In the mysterious and expansive universe, where every photon of light and quark knows precisely what to do at every moment, we find ourselves in awe of the hidden mechanisms that govern existence. Today, we are honored to welcome Bernard Haisch, an esteemed astrophysicist, whose journey intertwines the empirical rigor of science with the profound depths of spirituality. Alongside him, we have Marsha Sims, his collaborator and life partner, who brings a complementary perspective to their collective quest for understanding.
Bernard Haisch begins by sharing his lifelong fascination with both the cosmos and the divine. Raised as a Catholic with aspirations of priesthood, Bernard found his path diverging toward astrophysics, driven by an insatiable curiosity about the stars. “Ever since he was a little boy, he always felt very spiritual, and he felt a strong connection to God,” Marsha recounts. This dual passion for science and spirituality set the stage for Bernard’s unique approach to understanding the universe.
The discussion delves into the heart of the relationship between empirical evidence and faith. Bernard articulates how the laws of physics and astrophysics coexist with spiritual principles, suggesting that science and spirituality are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary. “It’s possible to be a scientist and to be spiritual,” he asserts. This perspective invites us to consider the universe as a harmonious blend of measurable phenomena and mystical experiences.
One of the most intriguing aspects of our conversation is the exploration of the zero-point field, a vast and infinite source of electromagnetic energy. Marsha and Bernard explain how this field, also known as the quantum vacuum field, represents the underlying energy of the universe. “It’s perfectly random. It’s an infinite source of energy,” Marsha explains. This concept challenges our conventional understanding of energy and opens the door to revolutionary ideas about harnessing clean, limitless power.
Bernard and Marsha also discuss the profound implications of quantum mechanics, particularly quantum entanglement. This phenomenon, where particles remain interconnected regardless of distance, hints at the deeper, interconnected fabric of reality. “Each photon somehow knows, even though it goes through slit A or B, that it is also in the open position,” Marsha describes. This mysterious behavior of particles aligns with spiritual notions of oneness and interconnectedness, suggesting that at the quantum level, separation is an illusion.
Our conversation then turns to the grand question of existence: the Big Bang and what preceded it. Bernard posits that the universe emerged from a state of potentiality, an infinite nothingness described in the mystical Kabbalah as the Ain Soph. This primordial void gave rise to the zero-point energy and the subsequent creation of the cosmos. “This huge explosion created the universe, all of us, galaxies, star systems, planets, and things evolved from that,” Bernard explains. This view marries the scientific narrative of cosmic origins with a spiritual interpretation of creation.
- Interconnected Universe: Quantum entanglement and the zero-point field highlight the deep interconnectedness of all things. Understanding this can help us see beyond apparent separations and embrace a more unified perspective of existence.
- Complementary Realms: Science and spirituality can coexist harmoniously. Embracing both can lead to a richer, more comprehensive understanding of the universe and our place within it.
- Harnessing Infinite Energy: The zero-point field offers the potential for revolutionary clean energy solutions. This mirrors the boundless potential within each of us to tap into our inner resources for personal and collective growth.
As we conclude this enlightening conversation with Bernard and Marsha, we are reminded that the journey of discovery is not limited to the physical realm. It extends into the spiritual, where the mysteries of the universe beckon us to explore and expand our understanding. Through the lens of both science and spirituality, we can gain a deeper appreciation of the cosmos and our unique role within it.
Please enjoy my conversation with Bernard Haisch and Marsha Sims.
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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 396
Marsha Sims 0:00
One of the mysteries of our world is how every photon of light every electron and quark, and indeed every point of space itself, seems to just know what to do with each moment. The mystery is that these tiniest parts of the universe have no mechanisms or structures for which to make such decisions. Only God the algorithm could make those decisions.
Alex Ferrari 0:36
I like to welcome to the show, Marsha Sims and Bernard Haisch, how are you guys doing?
Marsha Sims 0:39
Really great. Glad to be here with you, Alex.
Alex Ferrari 0:42
I'm excited to talk to you guys. Today, because I haven't had I've had many quantum physics physicists on physicists on, but I'm not an astrophysicist on before. And it's a different perspective on the universe. an astrophysicist says, generally speaking. So my very first question to you is, how do you balance the empirical evidence with faith or belief in your professional and personal lives?
Bernard Haisch 1:12
By looking at the rules of science, or physics, or astrophysics, and the scene how they fit together, they fit together? Or is there some major problem? And I think it's possible to have these two disciplines are simultaneously in hand, and both of them prevailing rules for the universe that are consistent with uh, with religion.
Marsha Sims 1:43
Yeah, you know, I think it might be important to go back to how did Bernie get interested in God and astrophysics.
Alex Ferrari 1:53
Fair enough.
Marsha Sims 1:54
That answers your question about how he balances it. So ever since he was a little boy, he always felt very spiritual, and he felt a strong connection to God. He was raised Catholic, and he studied to be a Catholic priest. And he used to line all of his stuffed animals up on a bed in his bedroom and feed them communion. And he got quite a charge out of that it made him feel like this reward like he was connecting to God. So he did say to be a Catholic priest, but he always had an interested in the SARS, always it just the people look up at the night sky, he'd be amazed at the wonder of the universe. And so astrophysics became more prominent, more important to him. And he also wanted to be able to have relationships with the female sex. So, yeah, when you're priests, you know, you have to kind of be secluded, and so he decided to study astrophysics at the University of Indiana University and Bloomingdale. Bloomington, oh, Bloomingdale's is the department store first Bloomington. And, let's see, I do want to add that he had this state from being a child, a lot of times, it's something you have to have an intuition on, because it has to go on how you feel. But logically, as an astrophysicist, he was taught to think like a scientist, and the National Academy of Sciences states that science is measuring things in the physical world. You know, everything to do with the physical world analysis, measuring, doing experiments, testing it, making theories. So he's really good at doing all that. But the National Academy of Sciences says that science has nothing to do with religion or spirituality, because it's something you can't measure and you can't measure God really. You can intuit that there's a God. It's like, how do you know if somebody loves you? You can't there's no love and meter that you could place on them.
