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484 - HRA நிலுவை 1.1.2024 முதல் வழங்கிட ஏன் தாமதம்? விதி என்ன?
May 172024
-Enhancement of allowances by 25% after the DA reaches 50% • MOF Vide its OM dated 4.8.2021 categorically held that no separate order is to be issued for the increased HRA if the DA increased from 17% to 28% • MOF already clarified vide its OM dated 7.7.2017 that no separate order is being issued for the increase of allowances after reaching 25% • Therefore, no orders is required for drawal of enhanced HRA wef 1.1.2024. and it should be drawn as 30%, 20% & 10% of basic pay wef 1.1.2024. • DOPT Vide its OM A-27012/01/2023-Pers.Policy dated 25.4.2024 clarified that due to increase of DA to 50% as on 1.1.2024, the CEA will be reimbursed @ Rs.2812.5 per month and Hostel subsidy shall be Rs.8437.5 per month wef 1.1.2024. • The CEA reimbursement to Divyang children will be Rs.5625 per month irrespective of the actual expenditure. • In the same order, the Special Child care allowance stands revised as Rs.3750 per month • Further the rate of Transfer DA / Tour claims DA, Conveyance allowance have also to be drawn by 25% increase wef 1.1.2024. ------------------------- Visit for latest Government Orders. #Kayveeyes #Anbudan_Kayveeyes #கேவியெஸ் #அன்புடன்_கேவியெஸ் #K_V_sridharan #NFPE #Postal #Anbudan Allowances 50% DA increase Enhancement of allowances HRA CEA TA & DA

Anbudan Kayveeyes

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