ANCIENT SPIRITUAL MYSTERIES: Uncover WHY This KNOWLEDGE Is Being Kept From Us! with Matt LaCroix

In the dance of life, few individuals bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern understanding as profoundly as Matt LaCroix. Today, we dive into his remarkable exploration of humanity’s lost civilizations and the hidden truths they offer about our past and future. Matt LaCroix is a historian and author whose deep curiosity and relentless research challenge conventional narratives, revealing a world far more advanced and interconnected than mainstream archaeology acknowledges.

From a young age, Matt was captivated by the mysteries of ancient civilizations. This fascination was not merely academic but seemed to resonate deeply with his inner quest for truth. He speaks of how early exposure to media like “Stargate” and “Indiana Jones” sparked a profound interest that would shape his life’s work. “There was something in me that was very powerful,” he recalls, emphasizing the subconscious pull towards understanding the sophisticated nature of our ancestors.

LaCroix’s work posits that our understanding of ancient civilizations like those in Egypt, Sumer, and Peru is severely limited by modern preconceptions. He argues that these societies possessed advanced knowledge in areas such as astronomy, architecture, and spirituality, which enabled them to create enduring monuments like the pyramids and intricate city layouts aligned with celestial bodies. “The journey really is about exploring within,” he explains, suggesting that by looking inward and understanding our connection to the universe, we can grasp the true nature of these ancient wonders.

A significant part of Matt’s research focuses on the concept of cyclical time and the advanced understanding of cosmic cycles possessed by ancient peoples. He describes how the Sumerians, for instance, used cuneiform tablets to document their sophisticated knowledge of astronomy and time cycles. “These tablets discuss the creation aspect and lowering of kingship to create cities,” LaCroix notes, highlighting the importance of integrating archaeological evidence with ancient texts to form a comprehensive understanding of history.


  1. Interconnectedness of Humanity and the Universe: Matt’s work emphasizes the deep connection between human civilizations and cosmic patterns. Recognizing this interconnectedness helps us understand our place in the universe and the advanced knowledge of our ancestors.
  2. Importance of Inner Exploration: The journey to understand ancient civilizations is not just about external discoveries but also about exploring our inner selves. By aligning our consciousness with the wisdom of the past, we can unlock profound insights about our nature and purpose.
  3. Reevaluation of Historical Narratives: LaCroix’s research encourages a reevaluation of mainstream historical narratives. By integrating archaeological findings with ancient texts and spiritual teachings, we can uncover a more accurate and holistic view of human history.

Matt also delves into the implications of these discoveries for our modern understanding of technology and spirituality. He describes how the precise alignment of ancient structures with celestial bodies suggests a level of technological and spiritual sophistication that challenges current paradigms. “We are the macrocosm of the entire universe,” he asserts, underscoring the idea that by understanding the microcosm within us, we can unlock the secrets of the macrocosm.

The culmination of LaCroix’s work is a call to action for both the academic community and the general public to embrace a more integrative approach to history. His efforts to document and share these discoveries aim to inspire a broader acceptance of ancient wisdom and its relevance to contemporary issues. Through books, documentaries, and lectures, Matt LaCroix continues to shed light on the forgotten chapters of human history, encouraging a deeper appreciation of our shared heritage and potential.

Please enjoy my conversation with Matt LaCroix.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 369

Matt Lacroix 0:00
I think we've only scratched the surface of our comprehension of how advanced those civilizations were, and what they knew during this time period. And that's why we need to stop ignoring the past and think it's primitive. We if we want to find answers for understanding the greater aspects of everything, again, not how to get a rocket to the moon, how about understanding our role in the universe? And how in our, in our what we are, that's what is the journey the journey really is not about exploring the vastness of the universe. The journey really is about exploring within. That's really what this is about. We're going to stop looking out so much and start looking more in because we are the macrocosm of the entire universe. Then we are the microcosm of the macrocosm. So we are the totality of everything.

Alex Ferrari 0:47
I'd like to welcome to the show Matt LaCroix. How you doing Matt?

Matt Lacroix 0:59
Hey, it's great to be here Alex, I'm really excited for this conversation today.

Alex Ferrari 1:03
Me too, my friend, thank you so much for coming on the show. Brother. I am. I'm excited to talk about some of my favorite topics about ancient civilizations, spirituality mixed in Origins of humanity, all sorts of amazing stuff, stuff that the mainstream archaeological movement is not really talked about. And it's kind of like lost history and things that we we kind of just smell that things aren't right, the story that we're being told or like, really, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It's, it's it. I think it's happened in religion in a lot of ways. And now it's happening in archaeology. And I think it's in physics and so many different avenues that people are just like, This doesn't make any sense. And right, you're one of those voices out there trying to put the good word out. So I appreciate you. As a first question, the first question that I have to ask you, how did you start your journey down the ancient civilizations rabbit hole?

Matt Lacroix 1:03
For me, I sort of fell into it, really knowing where I was gonna go, it just it just came into my lap. I remember being a kid, and being absolutely fascinating, fascinated beyond belief, just almost like a bit subconsciously to because I didn't really understand why I was fascinated by it. It was, you know, I was young, but watching watching things like Stargate and watching anything related to an ancient civilization, even things like Indiana Jones, with them looking for ancient artifacts, it was always speaking to something in me, that was very powerful. But it wasn't until years later, with an open mind and with all these curiosities, and like you said, maybe questioning things and wanting to know more. And that narrative led me to falling into this entire career that is now a full time career for me, living and breathing, trying to not only, I guess, establish that that so that the mainstream narrative understands this entire last chapter of our story, a last chapter that is very mysterious, and unknown. That goes back to these points of aspects of us that seem to have been lost later on, and not this primitive start. But this more, I guess, you could call it sophisticated divine nature of who we knew we were and what we were doing, building these giant pyramids and temples. Whereas later on, even though we may be technologically advanced now, with all these phones, or computers, I don't think we really understand who we are like they did. And now in some of the discoveries that we're going to talk about today, some of these cutting edge, new incredible things that are happening, is unveiling that mystery in a way that's never existed before, where we're actually peering in, and being able to look at evidence from a wide variety of different places, whether it's ancient texts, or archaeological discoveries, or even just ancient biblical narratives. We're looking at something we can tie in a lot of different things, rewrite the narrative and say, Look, we have an entire last chapter of our history, that seems to be multiple epics, not even just one little piece. That's what we're going to get into, that we have had that has been lost so much over time, that we have almost forgotten who we are and where we come from, and how far back our story goes. And so today, we're going to try to connect in a way that I don't think anybody's heard before. Because we truly need to get to that point. Like you said, everybody sort of knows already that like Well, yeah, I kind of know about the pyramids are not built by slaves in our, our primitive and had you know, Pharaohs being being being built to house to house pharaohs. We know that now. Now. It's just it's time to to move that narrative forward with cutting edge evidence, not just objectively saying something and not having anything to back it up. Let's bring in the real evidence. And let's change this narrative. Finally.

Alex Ferrari 4:51
So I think that one thing from the work that I do on my show I've speaking to so many different spiritual masters and people from different walks of life from quantum assisted channelers and other people. And the one thing that the constant narrative that I keep hearing is that we are in a great consciousness shift, that we are all lifting up our awareness. And I think this is getting caught up in that because you need to question what has been told to you, because you're now awakening to truths that are undeniable. And, and these artifacts are starting to now appear today, not 100 years ago, which they would have probably cracked over walked overnight even thought about right, which they did. Yeah, which they did. And the narrative of the narrative of the pyramids being a tombs. Basically, it was just a few guys. Few guys from England.

Matt Lacroix 5:47
Yeah, it wasn't even real. It was they actually forged the name Khufu found inside the chamber below the king's chamber. And it was actually never really written in there. And there was a lot of speculation and evidence that that entire story is, is actually complete forgery.

