In the timeless dance of the cosmos, where every number hums a sacred melody and every star whispers ancient secrets, we find ourselves on another profound journey. On today’s episode, we welcome back the luminous Joy Kingsborough, a beacon of wisdom in the realm of numerology and spiritual enlightenment. With a heart attuned to the divine frequencies, Joy illuminates the path of our soul’s journey with her insights and experiences.
In this captivating dialogue, Joy delves into the essence of numerology, revealing it as the primordial language of the Divine. “Numerology is the source code of our awakening,” she explains, emphasizing how this ancient system guides us through the archetypal stories we are meant to fulfill in our evolution. Joy’s exploration into the origins of numerology unveils a tapestry woven with the threads of Sanskrit, geometric shapes, and the essence of the universe itself. She eloquently describes how these elements form the foundation of our spiritual journey, leading us through lessons and experiences that are as old as time.
As our conversation unfolds, Joy shares the serendipitous story of her union with Matt Kahn, another luminary in the spiritual world. Their partnership, she reflects, is a divine orchestration, a coming together of souls who understand and live the profound truth of channeling and spiritual connection. The way they navigate their spiritual work together offers a unique perspective on balancing deeply spiritual lives with everyday reality. Joy’s insights into their relationship reveal the delicate dance of maintaining authenticity and connection while being profoundly tuned into the higher realms.
In this profound conversation, Joy addresses common misconceptions about deeply spiritual people, channelers, and psychics. “People often fear vulnerability around us, thinking we can read their minds or know their deepest secrets,” she says. This fear, she notes, often leads to a facade of honesty. However, the genuine connection she shares with Matt has taught her the beauty of authenticity and the power of being truly seen and understood. Joy’s experiences highlight the importance of honesty and openness in spiritual relationships, where both partners are deeply connected to their source.
One of the most intriguing parts of our discussion centers on the misconceptions and ego traps associated with spiritual work. Joy candidly shares her journey of balancing confidence with humility, navigating the fine line between helping others and avoiding the pitfalls of ego. Her reflections on the responsibility that comes with channeling and sharing divine messages offer a profound lesson in integrity and self-awareness. Joy’s commitment to serving others with purity of intent and clarity of purpose shines through her words, inspiring all who listen.
- Numerology as a Divine Language: Joy elucidates how numerology serves as a roadmap for our soul’s journey, guiding us through archetypal stories and lessons designed for our spiritual evolution. This ancient system offers a profound understanding of our life’s path and the divine order of events.
- Balancing Spiritual Partnerships: Joy’s relationship with Matt Kahn exemplifies the harmonious blend of spiritual and everyday life. Their shared experiences highlight the importance of authenticity, mutual support, and the beauty of a spiritual power couple navigating the complexities of life together.
- Navigating Ego in Spiritual Work: Joy’s insights into the ego traps and misconceptions associated with spiritual work emphasize the need for humility, self-awareness, and integrity. Her journey teaches us the importance of serving others with a pure heart and clear intent.
As our conversation draws to a close, Joy leaves us with a powerful message of hope and transformation. She speaks of the extraordinary potential within each of us to awaken to our true selves, to navigate our spiritual paths with courage and authenticity. Her wisdom reminds us that we are all part of a grand, divine story, each step guided by the sacred language of the cosmos.
Please enjoy my conversation with Joy Kingsborough.
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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 453
Joy Kingsborough 0:00
Numerology was a study that once we started to develop language, and we had an easier way to communicate with words, it was a way of keeping us connected to the original system of the Divine, that the divine had a story for us. And we were filled at fulfilling it here. And it was an archetypal story. So there were certain archetypes that we would move through in our evolution in our awakening. And so numerology is the source code of our awakening. It tells us the order of events, what lessons were, we'll move through. So when we look back to the original language and the original interpretations, we had Sanskrit, you name it, we're looking at the beginnings of numerology.
Alex Ferrari 0:44
I like to welcome back to the show returning champion Joy Kingsborough. How you doing Joy?
Joy Kingsborough 0:58
Oh, I'm doing wonderful. Thank you so much for having me back. And in person, incredible set.
Alex Ferrari 1:04
Thank you so much. I appreciate that the energy is going to be a little different than our zoom. Yeah, it's there. You can feel the vibe a little bit differently than you do on Zoom. But yeah, I appreciate having you here. And what before we get started, congratulations, on marrying a friend of ours.
Joy Kingsborough 1:22
Alex Ferrari 1:22
Mr. Matt Kahn, Congratulations!
Joy Kingsborough 1:25
Thank you so much. It's been an absolute, the love of my life, exploding in person being able to have this experience and with someone who I get to work with and connect with. It's been incredible.
Alex Ferrari 1:37
That's it's been it's pretty awesome. And, and we were talking about channeling and you obviously a channel of Jonah. And you told me that Matt channels and we have, we had just had a long conversation about his channeling journey. And he'd really never spoke about it before. Like our last conversation, we talked a lot about how you got your start with channeling and all of that stuff. But it's amazing how these two souls who do similar things. It's kind of like a match made in heaven. And almost in a sense, like now you're like a power couple. Like, who knew? Who knew your like a spiritual power couple now? Like I don't, I don't know of any other two, a couple that do our same, but very different in the way you approach the work. So how do you how did you like when I just have to ask. Because I have never spoken to someone who has their significant other, say, like my wife, not a channel? At all? How do you How did you balance it? Like? Because it's being being someone who's that connected to spirit? It can be heavy, yeah, it can be difficult to navigate life. And a lot of times the the balancing aspect of that is someone else who is not in that world, right? The balance your energy. Now I know you guys are very different energies, there's no question about that. But how do you guys kind of deal with both of you being connected to source in the ways that you are?
Joy Kingsborough 3:05
Yeah, it was really interesting, because well, I mean, number one, I never expected that. I mean, who does that? I think I had to suspend all of you know, and I know he talks about this too, I had to suspend my list of what I thought was possible. And the idea of meeting someone who not only understood what you were doing, but lived it, right was was living that story that we would in the beginning, when we met, we would talk about how, you know, when I was five, I experienced this when I was 10, I experienced this and we had so many of these similarities where we had been pulled by the Divine by source by God, this this poll that was bigger than our lives, we can feel that from a very early age. And so we know that we were brought together to have that experience. We just didn't know someone else had that. Right. We'd met a lot of other people who have done this work. And it kind of surprises them out of the blue. And it's always been in us. It was something we were just we were born, I think connected, awake, curious, leaning into that world.
Alex Ferrari 4:06
Let me ask you, what do you think the biggest misconception is from people who do the kind of work that you and Matt and arguably an extension me by interviewing people like yourself? What's the biggest misconception you think people have about deeply spiritual people or channels? Or psychics or anybody that deals in this kind of space?
Joy Kingsborough 4:28
Well, I can tell you from previous dates, the first question was, can you read my mind? Do you know what I'm thinking? Do you know what I'm saying? There? Was this fear of vulnerability? Really? Yeah. The, you know, do you know that I'm not being truthful and transparent was sort of the sense that I got right. It immediately calls someone to be honest. Right? When somebody meets someone who does this kind of work, I think there's this I've got to pretend to be something I've got to put on a facade or and you feel a lot of that doing this work, and I think that's why it was such a mind blowing experience to meet someone who wasn't hiding behind something?
Alex Ferrari 5:03
Oh, yeah, I know the feeling right. Yeah. When I met my wife is it same thing? She was as authentic as you could be? Just yeah, yes. And that's when you don't play those games, it life becomes a lot easier that way. And it's rare though. It's extremely rare. But I can imagine, like, early on in my, in my early years in my early 20s, if I would have met a channel or a psychic, and they would have said, In our first date, I'd be like, do you? Do you know what I'm thinking? Like? It's, it pretty much exposes the fear.
Joy Kingsborough 5:35
Yeah. And then there's this, this specialness that they put upon you. Right, so they think because you're channeling now, any experience they have, they're like, oh, but you know, that are you understand? Now you can't you keep don't have this real conversation. Right. And I think both of us were used to that when we met us to that, like, people treated us a little bit differently. And so when we came together, and we'd share our experiences, and we could just be us and just talk about food, we could just cook something together, we could just go for a good meal or a walk. You know, even at the you know, when we first met, we were surrounded by all of these incredibly, you know, spiritual people in this world. And we just went for a walk. Right. So how do we how do we ground? How do we balance it? We do it with nature and creativity and connection and great conversation that isn't about channeling.
