It's All Good: Magick, Mysticism and Earth Medicine (formerly Awakened Path Radio)
By Candace Nadine Breen, Ph.D.

EP 154: Rooting in the Land
How do we connect to the land when we are always moving or when we don't know the history of the land on which we find ourselves? How do we honor the land's ancestors and Earth spirits? Listen to this episode to learn more.
Visit us anytime at www.magick-and-medicine.com
Events featuring Candace: Backyard Gardening: Getting Back to Our Roots
Resources: LLEWELLYN'S Witch's Datebook 2023

EP 151: Soliutude
Today's card pull comes from the Earth Magic Oracle Cards created by Steven D. Farmer.

EP 150: Carrie Hart: Sojourner in Ataquay
"Carrie Hart made occasional unexpected visits to Ataquay, like the time when she randomly selected a church for marrying her beloved Ed, only to discover on her wedding day that the minister was actually the son of the man who married her parents 1200 miles and decades away. Or when she had a vision abut singing in front of a huge audience and then found herself singing as part of an 800-person choir foir Mahler's 8th with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra at the very venue she had seen in her vision. Ot when she'd go against all reason-trusting her intuition--in estimating how long a task would require when leading her team in developing a computer system---and always be right...Over the past 25 years, Carrie has explored Ataquay to being creative, healing wisdom to those seekers looking for answers and guidance. She calls it 'the place I love most in the world'."
To contact Carrie or to learn more information: www.Carriehart.com

EP 149: Paranormal Investigations, Hauntings, Spirit Releasements
What do you know about hauntings and Spirit releasements? Listen to this episode to learn more.
Visit us anytime at www.magick-and-medicine.com
Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual Paperback – June 1, 1995Investigating the Paranormal by Tony Cornell- October 12, 2006

EP: 148: Card Pull Throat Chakra (mysticism)
Have you been wanting to do something creative yet have felt insecure or hesitant to begin? Do you suddenly feel frustrated about beginning something new, even though you know you want to do it? Listen to how the throat chakra plays a role in getting you to avoid anger, resentment, fear and depression by following your creative desires.

EP 147 : Words of Wisdom: Commitment
What does the Rumi Oracle say about commitment? Listen to find out more !
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BONUS Episode: Mabon and Rosh Hashanah in the Harvest Month
September is the month of harvest. Also part of September are Mabon (the Celtic name for Fall Equinox) and Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. Let us gather together to bless this season of harvest with blessings, prayers and invocations.

EP 146: Gray Ladies
Have you ever heard of the gray lady ghosts of England? Listen to find out more!
Further reading:
Folklore, Myths and Legends of Britain
Wanna read a scary short story? Read my book: The House on Maple Ave.
EP 145: August and Until We Meet Again
August may seem like "the end" for some but it is actually the beginning. Listen to discover more.

EP: 144: Thinking of Others
How often do we show compassion towards others without wanting something in return? What does it mean to think of others? How does mindfulness play into this? Listen to this episode to find out more.
EP:143: Ancestral Healing
Ancestral healing allows us to rid our bodies, our aura of things that no longer suit us. Today, I visit the African Colonial Cemetery "God's Little Acre" in Newport, Rhode Island to do some ancestral healing of my own.

EP 142: Mindful Dance
What happens when you allow yourself to be free and just dance like no one is watching? Free dance, no thinking--just feeling and BE-ing? Listen to this episode to learn how you can do your own form of mindful dance and connect with the your higher self.

EP 140: Words of Wisdom: Lady/Goddess
What do the cards say for you today? Listen to discover more.
Please, remember to like, follow and share our podcast so that others will be able to find us and benefit as well!

EP 139: Philosophy of Witchcraft
What to witches believe in general? Listen to discover more and see if it resonates with your practice.

EP: 138: Words of Wisdom: Tibetan Fire Serpent
Do you like snakes? Perhaps the mere mention of snakes causes you to flee in fear. Perhaps, you love snakes so much that you enjoy letting them snuggles around your neck. Whatever the answer, we can learn a lot from snakes. For instance, the shedding of a snake's skin can teach us to get rid of that which no longer serves us and to emerge into the world a newer, more beautiful person. Listen to the episode to learn more.
As always, you can visit us anytime at www.magick-and-medicine.com
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Thank you for listening!
Thank you for your support!

EP 137: Psychic Bridges
Join us as we talk about the Psychic Bridges Workshop which aims to help us enhance our psychic, intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Why not test our the group for yourself? If interested in joining the free workshop meetings, contact David Moquin via text at (413) 454-3546.

