Here are your kicks and kisses for the week of June 14!
- Big Hugs and many kisses to Coady Brothers for painting St. Bart’s Parish Hall at no cost. The hall looks much cleaner and brighter and will be a welcoming space for clients of St. Bart’s Food Bank and our Community Lunch. We really appreciate this kind of support from the Gibsons community.
- Kisses to my guardian angel Jennifer who came to my aid and helped me when I went into shock at Pender Blues Fest after a dog bit my face
- Kicks to workers for spoiling a quiet weekend evening. Is it really necessary to assemble scaffolding on what should have been a peaceful evening on a warm summer evening?
- Kisses to our fabulous companionate paramedics at the Pender Blues Festival. Grateful for your service
- Kisses to Eric and the staff at Elphi cycles in Sechelt for getting me back riding quickly. Outstanding service.
- Kisses to the couple Eleanor and her husband for dropping off a beautiful chair from the thrift store to my house. Also, my extra bags as I was on my bike. Incredibly generous.
- Many huge kisses to Kate Turner and all she has done and continues to do for the Sunshine Coast Minor Hockey Association. You are an invaluable asset and we are lucky to have you as VP.
- Kicks to the folks who unsafely use the Pell Road bus stop as a passing lane while people are there.
- Blessings on the person in Gibsons who found the money I’d left in the bank machine slot, and turned it over to the tellers. Phew!
- Big kicks to the parents who continue to look on and criticize other parent’s volunteer efforts without volunteering themselves! 1) Respect and appreciate the people who work thanklessly for your children 2) Step up and help out!
Many thanks to Liz and Mark, lifeguards at the Gibsons pool. Your prompt action prevented what could have been a bad situation for Bill.
Email your Kisses and Kicks to The deadline for submissions is 1 p.m. every Tuesday for a given week.
Coast Reporter will run kisses and kicks entries as space permits on a first-received, first-published basis.
Submissions must be accompanied by a name and phone number for confirmation by the editor. Names will not be printed in the column unless requested by the writer, for kisses only.
A kick is intended to be an anonymous critique between private parties and may in no way publicly identify an individual, group or business directly or indirectly.
Submissions must be no longer than 30 words. If your thanks or critique is longer, consider an ad in our classified section. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to run any submission.