Alex Ferrari 6:26
So so that's like, Oh, you just that was a great Parmesan, that your spirit guides tell you how to do that?
Joy Kingsborough 6:34
Well, that was a yes, yes.
Alex Ferrari 6:35
Obviously, that would say yes, yes, of course, is the great recipes on the other side. But I imagine that would be that would happen is everything. Yeah, I guess you would. I mean, obviously, I spoken to so many people in this space now that I will put them I don't put anybody on a pedestal. It doesn't make any sense to me. Because I always look at what you do what all of us do at the different stages that we're at. We're examples of what could be we all have this ability. Yeah, we all have this ability to connect to source. It's truly about where we are in the journey. That's all it is. Absolutely. From Jesus to Buddha, to Joy to Matt to Alex, we all have different stages that we show, like no, there's some other ability. There's an example. Yeah, for all of us to go, but I can see how people would automatically Oh, you're special. And yeah, one thing I wanted to ask you as a channel, and when you came out as a channel and people started treating you differently. That's just a straight up ego trap. Yes, it is an ego trap very much like I mean, I come from Hollywood, I've dealt with many actors. And when they so do the best, you're the greatest year this year that you start believing that you drink the Kool Aid, right? How did you deal with that, as you were kind of coming out into this world, and people start treating you differently, that takes a strong understanding of who you are, and a center for you to kind of just go and even with, there's, I'm sure moments of weakness, like maybe I know, that. We're human, that's part of our journey. So how did you deal with it?
Joy Kingsborough 8:10
Well, and I think because there's a balance of you want to be confident, and you're developing your confidence. It's one of the things we're all developing in this space. Right? So how do I show up confidently, but not better than others. And so that's part of the, you know, I think the spiritual journey that we're on as channels or as intuitives. And as humans, is you move through these same series of lessons, this journey, and I think the ego is part of that, obviously. But the ego really helps us those moments of I remember being on stage and having people come first time afterwards and say, Can you sign your book, can you you know, wanting to talk to me, and all these on all of those, I was like, Oh my gosh, I didn't even want you to read the book. Like I wrote it. And I wanted to get the message out, but I didn't want him to know who I was, you know. So I had, I was balancing a lot of that. My ego wanted me to be very small. And so I was always fighting against that. I think, you know, I was told as a child, you know, nobody wants to hear that, you know, I had a lot of that messaging. And, you know, my, my father wanted a boy didn't want a girl. And so I had this sense of women were, you know, they were a second class, they were less than and so I really wanted to be, I wanted to fall in love. I wanted to I wanted people to like me. And so I wanted to be more demure. I wanted to be whatever people wanted me to be, this is what I wanted growing up. And so when I started to come onto this journey, and awaken to my own sense of self, my own sense of self love, and integrity, I needed to balance the integrity of are you really doing a good job? Are you helping people? Are you really showing up for that purpose? And so I would double, triple quadruple check myself. Every time I channeled. Like, was there any amount of ego that came in? And if somebody said you're doing a great job, it'd be like, Oh, they just they're just trying to be Nice to me. Yeah. Right. And so it took me a while to be able to really hear the feedback and go, You know what, they're right. I'm helping people.
Alex Ferrari 10:10
And, you know, I think there's a difference between celebrity, which is something I've been around a lot in my life, not me being a celebrity, but being around it. And the work that you do in an extension with what I do on the show, where we're changing people's lives, yeah, with the work that we're doing. And my experience is when people do recognize me, it's not about like, sometimes it's about the fame aspect of things, which I always find strange. But more so like, you've you've no idea, you've changed my life. It's a whole, that's a whole other level of an ego trap. But also just to deal with that kind of energy and information. I'm sure you and Matt and many of my guests who are doing this kind of work. To process that is, is a lot because it's one thing to talk into a microphone in your little room, and nobody here but you and me. And you just putting stuff out, you write a book, and you're alone and just put it out there. But someone reads this, someone watches this, and it really changes the trajectory of their path. That's a tremendous responsibility. And if you start to really get your head around that, it you'll never get out of house. I How do you deal with that?
Joy Kingsborough 11:19
Yeah, in the very beginning, I was doing readings, I started off I would, you know, do a card reading or a Numerology reading or, you know, I started in that space. And I would, you know, it was want to be very clear about what I was doing. So I'd always check and do the math and make sure that what I was hearing was absolutely perfect. And one day, I realized that it was slowing me down. And it was me I was I was watching my step too carefully. And as a result, I wasn't helping people the way that I could I started to filter messages, I'd be I wanted to do such a good job. And I didn't want to hurt people that if something would come through, I would say, Oh, I don't want to tell them that. I don't know if they can, I would start to question whether or not they could hear that. So for me, it was a bit of a journey through the I don't want to hurt anyone. And I had this conversation with my guide, you know, as Jonah was coming through and just said, I want to do this work. And I surrender. And I say yes to it, please help me let go of any need to measure by the quality of experience that I think they're taking in that moment, I had to see it from a bigger game, that I was really here to be a ripple of change in their life. And I might not get to see it in that moment, I might not get the ego feedback of oh my gosh, you're amazing. I might not get that moment, I might tell them something they don't like. And so I just surrendered and said, I don't care. I don't care if I'm right. I don't care what I'm just going to let you speak through me. And I'm going to see where this goes. And that was a turning point moment for me where I went from doing readings that were really planned out to just jumping on a call with a client or in a session and just letting it go, just just letting whatever wanted to come through. And it was pretty rapid for me. Like from that transition. It was, I could tell I felt so good when I did it. And when I held back, I didn't feel as good. But when I and so I could feel God moving through. And that became the experience you can't deny.
Alex Ferrari 13:15
And the thing is, you don't know what you might say or do that means nothing to you irrelevant to you can change someone's entire life. Because it's a brand new explosion in their mind. Yeah, you know, when I talk about the Council of Nicaea, like, you know, this was built by the, you know, the Bible was written by Constantine in the bottom. Right, and all this kind of stuff. And that just like, what, right, there's a lot of what's going on, and then that goes down a certain path which, but to me and you like Yeah, yeah, like Yeah, of course. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Of course. Yeah. I've been there done that. Right. But to someone who'd never heard that concept, and they hold on to that that book. Again, no judgment. As Oh, this is the word of God like, well, it could have been, but the purpose of it was this historically, right? And then there's translations and all the other stuff that goes along with it. But it is a very, it's a very humbling thing. The stuff that that gets done the work that we do, yeah. And I like the way you said you like, you were hoping you wanted to do so good that you were like, I want to see your life change now. My sake. Right? So I can go home and sleep tonight until you're like, No, I just have to let it out there. And whatever happens happens, and there might be a seed that flourishes 10 years from now.
Joy Kingsborough 14:35
Right. And I've had such amazing experiences of that. So I think over time, you know, I let go. And about five years in I started to see that ripple. You know, years later, people would come back and they'd want another reading or they tell me what happened. And I remember working with a client who was who was very sick, and she later died of cancer, but working with her. It was such an incredible experience. And because I was able to watch how the work really helped her, I gave her, not me. But the experience we had together create a sense of peace for her. So was the first time I really saw I don't think that this work is going to help her heal herself. I don't think that it's going to change the outcome that she's experiencing. But she's going to leave better off for the journey we've had. And so I worked with her for quite some time. And as she was coming closer to her death, it was about 10 years later, she flew out to where I lived and said, I want to take you to dinner or you're someone who means so much to me, that journey that we had together in this lifetime, touched me in a way that prepared me for what's next. And I just want to thank you. And so she came out, she took me on my mom to dinner. And it was those experiences where I started to measure that. Like, I don't need people to get the perfect outcome. I don't need me to be known. I just want to be a part of what makes this world better.
Alex Ferrari 16:03
Can I share a story with you? So recently, my mom was talking to my mom, and was a big fan of the show. Hi, mom. And she was in she has all her neighbors listening. And you know, she lives in a retirement community. And she told me about this gentleman who lived downstairs from her and said, hey, you know, this man, he is a huge fan of yours. He says next time you're in Florida, please come and visit. And I'm like, Cool, no problem. But he's dying. I'm like, Oh, wow. Like it's like they say he has a few months left. But he doesn't know it yet. The wife doesn't want to kind of tell him, he knows he's sick, but didn't know the extent of it. And, and I said to her, Do you want me to talk to him? He's like, Oh, my God that would make his day. I'm like, of course, let me see what I could please call me in 10 minutes. So I got on the phone with this gentleman. And he lit up like, it was the fourth of July. He was so happy. We spoke for half an hour. He's telling me I am no longer afraid of dying because of your show. And I've been watching all these new death experiences and the spiritual, watch it daily. And it has helped me with this transition that I'm going to go down. He was very understanding. He knew where he was going. He goes, I want to thank you so much. And and then, you know, we finished our conversation hung up and my mom told me that he was basically that his wife told her that he was on cloud nine for about another week or two. He was like, he was eating. He was happy. He had a look. And I was like wow, the power and any past unfortunately passed a book about a month or month or two later. And, but to know that this little show did that for another human being for another soul. You know, it's heavy, right? It's heavy. And I'm so glad it's the purpose of this right? It's not just for growth it's also for anything it needs to be Yeah. But it was it was heavy. It took me a minute to process that yeah, I really this I could.