Alex Ferrari 4:20
Other than at the carnivals, other than at the carnival, there's those love meters for like 25 cents, but yes.
Marsha Sims 4:26
Judge the response you get, right. Yeah. person loves you. They'll go out of their way to do really nice things for you. They'll be compassionate. They'll be generous, they'll be sweet and kind and so that's how God is to us. You know, Bernie has gotten many answers to prayer with with God and he always felt that intuition when he was serving communion to a stuffed animals. Well, how else do you want to balance it Bernie?
Bernard Haisch 4:57
Well, right So it's kind of a sub theme and it's in the smoke because this is something that's written for people from basically two walks of life. One is the side where there's no religion held or tolerated or, or any way for.
Marsha Sims 5:21
People are fearful about hell. They're fearful about God's power. Yeah. And they follow dogma and sets of rules that there's their faith or their religion sets out for them. Right? Yeah, right. But science doesn't have anything to do with that. No, it's possible to be a scientist, and to be spiritual. But you have to be open enough to see the spiritual side, I think that's how he balances it really, he's open.
Alex Ferrari 5:50
It's very interesting, too, because, again, I've spoken to so many physicists have come on the show in different fields of physics. And they, you know, the ones that come on the show generally have an open mind to spirituality, as a general statement, but most in the, in the general space, don't really talk about spirituality, though more and more, I say now than ever before, are coming up publicly talking about consciousness, talking about quantum physics is really starting to open a bunch of doors into this space. And there's not as much fear, don't get me wrong, there's still very a lot of fear about people coming out of the spiritual closet and physics. But it seems to be a lot more open. Would you guys agree with that?
Bernard Haisch 6:36
I agree with that. Yeah. And so it's time for there to be a choice can be made perfectly neutral about religion, a choice has been made between falling down a road of strict, certainly mechanical explanations of things. And they're right. On my point in California, especially the religious,
Marsha Sims 6:59
Spiritual, not religious, we actually, we don't have the same definition, ever, religion as we do spirituality, because religion is the set of rules that are set by whatever church, anyone's affiliated with specific interpretations of the Bible. And we're talking more about being attuned to the cosmic consciousness that we co create the universe with, we are sparks of God. And so we as sparks of God, co create our reality, because they can't we and by the way, I wanted to say that when we use the term God, we are actually referring to an entity or a consciousness that has no sex, we may say he or she, but God is not a he said she, he's not a human form. He's not anything that we could actually imagine as human beings. People like to Anthro for more, for more faiz God. I mean, we did not see God as a desert patriarch, sitting in a throne with a staff and angels floating around him and continuously praising him on clouds of light and joy. No, not at the cosmic consciousness is a force the great, great force.
Alex Ferrari 8:29
Let me ask you this. Let's take it back all the way to the beginning the Big Bang, right? What is the implications of the Big Bang through the lens of spirituality? Because I always had the the only problem I've always had with the Big Bang is, I get it, it makes all the sense in the world. But what was around before the Big Bang? And that was always my question.
Bernard Haisch 8:51
I semester question. You're right.
Marsha Sims 8:54
A gold question, right?
Bernard Haisch 8:55
Yeah. Yeah. And that's, in fact, one of the things that motivated the book that I wanted to have a balanced perspective, record show is the ability of the science and spirituality to live side by side and perhaps even to get your own site to learn from the other person, my primary motivation in writing the book.
Marsha Sims 9:20
So we take it back to the very, very root of existence. And so Bernie, and I did a lot of research on this and what we have found, at least this is our current model. And we use a model by the way, we never say we have all the answers because he's a scientist, he has to have models, you know, and as you proceed towards understanding your model or proving it, you develop theories about it, so we're always in the process of gathering information. But we came upon the idea of the island Soph, which is that vast nothingness that's described in the Kabbalah, the Jewish Kabbalah, the mystical Kabbalah. So we've we, we believe at this point that the great cosmic consciousness of God fell out of the im saw, and just existed as a while as an awareness of force of power. And this existence got very lonely all being all by itself, because all there was for its companion was the iron Soph. And that doesn't really do anything for you, right? So God decided I need to have experiences, I need to have companions. So God created this force, we think, the zero point field, which is a very vast electromagnetic field, it's been around since the beginning of the universe. And we can tell you more about that later, here are some ideas for how to tap it. But anyway, there's zero point energy, he used it to create the Big Bang. And so the Big Bang started as infinitesimal, tiny, tiny little point that had so much pressure, stop me if I'm not explaining very standard, okay, and it just exploded into zero point energy was there with it. And this huge explosion created the universe, all of us galaxies, star systems, planets, and things evolved from that
Bernard Haisch 11:39
There is not really there an explosion, because that implies that this happened inside an ordinary space dimensional geometry. And that is now becoming a big question. And in cosmology, among those who are experts in the zero point field, to try to get some understanding of what there was before time, mean, you can't have you can't have a suddenly happening before or after you don't have an after or before, it's just impossible to to try to understand something in our and our notion of the space time is to come up with a model. And it was, no one knows how to do this. And because we're trying to get a model of nothing. And if we were back off and say, Well, okay, let's go back, even even for her the idea of nothing, then, what made nothing happened.
Marsha Sims 12:31
We got to the end saw because that was all
Bernard Haisch 12:36
Regress infinite regress. And that's, I guess it was a scientific problem as metaphysical. But I think primarily, it's a problem of understanding that when something is more complicated than our three dimensional, three plus one dimensional space, and some of the the, the zero point field has to come out of that. But how could it because you can't make something happen, if there's nothing to deploy our time and to make things happen. And we just have no ideas whatsoever at this point, I think of what kind of thing, time is like, whatever changes its character for what it is, in our ordinary space to something deeper and more profound. That's a big mystery.
