gals that you sat with and go, Okay, I'm going back down to earth. And like, alright, let's set up what you want to learn. Let's talk about these broad strokes of things. I'm like, Alright, I want to learn courage. I want to learn this, I want to learn. I want to be famous this time. And how about if I be rich, I want to see how I handle that, you know, the like, okay, so you're gonna be really famous upfront, but when you hit around 29, you're gonna lose everything. And you're gonna have to figure out how to back up out of that. He goes, Oh, that sounds great. Let's do that. That'd be a hell of a ride. And that's so that's what the divine counsel is done to kind of put together this soul blueprint. So plan in the pre in the pre birth experiences that I've heard of. But I'd love to hear your thoughts on the divine counsel and their part in our lives. And it's something that we can tap into on during our journey.
Sandra Champlain 1:14:33
I think we can I don't think it matters. If we know who we're talking to. I don't think it matters if we know spirit guides names, but you can assign them a name if you want or hold loving one. Not everyone I've spoken to talks about the council, but they wrote there's been a lot of feeling of others
Alex Ferrari 1:14:53
Yeah, there's somebody else in the room.
Sandra Champlain 1:14:55
Yeah, correct. So I think there are there I do I think Yeah, it's we're custom built, right. So we have this team that has worked with us and for us and is there so I have no doubt. I just don't hear about them too often. But I do believe there's just a group that's here for our success. And they're never far away. I think even our loved ones can keep one foot in our world and one foot in the other world and they continue to grow and learn and whatever we didn't do here on Earth that we still want to do we get to do we get to experience the afterlife. But I have no doubt that not only the counselor there, but we can explore other things. We want to learn how to communicate back on Earth, we can we want to go back in time and witness something from 1000 years ago, we can go to the Halls of knowledge and figure that out. You know, I think there's so much I don't think there's any pressure to do anything. Except for to have joy, have love, explore. But we don't need to rush to get there either. Because I don't want anybody to forget that life. We get a lot of brown by live in this life.
Alex Ferrari 1:16:24
Oh, yeah. It's like I always I always like to joke everybody wants to go to heaven, but just not right now.
Sandra Champlain 1:16:31
Alex Ferrari 1:16:33
Did you ever see the movie? What Dreams May Come with Robin Williams?
Sandra Champlain 1:16:37
Yes. In fact, I interviewed Stephen
Alex Ferrari 1:16:41
Yes, Stephen is a good friend of mine. God love Stephen.
Sandra Champlain 1:16:42
Yes. Yeah. Stephen.
Alex Ferrari 1:16:45
Stephen Simon,
Sandra Champlain 1:16:45
Simon. Yeah, the British are just getting older getting older. Yeah. And he talks to his wife this way using the automatic writing. What dreams have come.
Alex Ferrari 1:16:59
It's such a he's such a beautiful soul. And one thing I was going to ask you is the idea because there's a lot of things that movie gets right, to my understanding. I mean, the hell part which is very Dante's Inferno when she goes down to hell and all that stuff. But the part of him creating his world, in the afterlife, made out of paint at first and then slowly becomes more real, and he could eat anything, and everything's are made of cake, and all that kind of stuff. And his dog is there and all this stuff. And he said it in a line, or I think Cuba Gooding Jr. His guide, said, Oh, here, there's enough space for everyone to have their own world is that what you've kind of understood as well, that even when you're your, your relatives, your loved ones are on the other side, they've built their own experience, if they want to play golf there, they build the best golf course in the world, and they're playing golf to their heart's content. Or if they're, if I'm sure Prince and Michael Jackson are having a concert up there somewhere, and things like that, but at the same time, because their soul is so big, a piece of them can be done here with you, or a piece of them can be being, you know, being called by a medium while they're playing golf. And that's hard for us to understand. Does that make sense?
Sandra Champlain 1:18:15
I believe that 100% When I was talking about the trance guy, Eric Hayes's, I'm here with you. And my wife thinks I'm sitting with her right, enjoying a nice summer's day. That is it, we can create whatever we wish, and we want a big house be with our loved ones, we can multitask, we can be two places at the same time. And there's some phenomenal stories, even of two daughters having a medium reading on other sides of the earth, and their mother came comes through the boat the same time to both of them, right, wild things happen. And so yes, a piece of us can come in being with us, and they're still enjoying life. And you hear that statement. They know there's no concept of time over there. There just is right. And that's a hard thing to get our mind around. So they're not sitting grieving waiting for you to come over. No, it's like a blink of an eye and they're together. But that, that concept of time, isn't there. Yeah, I think we're gonna be delighted at what we find. And my advice to everyone is just stay in the present moment. There's going to be a moment that we close our eyes one final time here. So what it'd be like falling asleep at night and we open them and our loved ones that are all around and we're still us. The one thing we don't get to bring with us, I'm sorry to say is that negative mind? That negative mind that complains all the time. Yeah, that stays here on Earth.
Alex Ferrari 1:19:52
The ego stays here. The ego stays here.
Sandra Champlain 1:19:55
I love that.
Alex Ferrari 1:19:56
Sandra I'm gonna ask you a few questions ask all my guests What is your definition of living a fulfilled life?
