It's All Good: Magick, Mysticism and Earth Medicine (formerly Awakened Path Radio)

It's All Good: Magick, Mysticism and Earth Medicine (formerly Awakened Path Radio)

By Candace Nadine Breen, Ph.D.

Become a Paid Subscriber: All things magickal, mystical, earthy, cultural and metaphysical hosted by West African American artist, author and mystic Dr. Candace Nadine Breen. Support the work I do at: Visit our Facebook page:
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EP 129: Wisdom Bites: Balance

It's All Good: Magick, Mysticism and Earth Medicine (formerly Awakened Path Radio) Feb 07, 2022
EP 158: Ostara and the Power of Potential
Apr 03, 202322:24
EP :157: Springtime Magick
Mar 13, 202317:13
EP: 156: Moon Cycles (Card Pull)
Feb 20, 202308:47
EP 155: Magickal Snacks
Feb 06, 202321:07
EP 154: Rooting in the Land
Jan 23, 202322:50
EP 153: Card Pull: Capricorn
Jan 03, 202308:54
EP 152: Drawing Down the Moon
Dec 19, 202224:59
EP 151: Soliutude

EP 151: Soliutude

Today's card pull comes from the Earth Magic Oracle Cards created by Steven D. Farmer.

Dec 05, 202205:17
EP 150: Carrie Hart: Sojourner in Ataquay
Nov 21, 202255:26
EP 149: Paranormal Investigations, Hauntings, Spirit Releasements
Oct 31, 202224:12
EP: 148: Card Pull Throat Chakra (mysticism)

EP: 148: Card Pull Throat Chakra (mysticism)

Have you been wanting to do something creative yet have felt insecure or hesitant to begin? Do you suddenly feel frustrated about beginning something new, even though you know you want to do it? Listen to how the throat chakra plays a role in getting you to avoid anger, resentment, fear and depression by following your creative desires.

Oct 10, 202208:47
EP 147 : Words of Wisdom: Commitment

EP 147 : Words of Wisdom: Commitment

What does the Rumi Oracle say about commitment? Listen to find out more !


Sep 26, 202213:16
BONUS Episode: Mabon and Rosh Hashanah in the Harvest Month

BONUS Episode: Mabon and Rosh Hashanah in the Harvest Month

September is the month of harvest. Also part of September are Mabon (the Celtic name for Fall Equinox) and Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. Let us gather together to bless this season of harvest with blessings, prayers and invocations. 

Sep 21, 202214:50
EP 146: Gray Ladies
Sep 12, 202216:18
EP 145: August and Until We Meet Again

EP 145: August and Until We Meet Again

August may seem like "the end" for some but it is actually the beginning. Listen to discover more.

Aug 22, 202212:29
EP: 144: Thinking of Others

EP: 144: Thinking of Others

How often do we show compassion towards others without wanting something in return? What does it mean to think of others? How does mindfulness play into this? Listen to this episode to find out more.

Aug 08, 202215:22
EP:143: Ancestral Healing

EP:143: Ancestral Healing

Ancestral healing allows us to rid our bodies, our aura of things that no longer suit us. Today, I visit the African Colonial Cemetery "God's Little Acre" in Newport, Rhode Island to do some ancestral healing of my own.

Jul 25, 202228:03
EP 142: Mindful Dance

EP 142: Mindful Dance

What happens when you allow yourself to be free and just dance like no one is watching? Free dance, no thinking--just feeling and BE-ing? Listen to this episode to learn how you can do your own form of mindful dance and connect with the your higher self.

Jul 11, 202212:41
EP 141: Responsible Manifestation
Jun 27, 202223:13
EP 140: Words of Wisdom: Lady/Goddess

EP 140: Words of Wisdom: Lady/Goddess

What do the cards say for you today? Listen to discover more.

Please, remember to like, follow and share our podcast so that others will be able to find us and benefit as well! 

Jun 15, 202205:36
EP 139: Philosophy of Witchcraft

EP 139: Philosophy of Witchcraft

What to witches believe in general? Listen to discover more and see if it resonates with your practice.

Jun 13, 202236:28
EP: 138: Words of Wisdom: Tibetan Fire Serpent

EP: 138: Words of Wisdom: Tibetan Fire Serpent

Do you like snakes? Perhaps the mere mention of snakes causes you to flee in fear. Perhaps, you love snakes so much that you enjoy letting them snuggles around your neck. Whatever the answer, we can learn a lot from snakes. For instance, the shedding of a snake's skin can teach us to get rid of that which no longer serves us and to emerge into the world a newer, more beautiful person. Listen to the episode to learn more.

As always, you can visit us anytime at

Help keep this show running by visiting us at Patreon at MagickandMedicine,.

Thank you for listening!

Thank you for your support!