Joy Kingsborough 18:15
But it's but when we you know, as we string those moments together, you know, it's it's not just the tragedy we get to be a part of people's extraordinary breakthroughs and when they discover their own light, and there's so many of these moments that that's become the measurement of was I a part of something like that not did I do that? Not how much money did I make? Not how many clients that I have a day. It's it's how was I remembered for what I came here to do.
Alex Ferrari 18:44
I've always fascinated about numerology. I've never had anybody on the show to talk to me about numerology. I am aware of it. I understand. Just enough to be dangerous. Yeah. Can you explain to me what numerology is, and then we'll go deeper down that because that's a pretty deep rabbit hole.
Joy Kingsborough 19:01
It's a pretty big rabbit hole. And that for me, I think the simplest way that I look at it is numerology is a language. And it is a way of communicating with the divine. It's the very first language. So we began language with geometry. So it started off with geometric shapes that would speak to people. So they and you know, we see this in cave drawings, everything was very abstract and geometric was round. It wasn't square, right? We hadn't gotten to a linear idea first. First, it was this geometry. But in that the conversations were certain shapes we felt things with. So everything was a way of interpreting our feeling state, interpreting what was happening in this consciousness, which then became characters which became numbers, which then became letters. So numerology was a study that once we started to develop language, and we had an easier way to communicate with words. It was a way of keeping us enacted to the original system of the Divine, that the divine had a story for us. And we were filled at fulfilling it here. And it was an archetypal story. So there were certain archetypes that we would move through in our evolution in our awakening. And so numerology is the source code of our awakening, it tells us the order of events, what lessons were, we'll move through. So when we look back to the original language and the original interpretations we had, Sanskrit, you name it, we're looking at the beginnings of numerology, we're looking at the beginnings of this shape means this, but it's the core of the traditional meanings long before they were changed by political and religious figures. So they're the original meanings. So this was stored, the Egyptians actually stored this in a system that was 52 Different archetypes. We know those 52 archetypes now as poker cards. But this was the original system of numerology. It was never created as a game. It was 52 Different archetypes to represent 52 different weeks, that was happening in a particular order, in order to awaken every human to four really important fundamental aspects of our life. And that was development of the heart, development of the mind, development of the material world engagement, and the development of spirituality. And what are those, what are the what are the suits of the hearts, the clubs, the diamonds, the spades
Alex Ferrari 21:34
So what so in that order?
Joy Kingsborough 21:36
In that order. So we have the heart development of the heart, right, and remembering who we are, from the Divine, then we have the clubs of the mind. So these are all things related to mental processing and thought, an important part of the journey. And then we have diamonds, which is the physical world, which is to now we're going to separate ourselves, we have to even the edges of the shape are a way of separating, seeing the things that are separate from us. But then spiritual out, the spiritual spade is actually a drawing of all of the suits that are now coming together looking up to the divine. So it's, everything is now let's look at it from a bigger picture.
Alex Ferrari 22:13
And when you say, archetypes, me coming from Hollywood and storytelling, the archetype in the hero's journey, right? There are a bunch of archetypes of the court jester, the trickster, the hero, the villain, the you know, all of these kinds of things. Is that similar in that sense?
Joy Kingsborough 22:34
it's what was before the hero's journey, of course, right? So, all of that, I mean, tarot cards come out of that astrology comes out of that the hero's journey, how film is developed, all of these things come back to a natural psychological structure. So we all have a way of moving conscious thought into new ideas. It's not different for any human. It's been known since the beginning of the time of time. The Essenes knew it, they wrote it in their tax the it's written in the Emerald Tablets, they talk about communicating with consciousness in the evolution of that this isn't a new idea. We've just tried to out think it. Right?
Alex Ferrari 23:15
With our ego minds, absolutely. With our ego minds. Yeah. So that's why a lot of these ancient sites around the world like the pyramids, and things like that, it's all about numbers completely. It's all about not only geometry, but about math, about what these numbers mean, the height of this, that the width of that is according to astrology. And the way the planets are, it's, it's all math, right? It's all numbers.
Joy Kingsborough 23:39
It's all math in order to leverage an understanding of how frequency is moving through the entire planet. So every mathematical combination, every number is associated with a feeling, which is associated with a frequency, which has a particular experience in the world, it engages with the world in a particular way. So when you're in the pyramid, you have a room that has a very specific shape and size. It's very specific, so specific, that it doesn't matter if you have a good singing voice or not. I do not. Let's, let's be really clear. But when you're in the chamber, and you start chanting, your voice matches the perfect pitch that room is designed for it is cultivating a frequency, what is the frequency of that room? I don't know the specific frequency of it. But there's, it's if you were to take like the 528 frequency or somewhere around in there. That's what it feels like to me when I'm there. And so
Alex Ferrari 24:42
Isn't one of those frequencies. I'm not familiar I know again, enough to be dangerous. Those frequencies are like the heart frequency, or the mind frequency. There are frequencies there are that you can measure. Yep. Is that what some of those like that room is connecting to one of those things Yeah, no, actually what I heard it was, it was the Earth's frequency.
Joy Kingsborough 25:03
Yeah, I think it's a combination of things. So one of the, I think something that's difficult in this conversation is that you have a frequency when you're there. So you're bringing a frequency into that room. And you have to account for that. So I think this is why the feeling we're having is based on who we are, which our home frequency is love. But we also align with the earth. And as we come together, and we're in harmony with the Earth, we create a sound together, which then amplifies not only what's happening in the pyramid, you know, cultivating the energy of the earth, which, you know, I think this was largely used for some sort of electrical communication, some sort of communication device, because you can feel it, it's amplifying sound, which to me is an antenna you're in I think a lot of other people have felt the same thing. I've had conversations with people who study this who are like, this was communication, but you sit in there and you feel it, you know, it, I chanted, I've got a video on my YouTube where I chant in the king's chamber. And it's me and one other person, and it sounds like I'm with an entire orchestra chanting. That's how magnified that spaces and the Chamber isn't that big. No, this is not a big room. Sounds really fascinating. It's designed specifically to amplify.
Alex Ferrari 26:21
It was just all done haphazardly by a bunch of slaves. It took them like 30 40 years to put it together. Yeah, it's real simple. There's no reason for any of it. It's obviously where they buried people.
Joy Kingsborough 26:35
Clearly, clearly, even though we've never found a mummy in any of them.
Alex Ferrari 26:38
No, or any hieroglyphs because the Egyptians were known to talk about everything they ever did, but in there, no hieroglyphs, right. So it was fascinating. So going back to numerology, okay, so that's the basis of it. So how would you you? How do you use it in your life? What do you do with it? Like readings, things like that. When you were talking? It was like, oh, that sounds a lot like the I Ching or version of crashing? Is that correct?