Alex Ferrari 6:03
And isn't it funny that every single temple in Egypt, the houses, anything, has hieroglyphs everywhere, telling you all the propaganda of how they built it, and what's going on and this and that. But in the Great Pyramid, there's nothing to my understanding, there's just nothing not at

Matt Lacroix 6:21
All three of the green pyramids have nothing to do with the dynastic Pharaoh's at all, they're from a completely different time period. And none of them have any writings at all. Anything that was written later is from a later time period, such as this the Great Sphinx, which was never actually supposed to via sphinx like it's shown with a Pharaoh's head, it was you can see the proportions of the body versus the head are extremely off, showing you that they later carved the head to be a pharaoh, which we find a lot of evidence that used to be a lion. But it's just showing you that 1000s, and we have to wrap our heads around the idea that 1000s and 1000s of years go by right, where maybe a civilization have been destroyed in some catastrophe. And they have all these ruins, these remnants of incredible megaliths and temples and all these things. And these other groups come through later and find these ruins. And they know how sacred important they are. And then they build right on top of them. They carve their own information in and then 1000s of years later, we confuse them with the new original builders of those which is not the case.

Alex Ferrari 7:27
And it would be the equivalent of of a A native or Bushman in the middle of the Amazon or from the from Australia or something like that in the bush that had never seen anything of our technology all of a sudden being dropped into New York City 1000 years after we all left, right, whatever reason, and trying to figure out what these buildings if there's any buildings left, what are the remnants of these creations? Right? They pick, they'll pick up a phone or a computer, and they're like, What is this? It doesn't work anymore. They're trying to trying to investigate to figure out what they were, and then building another society on top of that, right? It's not that far fetched, man, it's not a far fetched idea at all.

Matt Lacroix 8:09
Well, but it's, it's being fought very, very recently by this doctrine of archaeology. And I think that's something we just need to establish to understand. Because so many people ask me why, why why? Why would you hide all this? Why would this not be something that's accepted by that, by that mainstream narrative? What you said is spot on, rather than looking at civilizations all around the world, and some of them are not as old as others. We can't just blanket statement say everything is older. And then is like at this particular age, and no, some things are younger, but in some parts of the world, South America some parts of Mexico, throughout parts of like Egypt, especially Asian, Baalbek Lebanon, areas, Syria, Turkey that we're going to get into now, China, Greece, Japan, I could go on and on. There's others as well, that I didn't mention, which has evidence for much, much more ancient civilizations that live there with highly sophisticated building techniques using stone that would have been impossible for later civilizations using things like Bronze Age tools to even be able to create carve manipulate at all, it's from last time period. It's like what you just said that Bushman, that crew from the jungle that goes that is wandering around, you know, searching around one day, and then they find these ruins overgrown in the jungle or somewhere. And they maybe they find ancient writings, and they're reading about it. And over hundreds of years, that culture adopts that that place and then they literally, this is what's not even talked about, how about that culture, finding something and learning about their remnants in their ancestors, and then actually being able to advance somewhat in their own way, and then build on top and then we see that civilization emerge. But what about their origin So what about where they learned everything? And what about who that original foundation like Machu Picchu, right? Or ole Tambo, or parts of Egypt and Turkey, these lower bases that are with these giant perfectly created stones, right? Especially some something like Saskia Guzman, right and perfectly created polygonal stones was put in place where this would have been impossible with some kind of primitive type of technology. And yet, they were able to achieve things that we would have trouble with even today. Now, but that means that they knew things and knew how to do things that we don't understand. Now, that period of time, we call the Lost Civilizations. And that ended around 12,800 years ago, during what's called the Ice Age, the end of the ice age or the Younger Dryas. And that actually has two to three periods before it that people don't talk about called the older dryas and the oldest dryas that shows this time period of volatility on the earth, for 1500 to 2000 years of of these events and things that are happening that wiped out that entire chapter. And then it became a myth today. And that's what we're trying to prove.

Alex Ferrari 11:16
So from your from your explorations and research, what is the true origin of humans, humanity's timeline, I mean, because we've been told we started around six to 10,000 years ago, there was some hunter gatherers right back in the day, and we went in that we started, we started hunting, gathering some agriculture, and we kind of grew into where we are today, kind of very evolutionary. But that doesn't line up with these pieces, these large pieces of evidence that are being discovered around the world, like the main Great Pyramid, that is so undeniable, Lee, you can't even try to create that today. Like it's, it's such a you can't do can't just look at that and go,

Matt Lacroix 11:58
Two and a half million stone blocks an average of five tons each.

Alex Ferrari 12:03
And that's not even talking about the perfection of where it was laid, where it's true north, on the learning parallel,

Matt Lacroix 12:10
Star constellations, right?

Alex Ferrari 12:11
Yeah, all of this insane stuff that we couldn't even have done 60 or 70 years ago, 100 years ago, we probably couldn't have done out these calculations. Now it would be almost nearly impossible,

Matt Lacroix 12:23
I don't think we could get it a nearly as close as they got it with mathematically being like a half ratio of our planet, being perfectly like, designed to be this harmonic resonant aspect of like half the ratio of the earth but also representative of like the above and below aspects of energy of the planet. It's wild when they created those, because we truly don't even know the functionality, the functionality and purpose of it today. We have theories on things like the king Queens chamber, but why do they have these star alignments to things like Sirius and Orion during specific time periods? When we have no idea why they even built it in the first place, I mean, energy, other things. We have theories, but we don't fully know today.

Alex Ferrari 13:07
I mean, I went to Machu Picchu. And when I was in Machu Picchu, the guide says here, stand here and clap. And when you clap on the stairs, the sound jumps up and jumps back down in a church, right? And I'm like, Are you? Are you out of your mind? Like, how could have that even been a thing? Because it wasn't an accident? How could the Mayans do something like that? 1000 years ago, quote, unquote, 1000 years ago, 1500 years ago, whenever that that time period, was it that's such a sophisticated thing, that you can't even comprehend these kinds of things. So from your, from your experience and your research where we started there, yeah, where we're at, because we can go down so many rabbit hole I know. So let's go back to the the main, your main idea, when did we start? And how did you come up to that? So