May 30, 202210:04
EP 137: Psychic Bridges

EP 137: Psychic Bridges

Join us as we talk about the Psychic Bridges Workshop which aims to help us enhance our psychic, intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Why not test our the group for yourself? If interested in joining the free workshop meetings, contact David Moquin via text at (413) 454-3546.

May 16, 202253:45
EP136: Words of Wisdom: Sweet Timing
May 02, 202209:06
EP 135: The Power of Word and Deed, Part 2

EP 135: The Power of Word and Deed, Part 2

Part 2 of The Power of Word and Deed.

Apr 18, 202216:39
Ep 134: The Power of Word and Deed, Part 1

Ep 134: The Power of Word and Deed, Part 1

As magickal , spiritual and mystic people, we often forget that what we say and do holds great power. It determines how people view us, as well. Listen to this episode to learn more about how we can balance our truths with what we say and do.

Check out and find us on Facebook!

Apr 04, 202214:50
EP 133: Words of Wisdom: Star Family

EP 133: Words of Wisdom: Star Family

What connection do we have to people we seem to have met before? Listen to learn more!

Mar 21, 202209:24
Ep 132: Mystic Friday: "Unforgiven"

Ep 132: Mystic Friday: "Unforgiven"

Today, for our Mystic Friday, we are reading "Unforgiven" by Candace Nadine Breen (host). Check out other books by Breen by visiting

Mar 11, 202201:01:32
Ep 131: Avoiding and Recognizing Cults
Mar 07, 202226:03
EP 130 Minisode: Life's Transitions
Feb 21, 202205:47
EP 129: Wisdom Bites: Balance
Feb 07, 202209:19
EP 127: Wisdom Bites: Incubation
Jan 10, 202207:39
EP 126: Spirit Contact
Dec 27, 202116:35
EP 124: Call of the Wild
Nov 29, 202121:01
EP 123: Wisdom Bites: Dedication

EP 123: Wisdom Bites: Dedication

It's important to dedicate ourselves to both our craft and our path especially during the hectic holiday season (whether or not you take part in the celebrations). Listen to today's wisdom bite for more inspiration! 

Remember to visit our website and check us out on Patreon!

Nov 15, 202106:18
EP 122: Leave it and let it go!
Nov 01, 202116:59
EP 121: Wisdom Bites: Reconnect
Oct 18, 202109:32
EP 120: Real Talk: Out of the Darkness

EP 120: Real Talk: Out of the Darkness

What happens when mystics experience the darkness? Who is there to help them? What do you do when you feel overwhelmed, hopeless and helpless? Listen to this episode to find out and plus get a free intuitive reading to guide you through your week!

Oct 04, 202130:18
EP 119: Wisdom Bites: Kindness
Sep 20, 202110:44
EP 118: The Unlearning Curve/ Guest Adam C. Hall
Sep 06, 202147:28
EP 117: Announcement

EP 117: Announcement

We all need a break sometimes and for the month of August, Magick and Medicine will be taking a break as we prepare for Season 3 in September. You can still listen to our past episodes, check out our social media and email us! 

Looking forward to a GREAT season 3!

Be well, y'all.

Jul 28, 202100:42
EP 116: Wisdom Bites: Omnipresence

EP 116: Wisdom Bites: Omnipresence

In life we sometimes focus on "what might have been" or "what we should have been" but all that does is prevent us from allowing ourselves the freedom to live our truths. Be inspired by today's Wisdom Bite.

Jul 26, 202108:18
EP 115: Yoruba Medicine
Jul 19, 202139:32
EP 114: Wisdom Bites: Going Within

EP 114: Wisdom Bites: Going Within

Just a little wisdom to guide you on your day! Today's bite of wisdom deals with  locating our inner sacred spaces and then allowing ourselves to be free to follow our path with no restrictions! Enjoy today's wisdom bite!

Jul 12, 202111:13
EP 113: How Did We Get Here?
Jun 21, 202128:33
EP: 112 Sacred Geometry: The Circle
May 31, 202130:06
EP 111: Yoruba and Orisa

EP 111: Yoruba and Orisa

Our words are potent. We have access to powers that we do not realize because we do not know who consists of our spiritual/ancestral team. Many ancient people were very much aware of the powers that exist in, within and around us.

May 17, 202119:37
EP 110: Melanin and Choices

EP 110: Melanin and Choices

How does the choices we make prevent us from utilizing our melanin which connects us to the cosmos? How does the energy we put out into the Universe either help or hinder us? Are the choices we make really important in determining what type of life we live and how we interact with others? Answers to these questions and more in this episode.

Apr 26, 202128:08
Ep: 109: A Brief Introduction to the Seven Principles of the Hermetic Philospohy
Apr 12, 202138:59
EP 108: Conjuring Mama Moses
Mar 29, 202121:38