Joy Kingsborough 27:04
Absolutely. Yeah, they're all if you really go further back, and this is what I love going back to well, what was the core around the world? You know, we had Mayan numerology. There's the eaching. There's Taro, there's even the Gypsy tarot, there's all these different things that emerge all over the world. And when we go back to the core of it, we really see that there was some sort of conversation that was being had with leaders all over the world. And it was either intuitive or channeled, where they were picking up on what the meanings of different shapes were, and then they created systems. Right. But for me when I look at numerology, and I think it's probably the same for eaching. And some of these other systems, these systems are so intricate, and so precise. I don't know who could have invented numerology, at least the original system. Even when we look at how Pythagoras over time, sort of distorted the system and lightened it like there was a lightening of that information to think is more than the mainstream numerology is sort of this anecdotal, oh, you're this life path. And it means this and it's gotten really light. The traditional system is very specific, and there's no deviation it is you were born at this moment, which means you were born at this place in the sky, which means you were born for this reason. And these are the people you'll meet. And this was your purpose. This is the mental, emotional and physical patterns you'll deal with in your life. So all that ego patterning, numerology breaks down every single ego pattern you'll ever break through. And when you do it, it walks you through how to be karma free. So it's literally giving you the path with a flashlight we were talking about, gives you the flashlight in the tunnel that says if you go this way, and if you lean into this growth pattern, my example was, my mind was navigating a pattern of loss. So my thinking pattern was I was always less than I was always going to lose something I always needed to make sure I didn't, you know, I needed to make everybody happy so that people wouldn't leave me. Well, that's my main mental chart for karma that are needed to move through was being okay that they did, right. So breaking through that it's written in my chart. I didn't know that until after I had moved through that lesson. But we have 13 of these patterns. And when we know what they are, we can lean into them rather than hide from them or try to overcome them or control them. And if you just lean in and go okay, well if this is my pattern, then how do I unwind that and really trust or develop my integrity or develop my discernment. And it walks you through everybody walks the same lessons just in a different way.
Alex Ferrari 29:46
So when you're giving a Tarot reading, which is a whole other conversation for another day, but that the the tarot cards, each one of those cards represents an archetype
Joy Kingsborough 29:59
Alex Ferrari 30:00
That you will, that you can now not everyone's gonna go through all all of them. But you can that's going to be happening on your path right now you like oh, you're gonna find your true love your true loves on the way on Oh death, okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna die Watch out or something along those lines or wealth or something along those lines. So basically numerology is giving you a roadmap to your, not only your future, but also your past, and what you're supposed to do in this life.
Joy Kingsborough 30:30
In this life and what you can learn from other lives in this moment. And it's precise. So Taro came out of numerology, that was an evolved system. And you can use playing cards that way people, I mean, I can use playing cards to give information. But really the core of it is there's one layout for everyone. And we're all on that layout. We're all like in this dance together. And when we know what that is, even if we are pulling cards, or using that kind of system to get information, if we can match it back to our own story, it's even more profound, because we can see what's really ours. We're not meant to play all of them. Right? Right. It's exhausting. And it's but we, but we don't know, we haven't been given the flashlight. And so we're seeking. So when you were talking about seekers before, I think a lot of that seeking makes us more susceptible to the traps, rather than going, Wait a minute, this isn't a trap, this is a door.
Alex Ferrari 31:27
What's in numerology kind of just in stone? Or is it something that adjusts?
Joy Kingsborough 31:33
So I would say both. It's something that the moment you were born was set,
Alex Ferrari 31:39
I always I call it like, our soul plan. You know, this, of course, yes, that there's markers in the in the road on the highway. Yeah, those markers don't move, you're gonna, you and Matt are gonna meet at this time, and I'm going to start a show at this at these giant moments that move you're absolutely written to happen, they're going to happen, you're going to meet this person, you're going to have this job you can period, how you get there is completely up to you is that kind of the way it is?
Joy Kingsborough 32:05
Absolutely and the experience, you're going to have what you've created that makes it so that you have a you know, a lower experience or a more dense experience more painful experience. Right? Or if you have a higher experience where I think, you know, there's versions where Matt and I could have met, and we maybe weren't ready, or
Alex Ferrari 32:24
20 years ago, if you would have met Well, what happened?
Joy Kingsborough 32:27
Well, we either would have completely not liked each other, or we would have had 42 Children, we don't we're not quite sure which one it is.
Alex Ferrari 32:34
That's one or the other right?
Joy Kingsborough 32:36
You meet at the moments that you need to meet, but what you've created, you know that you are creating certain experiences. And that's even a tricky word, because you're not creating, you're just walking a path. And you're part of the co creation of it, you're you're part of the landscape, like going to the king's chamber, and your frequency is a part of that moment, creating something that the universe is wanting to experience through your God wants to experience through you
Alex Ferrari 33:05
And how you walk that with the frequency, let's say, or the energy or the attitude that you walk into that event environment will determine your experience, right? Because a lot of times, I always tell my children that and I'm not, I don't hear to it all the time. Yeah, but you have no control of what life throws at you, right. But only thing you control is how you deal with it, how you process it, that's the only thing you have real control of you have a car accident, it could be the worst day of your life, it could be the best day of you that you could have met your wife that day, or your husband that they get a million reasons. So it's all about how you process and deal with what has been thrown at you that you have control, complete control over
Joy Kingsborough 33:44
And how much you're able to really see it and observe. Because if you can't observe, and you're in it, right, you're so in it, then it's almost I mean, you can't help that either. Right. But the more we become aware, so we go through this process of constant awakening, where we become more aware of something and more aware of something and more aware of something, and we're actually just able to see more possibilities. And then we can take those paths where it was the same we could, it's the consciousness we meet a moment in determines the experience.
Alex Ferrari 34:15
When you are so when you're born you have a set number, right? Let's say that certain date, the date of a calendar that we've created at this point in time, not the Mayan calendar, but our calendar. So those numbers are set in stone. So like, you know, if you're born a Sagittarius, your Sagittarius that's what that's that's the cards that you dealt, were dealt at that point in time. How does this connect? Has numerology connect to astrology? Which I've just recently discovered? Yeah, about. I mean, I've known about it but I actually had someone on who's an expert and goes deep into the history of Australia like going like you did. Yeah, you go far, far, far back. And then then you start and then we talked about the science of it, the physics of it and like there's a Not the woowoo of it. No, no, it's real. What that is like, Oh, well, the moon actually has an effect on the planet the tides. Yes. So if the moon has an effect on the on the on the planet, it might actually affect us that we're 90 Whatever. 80 90% water right, there's that. And I never heard I never knew this but Luna tick. Right? Is on the moon is comes from lunar the moon, because at certain times oh, full moon night, right? People start going a little nutty.
Joy Kingsborough 35:32
Yeah. Well, I think you know, when you start to trace these things back, you see, almost everything connects back to its astrological and numerological roads, and is the same thing. You know, there's all kinds of stories of things that were stolen out of these temples in Egypt and all over the world. They were all astrological sites, they were all places where they were mapping the moon system and the stars and the planets and the planets they knew about before they before we've just discovered them, of course, remember they right, but they're the numerology is the frequency foundation of it, all of it all. And they're linked, right? The astrology is another way of telling the story of those how those frequencies communicate with us that we have a home place that we were born from, there's a moment where that the whatever the alignment was, whatever the feeling was in the world, right? Some of us love summer, some of us love winter, you know, there are certain feelings that every day has. That feeling is a part of our frequency. So we're born with it. It's not that we are that it's not like if you were born a Gemini or Sagittarius, that you have to do all those rights. It means that you were born under that frequency. And that frequency is going to feel familiar. And so familiarity makes means that we want to do that those are things that we love. So then we can we can predict the traits that we like, because we're familiar creatures. We want that familiarity.
Alex Ferrari 37:01
It's interesting, because I throughout my life, I would meet people, and I'd go, man, I feel comfortable with you, right? I go, Are you cancer? And I go, Yeah, I'm like, Yeah, makes sense. Right? You could smell it, right? You can smoke and I can smell a cancer coming from a mile away. Right? In, in, like, they just have these certain things. They're not all the same. But there's just something about them that there's an energy to them, and you just kind of feel it. Yeah, kind of like when you all and then when you like, if you're if your nemesis is Sagittarius is, then you're like, Oh, I can't write, you know, or if it's a Leo or if it's a tourist and you're like, Oh, God, they just don't mix. Right? You feel those as well. But it before I believed in any of this. I always was like, Well, you know, cancer. Okay, that makes common sense. And then I would read the traits. I'm like, yep. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And I would read the other ones. But no, do Do you know, not good with money. Right? Like, all that kind of stuff. Yeah. It's, it's pretty fascinating to see it. What do you say to people who just just saying this is just in saying all of this stuff? Like, how can you work your life? I'm not talking about the horoscopes that you read in the newspaper. That's not what we're talking about here. But when you start guiding your life on numbers, and if the planets are aligning, I mean, it sounds it sounds loony.
Joy Kingsborough 38:27
Alex Ferrari 38:28
It does sound good. Yeah. As we're discussing, it's becoming much more concrete to me, believe it or not, because it's coming from a base of of a grounded, right? historical place, mathematical place, in physics, play science, scientific place. What do you say to people, which I'm sure run into you, not only about this, about everything else you do, as well, but specifically about this kind of stuff like this makes? Right? This is weird.