Matt Lacroix 13:54
I'm trying to take as much evidence as I can to lay out the foundation of this not just throwing out speculation, theories, and also not really relying on channelers and those like that, I want to I want to be more evidence driven, if I can. And so what I do is I take a multitude of different areas, pieces of evidence and combine them. Now the first one is things like genetics. Why, like for instance, genetic experts like Lloyd Pye, the A great man who passed many several years ago, but he was a genetic expert who studied brain cranial size and how those changes underwent in homo sapien sapien versus this pre homosapien that you mentioned this hunter gatherer almost like a pre Neanderthal like type of aspect of this pre human we can talk about, but he mentioned he discusses how, when you look scientifically and you look at skulls, and the size of skulls, and you look back at the genetics of humans, they found an anomaly emerged at Roughly 200,000 years ago, were the brain size of humans more than doubled in like I don't know, were completely contradicting this idea of a slow evolution, evolutionary type of change that happens over time with where this aspect of instead of being like a micro change, this was all of a sudden, like a macro change and doesn't make any sense. When you look at how certain aspects of our what we're told with evolution over time periods occur in purely natural way with no influences or anything, right. But here we have something that that emerges with humanity, where we undergo this process where instead of being stronger and more fit for the natural elements like a Neanderthal was, which by the way they could crush us, with their fist are so strong compared to what we are, instead of being stronger like that, to dominate the animal kingdom. We all of a sudden went through this completely different evolutionary phase where we became less strong, but smart, incredibly smart. But there's a lot of other aspects of that, that I think are really lost on mainstream scientists, rather than us being just smart. What about this anime animation of our soul? And I call it animation? Because it seems like something when you read the tablets, and we'll get into that in a minute, they discuss how a spirit was literally animated into us to become this highly conscious being this divine being that we are. And we were not just a simple animal, there was something in between that happened. Now the other thing, second thing? Why do we have 46 chromosomes and all primates on the earth have 48? How did that happen? Why do we have two chromosomes less than every primate? Was there something that occurred with us? And that's a question I just want to leave out there. But it gets into, again, that time period, you just said our origins. So let's put that 200,000 year, time on the table for a second, let's see if it stands with other evidence, because that's just the brain cranial size enlargement in some of these changes genetically, right? Well, what about when we go to the ancient Sumerians, the very first civilization that ever exists in the planet. Now, quickly, I got to point out, I'm talking about the proto Sumerians, not the version that's told for a 6000 year window with this later time period of civilizations that emerged in that same region, and we're gonna get into that in a minute. But the original proto Sumerians, I believe, was the first civilization on earth. And we have ancient cuneiform tablets that discuss that entire creation aspect and lowering of kingship to create these cities, okay. Now, according to the Sumerians, they left behind these tablets that have been found in ancient libraries, like the most famous is the royal Alesha bottle pol library that was found in the area called Nineveh, which is the area around Mosul today in Iraq. And in 1849, a man named Austin Henry Laird discovered the greatest library that's literally ever been known to mankind. And most people talk about the Library of Alexandria all the time, but they don't talk about this. And the because the library of Ashurbanipal and later the royal Eveleigh library have the largest catch of cuneiform tablets in the world. And cuneiform is a type of writing where you etch symbols into clay or stone. But when you do that, it allows it if you bake the clay or if you're in stone, it allows it to be preserved so much longer than any other form of recording information that you could ever have. Like, for instance, paper records, is 500 to 1000 years and 1000 years is stretching it. That's only if you get a place like the Tibetan library like the cave of 1000 Buddhas that I talked about where they found some of these ancient maps back in 1901, with RL Stein, that cave, the only reason those manuscripts were able to survive for 800 years. And that's how old they are when they were found was because it was a very dry environment where they were sealed off. But that's not that long, 802,000 years in terms of looking our past is really not very long. But how about something like cuneiform in these stone and clay that can last 510 1000 years. And that's exactly what he found in the library. 1849 he found over 30,000 cuneiform tablets, and in those after they finally translated them, they found things like the Sumerian King List, as well as the ORAC list of kings and sages that almost nobody talks about, because some people will say that the Sumerian King List is not accurately dated, yet they ignore the fact there's a whole nother set of tablets that agrees with it from another standpoint. And what they say in those tablets is they give the reins of these ancient kings and they lived in the in the ruled for enormous amounts of time. I'm because they seem to have a whole different genetic aspect than we do today. Almost like demigod like aspect. And they when you add up all the reigns of that, as well as the Iraq was the kings and sages, and the brochures, King list these Babylonians Sumerian King List, you get this 200 to 250,000 year time period, which like blows open and destroys this entire concept that we've been told about history. I mean, we're not even talking about 6000 years Gobekli Tepe, people are freaking out about 11,600 years. Well, how about a temple that we're about to show that is still intact, that survived to this day, called ion us that is over 20,000 years old, and it just got discovered only a couple years ago. And as part of what we're going to talk about, but that exists right now. And it's going to blow this entire narrative open, improve the age of humanities older than we've been told,

Alex Ferrari 20:58
Let me ask you man. This is a question I'm sure if people listening have is why does the mainstream have such a resistance to these new ideas, these new timelines because it happens in everything from physics, to quantum physics, to, to astronomy, to Doctor to medicine, every everything's always met with such resistance to the point where like, you know, it's called the Galileo effect, essentially, because it was that Galileo was so famously tortured and persecuted

Suggesting, you know, heresy right?

Hheresy, which we then turned like, he was absolutely right. You people. Science. Right, exactly. Why do you believe that there's such a resistance?

Matt Lacroix 21:44
Well, I think it comes from two places. And I want to make a very big distinction on these two areas. Because I don't want to be just the person that they everyone just automatically assumes and throws down like a conspiracy wrote, The first place is more of what Galileo dealt with, which is you and I don't think it's enough discussed, and how powerful that is. And what it is, is when you create a doctrine, like an understanding, and that understanding is built off of other experts, who have an understanding at the time, they're trying to mold that those theories to that understanding, because that's what the established understanding is, and the you were talking about, at the time, when we're discussing these different astronomical understandings of the place with the earth in relation to the sun, and how we were evolved, like, right, because it was this idea that we must be the center of the universe because of this religious concept. Right? Well, that was a doctrine. That was a that was a doctrine that that had to be formulated with everything else around it at the time. And then Galileo and others subsequently through history, when they come forth with ideas that challenge the entire narrative that is that is existed, basically, like, like splitting it open and having to start over again. It's fought always throughout history, with fierce opposition, so fierce, that often the people that make discoveries, like Nikola Tesla is probably the best example of anyone in history. They, they can sometimes die, without even knowing anything, or having anything celebrated with their discoveries and what they what they found. Only years and years later, do they get recognized for what they did, and it later established itself. Now, Nikola Tesla's theories are still very much suppressed and hidden, which we'll see later on. And in the future, we'll probably see more of that type of technology. But getting back to history, what are we doing right now, we are attempting to challenge the entire historical narrative of our past. Challenging it to the point though, not just saying like, well, some of these dates are maybe not really quite right. But we're challenging to the point where we're challenging the entire origin story. We're challenging the entire aspect of who we are. We're literally different redefining what the human experiences by saying, Look, consciousness isn't derived from the brain as just this functionality of it. Consciousness is a fundamental aspect of spirit and soul. That is the essence of what makes us who we are. We need to get to that next level. So understanding to understand who we are in terms of our greater understanding of the universe and our place than these ancient sites in those civilizations, understood that to the highest degree. And that is what they were passing is these ancient teachings on how to reach these higher states, how to understand the reality in the world around us, what our role is in all of that and that is Dangerous, that is very, very dangerous, because it has the ability to affect religion. It has the affiliate ability to affect just science itself with understanding the human ecology and our past and where we come from. It has the ability to understand to have radically affect faith, spirituality, how about day to day realities and activities. So imagine, not you, Alex. But imagine someone, you're walking down the street. And you you see this, this guy that looks really sad, right? He's like walking home from working all day. And he just looks like he has nothing going on his life. And you stop them, you say, Hey, did you know that you're actually a divine being of the universe, and you could be doing anything you want. Except there's all these conditioning aspects and controlling aspects that try to prevent you from being that and discovering who you are, that imagine that man, realizing that and realizing that he's stuck in this rat race, and realizing you know what, this is not just about changing our history, it's about changing everything. And sites like Guyana's with what I believe is the very first cross in history with a definition that greatly differs and changes from what religion then taking it. And all these ancient teachings has a way of uniting humanity under a common understanding and knowledge that we are almost ready for. It's almost time for Alex, people like you, it's so many others that lay down that framework, that once we once that you want to call it the the cauldron that's boiling wood, that that the top doesn't want to hold on any longer. Once that blows open, people are all going to be is are going to take this and be like, we kind of already knew that. Because that has been is like the framework has been laid for that. So if many ways, and I just want to conclude by saying this is that society, I think the collective is a little ahead of the actual academic and mainstream doctrine. Because this point, it's almost silly, what they're saying. It's almost ridiculous to talk about Egypt in the way they're saying, or Peru in the way they're saying, and so now people are, are ready for this. And eventually, as Graham Hancock says, that foundation of sand that they've created for history is about to crumble,

Alex Ferrari 27:19
That makes all the sense in the world, because you can't even take them seriously. It's the equivalent of someone you know, saying, Oh, we're only we're only whatever, 2000 years old, whatever the Bible says we're all like, Oh, yeah. Yeah, so suddenly, we're only 6000 years old. And well, how about the dinosaurs? Wow. Like either hogwash, that it's almost that kind of naivete naivete, if you will, right? Well, to be talking about these things in this manner. You mentioned the first cross. Can you dig into that a little bit? No pun intended. Can you dig into that a little bit more?