Marsha Sims 13:15
That's a big huge subject. Such a good time. I mean, as a human being, time is passage of events, how the day changes, you know, Sun rotating, I mean, no earth rotating around the sun. And yeah, that's
Alex Ferrari 13:33
Right. But then time, time and space is, is interesting, because with quantum entanglement, it is kind of putting materialism on notice, if you will, in many ways, because it just defies time and space. And I've spoken to many spiritual masters have spoken to a lot of near death experiences. And the way that there is no time or space on the other side, according to them. Because everything is instant, you think it you're there. And quantum entanglement is kind of a almost like a little bit of a spark, if you will, if I use that word of what it is like on the other side, can you explain quantum entanglement a little bit to people don't? Do they really understand what it is and how it's kind of thrown a lot of things upside down.
Bernard Haisch 14:24
You can in the laboratory set up a situation where you have maybe a batch of electrons or photons, they're different things, but develop some similar laws. And what you can do is to take that one pair of these particles and in some way you have them interact with each other in the laboratory and your shoot shoot went off the book, they go and the entanglement interpretation shows that the the two the two electrons or photons or whatever is in there they, they have the same, some certain certain same properties that will vote for the rest of the age of the university. And unless some something comes along and well, I guess I'd say
Marsha Sims 15:13
Why don't I, Bernie why don't I I talk about the devil slit experiment, because that's that shows quantum entanglement and really famous experiment.
Bernard Haisch 15:14
It's an experiment by Niels Bohr.
Marsha Sims 15:14
He's the one that did the first experiment.
Bernard Haisch 15:30
Proposed it. Guy was a theoretician.
Marsha Sims 15:34
Okay, well, the Devil Slit Experiment is one of the most bizarre experiments in physics. And it cuts to the heart of the weird this of quantum mechanics. So this experiment is done in a lab with a laser and a screen that has two narrow slits in it, the laser beam has to be wide enough to shine on both slits, when you cover up one of the slits, as the light from the laser passes to the open slit, a pattern will appear on the wall behind it. This pattern is due to the spreading out of light, a process called diffraction, in this case, specifically single slit diffraction. But if you uncover the second slit, the light going through the open slit will still undergo diffraction. But in addition, the light beams traveling through the two slits will interfere with each other. Did I say that right?
Bernard Haisch 16:37
Yeah, they're tied together. And the theories it says that they're tied together for whatever age you want them to universe, because there's they are connected to each other, even though we can't connect them in any way. That is like the physical notion is that this entangled and support each other in very mysterious kind of way that quantum mechanics has to get used to, but doesn't have any clue as to what was happening. Still,
Marsha Sims 17:05
It shows how the photons are connected to each other in quantum entanglement.
Bernard Haisch 17:10
If you're two photons work from each other, then the photons have been entangled, or use the electrons as well. Or other other more massive particles. I've not seen much about that.
Marsha Sims 17:21
So the conventional explanation is that each photon somehow knows that even though it goes through slit A or B, but it is also in the same in the open position, and vice versa. The wave is a wave of probability.
Alex Ferrari 17:40
Yeah, so it's kind of like when two twins are across the world from each other, and one gets burned, and the other one feels it. It's unexplainable. But there has been a lot. I mean, there's just been so much proven about these kinds of things that have happened throughout history, like the twin thing. I mean, anyone who's ever been a twin understands that the you feel it, or even a mother and a child, you feel like, oh, something's happened to my kid. And they just get this instinct that just pops in the second it happens. That's not quantifiable in, in materialism, or in time and space. But there's something going on there. And I think we've all experienced it at one point or another. And we can use the example of a phone call. If the phone rings and you know who it is, before you pick they pick you pick it up. There's some sort of weird connection that's in the quantum field or, or the what would you call it the magnetic field that you were speaking of?
Marsha Sims 18:42
Electromagnetic field is zero point energy.
Alex Ferrari 18:45
Does that kind of the quantum field?
Marsha Sims 18:48
Ah, is it Bernie? Zero Point Energy. It's just electromagnetic fields are energy. That's right. I mean, Einstein, and lexblog knew about it. So people have known about it since the early 1900s. It's not a new theory. I mean, it really is acknowledged. So that is, can we tap it? So pretty come up with an idea.
Alex Ferrari 19:13
So how do so how do you tap it? How do you tap it?
Marsha Sims 19:15
Oh, sure. I have a little summary page that would actually help me. So it's broadly recognized. It's a vast field of electromagnetic energy. It's also known as the quantum vacuum field. This field represents the underlying energy that is everywhere in the universe, even where there is nothing but vacuum is composed of every frequency, or wavelength that exists. Some are short and others are long. It's perfectly random. It's an infinite source of energy, and Birdie and our company, Jovian JOV I O, and Calm, if anyone wants to look us up, has come up with a way that we believe could provide humanity with an endless supply of totally clean energy. without violating the second law of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics, our processor has nothing to do with heat is electromagnetic. So there is a Casimir force that happens between two parallel metal plates that are pushed together by an overpressure of the Zpe from the outside of the plates. And the reason is, because if the plates are really, really close together, the longer waves of the ZDP II cannot get into the plate can't pass through. So it becomes you know, like a little vacuum inside. And this is called the Casimir force. And it happens down at that nano level. So it's very, very tiny place. And it can be we we believe the CPF can be manipulated through use of nano sized Casimir cavities by squeezing out Photon energy electron orbitals, an atom spiral down inside the cavity and photons are emitted. Our process then sends the photons through a photovoltaics cell, and electricity will be generated. So in this way, we would be captured in a device we would call the kazimier generator, or the CG. And it's portable. You can use it for driving cars, for hospitals, kitchens, whatever you need, every now and
Bernard Haisch 21:52
Somewhat more, more friendly to the environment, then, yeah, fusion energy would be because here, you're really taking nothing out of the energy of the universe, except doing that interfered universe through your experiment.
