Legal action between music promoter Richard Beck and Australian Grand Prix over 2020 Robbie Williams concert cancelled by Covid

A music promoter who was previously offered a settlement of $1 for the last minute cancellation of a Robbie Williams concert is suing the Australian Grand Prix organisers for $8.7million.

Williams came to Melbourne as the headline act for the 2020 race, despite fears over the growing global Covid outbreak. 

But just 30 minutes before the race was to begin on Friday, March 13 then-premier Daniel Andrews banned fans from attending.

A promoter is suing the Australian Grand Prix operators for $8.7million over the last minute cancellation of a concert featuring British pop star Robbie Williams

A promoter is suing the Australian Grand Prix operators for $8.7million over the last minute cancellation of a concert featuring British pop star Robbie Williams

However, a packed out concert featuring British band New Order was held the following night at Melbourne's Sidney Myer Music Bowl.

The Australian Grand Prix Corporation previously rejected a $4.8m settlement offer from promoter Richard Beck over the cancelled Williams concert, instead offering just $1. 

The touring agency is now seeking $7.6m for costs incurred from cancelling the Williams concert and another $1.1m in lost profits and interest.

The case will held in the Victorian Supreme Court and is scheduled to run from May 27 to June 13 for hearings. 

Mr Beck is also suing Australian Grand Prix Corporation (AGPC) for $25m in a separate action being pursued in London over 'frustration of contract'.

This is over a stalled deal to bring out music stars for future Grand Prixs. 

However, Mr Beck is still holding out an olive branch to avoid litigation. 

'There's a perfect opportunity to start afresh,' he said.

'We have an existing live-music co-operation agreement with Australian Grand Prix Corporation.

'It's probably in a filing cabinet in his (chief executive Travis Auld's) office.'

Mr Beck said he could help Mr Auld in his stated ambition to turn the Melbourne Grand Prix into the biggest F1 race in the world.

The promoter is also suing over a deal he said was made with the Australian GP to bring out further musical acts

The promoter is also suing over a deal he said was made with the Australian GP to bring out further musical acts

'You know, when he (Travis) goes and talks about doing all these festivals and having global talent come down, that's exactly the agreement that we have,' he told the Herald Sun.

He said he could bring bigger names than the Aussie bands that have preformed at the event, such as Jet, Empire Of The Sun and Amy Shark. 

Mr Auld said he could not comment on the case because it was before the courts. 

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