Matt Lacroix 27:57
Yeah. Can I can I announce some of these discoveries and give people a background on it? Please discuss that. Yes. So in my obsession, and I want to I'll call it that my obsession over understanding lost civilizations in the ancient world. My focus, though of that obsession, besides ancient sites around the world was ancient Sumur, the ancient Sumerians and understanding the different legacies that were left behind from the Sumerians, the Acadians, the Assyrians and the Babylonians. I think that's greatly lost sometimes with people that one region of Iraq and that's not even all the groups that have been there we can talk about the child Danes, and and Skiff Ian's and others, right. But let's just for a time period, imagine, imagine a region where you have all these groups there and there's all this confusion, but there's an original group that's truly ancient, something truly ancient. And when I started looking to like the excavations of shrew pack, which was the last Sumerian city mentioned all the tablets with this last Sumerian King, known as a boon to pitch to him, who later became saya sudra. You find out that that story of his story, in the tablets like the entre asis is the story that eventually became the biblical Noah. Okay, and the original story that comes from these tablets, again, as part of this discovery that I'm building up to it, it had this whole section where the very last Sumerian King, the son of houbara, to to the very last city of this ancient mysterious time period that seems to predate everything. A great catastrophe is told to them that's coming that is going to destroy everyone. And this Noah figure, we're going to call them Noah just for now. And so there's no confusion. This last Sumerian king and priest and that's what he was, is warned by his patron god Enki that there's this catastrophe and flood coming and that he has to preserve his family, not a Have to have every animal of every kind, but his family bloodline for that so that for future generations, and he survives this catastrophe and the tablets fracture off, and we never find out what happens though after him and his family land and survived this catastrophe in this massive boat, which is truly is true. They truly built some kind of incredibly massive cedar Cedar Log craft with bitumen to seal the whole thing. It's all described in The Epic of Gilgamesh, entre Hey sis and legend Uzzah Bitbar. point is though, researchers like me, and many, many others around the world were stuck at that spot. Because there was no other tablets that told us what happened the story. They landed there and the sons of Noah, the whole story just fractured off because this the ancient gods assume or lower down and talk to them and all these things, but nobody knew what happened. Up until about a year ago, when I uncovered a series of archaeological discoveries that were just being made. Some of them are so new Alex, they were only discovered in 2017. So, for instance, so many people talk about Gobekli tempi, but that was discovered in 1944. We're talking like, imagine the new kid on the block that nobody's ever heard of. That would be what I've coined the era of civilization. It is a series of archaeological discoveries around Lake Vaughan and eastern Turkey, that the archaeological community, whether it's the University, University of Istanbul, University of Vaughan, or any of these universities that are in there, making those archaeological excavations, they have no idea what they found. They believe that it's part of the wrong civilization by eight to 10,000 years, or more. And you can see that by the primitive work that's on top. So when I saw these, these discoveries that were being made underwater under Lake Vaughn, and a boat on these ancient temples, with what, like I mentioned, as the discoveries grew, and I started seeing symbols within them, and how it played around to all the civilizations, these mysterious civilizations around the world, whether it's Bolivia, or Peru, or even Egypt, I realized I had stumbled upon something absolutely massive. And as I started to uncover it more, I started to realize it may have be like this missing link to everything, the missing link to pre religion, and the missing link to all of our understanding and origins of these lost civilizations. And, and that discovery got a lot of it is getting a lot of excitement. And it's just being launched into a whole new aspect right now. And I want to announce that because of that, those set of discoveries, I have formed my own company called ionic legacy. After the most sacred site, I honest. And I have a team of experts around the world, such as Billy Carson, who you just had on, as well as Paul Wallace, Brian Forster and several others I can't mention yet. But along with me, we're going to be making a film to change all of history, going to these sites, documenting these discoveries before the world even knows about them. And then connecting them from Turkey, all the way to Bolivia, and then connecting that last narrative around the world. And I truly want to tell people that this is a very exciting project and film to be part of. But we need help from everyone else, everyone that's listening, if you want to, if we want to see some film, a project like that, to succeed, we really need people's help. So we're looking, we're doing some crowd funding right now. And I want people to check out the website, the stage of So you can see all about that film project and being being a part of that, to truly change history and get on the ground in all these locations, and make a film that that truly changes the world. So that's what we're a part of doing. And these these archaeological discoveries have blossomed into, into truly being what I believe is the missing link and is going to be part of my entire career and focus, probably the rest of my life, to be honest, in trying to connect that those missing pieces around the world. And that's what gets back into what you just mentioned was, again, the significance of these discoveries and how temples like Ayana has carved into into Endocyte, one of the hardest stones on Earth, which is how you know it's truly ancient, as well as best salt, another very, very hard stone and by the way that anybody wants to know how hard those are and decide is a seven on the Mohs Hardness Scale. The Mohs Hardness Scale goes from a one to a 10 can being the hardest possible diamond and decide is a seven on that scale with basketball being a six to a seven. So to carve something like that with these type of symbols. It would be almost literally impossible with our understanding of these cultures, proving that they're truly ancient, and in those in that Endocyte, at ion, US and other sites with other symbols, we find the very first cross I believe that's ever existed on Earth with a completely different meaning that religion eventually took to it. And that has been something that has launched a lot of excitement around the world. And I want to, we can talk about that, and some of the connections that has to everything, but these discoveries are going to truly change our understanding of who we are in the future.

Alex Ferrari 35:35
So what was so what was the meaning of this cross?

Matt Lacroix 35:38
Right! That's, that's the 100 million dollar question. Everybody wants to know, well, what's the meaning of the cross now? Right, so let's start with that.