Joy Kingsborough 38:53
You know, I don't defend it anymore. There was a time when it used to make me really uncomfortable. And in fact, in the very beginning, when I started doing readings for people, I didn't tell them, that's what I was doing. I would just say, you know, I'm able to just be able to, you know, lean into some characteristic traits, do you would you mind and I would just say some things. But now if somebody asks about it, I just say, you know, you can think it's anecdotal, but there's some really uncanny things that are connected to this system. And there are reasons why we meet certain people. And just like you said, there are certain people who resonate with and some that we don't, and I'll sometimes share the story of being in Disneyland. I love Disneyland. I think this is it's magical. I'm still a kid. It's where I go back to being you know, my youngest happiest version of me. Right. So but in Disneyland one of the things that I noticed and I started noticing this everywhere in life, you're there with what a million people at Disneyland, there's all these, you know, hundreds of 1000s of people on any given day, and you'll walk around the park, and you'll run into the same people over and over again.
Alex Ferrari 39:55
Yes, and they're all in your line.
Joy Kingsborough 39:56
Right. And it's the same people with like, you know, the sick cuz kids and bubble machines are watching the kids and you know all whatever it is, but you see the same people. And there's a reason for that goes back to the system of energetics and the grid, we have a frequency and a home, a home an experience of who we are for a reason that's bigger than us. We are part of the magnetics of this planet. And so we are drawn to certain magnetic frequencies in order to fulfill our role. So it really you start to notice it in life, you just are drawn to certain people, you end up with people who have similar experiences, not because you put an ad out and said, I have these experiences, you know, call me if you're interested in these things. We just find each other. And it's really not as complicated as we're making it. We end up in the room with people, like out of all the 8 billion people I meet the love of my life. And it's so extraordinary. That's I mean, that's magic, by anybody's definition.
Alex Ferrari 40:54
Well, I mean, when I had I mean, I had Matt on the Show, Episode 16. Right. I was so I was a newbie in this world, right? I never heard of Matt, right, ever. And yet. He was one of the people put in front of me, right? And I'm like, Oh, he seems like I think this will be good. And we had lovely conversations. And it just was just magical the way the way it is. I was telling him before you know, I'm do friends with Darryl Anka, who's who channels Bashar and I knew him as a filmmaker. I three years I knew him. Never once messenger he channeled, right. It's never a conversation. How is it that that human being out of everybody in LA? Who could have worked with his movie? A couple people? No, they could have done his movie. found me. Right? And then we did all that. And then I would start my show I go your channel, right? Why don't you come on the show? He's like, Alright, cool. I'll do it for you. Right. And it's fascinating how everything kind of
Joy Kingsborough 41:53
Right it just lines up. Thank goodness, because that's how the sun and the moon work. Thank goodness, they just line up so that we don't freeze. Right?
Alex Ferrari 42:04
So let me ask you if you were going to do so how does the numerology chart go? Like if you were going to do my I don't want you to tell my future but in general, like if you were gonna example it how does that work?
Joy Kingsborough 42:12
It would depend on so for me context is everything. I think the when we look at these systems are so vast, we can look at anything I'm I'm not in the realm of predict, like predictive work. I'm not a fortune teller. Right? I think that's one of the worst uses of this kind of like the traps. I think the best are tickets, right? No, no lottery. Karmic having retribution for that. But being able to look at and go, Well, what is it that in your life is bringing you the most angst? Or curiosity? You know, what are you know, you're got this business that you're unfolding. You know, if I, if we came into conversation, I would say, you know, what are what is it that you're not sure about? As you're expanding your business? Is there something I can look at to help you see maybe some sort of blind spot? That's really what I'm obsessed with? Is where's the blind spot? Where's the place that I can really take it to the next level of understanding myself or helping you understand yourself so that you can get the most out of this life? You're gonna do it anyway. But let's do it at the level that gives you the greatest feedback, excitement, joy, prosperity. Let's find that together. And that's what I'm looking for in the chart. Where's your key alignment for prosperity? Love health well being that's what I that's what I'm diving in.
Alex Ferrari 42:14
So you're gonna walk into the snowstorm. Now, do you want to be in a four wheel drive or an 87 Pinto? Or snowshoes once you get out of the car do you want to be in Bermuda shorts and about the Tommy Bahama? Right or would you like you know, a parka? That snow shoes? Because you're going in right?
Joy Kingsborough 43:48
Yeah. And there's a lot of realism to it. Right? I'll look at my chart and I'll see some years it's like, oh, I'm, I've got to navigate this lesson has nothing to do with the things that I'm interested in. But I'm so grateful I know that. Right. So I think that's that's where I usually approach it is how can I help you get the most out of your life?
Alex Ferrari 44:05
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Well, I want to I don't want to leave our conversation before I speak to Jonah. Okay, Jonah is I love John. Last time he was here. He was a great conversation. So can you explain to the audience how you how you channel and what your process is in channeling?
Joy Kingsborough 44:57
Okay, so for me, I'm feeling really conscious. I'll call myself a conscious channel. But I do let go and I feel the difference between me and Jonah. So while even though Jonah's here has been here, the whole conversation, Jonah sort of steps forward, I feel and come into this space just more than he was a moment ago. And Jonah will just share insights, wisdom, he's very direct. Not so conversational. He'll just usually like come right in and just, there's so much with the banter, as no, not
Alex Ferrari 45:32
Not so much with like, so did you see Raiders of the Lost Ark? And like, No, not at all. It's
Joy Kingsborough 45:38
Not as much fun on a date
Alex Ferrari 45:39
I have to ask about that. How did how does the job how does that play into a relationship? Yeah, maybe like Jonah coming in, in like, imagine if Jonah came in is like, Matt's not for you. Right. But you felt it? That would have been awkward. I'm sure he didn't, that would change things. It would change things right. But you felt it and I'm sure Jonah showed up. He's like, he is the one.
Joy Kingsborough 46:04
Well, I got lots of feedback. I got like, it's okay. You know, because you're afraid everything's so fast.
Alex Ferrari 46:09
I mean, yeah, you guys were like teenagers. For God's sakes, you're like a year later, you're married after a weekend. And we're like, it's you and me. You're my person. Let's go.
Joy Kingsborough 46:17
And you're like, Have I lost my mind?
Alex Ferrari 46:20
Because you're like, I'm a rational woman. Yeah, I've lived life a little bit on my mother. I've you know, I've been through some stuff. Yeah. What am I acting like a child? Like, when Matt told when you told me it? And when that now told me the whole story, I was like, Good lord, right. I mean, I was fast to with my wife and when we move pretty quickly. But it yeah. Pretty quick.
Joy Kingsborough 46:45
Yeah. So there are a lot of those moments of like, what am I doing if I lost my mind, and Jonah would give me so much reinsurance. So I got a lot of that I got a lot of feedback without taking the journey away. Right, I had to move through why I was afraid and opening my heart. And, you know, those kinds of things didn't take the journey away. But for us, you know, we're used to channeling we know the difference. Like there have been times where we're in the kitchen and all of a sudden Jonah's there. And now it'd be like, Oh, I'm not talking to joy anymore. Like he can feel the difference, and then start to he'll ask questions,
Alex Ferrari 47:16
And that's what he was. So this Parmesan, right, what would you do?
Joy Kingsborough 47:21
You know, as well, yes.
Alex Ferrari 47:23
Exactly. too much parmesian? So, yeah. All right. So I have a handful of questions for Jonah. So let's break in, let me know.
Joy Kingsborough 47:32
Okay. Yeah, we're good.
Alex Ferrari 47:34
So Jonah, welcome. What lessons from the fall of Atlantis can be applied in today's world?
Joy Kingsborough 47:45
So the experience of Atlantis and we look at Atlantis, Lemuria, and Egypt and all of the players of that time, what we're discovering now is the next stage of awareness. So Lemuria. Atlantis, the confusion that happened during that time was that the masculine and the feminine energies needed to rise separately. So they needed to have their own space in order to expand. And so the coming together, the unification of those frequencies never clicked into place, it became a battle between what will lead this world the masculine or the feminine. So as we come into this time, there's a harmonizing of frequency that's happening and an education throughout the world. What's energy, what's frequency? How do we work with frequency? How do we understand the nature of this reality? And in doing so, right now, the species is remembering that there was a time when it needed to be masculine or feminine. And that that didn't work. And the greatest lesson now is how do we integrate the masculine, the feminine within all species, and then come together as a unified being in order to progress in a way that you didn't do before?
Alex Ferrari 48:55
Now, was the luminaria, the feminine?
