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460 - Pre KG வகுப்பிற்கும் CEA உண்டு! புதிய சலுகை!!
Mar 292024
-Pre KG fees will be reimbursed under Children Education Allowance from the year 2023-24 • Govt of India has implemented the New Education Policy 2020. • Therefore in the OM dated 17.7.2018 is modified with the following • The CEA and Hostel Subsidy is admissible in respect of children studying from three classes before class one to 12th standard. • Accordingly three classes before first class is brought under the reimbursement of CEA. • One time relaxation is also granted to repeat one additional class due to implementation of New Education Policy 2020. • This will be effective from the academic year of 2023-24 DOPT OM No. A-27012/01/2023-Pers.Policy(Allowance) dated 14.3.2024 ------------------------- Visit for latest Government Orders. #Kayveeyes #Anbudan_Kayveeyes #கேவியெஸ் #அன்புடன்_கேவியெஸ் #K_V_sridharan #NFPE #Postal #anbudanappa Pre KG fees CEA Education Hostel Subsidy

Anbudan Kayveeyes

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