Marsha Sims 22:10
So the air that passes through the Casimir cavity, as it goes back out to the main area, it's replenished. So we're not using up any resources.
Bernard Haisch 22:21
So the situation is that we apply for a patent on this device actually got a tag on it, some years ago. And fortunately, they did that. But then came the awkward requirement to go find some money.
Marsha Sims 22:34
Yeah, we spend more time, we've had several experiments, they had some very promising results. But we haven't had the funds to get the proper kind of Casimir cavity, we need to research and get more information to create a prototype. So that
Alex Ferrari 22:54
Oh, that sounds fascinating. Is this is this technology that you guys are talking about? Is did Tesla touch upon any of this? Or was that a completely different way that he was trying to do kind of like this free energy?
Bernard Haisch 23:07
Or he was it was growing as we described. It is trying to also, there are other things in mind that were sometimes not so
Marsha Sims 23:16
Broadcasting electricity? Yeah. Yeah, this is not like that. Okay, sir. Is on, you know, portable on location, wherever you are.
Bernard Haisch 23:26
I wouldn't, I wouldn't hesitate. Give him some credit, credibility. So
Marsha Sims 23:31
He was brilliant. Genius. Yeah. Yeah.
Alex Ferrari 23:35
Absolutely. Without Yeah, without question. And we're still trying to figure out a lot of the stuff that he was talking about.
Marsha Sims 23:42
And better of our alternating current, which the world worksite. So he deserves a lot of credit.
Alex Ferrari 23:49
Absolutely, absolutely. So what you're saying in regards to this, this for this, this field that we're tapping into it, as you were describing it, it sounds very much like the force from Star Wars. It is around us, it's all around us. You can manipulate it and then just kind of it sounded very forced, like, in that sense, maybe you don't need to be a Jedi. But I'm just using using that as an example.
Bernard Haisch 24:12
Marsha Sims 24:13
I'm sure there. I think there's a lot of truth to the force, actually.
Alex Ferrari 24:17
Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Well, I mean, Bernie?
Bernard Haisch 24:25
This was something I certainly heard of broster when there was this, and he would be very comfortable with this. And the thing is that the energy inherent in this field is literally infinite. And so even pick out pieces of it, that are wavelengths that are not going to be newsworthy, or belligerent, because most weapons are most most experiments and theories going to somehow or other supporting weapons
Marsha Sims 24:55
Cannot be used for weapons
Bernard Haisch 24:56
So this trends will not be used for for any weapon, because you pick out certain frequencies in the field. Correct. Rapid strike a whole bunch of other stuff become very explosive, you know, as an as a hydrogen bomb. And so we see seems to be a benevolent usage of the zero point field can be counted weapons by anywhere anybody know no matter how much money is thrown at it.
Alex Ferrari 25:27
Yeah, in use you use the word frequency and I think that's a very interesting word to use. Because on the spiritual standpoint frequency is spoken about so much that you have to change your vibration. The lower the frequency, the soul is is at a lower frequency so it attracts certain things to it. The higher the frequency, you can feel that energy. Do you believe that? The universe is just essentially frequency that frequency is fundament fundamental?
Marsha Sims 25:58
Well, we think the universe is consciousness really.
Bernard Haisch 26:01
Alex Ferrari 26:02
But is that a freq? But is that consciousness a frequency that's the question.
Bernard Haisch 26:06
Frequency, the frequency without without something too frequent, is an undefinable. Right? You can make anything have a frequency return and your car is an excellent example. The frequencies are the various north you find in the scale. So the frequency has to be defined in terms of what it is it's it's frequenting.
Marsha Sims 26:33
I would just like to let everyone know that Bernie has Parkinson's. So if he's slow speaking, it's because of his illness. He's doing an amazing job. Yes, he's is doing this book. By the way, this is his fourth book. That's excellent. Yeah, well, I helped him write this book, because it's hard for him to type. And I actually put a lot of my own ideas into it too. So
Alex Ferrari 27:01
Very good. No, I appreciate I appreciate you letting letting everybody know that I was gonna let them know as well. It's very courageous what you're doing, Bernard about with these interviews, and getting this information out into the world. And that's what I'm trying to do with the show, as well as to have these conversations reach a mass audience as much as we possibly can. Now, I wanted to ask you, this is one of my favorite topics, I'd love to hear your point of view on it. Simulation theory, the idea that we are in a conscious simulation, very much matrix like from the movie The Matrix, I don't believe that we're in a sign of a computer somewhere. And there's some teenage alien playing us as a simulation. I don't believe that. But the concept of Maya from the Vedic text, or the dream in from the Aborigines or so many other things, the concept of the illusion that we are all part of, has been around for 1000s of years. And now physics is starting to catch up to this idea of quantum physics is starting to catch up. I'd love to hear your point of view on it.
Bernard Haisch 28:07
Well, I guess the central point, I've got a proposal about a suggestion model is a model of reality that is based on all living things and all planets and ice and so on. And this assumes that there is a word of God would do this I do like God is trying to do as much as they create companions have a story, and remaining to exercise his own abilities, by creating what he what he imagines. And that will be a lot more fun. Create what you imagined than doing this the hard work of actually creating it. So think about think of God writing for some crazy reason to go ski down a mountain. Okay. Well, can you do that as God? No. God can't make seek they can't make the ski boots or ski or cheese that would suit or accommodate the principles. So he was roasting on Monday, all he has to do is create a visa was he was short and sweet apparel. And he knows he knows what he wants to
Marsha Sims 29:22
Human beings he experiences through human beings.