Joy Kingsborough 48:58
Alex Ferrari 48:59
And Atlantis was the masscue.
Joy Kingsborough 49:00
Alex Ferrari 49:01
And that was what was so what's happening in today's energy?
Joy Kingsborough 49:05
Yeah. So today's energy is a movement towards technology, where that technology is very much a masculine driven outcome, how do we get to the outcomes faster? How do we get to the end? How do we, how do we get to the cookie without having to bake it, right? How do we just print it? How do we get to those places, and the feminine is nurturing the journey, and nurturing the opening and the holding space for all of those things. So an integration of that is happening where the heart and the mind are working their way back together. But right now there's going to be a little bit of the choosing of PAs, choosing only the masculine and choosing only the feminine. So there are these different approaches, and you're seeing it now playing out as far as the decisions to police based on feelings and emotion. This is a rise of the feminine that's unchecked and out of balance. And then there's a rise of the masculine which is It's only the technology, it's only the AI, it's only the output that matters, and only whether or not we have facts and deliberate information. And so emerging are marrying a union that's coming back to the marriage of mind and heart. They are not separate things, AI, heart, love, connection, people's wellbeing, all of these things are can be integrated, and that path can be walked as one realizing that technology isn't separate. emotions aren't separate, these are all part of a unified force in this world.
Alex Ferrari 50:32
Will we will Atlantis show itself again, in our lifetime, at least in my lifetime?
Joy Kingsborough 50:39
Yeah, not in the way that when you're seeing it already. So you're seeing a lot of that happening in ways that because you're in it, you don't realize there's a romanticization of these cultures, right, where the romantic idea is, they had all this technology, which means things were easy, and there wasn't a lot of chaos. And there are stories that it was completely peaceful, that's not truthful. So the the truth of that is there was a lot of violence. And there was a lot of separating community. Atlantis wasn't by itself, there were other communities of beings, there were multiple beings, a lot of Atlantis was guided by beings that aren't here now that you're not seeing now. And they had separated themselves from the bulk of humanity. So there, there was an isolation of what seemed like living in peace and harmony, which really was more of a an elite community.
Alex Ferrari 51:31
Now did the the people that came from Atlantis once it fell did they set up shop in Egypt in Mesoamerica? In China and multiple areas around the world?
Joy Kingsborough 51:48
Correct! They moved out, they systematically eliminated the leaders of those of those tribes of those communities, and took over those spaces and became the teachers and the rulers. Yes.
Alex Ferrari 51:59
So they actually overtook them.
Joy Kingsborough 52:01
Alex Ferrari 52:01
It wasn't like, hey, come in and teach us and welcome back.
Joy Kingsborough 52:04
And there was an attempt for that. Oh, but but it was also an attempt with a very large stick, right, a very large gun that that shot lasers that they were unaware of, and understand the technology. So they use technology as the dominance.
Alex Ferrari 52:16
And when they did that was the reasoning for it. They understood the higher purpose of what they were doing. Meaning like, when you're conquering and other people or at least Yeah, taking the leader out and placing yourself in, it's generally not a good thing. generally not a good thanks. But did they understand that like, no, no, these people aren't, don't understand what they don't know.
Joy Kingsborough 52:34
Correct! Yeah, there was an idea that they're there, they weren't developed in a way where they could govern themselves, where they could come step into civilization and understand the technology, understand what they were being shown, or what was available to them. So in a lot of ways that would just was the path, it was what was going to happen. It just wasn't integrated. And because of the way cycles work on this planet, there was a desire to impart as much information about the technology and about what they had learned from the fall of these cultures. And from the flood, and different things that happened, G live from the geography of the planet, the structures, and all of the things that humans were going to navigate and that they would be be without leaders for 50,000 years, they needed to impart certain information very quickly, and they didn't have time for humans to evolve to a level of maturity. And so they hoped that they would take certain resources and information and be able to then grow consciously in a way that they wouldn't repeat those mistakes. And, and fortunately, and unfortunately, there has been a repeating of some of those mistakes, but there's also been the implanted wisdom that hasn't been fully lost from that time.
Alex Ferrari 53:50
When you say humans, you're talking about that the people from Atlantis were not human
Joy Kingsborough 53:54
Alex Ferrari 53:55
So they came from where then?
Joy Kingsborough 53:57
So there was a variety of locations. There were two specific star systems that came together at that time that were cultivating the planet that were a part of the planet. They were from this planet, there wasn't they didn't conquer it. They came to they came to cultivate this space, a space that they had lived before, for eons and eons. And there were they're human, the human race was rising up in consciousness, so they were helping
Alex Ferrari 54:21
So then that's why homosapien overtook Neanderthal in a matter of a very short amount of time. And because they picked homosapien because they were both correct, because technically, Neanderthal was a much more fit, better fit for this planet's environment, but they would have been more violent, correct because they were more animalistic.
Joy Kingsborough 54:42
Alex Ferrari 54:43
Then the homo sapien.
Joy Kingsborough 54:44
Right, the homo sapien had the capacity to have more of a balanced frequency and an ability to scale their consciousness in a much more rapid rate.
Alex Ferrari 54:54
And did they I mean, as they as the stories go with the Anunnaki is this is this the Anunnaki essentially?
Joy Kingsborough 55:00
With the Anunnaki were connected to this time they weren't running Atlantis.
Alex Ferrari 55:05
Right, of course, but they were connected around this tract. So was there sort of like this splicing of genes and manipulation to actually raise them up so fast? Humans?
Joy Kingsborough 55:17
Alex Ferrari 55:18
So that's, that's why there's that junk DNA. Yeah, that we speak of
Joy Kingsborough 55:22
There was more than one occasion that that occurred throughout throughout history.
Alex Ferrari 55:27
How long back we we talked about Atlantis was supposedly 10 to 12,000 15,000 years, when it fell.
Joy Kingsborough 55:32
Alex Ferrari 55:33
How far back did it go?
Joy Kingsborough 55:34
So that's accurate. It's just repeated itself, many, many, many cycles. And so this is why there's a lot of confusion, as people are channeling, or you're looking at history is this has been happening for more than 200,000 years. So it happens in repeating cycle where the planet moves through a particular cycle, and there's flooding, there's pushups, there, there are all these things that are occurring in order to sort of reset the Earth in order to have it thrive and grow and expand. And as that happens, you lose a lot of information. And, and so it repeats, but each time it repeats, it repeats with less of the trauma from the previous cycle.
Alex Ferrari 56:14
Is this the highest we've ever been, as far as our consciousness?
Joy Kingsborough 56:19
Not yet. Not yet. Not yet,
Alex Ferrari 56:21
Are we but we're moving?
Joy Kingsborough 56:22
You're moving in that direction. You have more people committed to the process of awakening than you have in previous times.
Alex Ferrari 56:28
That's what I'm Yeah. As a collective as humanity. Yes. There has never been a time where this many
Joy Kingsborough 56:33
There's more agreement than there has been in the past.
Alex Ferrari 56:36
Okay, so there was more agreement in passing. As far as you keep saying your word cycles. i Are you referring to like the yugas of this 24,000 year cycle that we start enlightened, go into dark ages, back to enlightenment?
Joy Kingsborough 56:51
Yeah and the reason for that is you're you're moving into different parts of the solar system. And so different parts of the solar system have different frequency fields, right, different frequency consciousness. And so as you move through those, it makes it difficult for your brain to retain information. So your brain needs to create personalities in order to help you remember things or save you from certain dangers, so that you can program yourself to certain times when you're so far from the core of your consciousness, from where you began, that the forgetting is so intense, that you make up things in order to stay safe. So you make up stories and patterns, it's part of a protective mechanism that this suit has for you, this body has for you, in order to keep your keep you safe while you're furthest away from your home.
Alex Ferrari 57:40
So as so we're now moving towards correct are home to home, we're coming back to home. So that's why it's going in now. And again, from our recorded history. We're talking about 6000 years, 7000 years, according you know, but there's actually much it's much, much longer. It's a blink, right? That's nothing, right? It really is nothing and the last 100 years, we've it's accelerated so fast. Yes. Is that because we're why are we ramping so fast? Because the last 150 years that technology consciousness we went from, in my lifetime in the 70s. To where we are now. Yeah, is so dramatically different, right? And then but you see not as dramatic is from the 20s. To the 70s. Right? It was there was a dramatic difference, but not the same, right? It seems to be ramping up. Why are we ramping up? So far? It seems like everything's changing daily, right?