Alex Ferrari 35:44
It's based on Jesus being crucified,

Matt Lacroix 35:49
The meaning of the cross now is based on this concept that came from the Holy Roman Empire. In fact, Constantine is the one who is credited with this concept idea. And what we see in iterations of whether it's the Old or New Testament, or anything like Christian religious text, emerged from what's called the Council of Nicaea, after Constantine in which they pulled together a bunch of different text, ideas, concepts, and they decided on how they wanted Christianity to be written, simple as that. Some of the stories that were part of it, like the Noah's story came from ancient origins, like from what we're just we're talking about right now. Others, we're not quite as old. But within that concept, the cross with the long bottom part to it, because crosses all have different meanings, depending how they look. The cross, as we know, in Christianity came out of this concept that there was a sage named Jesus Christ, who died, who is sacrificed on this cross for our sins, and that cross meet him on the cross became a symbol of sacrifice, a symbol of sacrifice, and that the chalice that they drink out of was blood was the blood of Christ. Okay, so the whole thing is a blood sacrifice. aspect. Not, not good. Okay. It's actually not I'll just say that it's, that's not, that's not a good concept. Because the whole idea behind it is this notion of Jesus Christ was this Ascended Master being from God, who you have to follow his teachings and look up to as, as this God, but you can't become him. That is the very, very tricky little aspect of religion, that it became based on this control aspect. Whereas if you actually read even some of the teachings, from that, it says, The kingdom of heaven is within it doesn't even say that, which is why they, you know, they use that as a form of complete control in a way that it didn't exist. But getting back, the whole thing was changed around. So the cross became a symbol of sacrifice, the chalice of the cup became the blood. But what if we have proof that not only the cross? And what about the first chalice had nothing to do with those those meanings at all? Right? Nothing to do with it. Okay? Now, and I'll give you some of these images, if you want to have pop these up while we're talking, let me know. But basically, imagine if you have the cross shown in Endocyte, being passed it at this location with an altar, okay. And that's what ion This is. And around that you have all kinds of you have associated symbols with it. Okay. And then an other sites, similar if three ancient temple sites, one with the cross, another one with this mysterious giant box with other symbols that are associated with it in ancient teachings and writings, okay. And then at another site, you have a series of other writings that then tell something as well. When you combine them all together, you get this teaching and this understanding, and I, for anybody that wants to see these, please go to my website, that stage of all these images are there. They're absolutely incredible. And in so in these symbols, what you find is that the cross is being shown three times. This idea of a triptych three is something that is shown throughout this civilization is one of the important symbols that became that it was embodied on now this triptych three is based on this concept that we exist as a totality of three aspects. Now you saw religion, take that, and then turn it on his head with the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost. So they took that and they they woven it around and something different, but ancient civilizations didn't talk about it like that. They referred it to as a triptych doorway all around the world. Whether you go from the Mayan sites, down through the Aztecs sites like chichi needs it and tailed t wilcon. Or you want to go down right into South America, all the way throughout the world. What we find is that this triptych, three doorway Like for instance, like also, I just wanna mention It's also like in Cambodia. And it's throughout Southeast Asia, in Egypt. And it's in Turkey as in the sights, this triptych doorway. Now what does it really mean? Well, it's this aspect that we have these three parts to us these three fundamental parts. And if we can balance them all, we can reach these higher states of consciousness. And they describe them and the Hindus describe them. And coaches around the world describe them. hermeticism described it as this energy of like, the masculine, the feminine energy, right or the left and right brain. And then this aspect of the central point of the two combining to create this third aspect of our like our divinity. And what it means is, they're trying to show us these doorways are so showing this left and right doorway, that if those are balanced in harmony, then there's this third doorway that unlocked within us through this Kundalini energy or through our spine, and this aspect of energy that we almost emerge in blossom and flower. And what they use to describe that is, is the ancient symbol of the flowering Lily, okay. And that flowering Lily became shown in French symbols later on, and others. And it was this ice idea that if we follow certain teachings, we can flower into this incredibly divine and higher, higher being. And in that state, they showed in this triptych concept, they showed how again and the other day, sorry, but add one more layer to that. We can also it'd be like if you think of the mind, the body and the soul. And that would be the other aspect of that three to add that, and they showed these three crosses being lowered down in this same totality of that concept, okay, in the rock relief from KEF, that that shows this triptych doorway with a flowering of consciousness. It shows how he's passing the specific ancient spiritual knowledge coming out of a chalice or a cup. So it shows this ancient god holiday. Okay, who's also is actually his name is Aldi, or Aldi, but I can't say that over and over again, it hurts my throat. So we're gonna say Hall D. Hall D is shown with the very first cup chalice ever in history, and he's taking out of that, a seed of life or the pine cone, and he's passing that, to this, this idea of a civilization like to that civilization, the concepts of that, okay. And above him, he has a hat with the flowering, the Florida Luer, from France, that on top of his head, and it's right at the central triptych doorway of the three doors, showing that what he's what it's showing is that he's passing the spiritual, pre religious doctrine, the knowledge of how to reach higher states of consciousness and knowledge, okay, but the symbol he's using to associate that with is the tree of life. The tree of once you learn what the tree of life means, whether it's an ancient Sumur, which they show the same symbols, by the way, that's why you know, what, or it's at this era civilization, that tree of life symbolizes balance in harmony, okay? So if he is passing the knowledge of the tree of life, the balance of harmony with the triptych doorways how to reach higher states of consciousness, then it means with the associated three crosses, that the cross is being equal on all sides not that's all that matters. The cross is being equal on all sides for presents. Drumroll right, it's, it's what I believe is it's simply the harmony and balance of all the harmony and balance within without as above as below because we see hermetic concepts designed into that box, as up above, above, below, above, below the hermetic concept of as above, so below, and it shows the triptych doorways as being an n step pyramid with the levels and then an inverted one below. So what I'm trying to say is, you could go stare at that KEF box relief for hours and hours. And I have and I can't even tell you how many hours I've stared at it, and you will discover something new every time. And what the point of that is, is they were handing down the ultimate knowledge, the the knowledge of hermeticism which is the knowledge of reality, the knowledge of energy, ascension and within us to reach that realizing like they're handing down the keys to how to become gods. That's what this is. And the Red Cross originally was supposed to be associated with the chalice and the tree of life and the step pyramid That became the Chicana symbol of South America as balance in totality of harmony with all and that unlocks unlocks the doorway to reach that kingdom within that was talked about by Christ through Jesus Christ is that that that concept of teachings? So imagine finding that origin point, Alex. And so we're trying to navigate on how to incorporate that in a way where we, we want to tailor that message to a way to try to bring humanity together in a way that maybe we've been, we've been needing to for a very, very long time.

Alex Ferrari 45:34
Would you agree that the, the evolution in these cycles of, let's say, the last 200,000 years, as from the beginning point that this is cyclical, that we you know, we, we evolve, something happens every 12,000 years or so, give or take something, then we start again, almost right, with some remnants left of the one every time there's a little bit left from before, right, yeah, we're building we're building up, it's kind of like, you're playing a video game, and you beat the first level. But it took you a while to beat the boss. But once you beat the boss, the information from beating the first boss get to helps you beat the second boss, obviously, totally, you keep dying off the game. It's totally a game. Yeah, exactly. So this information that's starting to reveal itself. Now, do you think within the cycles that humans, humanity's consciousness, is evolving throughout this time, to get to a point as a species on this planet, to be able to take this information because before, what you're talking about is not new in the sense of allowing people to understand how to reach higher consciousness, right? How it has been

Matt Lacroix 46:47
Taught around the world, it was it was carried around the world by all those cultures, of course,

Alex Ferrari 46:51
Exactly for so long, but very few picked up on it. There's only a handful of Yogi's handful of Ascended Masters throughout every walk of life on Earth. But it seems that this information is starting to be more accepted now. And these mass ideas like meditation, like eating better, like taking care of the planet, like taking care of yourselves, and war doesn't make any sense anymore. And all this kind of all these kinds of things, evolutionarily is happening. So do you would you agree to that, that we are, as a species just a little bit more open to this information, because this information, what you just said, has been around for, let's say, conservatively, 2000 years, it's older. But the Vedic texts are 7000 years, if not 10,000 years old, they really don't know when the Vedic texts are. And these ideas were in there. But it's kind of like when Jesus showed up and started talking about this stuff. The people around him that he was he was a heretic, he was crazy. He was a troublemaker, he was kicked out of towns, he's he was spewing these these ideas that were just so beyond the capability of the people around him. Same for Buddha. Same for every Ascended Master that walked the earth, they weren't ready at a small group work. And that kind of builds and builds and builds. And then of course, gets twisted throughout history. But that's a whole other story. So what would what would you think about what I just said,

