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430 - தாமதமான LTC பில் பரிசீலிக்கப்படுமா? கால வரையறை என்ன?
2024Jan 25
-Whether delayed submission of LTC bills allowed? If so up to what period? Who is the authority in sanction of the claim? • LTC claim should be preferred within three months after the completion of return journey. If advance is taken it should be presented within one month. • As per DOPT OM dated 27.9.2007 the time limits can be relaxed up to six months if no advance is taken and three months if advance is taken. • In such cases of advance taken and not preferred claim within one month, the entire advance should be refunded within 45 days. • Now the power for sanction of the above cases is delegated to the officer of the department not below the rank of Joint Secretary without referring to DOPT (DOPT OM No. 31011/18/2023-Estt (A-IV) dated 21.12.2023 ------------------------- Visit for latest Government Orders. #Kayveeyes #Anbudan_Kayveeyes #கேவியெஸ் #அன்புடன்_கேவியெஸ் #K_V_sridharan #NFPE #Postal #anbudankayveeyes Belated claim LTC

Anbudan Kayveeyes

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