Joy Kingsborough 58:37
So well, you can understand it from the perspective of when you're near water, things grow faster, right? So the closer you are in proximity to water, the faster you grow, the more you can have. So you are now closer to what is the equivalent of water for consciousness you have, you're immersed in an experience, that now information is more available. So in that field, where you are there's information floating through that was not available before you couldn't pick up on the same intuitive information or channeled information. You were too far from its source. It's like a radio antenna that if you're out in the middle of the Antarctic, you might not pick up the radio station happening in Texas, right? You're it's just not proximity to that. The closer you move towards the proximity of consciousness, the faster your consciousness can grow and expand, the faster you can move through the cycles of awareness.
Alex Ferrari 59:29
You mentioned the pole shifts. That is that is scientifically happened at one point or another in the history of the planet geologically. Is that going to happen in our lifetime in the next 100 years?
Joy Kingsborough 59:41
Alex Ferrari 59:42
The shifts, the poles are going to shift. So if the poles are going to shift that's going to it's going to change things a little bit little, a little bit. So Antarctica will will not will melt and that continent will be in all of its all of his secrets will then be revealed. So Surely many of its secrets. And then the areas that we looking at now would be frozen.
Joy Kingsborough 1:00:06
Yeah, not as precisely as I think some people have mapped that out, either there's going to be a shift, you're going to move from the, you're no longer to be in the northern hemisphere, you'll be in the southern hemisphere, there are things that will happen. And the process of that transition will result in some of that temporary freezing condition, you'll have experiences of flooding, you'll have lots of earthquakes, volcanoes, all these things that are part of the discomfort of that birthing to that shift. Once it shifts, you'll actually be in an incredibly warm location. It's just getting through that transition, there's sort of a there's a birthing process.
Alex Ferrari 1:00:42
Is and I've heard this from others, I'd love to hear your thoughts, is the thing that's going to start causing these pole shifts, the comet that's coming towards us?
Joy Kingsborough 1:00:52
It's hard to say that one specific thing is responsible for that pole shift, the pole shift is part of the program. So
Alex Ferrari 1:01:00
It's gonna happen.
Joy Kingsborough 1:01:01
it's gonna happen. It's just you, you start to have, you know, just like when you look at signs, there are signs that it's occurring. And then you can make correlations say, well, the comments closer, so therefore it's causing it. Well, it's happening soon, and therefore you're starting to see the elements, they're part of that process.
Alex Ferrari 1:01:21
Will there be there will be a lot of disruption.
Joy Kingsborough 1:01:23
Alex Ferrari 1:01:24
And death and I'm saying that because of this.
Joy Kingsborough 1:01:26
Alex Ferrari 1:01:27
You know, because most of the planet lives by the coasts, correct, essentially, so there will be there's going to be some issues.
Joy Kingsborough 1:01:34
Yeah. And humans have lost at least until this point, the ability to feel that intuitive knowing that humans are meant to migrate. And so humans have gotten attached because of the process of the fall, and the consciousness shifting, that as you awaken, people become more migratory, they have a desire to travel, they feel this, oh, I really just want to travel and see people, that's actually your migratory response beginning to come online to wake up to see that you are meant to move with the flow of I need to be here and I need to be there. And those who awaken to those traits, those who are lat who say yes to that awakening, will begin to be moved around the globe and to those safe locations, and that you will move with the change. Not you won't be at the whim of it.
Alex Ferrari 1:02:23
Okay, that makes sense. So let me ask you this, then, the great ancient sites that we have around the world, and started being discovered like Gobekli Tepe, a and these kinds of places, for example, the pyramids, one of the most famous in the world, how long? How old is it? Is how many years is it? Because they say, Oh, 3000 oaks, not 3000 it from what now people are starting to figure out that it could be as much as 10,000 20,000 years old,
Joy Kingsborough 1:02:53
Older than that. So 22,000 plus years, for a lot of those structures, some of those structures were removed, or were pieced together and move to different locations. So you have things like the Sphinx, right, yeah, there are certain structures that were shifted and changed. And you've seen that even in modern years, things that were moved from one place to another, that's happened many times, especially as, as you've known that things are going to change to try to save some of that destruction, or at least save the model. Right? Not all pyramids, many of the pyramids are under the under the water or underground jungle, right? It was like saving the model of you know, build it like this, this is what's going to bring that energetic freedom for you. This is what's going to you this will help you communicate with other people as they're starting to come in. You know, right now you're amplifying the human body, you're going to amplify in other ways to be able to have conversations with other civilizations. So all of those things. He was trying to save that model so that when you knew what it was, you'd be able to replicate it easily.
Alex Ferrari 1:03:53
That 12,000 years ago, when when Atlantis went down? Was it the Younger Dryas? Was it that was that the cause of it, there was some sort of cosmic comets hitting that changed, changed the environment so rapidly, that there was massive flooding? Because flooding?
Joy Kingsborough 1:04:09
Alex Ferrari 1:04:09
Is that what happened?
Joy Kingsborough 1:04:10
Absolutely. And a lot of that had to do with the magnetic shifting that's happening so that as soon as the planet shifts, it begins to shift again, it's always in shift. So it's always there's nothing static. There's nothing static was planted, right? So you're, you're moving constantly, and just like you'd have tires on a vehicle at some point, as the rotation is moving those tires, you begin to break down the ball bearings, and you begin to break down the vehicle and so that it has to be realigned. And that's what keeps the planet functioning well. And so it's part of the process. The well being process of the planet, is to do this. So if you're, if you're going too long in one direction, you begin to lose the field and you begin to lose certain aspects of the way that things regrow and inevitably human and alter the waterways and they begin to change the structure of the planet. And so you need a system in place to say let's realign.
Alex Ferrari 1:05:08
And are there things that in the next coming years are we going to start finding more and discovering more of these, these things will the waters are going to change? Yes. So things that have been underwater will start to pop up.
Joy Kingsborough 1:05:23
Those things will start to rise up. And you're actually going to notice in this time, people who have information about this time are going to begin to feel like it's getting too close to occurring. And the guilt of holding back the information is going to weigh heavily on them, and they're going to begin sharing it with the public. So there's going to be an incredible awakening within the groups of people who are keeping these in private, that keep keeping this information in private libraries, it won't be just a few people that get to see that it'll start to seep its way out in a legitimate way. Where you'll get in Yeah, and then it'll point to locations that people will begin start to begin digging there.
Alex Ferrari 1:05:59
Fascinating. Alright, so also, my next question to you is, what does this this fifth dimension upgrade? That we're getting to, you know, we live in the third and fourth dimension now, this fifth dimension, the five d that what is that exactly? And what is happening to us?
Joy Kingsborough 1:06:19
Yeah, I mean, there's a deeply technical response to that. But essentially, from, you know, our user perspective, the five d is a way of perceiving reality. So it's a shift into consciousness where, you know, we'll say simply, there was a moment when no one had cell phones, and then everyone did, right. So even even in remote villages, people have cell phones, right, so that that's a consciousness, we all are now aware, we can communicate in this way. So this is the same thing that's happening with 5g, but it's happening in a much grander perspective, the ability for humanity to know itself, and to be able to access a higher brain, if you will, a, an essential self, a soul self, a higher self, there's a lot of different words for this, that part of you is available, and you're operating from that rather than from a completely egoic structure. So you're able to not just be the witness sometimes, or go into a meditative state or channel your higher self, you're actually living as your higher self in this body. So the ability to do that is unlocking, we would say, this is probably the most important aspect of that shift. It's how you're seeing reality, or how much light is in this body. So this body is going through a transition of being able to receive that much light, which is your higher self, it's just more of you than what's currently in this body. So your body is going through a structural change, to be able to have more of that frequency here. And so as you transition to that there are a lot of bodies who have transitioned to primarily living from that state already, there's still some adjustments, their health is compromised as a result of that. And so you're going to continue to go through this process, but you're not leaving and going to another dimension, right, it's the other dimension is coming into what you're experiencing here, just like the second dimension didn't disappear, because you're three dimensional and aware of the third dimension, and you're aware of the fourth dimension of time, the other dimensions didn't disappear. You're just operating from a knowledge of the third dimension. So that that's all that will happen. In this case, you're operating from a new knowledge, still the same world.
