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Plot for splitting Postal Unions - GDS Unions first prey - Halt firmly with Unity!
Mar 72024
-Dividing rock like unity of GDS employees by splitting the unions with distinct categories • The Department of Posts sought the views from the GDS unions to consider the formation of three distinct category unions separately for GDS BPM, GDS ABPM and Dak Sewak • It is stated because of the existence of one union proper attention is not given to the interest of all categories of GDS. • In fact there is no proper attention is given by the department to the various issues placed by the GDS unions. Instead it is saying that unions could not bestow attention. • Worst move to divide the GDS and the Department wants scuttle and crush the GDS movement. • It is accepted, then it will come Postmen, MTs separate unions. PA, LSG, HSG II, HSG I, Accountant all separate unions. In RMS too. • The multiplicity of unions will reduce the bargaining capacity of the unions which the Govt wants to implement in the PO which is against to the assurance given at the time of implementation of RSA Rules 1993. • All unions should unitedly fight against this move. ------------------------------------ Visit for latest Government Orders. #Kayveeyes #Yours_Kayveeyes #K_V_Sridharan #NFPE #P3 #postaldost RSA Rules ED Unions GDS Unions Recognition rules Splitting of unions

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