Matt Lacroix 48:17
Well, I can tell you that I think that's very much on purpose. The more we look into our role here, and then we're looking at what's happening, the less it looks like it's random. And the less it looks like it's part of just point who knows, like humanity could just make one little mistake and boom, they're gone. That does not seem at all the case. It seems like more or like what you said, seems more like some kind of a game. And the game seems to be being played by us, with our parents, maybe watching. And I think the game is, let's lay down this foundation, this framework, and then let's see, let's maybe step back, and maybe see if they can figure it out and find their way and how that unfolds. But we'll leave leave all the breadcrumbs and all these different aspects. Oh, and by the way, will determine how things go by cycles of the Zodiac, and whether or not if it's a positive or a negative age. And I think that's a very, very important thing to get across for people to understand. The Earth undergoes a period of cycles that last 25,700 years called the Great cycle, okay. And it is based on the precession of the equinoxes of the earth, and how the earth wobbles. Its tilts itself and faces a different star constellation as the primary aspect of what it faces for a period of 2100 years. Isn't it interesting that that 2000 year period always aligns with this aspect of Jesus Christ that they used they you Use that that period, because when you look at it, it aligns almost exactly with the zodiac. So there's no way that that's a coincidence in that way. But knowing that you have 12 zodiacs, they all are split between 2100 years each, meaning that every age that we have to go through is going to be 2100 years long before it switches to a new energy. Okay. And now every age has a polarity to it, it's either going to be a negative or a positive. How do I know this? Because the the ancient texts that came out of Sumur, and other ancient texts from around the world, like like the Hindu text, they talk all about these different ages, and these different time periods and how they can predict, like the Mayan calendar is exactly the perfect example of that the Mayan calendar is based on this concept of them understanding these cycles, and then being able to predict what's going to happen based on the energy that's associated with those cycles. So if you look at where we are, right now we're in Pisces, okay, and we're moving towards Aquarius. Well, Aquarius has always been known, always been known as this profound positive time period, energetically in history. But if you have that, and everything is built on balance, there are because there are cosmic laws that exist in the universe. And there are, and hermeticism is based on studying those cosmic laws as well as other ancient texts around the world. But that that concept means that ages are already determined, energetically, and it means that you're supposed to have this woven into the woven into it, right. So imagine, this time period I was just talking about right now, this emergent of the emergence of the era of civilization, profound knowledge gets handed down, imagine them traveling around the world and building these temples and giant Megalis. Everywhere, in what letter would I would be, that would be called the Golden Age, okay, is this time period where humanity reaches a state of consciousness that is like the highest it's been, and everything changes in its reality. But those time periods have been completely intersected by catastrophes and different things that have happened that had wiped them out and changed into a whole different time period. So as we wobble an ebb and flow back and forth, in throughout history, we're like, Oh, my God, look, that civilization was wiped out, oh, look, these great sages lived during this time, but then they became corrupted. And then that didn't really work out for them at that time. But later on those teachers work teachings were incorporated. Think about like that. Imagine it like bread crumbs, and an epic story with these different aspects of duality, that are fundamental within our story, that seems to be playing itself out in like a group is like a grand scheme of things. And in that way, we are like actors in it. And we're playing these roles, and we're all assuming different things. But the collective of humanity is what's driving ultimately, the story, the collective where that collective is, but the collective is only based on the amount of information, and that's available to them, and what's fed to them. And as that collective changes. It pulls everyone with it in this way, but who's driving that collective? How does that collective move forward? And that's where people like you and others are part of discussing concepts and ideas that humanity will eventually be able to incorporate in the in into its mainstream, but not yet. We're not there yet.

Alex Ferrari 53:48
So I'm assuming you understand, you know, what the yugas are?

Matt Lacroix 53:51
Yeah, exactly. The Yuga cycle is that of India cycles.

Alex Ferrari 53:53
Yeah. So the Yuga cycles for people who don't understand it, is that humanity starts at a very high evolution that they're like at the peak of understanding and God consciousness and they're put in a physical form. And then as the it's 25,000, it's around 25,000 year cycle.

Matt Lacroix 54:11
Yeah, it's almost exactly the right year.

Alex Ferrari 54:13
Exactly. That's what that's why I'm bringing it up. Because when you said that, I'm like, well, that's to you, because you start off really high. Then it goes all the way and you start devolving. And you start evolving, humanity starts devolving devolved devolving until it gets halfway through around 12,000 years. That's when we're at the dark. The darkest point in the current cycle, that would have been the Dark Ages. Yeah, literally when for four or 500 years. Nothing happened. But within these last 100 years, everything has happened. We've done so much in these last 100 years. And even in my lifetime, let alone like my my grandparents lifetime, but they didn't have airplanes when they were born, or car like the cars were barely on the road. You know, I was born at a different I was born in the 70s so Imagine the 70s to today

Matt Lacroix 55:02
I'm low 80s. So yeah, I'm with you, man.

Alex Ferrari 55:04
Yeah, I mean, so we're not. So we've seen a lot has changed in this time period. So according to the Hugo's, we are now on our way back, right towards higher state of consciousness, which will take a while to get to. But we as again, are getting more on the spiritual side, we as a species, as a consciousness as a collective, have decided to start going back towards that direction, hence, why these ideas, these concepts, these teachings are starting to bubble up. And you know, what's even more interesting. And again, I use my show, as an example, how a show like mine has caught millions of eyeballs in such a short period of time, says, not as much about me as this amazing host, but about the amazing conversations we're having. And these ideas that people are searching.

Matt Lacroix 56:00
Right, it's time it's time. That's the whole idea, right?

Alex Ferrari 56:03
It's searching, your your growth and your explosion of what you're doing in your work. People are now seeking out you don't have billboards on Time Square. They I don't either, how are they finding us because they're searching for us. And when they're searching for these conversations, these are the things that could present it to them. So as we continue to move forward, I think that's where a lot of these things go. I just wanted to kind of introduce the UGA idea, because it's just, again, another piece of evidence.

Matt Lacroix 56:31
Yes, I mentioned TECHO. Yeah, that's what I was referring to the Vedic and Hindu that, yeah, the Yuga cycles, and then the Maya, the Mayan calendar, it was just a very, very similar concept. And of course, those are on either ends of the world. But the idea with those two, you can call them calendars, but they're measuring, of course, long ages, is that the ancients already understood these cycles. And they understood that these cycles exist with you just call it low consciousness, and then and then higher consciousness. And then it cycles between these silver ages, gold ages, bronze ages, bronze ages, and it has to do with these galactic time periods where the earth is facing different energies. And also this, this sort of ebb and flow road of of where we're going. I mean, what an epic story to think back on. Imagine thinking. And again, the new book that Billy Carson and I that's releasing in December next month, is called the epic of humanity. Because it's trying to tell that epic story, I mean, just for a moment, wrap your head around our story. Like you said, we go from this high level of being, like Demi like Gods building these temples and pyramids around the world and being like, Masters floating around, um, to like a disaster comes through, they all get wiped out, the survivors tried to teach other groups, it starts to emerge again, they get wiped out from another disaster. And then we get knocked back with like, amnesia, right? Like Graham Hancock says, species with amnesia, we get knocked back to almost like the Stone Age, we try to invent everything again, learn it all again. But really, all we're doing is trying to he's discovering what they already knew. Right? And then here, we are now technologically advanced, but spiritually somewhat broken. And we're caught up in the material world lost in this but yet, the cycle is about to change. The energy of Pisces is changing to Aquarius right now. And we're shifting over the world is shifting consciousness is shifting. People are seeking others like you out. It's just this natural inherent system that's woven in. And it's beautiful. Because we get to be part of watching humanity blossom like that Florida leave the the flowering of of our consciousness into what's coming. But we're not there yet. We're laying down the seeds and the framework, the keys for the futures to get there. But not for now. For not because it's not quite the right time yet, right.

Alex Ferrari 58:57
And we're going through stuff worldwide. As we all know, right now we're going through stuff that we're bringing up a lot of stuff that's been hidden right there that we're gonna we kind of have to deal with it.

Matt Lacroix 59:08
The darkness that humanity needs to deal with its dark night of its soul. And that's what we're doing right now. Because, as Carl Jung said, there's no coming to consciousness without pain, we first have to deal with our pain before we can finally ascend and move on.

Alex Ferrari 59:24
Right and if anyone wants to use here an example of how these ideas get twisted over, over time, all you got to do is look as Jesus Christ's original teachings and then visit the Vatican. Right you go. I just wish I just did and I'm just looking around going man, this has nothing to do with Jesus.

Matt Lacroix 59:43
Like did you go to the archives? Did you see it down there?

Alex Ferrari 59:46
I went down into went down underneath St. Peter's Basilica. So where were all the pope's are buried? Oh, I don't know.

Matt Lacroix 59:53
Did you well, you know about the Vatican archives, right.

