Dear Editor,
Re: "Letters: Trees are hard to save in Richmond amid development"
So, we destroyed how many trees to get 33 affordable homes?
Please wake up! Destruction of greenery and removal of any green space, to supply a measly 33 out of 409 adorable houses is seriously needing government controls.
Richmond resembles a mass of high rises with concrete surrounding them. Ugly, ugly!
When will we wake up and realize that by adding and adding more homes and people is not going to change any housing crisis.
Think about it long and hard.
Also, the removal of trees takes away the shade, takes away beauty and takes away space for the local animals to make a home!
And during the next massive heat wave when the power grid can’t stand the over-use, and BC Hydro charges you through the roof to keep cool, just think about that tall red cedar that could have offered you some shade.
Anne Macdonald
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