Bernard Haisch 29:27
Human importance of this thing that's that's been done is that he will understand what can be done with the laws of physics that he has created. And that's the whole purpose of it. Because if God did not have some outside reference to work, yes and and compare his understanding the people, then there will be no real fun in the sea down the mountain.
Marsha Sims 29:53
In other words, God wanted to create a universe full of interesting stuff, you know, so he'd play and learn and grow And, you know, you have to experience and he couldn't experience as a consciousness that he could experience to us and all the animals on the planet and you know, other living beings
Bernard Haisch 30:10
Well it's fun to play monopoly, you know,
Marsha Sims 30:12
You have no cave age. Yeah, so we're both seeing, God imagines all of the cosmic reality, the Universe by organizing his thoughts into computer like algorithms that run in his mind. This requires unbelievable bandwidth and data storage, but it's solved. It's one of the greatest mysteries of all time. So God is a mathematician. And if you look at the world around us, that is apparent in every aspect, especially as physics and science, you know, even in music, and art, art is full of mathematics. Oh, yeah. The Golden Mean and art in music? Well, so music is based on math, really, I mean, every the distance between every octave, Bach made sure he measured it up correctly. Johann Sebastian Bach, the father of modern music. created each half step to be the square root of two. Well, 312. Sorry, revolves the root of two that square root of 12 root of two. Yeah. And then we so and by doing that, every instrument could play together in an orchestra or band, because they would all be in tune with each other
Bernard Haisch 31:45
Are we hearing each other now?
Alex Ferrari 31:46
Yeah, absolutely. The the I've been using that concept of the algorithm Gods algorithm for a while now it's the first I've heard that's that use it as well. Because it was because I've been using it as an example. Because people were like, well, if we have free will, then, you know, how can we have predestined knees and all this kind of stuff? Like, you know, we're down here to go down a certain predestined path. But if you have free will, how is that possible? And I was like, Well, it seems to me that we're God's algorithm, because an algorithm has a direction, but it kind of does what it wants, and can figure things out in ways that we, the creator of the algorithm didn't see coming. So it would learn its AI, essentially, it's learning and growing. But it's going on its own direction. So the algorithm has free will, within a box of parameters that it said, and so it sounds very similar to what we are down here. And if and this is just a one planet, let's not even talk about the billions and billions of other planets in the universe. God knows what's sitting around other algorithms that are being flipped, that are being tested around the universe as well. Which is very, very interesting.
Bernard Haisch 33:01
Yeah, that God has a motive to figure out precedent sitting here and having an argument ideas that basically explain elixirs, God's motivation is just as highfalutin thinking, you know. And if you're right, we've got something that should appeal to a lot more people than the materialistic versions of God on one side, and the, the, I don't believe in God on each other side, I think we've offered a good starting point, or a reasonable middle, that is not only going to be compatible with materialism, and psychism, but it's going to be a learning tool, even for God himself to learn how, how or what he is, and what can be done, which is,
Alex Ferrari 33:47
Well, it's no I was gonna say it was like, when, when you're when you were a kid, and you're playing with your Barbies, you're playing with your GI Joes, you as the creator, the god of that environment that you've created. You have characters and you have a predestined way that you're fighting with them, or telling a little story or things like that. But you as the creator, understand where the story is going because you're creating the story as we go along. But as an algorithm, it's kind of like throwing a GI Joe and a Barbie together and like, let's see what happens. And that's a much more exciting story, because you really, truly don't know which way it's gonna go. So the idea of us being the algorithm of God makes so much more sense than there's this big puppeteer just because that's boring. It's just a boring story. It's a boring way of looking at what we do here. So this freewill thing is really fundamental to this entire cosmic algorithm algorithm simulation that we're all kind of sitting in.
Marsha Sims 34:47
Definitely. Yeah, I have an interesting quote. I was going to do Brian Whitworth, a professor of information processing and Technology in New Zealand puts it all This way, one of the mysteries of our world is how every photon of light every electron and Quark, and indeed, every point of space itself, seems to just know what to do with each moment. The mystery is that these tiniest parts of the universe have no mechanisms or structures for which to make such decisions. Only God, the algorithm could make those decisions.
Alex Ferrari 35:29
You know, I was thinking the other day, I don't know if you guys have animals or not, or have had animals in your life. But I was I was looking at my cats have a couple of cats. And I was looking at them and, and they're pretty the way they react to us as a family. They're kind of like small algorithms with sets of rules. Cats will be cats, cats will not be a dog won't be a giraffe. It has its pre built algorithm of how it reacts to us. And I was just looking at him like, well, that if that's the case, then a tree has its own algorithm. A tiger has its own algorithm, you know, a bear has its own algorithm, in the sense of the way it interacts with us. That's why I always get upset when people are like, Oh, that tiger went crazy. No, the tiger went Tiger. You got it. You got an it's way it didn't get in your way kind of situation. But it again goes along with this idea of this algorithm that everything every blade of grass, every bird that's flying, it has its own prebuilt programming, or way that it interacts with this environment. Does that make sense?
Bernard Haisch 36:34
Marsha Sims 36:35
I think you put it really well. Perfect. So, algorithm, the dog algorithm, the turtle algorithm, they're only propensities. I had a turtle for a long time.
Alex Ferrari 36:48
Oh, yeah, as they do, then their algorithm lives a long time if you feed them, right. But there's all these sets of rules. And even something as you know, as something as simple as a blade of grass is conscious. It's not the level of consciousness that you and I might have. But when the sun comes out, it angles itself to get the sun, you know, and there are some amazing experiments I saw. I saw a guy who was doing it, but they were seeing how conscious a plant was. And they would, they would plant the seed, and they would see where the roots would go. And they would put an empty dish, and a dish with water underneath the soil to see where it would go. And it would automatically go to every time to where the water was just instinctively knew its programming knew it needed to get water, then they actually played the sound of water to see if it would do it. And it went after the sound of water as well. I mean, it's just really fascinating these ideas of what what is conscious and what is not conscious in the world today. What do you think about that experiment?