Alex Ferrari 59:55
Of course. I would love to go hang out at the Vatican archives. The most stolen

Matt Lacroix 1:00:01
Like like like this in hallways like sneaking around and like sneaking around,

Alex Ferrari 1:00:05
Grabbing a scroll and sticking it in a trench coat and run taking pictures, you know, Mission Impossible. Exactly the most stolen amount of knowledge and suppressed knowledge and in the history of the world honestly, yeah, um, but it was just so fascinating how a simple a simple man's ideas. When he was here he was a man revolutionary ideas where it's time have come completely mutated into this power and control. Yeah, and struggle and you know, like, I always joke I'm like, yeah, the Crusades, because that's what Jesus wanted, you know, kill people in my name. That's why, if you ever heard of the yogic crusades where Yogi's were going to cross the world killing people to listen to about their yogic ideas that doesn't exist because the yogi's didn't do. You know, there was an array and we're a little bit more evolved at that point,

Matt Lacroix 1:01:00
Like just shows you that the month the monster that, that that aspect of Christianity turned into, and it's just such a sad thing, because that's, but that's what's so exciting about places like Guyana's, and the era of civilization that we can bring humanity together with these last teachings that ancient cultures, like you said, whether it is the Vedic text, or you look at hermetic texts, or Mayan texts, they've been trying to tell us the same thing all along, it's, it's time to come together around that common message, and put and take all this noise and, and move it away and start understanding that we do have answers. And we do know who we are.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:35
And from your research as well, you I found this in my research is that these ideas are throughout the world, in different continents, different countries that never should have touched each other. Yeah, they just have slightly different flavors of the same ideas. Exactly. Exactly. It's just different flavoring. It's kind of like, you know, a steak in Argentina is gonna taste different than a steak in Turkey. But there's still a steak there.

Matt Lacroix 1:02:03
But what if you find the first steak? It would be right, that's where you get interesting is like, Okay, well, we can we can say like, look, we see the same cross and the same Chicana symbol at Tiwanaku Kukui in Bolivia, which is why we're going there for the film. But what about finding where it started? What about finding, you know what it means there? Somewhat. But what about finding what it really means Originally, the original place where it all started, and that is what's so exciting about this. And that's why I think, and all those people that are excited about this as well, is that the era of civilization is specifically ion this is going to change the world in the future, and not just historically, but spiritually and religiously as well.

Now, you mentioned before in some other conversations about the 38th parallel? Sure. Can you talk about the coincidences if you will, of the 38th parallel and what that means?

Yeah, so the 38th parallel is his area on earth that's right above the equator, and it runs around the planet. And the bizarre thing, though, is, again, if we take the narrative we're told that history of of schoolbooks about civilizations, how could they have even known about it? First of all, so let's wrap our heads around that how could a civilization had known or could have known in ancient times that that 30 a parallel line, which is basically just a measurement of a specific ratio above the equator that just passes around the world? Why is it that we find the Great Pyramids of Giza era do in the the ancient Sumerian cities, as well as Persepolis in Iran, and some other ancient sites around the world? Why are they right? Exactly on that spot? Like if you, for instance, so if you're, you fly to Egypt, right now, you get out of the plane and you're like, there's a great pyramid Egypt, you could walk in exact straight line. From the gate Great Pyramid of Giza, if possible. If we didn't have oceans and impassable landmass, impossible land masses across, you could walk exactly straight, if you turn to the east. And you faced and you stayed on that you could walk exactly to era do the first Sumerian city, and then walk exactly to Persepolis in Iran, another ancient city, and then there are others along the way, you could you could map out the whole thing. And you and before you know it, you'd be like, wait a minute, how could they build exactly on this mysterious line around the world? If how would they have known about that? Well, look at the Great Pyramid of Egypt, there's your answer. It's built on that. And if you study the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Great Pyramid of Giza, you'll find that is is exactly one half the ratio of our of our planet, which ties exactly into why they would build on the Theory of Parallel because it's based on this location energetically with the rest of the planet and how If you look at ley lines and other energetic aspects of that, they seem to be exactly specific in everything they did. Now, if they build a pyramid to be an exact half ratio of the earth, and the relationship with the sun and the moon, then what are they trying to do? Are they trying to create like a scale model? That's what it leads a lot of experts and others to talk about is if this concept of as above so below is true, in which we believe it is. And we look at something like the Great Pyramids of Giza from above, and you look at Teotihuacan and Egypt from above, you see that they seem to be aligned, and there are others as well air Adonis, the constellation with the Sumerian cities I talked about, but getting just specifically with table tucan and Giza for a minute. In Teotihuacan, you have three pyramid structures, you have the Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon and moon in the pyramid of cancer quantal. Okay, three, again, the triptych three try to think about that for a second. Again, these concepts of as above, so below the micro and the macro, macrocosm, as within so without, we seem to be this representation of this galactic solar system and universe that's above us, around us all around us. And so getting back to Giza, though, so it's this half ratio of the earth, and they built it in a way where they are mapping the energy of the planet and matching it to the cosmos. So in I guess I mentioned the three pyramids of Teotihuacan. Those are exactly mimicking the three primary belt stars of Orion. So imagine if you have Orion above you, and it's incredibly important energetically. Some researchers believe you studied like the Egyptian Book of the Dead, that that Orion has something to do with reincarnation cycles, or something to do with humanity's path of souls. We don't fully know. But imagine Orion and Sirius, but Orion in this case, is this divine constellation, that's something to do with energetically OS are past, maybe a variety of reasons. So what you do if you're at a primitive civilization is you somehow managed to not only know what the 38th parallel is, know exactly the ratio of the earth, the moon, the sun, but you also somehow have woven that into the designs on the ground to match the stars in the sky. So you'd so you take the three belt stars, and you align temples on the ground like Teotihuacan to mimic the stars above. And then on the other side of the world, in Egypt, you build the three pyramids of Giza, three, the main pyramids of Giza, and you align those exactly to the three belt stars as well. What are you creating there? What kind of synergy are you creating? I don't think humanity has, I think we've only scratched the surface of our comprehension of how advanced those civilizations were, and what they knew during this time period. And that's why we need to stop ignoring the past and think it's primitive. We if we want to find answers for understanding the greater aspects of everything, again, not how to get a rocket to the moon, how about understanding our role in the universe, and how in our, in our what we are, that's what is the journey, the journey really is not about exploring the vastness of the universe, the journey really is about exploring within. That's really what this is about. We're going to stop looking out so much and start looking more in because we are the macrocosm of the entire universe with a microcosm of the macrocosm, so we are the totality of everything. And that's why it's incredible to see that the ancients knew all of that. They knew that. And then they built all these structures to basically map and align it. And here we are, we're like, well, well, they just built it like that, because they wanted to and there's no, there's no connection to anything. And it's just all random. And that's what we're told is that a random group decided to get together and do this for no reason.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:02
But the thing is that you that the establishment of all sciences and archaeology included in physics and everything, are looking at things from a time and space and materialistic point of view. Exactly. That's the whole point. That everything that's the lens that they see everything in. Yes. So they can't comprehend that there was a greater purpose for the Great Pyramids, or for Gobekli Tepei or for any of these other sites around the world, because it doesn't fit with the narrative that they are funneling every filtering everything through exactly right. If they move if they open their mind to a place where there is such a thing as consciousness. Yeah, there is an internal and internal world. We're discovering things now about ourselves that 50 years ago, we didn't know very meditate. I always use meditation as an example. 50 years ago you were meditating you were a hippie. Now CEOs of Fortune 500 companies going to take breaks and go do it. Yeah. Right, because they understand the scientific benefits of it. But also on the mind balance, right? Yeah. Yeah, lowers the blood pressure. That's all everything. And then, but before, it wasn't even comprehendible. And I think that's where we're going here, but I agree with what you said is that it's about if you shake the, the, the turnip truck, if you will, of history, it does start to a lot of dominoes start to fall, that they don't want to be, they didn't want to touch the

Matt Lacroix 1:10:37
The whole thing just collapses, doesn't like it like the foundation.