Sandra Champlain 1:20:03
Not being stopped by that little voice, that little ego, tapping into our joy, whatever that may be, that brings you happiness and being self expressed in sharing it. And it can change over the course of your life. And it's not totally predesigned, you're not going to find it out there somewhere. It's going to be looking inside. What makes you happy. Being that little kid again, and sharing it with your friends. So I think once we can explore, and it could be different things, share it with others, just how you explained, you know, when we do something for someone else, how good it makes us feel. But when we're living our passion, with our eyes on making a difference for someone else, I don't think we can go wrong. And I think that's, that's it for me.
Alex Ferrari 1:21:05
If you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Sandra, what advice would you give her?
Sandra Champlain 1:21:09
Oh, don't be so hard on yourself. Oh, my gosh. Don't be so hard on yourself. You are one of a kind. I was a chubby little girl. I've always had a battle with weight. That's just me, right? But You're beautiful. You're one of a kind. Love yourself. Don't listen to what other people say so much. You know, keep following your dream. magic is real. As a kid. Oh, my gosh, I wanted to wiggle my nose like bewitched and have magic happen? Of course, of course, yes. But that magic is real. You know, spend spend more time being happy. And I do think that as souls, we can create whatever we want, Alex. But I think as humans, we can too, may not show up just as fast. But when we're living and we're feeling happy. And when we sprinkle in some gratitude, I mean that like turbo thrusts things happening, when we're grateful for things even when we're grateful for things that haven't happened yet. Stuff starts showing up in your life, it's pretty amazing to I think we are so much more powerful than we know.
Alex Ferrari 1:22:24
How do you define God or Source?
Sandra Champlain 1:22:26
God or Source. Well, I think that a lot of people say light, and light to me is energy. And two or more forms, energy can be at the same place at the exact same time. So I know you and I are connecting wirelessly through this internet, you know, we're each balls of energy around us. We've got radio waves and television waves and GPS signals and all those things. But that which gives us life. That energy, that to me is that God's source that runs through everything. And that we're all connected. There are times that I pray. And I think it's probably growing up Catholic, I don't picture you know, a guy with a beard or anything like that. Yes, right. I just saying, you know, you who's there that love me, and it's listening, I need help. But it's that light, it's that love that connects us all that we're all part of. And that never dies, even after our bodies are gone. energy cannot be destroyed as we know. What is love? Oh, love can't be described, I don't think it can be felt it can be shared. It can bring a smile. And I think when somebody's asked about love, the feeling is what takes over. You know, I have my mom here as she ages. She's a fabulous lady. And I think of that love and I think of some of the great pets that I've had loves in my lives. And I can feel that. But to be able to put it into words. I don't think so. But I do believe from all the near death experiences, stories that I've heard, that you take that little feeling that's so big, and multiply it by a billion. And that's what we feel when we cross over. And what is the ultimate purpose of life, ultimate purpose of life. I always say that life is an education for the soul. But I think there's more to it than that. I think it's our own personal journey of leaving this world better than how we found it through our own interests and our own adventure and our pains and what we've overcome. It's making a difference for our There's travelers. While we're here.
Alex Ferrari 1:25:02
Beautifully said, and where can people find out more about you and the amazing work that you're doing in the world?
Sandra Champlain 1:25:07
You're so kind, is the home base for everything. From there you can find my We Don't Die Radio podcast also on YouTube. And now there's around 450 interviews that I've had with wonderful ladies and gentlemen all about different reasons to believe in the afterlife. Four years ago I was asked by I heart, radio and Coast to Coast AM my friends, George Noory, and Tom Dan Heiser, the producer to create a show called Shades of the afterlife that is not on YouTube that is on your favorite podcast channel or your favorite app. And that show is a little bit different. While there are some interviews with guests, most of it is me reporting in on different reasons to believe in the afterlife. So you'll find things like Electronic Voice Phenomena, all the different kinds of mediums. The Near Death Experience deathbed visions, instrumental transcommunication children who come into this life knowing so much more reincarnation, gosh, there's just tons of reasons to believe in the afterlife. And I that shades the afterlife is my baby, it is my pride and joy. I edit it perfectly. I tried to take out every and hesitation because I want it to sound so smooth. And just recently I did one episode and one of the segments, I reunite people with their deceased loved ones, my training and hypnosis, you know, so I like to report in on all the great people doing great things and talk about everything after life. And I've had so many people that it's really made a difference for so that Yeah, that's it.
Alex Ferrari 1:26:59
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?
Sandra Champlain 1:27:03
My parting message would be that right around you right now. And I mean, right now you have people loved ones, your guides that want you to have the best life possible. Don't be so hard on yourself. You're at the perfect place at the perfect time, the perfect age, perfect everything. Take some time and be quiet within your own mind. Trust that you're not alone, that your life matters, that you're one of a kind, you are perfect. And bottom line, there are people that need to hear your words. So give a compliment if you're with somebody, and they need some help on something. You're wise, you're wiser than you know. And you're the right person for the job.
Alex Ferrari 1:27:52
Sandra, you are such a wonderful soul. Thank you so much for coming on the show and for all the amazing work you're doing to awaken the planet. So I truly truly appreciate you.
Sandra Champlain 1:28:02
Thank you Alex.
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