Bernard Haisch 37:59
Well, I think it's a good one. And there are other experiments that show the class in general have some sort of take on react to external stimuli. And, well,
Marsha Sims 38:11
I actually tell you, when I was getting my teaching credential at the University of California, Santa Barbara, we a student teachers conducted an experiment in a room. We grew plants, to several different kinds of music to see how they would respond. So he had a section that listen to classical music. And those plants, Boots tall and straight, and flourished. Then we had some plants that were listening to rock music, and they got a little bit jaggedy twisted and Muzak music. It was soothing to the plants, but they didn't grow is tall and straight is the classical music. Isn't that interesting? Music is very mathematical. And I was talking about that earlier when I was talking about the mathematical nature of music. And I mean, when you think about the rhythm notations, quarter notes, eighth notes, half notes and time signatures. I mean, it's all based on math. And I think this is one of the things I wonder about music whether God uses music as his mathematical expression or algo algorithm through sound. Is it possible that music is mathematical because the universe was designed by a pure mathematician? It has the greatest influence on us of anything abstract in the world, and it undergirds all of society. You know, it's impossible to get away from music. Yeah, it's everywhere. It's all pervasive from Classical music. I mean, I have to say I'm a little bit far more biased towards classical music because I'm a music teacher and opera singer. But I still like pop. I still like rock. I like DJ music, you know, and you can experience God through music and in church if you go to church service.
Alex Ferrari 40:20
Well, you know, well you know, what's really interesting, I come from filmmaking, I've been a filmmaker for many years, and I've worked in Hollywood. And story is also something that's everywhere. You can't get away from story. It is absolutely every every aspect of our life, even from like, this is what just happened to me. When I walked down the street. We constantly are telling each other stories. But the classic stories that have stood the test of time are mathematical, in the beats, of when certain things have to happen in the story, that the Joseph Campbell put it the hero's journey. That's why a story like Star Wars hits these beats so perfectly, and then you start analyzing all old films. And you just Oh, there's the beat. There's the beat. There's the beat. There's the B, it is absolutely mathematical and art. I mean, just look at the Mona Lisa, are you looking at Van Gogh or, and you can start breaking down the mathematics of art, which doesn't seem like it is, but it's there always underlining behind the scenes?
Marsha Sims 41:21
Oh, yeah. But I'm also a graphic artist. And every time I start a project, like if I'm doing a flyer, or my opera I'm on a board of an opera company called Perrysville. Opera. It's in San Francisco Bay Area. And I have to measure everything out like, what size I want the card. What are the margins going to be like? How big is this logo supposed to be? How, what font size? What font type? You know, how is it going to fit into this little space? How are you going to balance everything out? I mean, it's all mathematics and to the eye, right?
Alex Ferrari 42:01
And that's the thing. Isn't it? Interesting, though, like when you look at when you look at something that's off balance as a graphic designer, because I've been doing graphic design for many years as well. You, you can't, if you're a layman and doesn't understand graphic design, and you look at something, you'll just go, that doesn't feel right. But then you're like, oh, let's just move it over to the left. Okay, that feels better. It's fascinating. It's fascinating to see, like, you know, we as graphic designers can kind of see what's going on behind the scenes, because we have the theory and understanding of it, and also just our instinctual eye that we've developed over years and years of working in that space. But when something's off the layman or the the man on man or woman on the street, won't know what it is wrong. But they can tell same thing with music. Same thing with story. Same thing with movies, same thing with art, they could just send something is off. That's why when anything veers from the standard story structure that has been around for 1000s and 1000s of years, people, mass people generally don't like it. That's why every big blockbuster runs through that same structure and many versions of it, but still runs to that structure. And when it's off when you watch a Fellini film, it's very different than when you watched Titanic. Oh, yeah. But the beats are slightly different. Or David Lynch film for that matter.
Marsha Sims 43:26
They're all good.
Alex Ferrari 43:27
But they all have a different, different, different thing. It's very interesting. Now wanted to ask you guys what, from an astrophysics standpoint, can astrophysics inform the concept of reincarnation or rebirth?
Bernard Haisch 43:43
Well, I don't think anything of astrophysics will have much relevance here. In fact, I believe in reincarnation, I think it's essential to carry out like rock periodic plans. To see if you want to have a rich life, you want to be able to live it according to your own free will. And that free will would not be possible if we woke up one morning and said oh gee, I reincarnate and now I'm sorry, we weren't listed in the living life and that kind of that kind of reward system because you would know Daniel for differently and and it would behavior abilities to operate as a independent independent powerful human being well it's that that I see as the the biggest asset that you can live multiple lives and that they have a purpose and that purpose is if you're gonna live better and better lives. If you go through them. You know, at
Marsha Sims 44:45
You can make up for mistakes that you made before you get other chances right here it's not like a one time thing. Wow. Oh, I blew it. I guess I'm going to hell.
Alex Ferrari 44:58
Right, right. But the thing Is that the key to that is that we forget that we're not informed about those other lives, or why we're even here is the discovery aspect. Because according to spirit matches spiritual masters I've spoken to, and near death experiences is that there is a plan that we come down here with. But we don't know the plan, we have to kind of discover it. And sometimes we have the free will to go off off course, and completely missed the point,
Marsha Sims 45:26
You know, what? We know! I mean, at least I can speak for myself. All right. I know, when a certain something happens in my life, you know, a certain episode, I know what I'm supposed to do. I can see two choices I could see. Yeah, well, if I follow through on this, it's going to be kind of tough. But I'm pretty sure it's supposed to do it. Because the alternative is to go and do something else versus writing this book. So Bernie has been working on it. He worked on it for about five years. But you know, because he got Parkinson's, he was having problems completing it. And, you know, he was kind of hinting that he needed help, but he didn't actually ask for it, except one day, he said, Okay, Marsha, I really want to finish this book. By the way, we're a husband and wife team, I should say, We've been together for 36 years. So I know him really well. But he asked me for help. And he said, If you help me, you can put your name on the book alongside wine. And that made all the difference in the world. And then I knew, I mean, I spent several months helping him, clean this book up, organize it, edit it, whatever. But I knew that was one of my purposes here was to help him write this book. And I think it says less powerful book really. Should we mention the title? Of course, yeah. She's that miracle of our universe?