Alex Ferrari 1:08:31
So it's kind of like coming up above the waterline, you're only known underneath the correct time. And now you're seeing things from a couple of different perspective. It's always been there always, always been there. Yeah. Let me ask you about. There's this new new awareness about the multiverse and parallel lives and things like that. timelines, you know, people are choosing timelines and things like that. Can you shed a little bit of light for people on the different multiple timelines? Is it true that every decision you make ship, not every but every major decision you make at least shifts you into a new timeline? There's literally infinite amounts of timelines like, what if, if Joy wouldn't have met Matt? Right? There's, there's a joy with that. And there's a map that did that. And are they met too early, there's that and that is that kind of the way it works
Joy Kingsborough 1:09:24
Well, so we wouldn't see it quite that same way. You can move your consciousness into any experience and change timelines, but what you're really doing is changing focus. Wherever your consciousness is focused is where you are. So all of your consciousness is here, there. It's not that you're replicating in a copy machine. Every time you shift timelines, you're taking all of you and all of your consciousness there. There are multiple dimensions, just like when you have a cell that replicates in your body. You have multiple cells that all began from the same cells. They're not the same cell, they don't have your consciousness But you're connected in some way. So this is happening, but it's not happening in that same way every decision. It's there's a replication of this universe. And it's happening all the time. And that replication is now another group of cells that is now moving out and having experiences and they resemble you, but they aren't you.
Alex Ferrari 1:10:20
So So is there a timeline where JFK was assassinated? Or Martin Luther King was assassinated and things like that?
Joy Kingsborough 1:10:28
Not not necessarily. No, we and we went, there are certain milestone moments that are just occurring in every timeline, that the tap that needs to happen, but there are certain aspects of it, that he might have been wearing a different color tie, but there, but there are certain moments that are always going to happen. It's just there are certain minut choices that might be different. But they're, it's we're not, you're not replicating the same ideas that that university has to develop in its own way where maybe JFK wasn't assassinated, but someone else was. Right now. Yeah. So the same, the same experiences are unfolding. And so you could look at it from Well, in this one, I chose this, and then I chose this, it really is a collective choice in every multiverse, its collective, it's not the individual choice that's making that happen. It's a collective experience that as this multiverse as this new universe has replicated, everybody's making a collective choice about how they're going to move through that. And so you're you're not going to have like all of the infinite differences.
Alex Ferrari 1:11:30
So is this the is this kind of like the Mandela Effect? Where you at one moment, you're like, wait a minute, Ed McMahon did this, or no, they said, this line in that movie, and there's a group of people who remember it one way and a group of people remember the other way.
Joy Kingsborough 1:11:45
There's a merging of focus. This is a merging of consciousness where certain consciousness chooses to be in certain places, or certain spaces don't make it. So there's a, there's a lot of complexity to the conversation, right? And there's, and there's always only one consciousness, and consciousness finds itself focused in the places that are going to evolve.
Alex Ferrari 1:12:02
So so there would be like, a moment where large groups of people decided, no, this is how this Saturday morning cartoon is supposed to be named. And another group decided, no, I think Fruit of the Loom logo doesn't have this, right, this thing? Is that kind of because it doesn't matter, right?
Joy Kingsborough 1:12:23
These these decisions. Yeah, so some of these things are actual, some of these things are emerging of focus. And some of these things are just the way the brain works, that it's intended to forget things. So this is something that's not talked about a lot. In a healthy human. Oftentimes, a healthy human is perceived as someone who's able to memorize because that's a high quality within the masculine driven technology society is what's your memory capacity, do you remember things, but the truth of it is a very healthy brain forgets things and remembers things as they are. And so a lot of that is happening within humanity is they remember things as they experience them. And because you fill in the gap with so many things, when you were in your height of developing your ego, you made up things in the image of your ego things that you wanted them to be. And so there were certain ways that humans see things that aren't accurate. So both of those things are occurring, there is the legitimate things that are different for different people. And then some things were just different people had a different memory.
Alex Ferrari 1:13:24
As you were discussing with the fifth dimension, that our awareness is we're coming, we're starting to become aware of it when you rise to a certain frequency. Is that what's happening with the veil in general? Is that because people like there's a thinning of the veil now, there's information coming through, there's so many more channels, right? There's so many more psychic mediums. I mean, I have to believe that they throughout history, they've been more burned, obviously at the stake and things like that. But it's become so much more accepted. So much more out there. I alone, I've talked to over 100, myself of channels alone. So is that what's happening that we're just the veil is thinning the code is starting in the matrix starting to show itself a little bit more.
Joy Kingsborough 1:14:10
Yeah, well, it takes a collective there's there's a lot of things that are at play with this particular question. One of the things that we think you're specifically pointing to is that there when we're talking about the veil falling, humans are creating the veil. So you've created it yourselves. And when you're no longer collectively seeing the same things over and over again, you go to you know, you go to work, you expect to see the subway, you expect to see this. So there are all these different aspects that you expect to see. When that begins to fall away collectively, you start to unravel your ability just to create that predictive programming for yourself. And so then the veil starts to slip and you see behind it, that there's a code here, I can participate in this, and you begin to become that participant with reality. So you're you're stepping into participation, but at the same time, you creating ideas of what the world should be also falls away. Interesting, right? And so there is no predetermined set of things when you walk out of your house anymore. There's far less than you thought there was anyway. Right? It was all an illusion, right? So you're just seeing through all of that illusion and recognizing that, of course, there are structures, and things that are shared beliefs that help keep this world moving. You don't want to drop that completely at this time. But there, but really all of it is created through you all.
Alex Ferrari 1:15:35
So this is a simulation?
Joy Kingsborough 1:15:37
Alex Ferrari 1:15:38
We are in a simulation,
Joy Kingsborough 1:15:39
Alex Ferrari 1:15:40
Not by some nerds,
Joy Kingsborough 1:15:41
Not mechanical,
Alex Ferrari 1:15:42
Not an alien nerd with a giant computer somewhere, none of that. But we are in a simulation.
Joy Kingsborough 1:15:46
It's a very intentional simulation.
Alex Ferrari 1:15:48
And it's a simulation that we control, essentially. And the point of view that we're seeing is an agreed agreement, you and I are agreeing that this is the room we're in right now. Correct. And that's the way it essentially works. And is it very much like a video game where in the video game, the player, the entire world isn't rendered for the player when the player is playing in this room, right? It only starts to render the moment, it walks out of the room, right? And like, Oh, now I could now that we're in the world, I just left it's gone. They're not rendering it because of the processing power. It would just take too much you couldn't do it, right? Is that something similar?
Joy Kingsborough 1:16:26
Similar except for there's a consciousness, there's an alchemy, right? You would call this alchemy. So there's a consciousness to the structures. And so they maintain a frozen form for a time. They can't, it can't hold forever, right? This is why you have an experience of things breaking down or you have the obsolescence that occurs with something is happening because that structure can't hold its frozen shape, without somebody, right. And so you have to continue to put your focus back into it. That might be a remodel or a repair. Right. But it's it's the focus comes back, but it will hold for a time. So as you put focus, if someone else were to come in here, they wouldn't need to know ahead of time, what the set was supposed to look like. They'll see the structure that you designed in its frozen form.
Alex Ferrari 1:17:09
And do you have any parting messages for the audience.
Joy Kingsborough 1:17:12
Our parting messages would be that you continue all of you continue to come here in order to experience more of yourself from a loving space. And you're doing incredibly well. And all of the curiosity and questions you have are opening your heart. And if you could remember that, that it's not just about putting the information into the mind. But what does that mind do for the heart? And can you mind the heart more often than you're taking care of the mind? Can you bring that balance and harmony into that that will actually accelerate your ability to understand this world faster? The information you're seeking will seek you as much as you're seeking it. And so we invite the curiosity, but we say bring it down into the heart and let the heart enjoy the journey with you.
Alex Ferrari 1:17:57
Thank you, Jonah.
Joy Kingsborough 1:17:57
Yeah. Thank you.
Alex Ferrari 1:18:01
And are you back?
Joy Kingsborough 1:18:02
Yes. Oh, we always they're always there. Do you remember everything? For a moment? I will. And then and then it falls.
Alex Ferrari 1:18:10
It's like a dream. Yeah. Very dreamlike. Joe's such a pleasure talking to you today. You too. Where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing?
Joy Kingsborough 1:18:18
Oh, yeah, is a great place to go. And if you go there, there's incredible free resources. I have lots of video content on YouTube, so you can find me there as well.
Alex Ferrari 1:18:29
It has been a pleasure and a joy speaking to you today. And thank you so much for coming to the studio and being with us this way. So I appreciate you.
Joy Kingsborough 1:18:39
Thank you so much for having me. It's my pleasure.
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