EP136: Words of Wisdom: Sweet Timing
Today,. we have two messages to deliver!
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As always, visit us anytime at www.magick-and-medicine.com
Thanks for listening and thank you for your support!~

EP 135: The Power of Word and Deed, Part 2
Part 2 of The Power of Word and Deed.

Ep 134: The Power of Word and Deed, Part 1
As magickal , spiritual and mystic people, we often forget that what we say and do holds great power. It determines how people view us, as well. Listen to this episode to learn more about how we can balance our truths with what we say and do.
Check out www.magick-and-medicine.com and find us on Facebook!

EP 133: Words of Wisdom: Star Family
What connection do we have to people we seem to have met before? Listen to learn more!

Ep 132: Mystic Friday: "Unforgiven"
Today, for our Mystic Friday, we are reading "Unforgiven" by Candace Nadine Breen (host). Check out other books by Breen by visiting www.candacenadinebreen.com/books

EP 126: Spirit Contact
How do you communicate with your ancestors and spiritual team? Do you have to do something special? How will they make themselves known to you? How will you know it is they who are speaking to you? Listen to this episode to find out!
Check out this short story by Candace Breen: Ungrateful (Click on title)
Check out Candace's New Comedy Series: "Conversations with Nana Bea" Introduction: https://youtu.be/Tid80TEvT5c
and second episode: https://youtu.be/iAwHIYoRl9I

EP 124: Call of the Wild

EP 123: Wisdom Bites: Dedication
It's important to dedicate ourselves to both our craft and our path especially during the hectic holiday season (whether or not you take part in the celebrations). Listen to today's wisdom bite for more inspiration!
Remember to visit our website www.magick-and-medicine.com and check us out on Patreon!

EP 122: Leave it and let it go!

EP 121: Wisdom Bites: Reconnect

EP 120: Real Talk: Out of the Darkness
What happens when mystics experience the darkness? Who is there to help them? What do you do when you feel overwhelmed, hopeless and helpless? Listen to this episode to find out and plus get a free intuitive reading to guide you through your week!

EP 119: Wisdom Bites: Kindness
How do we be kind to ourselves, especially individual parts of ourselves that we may not grace with much attention? Is there a way to be kindess to those who are toxic without speaking one word to them?
We'll discuss all of this and more in today's Wisdom Bite!
Check out my book : (click here for more information)
Born Different: A Woman's Spiritual Journey of Self-Acceptance

EP 117: Announcement
We all need a break sometimes and for the month of August, Magick and Medicine will be taking a break as we prepare for Season 3 in September. You can still listen to our past episodes, check out our social media and email us!
Looking forward to a GREAT season 3!
Be well, y'all.

EP 116: Wisdom Bites: Omnipresence
In life we sometimes focus on "what might have been" or "what we should have been" but all that does is prevent us from allowing ourselves the freedom to live our truths. Be inspired by today's Wisdom Bite.

EP 114: Wisdom Bites: Going Within
Just a little wisdom to guide you on your day! Today's bite of wisdom deals with locating our inner sacred spaces and then allowing ourselves to be free to follow our path with no restrictions! Enjoy today's wisdom bite!

EP 113: How Did We Get Here?
With all of the racism , attacks and discrimination that seems to be running wild today, we take a look at our ancestors and what they endured. What causes someone to dislike someone who doesn't look or think like they do? Will this battle ever end?
Trigger Warning: Talk about racism during slavery, violence and racial slurs that the host was called by a person in her community
Resource for this Episode: The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth by HarperOne

EP 111: Yoruba and Orisa
Our words are potent. We have access to powers that we do not realize because we do not know who consists of our spiritual/ancestral team. Many ancient people were very much aware of the powers that exist in, within and around us.

EP 110: Melanin and Choices
How does the choices we make prevent us from utilizing our melanin which connects us to the cosmos? How does the energy we put out into the Universe either help or hinder us? Are the choices we make really important in determining what type of life we live and how we interact with others? Answers to these questions and more in this episode.

Ep: 109: A Brief Introduction to the Seven Principles of the Hermetic Philospohy
The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of the Understanding"- The Kybalion
The secrets of the Universe are available to us only if we open ourselves, our minds, open to receive the messages. In this episode, we briefly cover the seven principles of the Hermetic philosophy with some background information on Hermes, himself.
The Kybalion: A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece

EP 108: Conjuring Mama Moses
Today, we talk about Harriet Tubman, a.k.a. "Mama Moses", a.k.a. "General Tubman" , her work with the Underground Railroad, her legacy she has left behind and her ability to continue assisting others from the spirit realm.
Today's Resource: Conjuring Harriet "Mama Moses" Tubman and the Spirits of the Underground Railroad