Alex Ferrari 47:00
Well, let me ask you, let me ask you, though, this book is coming out is available now, in this time period. So would this book have even been accepted 30 years ago?
Marsha Sims 47:18
Probably not.
Alex Ferrari 47:20
Right. I mean, I mean, when I would have been laughed out, probably laughed out of the field at that point in time. Is that Is that fair?
Bernard Haisch 47:28
Yeah, that's fair. That's a possibility.
Alex Ferrari 47:30
Yeah, it's, I'm stating that because it just seems that everything is just shifting so much, that these ideas are being more and more widely accepted by people. I mean, I don't remember a time where, you know, someone like me sitting down with an astrophysicist or a quantum physicist and talking deep, you know, physics kind of conversations mixed in with spirituality. This really didn't exist 10 years ago, 20 years ago, in a mass way. But now they're shows talking about it all the time. So I think if you believe that it is the time for this information, to start hitting the masses,
Bernard Haisch 48:05
Right now, sorry for that. And also, it's time for
Marsha Sims 48:08
It's a new view of consciousness, God, science and reality, which is what's going on right now?
Bernard Haisch 48:17
I believe it's also something that might be medically proven within a year or so. There's we now have, we have a huge number of aerial phenomenon and then observed several years pretty diligently because I think it's, it's really, deeply involved. And we are deeply involved with that, as a way to have our civilization go through a phase transition from now into something much different. So the
Marsha Sims 48:46
observations of the UFOs or UAPs
Bernard Haisch 48:52
Because I think that comes out is that inspector will upset the world.
Alex Ferrari 49:02
Absolutely. And I think we have to kind of be, I think we have as a as a species have to get to a certain consciousness, to even accept this idea, without us completely losing our minds. And I think that we have been growing in consciousness. Humanity's consciousness has been evolving, I think, I think, very fast rate over the last 10 years. I mean, because what the strides have been made in these kinds of conversations in the last 10 years, probably are more than they were made in the last 100 prior, I mean, it's just very fast.
Marsha Sims 49:34
You know, as horrible as the pandemic was, it gave us all time to have our own personal internal space and dialogue, which we often don't get, because we're so busy with things and you know, our lives, but during the pandemic, there probably was a turning point for our race. You know, we decided to Get more spiritual. We started meditating because we had time to meditate.
Alex Ferrari 50:05
Yeah, I mean, if you would have told me the entire world shut down for six weeks, I mean, to the point where the dolphins came back to Venice, I leave it to the canals of Venice, like literally after like a few weeks, they were coming back into the city, I would have said, You're insane. That sounds like a science fiction movie. But in our lifetime, the entire world pretty much shut down to a certain extent, for about six weeks. And then of course, it took a long time for everybody to come back out. But you're right, it is. It was the it was a very difficult time for all of us. But in many ways, hidden blessings, to given us that time to kind of reflect on our lives, to the point now that the West are like, No, I don't want to work nine to five, work 40 to 60 hour weeks, for 40 years, and then get a watch that that doesn't exist anymore, that's gone. You know, I want to work at home, I want to do this, I want to have life work balance that didn't exist. pre pre pandemic. Now, guys, I want to ask you a few questions. I asked all of my guests. Okay, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?
Marsha Sims 51:14
Realizing my dreams is fulfilling my life, I have a lot of dreams, things that I want to achieve. I've actually done a lot of the things maybe finishing this book is one of the biggest ones. Because it's sharing thoughts that I've had intuitions I've had, you know, with the world for anyone who cares to read the book, you know, we put our heart and soul into this book. So Bernie, especially, I mean, I helped him shape his ideas. So it really is kind of a synthesis of all your ideas when she say, yeah, yeah. So I guess, fulfilling my life is fulfilling my dreams and having a richness of, you know, joy and happiness and love and dealing and light whatever. What's a fulfilled life for you, Bernie?
Bernard Haisch 52:16
Well, you're ready to something like a series of books. Certainly. Yeah, I feel that's accomplished something that I came here to do. I'm proud of and accomplishes a purpose, I think. So this work to me is still alive.
Marsha Sims 52:33
He finished it. He said he always had the dream for when he was a young boy that he wanted to write about God and science. He did it.
Alex Ferrari 52:44
That's beautiful. That's beautiful.
Marsha Sims 52:46
Yeah, so he has four books. He has the god theory, the purpose, guided universe, proof of God with Ptolemy Tompkins and then the miracle of our universe, a new view of consciousness, God, science and reality. By Burnham myself. We have a copy here. No. Yeah. So that that's fulfillment. What's a fulfilled life to you Alex?
Alex Ferrari 53:13
Oh, I think I think I'm doing it. I'm thinking of doing it. I mean, for more, I came from being a filmmaker and working with Oscar winners, and all that kind of stuff back in the day to do a spiritual podcast, which is completely outside of my comfort zone when I started it. Yeah, it's fallen into something that has shaping and impacting millions of people around the world. This is I feel that I'm very fulfilled doing this kind of work. So it's, it's
Marsha Sims 53:44
It is really thrilling. Yeah, to share spirituality.
Bernard Haisch 53:49
Our son is also an up and coming filmmaker who has been breaking into the boom bust. Yeah, yeah,
Alex Ferrari 53:56
We will. We will have a conversation about it. After we stopped recording. I'll tell you all about the film business. Now, if both of it both of you had a chance to go back in time, and speak to little Marsha and little Bernie, what advice would you give them?
Marsha Sims 54:14
To little Marsha. Be confident in myself. Be confident that I can be beautiful, that I can do great things. I think that is one of the things that I've learned over time to gain competence and then be confident that I have things to share with people around me. And I proud Yes, little warship big barsha of my ability to persevere. I've always been a very persistent person. Bernie, I'll tell you I don't give up even long beyond whether he should I don't I don't give up. i Oh, Explain workarounds. So I guess that's one thing I tell little barsha to don't give up. Find a workaround if you run into a wall. That's important.
Alex Ferrari 55:11
Very important, very important. And you Bernie?
Bernard Haisch 55:14
You see I have two kids, and they would learn from
Marsha Sims 55:21
Bernard Haisch 55:23
Two of my own and one is adopted, our Marsha's. So like to say to them, I guess to be true to themselves and try to find something that is reasonably rare to them, that they can invest their, their their abilities, and also their yearnings for. And that would be if I if I do that in the right way, then look, rather than to have done in the right way, that would be fulfilling, bigger run and my battle, I just
Marsha Sims 56:03
Yourself, you've fulfilled your dreams, right? Yeah. He fulfilled his dreams. I mean, he still has more to go, I'm sure. But right now, at this point in time, he has kept going, he has not given up.
Bernard Haisch 56:20
I would say that probably, by this book, there is more weight to me, in terms of my use video as a healing tool and provide information for mankind. Obviously, this is this outweighs my scientific papers. I have over 100 scientific papers. 300 over three, yeah. Yeah. And the other things, and then astrophysics, you know, spent 10 years as a second editor for The Astrophysical Journal. So I have a cadre of scientists that are responsible for accepting or rejecting the research net field that goes on. And I was one of 10 for a year. So there are other things besides in books, that, but it's, well, pretty relaxed.
Marsha Sims 57:08
Alex Ferrari 57:09
Now how do you define God?
Marsha Sims 57:13
God, a great cosmic consciousness. That creates reality. And as we said earlier, split off the universe. And the star systems in the planets and the humans and the animals spun them off. So that God he she could have experiences. So because we're a creation of God, we're a spark of God. So we see it as God as a consciousness. You could say it was a force. Consciousness is a force, it's an awareness. Did I leave anything else that you want to say about God?
Bernard Haisch 57:56
Million things probably?
Marsha Sims 57:58
Probably. Yeah, but it's the higher power as well. So oftentimes, people approach God when they're in great need. So otherwise, they are kind of oblivious. God can answer our prayers. And so I guess this is something important, I want to say how do you realize or how do you know if God actually answered your prayer? And does God answer all of our prayers? So God gives you answers that not necessarily in the timeframe that you would like sometimes, right away, sometimes down the road? You can see answers in by observing the world around you. I mean, sometimes you might get an answer from God by looking at a road sign. And the answer is right there embedded in the roadside message. Or by looking at a license plate or coming out of the mouth of a friend or you know, radio program you are listening to. But your prayers do get answered. Just not always in the way you might expect. So do you have anything else to say about prayer is a prayer is oh, it's important when you pray to God to be really clear about what it is you want, you know, not just some vague thing, like Oh, sure, pray for pray for Deborah or whatever you want to say. Well, these are the things that I would like to come about, you know, she's healed that her back is perfect. She has loved her life and joy and friends, you know, that kind of stuff. That's just a general prayer, but exactly what we do like to see in that person's life appear to God really not what kind of answers you're looking for. Five senses, you know, fair enough. Smell, eel. Yeah.
Alex Ferrari 59:59
Now where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you guys are doing in the world?
Marsha Sims 1:00:03
Well, we have a website, it's And we're also on Facebook, the miracle of our universe, you just search for it in Facebook and it pops up. I have an Instagram account. Marsha Sims 40. And the book is available for sale on Amazon, and other major book seller outlets like Barnes and Noble and Walmart and Target. So I guess it isn't the major places. Sure, read we'll Weiser, there's the page about us. There are plenty of ways to get to this.
Alex Ferrari 1:00:52
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?
Marsha Sims 1:00:56
Well, I would just like to share with everyone how you can get your guarantee ticket to heaven. Because that was the original title of our book, by the way. And so I wanted to put this in the book, and it's in the book in the back section. So I wanted to share everything when you have a guarantee ticket to heaven, because you're a spark of God, and you're part of him or her the alternative would be held. Answer is because we are sparks of God, why would God condemn a part of himself to eternal fire and damnation, it's illogical. If someone does something that you know deserves negative carbon, well, it can be paid off. You know if to do enough good deeds, but it can be paid off. So how you experience heaven while you're here on Earth, it's important to be in a state of gratitude. Because this opens your mind for optimism, love, and God's still small voice. The good news is that anyone even you can achieve this, if you take the time to meditate and distill your monkey mind. It may take a lot of practice because the mind likes to loop around and thoughts. So one of the ways that I steal my mind is I sit in a quiet place and count backwards from 100. And I sometimes have to do it so fast to stop the thoughts that there's not a space for thought to come in, but it does slow down. And then as it slows down, you can melt right into the beauty and grace of God. I get a lovely kind of spring green, and purple and some magentas. And they've had to swirl around inside my mind's eye. And then I know that I am communicating the cosmic consciousness.
Alex Ferrari 1:03:04
That was beautiful. Marsha, thank you so much. I want to thank both you and Bernie for coming on the show. And not only talking with me today for my audience, but also for the amazing work that you're doing to raise the consciousness of the planet. So I appreciate both of you. Thank you so much.
Marsha Sims 1:03:22
You're welcome. Our pleasure, your delightful host. Great!
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