Alex Ferrari 1:10:40
It's house of Cards, it's the House of Cards, the House of Cards starts to come. Because it's like, well wait, because it's, you know, when you look when you're a critical thinker, and you look at religion, and you know, I'm a recovering Catholic, as I always say, so. So, you know, you start to analyze even where I came from Catholicism, just basic concepts of like, oh, you're not Catholic, you're going to hell, I'm sorry, you just weren't born in the right family at the right time. Right, apologize. It's not your fault. It's just the way that guards were, I'm better than you, obviously, because I was born. And these ideas like this doesn't go along with anything. Christ sec. never said anything like that, you know, and all of these ideas. So when you start to analyze these kinds of things, you start to open your mind to other possibilities. But the academics, their whole livelihood is based around.

Matt Lacroix 1:11:29
That's that's the point, exactly

Alex Ferrari 1:11:32
Tthe paradigm that they've created. You can can you imagine going into Yale, or Cambridge, or Oxford or Harvard, and start to change the timelines of humanity?

Matt Lacroix 1:11:44
Because you're stepping on the, you're stepping on the toes of everyone that came before you? Right, which is the whole point.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:50
But the point is, it's you shouldn't be stepping on anyone's toes, because I promise you guys from 50 years ago, 100 years ago, 500 years ago, didn't have it figured out.

Matt Lacroix 1:11:58
But they're not, but they're not. And they're very scared to. And can I want to mention something on that? Because I think that's a great point. Yeah, we, I give myself, I put myself in this as well, I've been a little bit too critical with archeologists. And I want to just tell a little story for a second about this is that, in uncovering the secrets of this era at civilization, I wanted to study every single archaeological paper, since some of the oldest of these sites and then the newer ones, there was some original older ones, and then some newer ones. But from back from the very beginning, I diligently read every single paper that they wrote on these sites, every single one, there's like five of them, there's not that many there will they're like articles or scientific articles. And in these papers, they go to a site, and it's a set of archaeologists. And they're discovering they're on, they're basically talking about what was found at the sites when they uncovered them, whether or not some of them are only partially uncovered or whatever, but doesn't matter. But what was in each one that I found remarkable. And I highlighted every single section, and we're going to find some creative ways on how to use in the future, just so you know. But in every single section, there'll be these periods of time, where you see an archaeologist that's there, uncovering and finding something. And the box relief from KEF temple that I talked about is a perfect example. When they found that the archaeologists were going nuts. In this paper, they're writing all about how it's highly sophisticated, built out of bath salts, incredibly designed with iconography that was so rich culturally in blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But then they run into these issues, they start talking about how the civilization that's credited with creating it, that's not the right one is called the hierarchy and civilization. They keep mentioning the papers, how none of the symbols, or the iconography match with the European civilization. And furthermore, even symbols like the passing the Tree of Life, the seeds of the tree of life, and the knowledge of that they label in these archaeological papers. And I'm sorry, if I'm gonna embarrass anyone for this, they think they're Spears spear heads. They think they're spear heads, because they're looking at the European civilization as a war empire. And they think that those are spear heads for war, like he's holding a spear. Yet, it looks exactly like the tree of life, and it's coming out of this cup. So what I'm trying to say is this, archaeologists, why are they coming up with those conclusions? They stayed in there why? They say that the fathers of them the fathers of that research that had originally written the regional archaeological research years and years before that, that they looked up to as scholarly credentials. They're the ones who determined what those symbols mean, and who and who built what and what goes where, and they can't. They can't go against it. There was even parts of some of the articles where they were saying things like, well, I speculate this, or this doesn't really look like this, or this work seems far beyond anything that the RT in civilization has done. There's a lot of areas like that where they want to question that. But they only go so far in every single spot, to not to not disrespect at all the people that have come before them. And that is exactly what has happened. It is a doctrine around the world, whether it's Egypt or turkey or Peru, that has been woven with these mainstream heroes in their mind in the archaeological world, oh, blah, blah, blah, and blah, blah, blah, they changed my life. I'm an archaeologist because of them. That that woven narrative is fiercely protected, fiercely protected in any archaeologists that goes and gets their degree in their in their finally working, they're making discoveries, they can't go against that, they will lose their entire academic license, they'll be laughed at, they'll literally be pushed out of everything they've done. So instead of willing to do that, because it's not the right time yet, because the world wasn't open yet. Again, timing is everything that's going to change in the future. But right now, archaeologists are too scared to step up, even if they know very well. And they do that things are not matching up. And they're not aligning, and they're not what is this narrative we're told, and this civilization, the era civilization is a perfect example for that. Because what I just got to say this, like what they're thinking, the people they think, built these incredible baths, salt and anthracite, some of the finest megalithic work in the world is showing right above it with this primitive rig, brick and mortar. And the whole thing is just silly. Even without someone who has a geologic background as me looking at that I was getting my hair cut the other day. And I had an image of that primitive brickwork, and then the advance inside the bottom. And I just like just someone is a lay person, just like a hair cutter and not that they weren't smart in their own way. But they immediately notice the difference. And they have no degree or background in that at all, let alone a trained archaeologists saying that's the same civilization. And it's so ridiculous and silly. But it's say that,

Alex Ferrari 1:17:20
But it's the equivalent of Galileo going look through just look through the telescope telescope and just look at No, nope, we are not going to Tennessee, we will not look for you to tell exactly, exactly. He will only keep you alive. If you make these periscopes or these telescopes that help us at war. That's the only reason we're going to keep you alive and allow you to keep doing this work. And this kind of these kinds of ideas. But that's that's how, yeah, it's fascinating, the fear that the mainstream has over a lot of this stuff. And in but this goes, by the way, in medicine, I talk to doctors, and medicine all the time. Even in spirituality, especially a spirituality, these ideas, and these concepts are we're talking any doctrine, any, any any doctrine, you talk about religious doctrines, and things like that, but you're starting to see, you're starting to see the cracks in the foundation, right? Things are starting to crumble here and their religion. So really great example of that, where most people in the West are starting to go away from organized religion, and start to find their own spiritual but more of a spiritual path. Yeah, within themselves, which is what Jesus was talking about.

Matt Lacroix 1:18:30
I mean, I went down that road as well, I had to go down that road of being raised a Christian when I was young, and being like a troublemaker in Sunday school and basically not being kicked out and not doing anymore. And then and then going down that road of trying to like rejecting it entirely. And then almost becoming like a semi atheist only to discover spirituality and a higher connection later, I think that that path is common, is having that control side and then and then realizing there's so much more rejecting it, getting to that place where you have to start over and then rediscovering it in a way where you can build off of it in a more pure way. I think that's a normal process. For anyone listening to this,

Alex Ferrari 1:19:11
And you want to hear something funny is when if you want to test the doctrine, any doctrine, ask a kid it see if it makes sense to a child, right? Because I have I have children, and I'll throw out ideas at them. And they're like, That is ridiculous. That makes no sense whatsoever. I'm like, adult can't use that simple, basic thing to like what hell You mean to tell me that if I do this and that this creator is going to throw me into an eternal damnation because I made a mistake or two, because everybody on the planet that makes it doesn't seem very fair. He did like and then they start and you start listening to the out of the mouths of babes and you just go Oh, my God. This is just basic, simple ideas, that they're just so terrified. But I do have I do have a hope for the future that the new generation coming up behind us is so less dogmatic.

Matt Lacroix 1:20:08
Oh, yeah, then it's incredible what's happening right now, it's actually amazing. This is, in my opinion, the greatest time we've ever been alive in human history. Because we're at the, we're at the pinnacle of where we're about to take a completely different path that we've maybe taken way long, long back, but not in the same technological way. It'll be interesting to merge technological ways work, which I love the way that our world is connected. Now, I think that's great through social media and other things. But now let's take it and use it in the right way. And I think that we're going we're going there. And I think I'm very optimistic. I'm actually very surprised with how concerned and worried and in people are right now around the world. And I look at it and I'm like, Guys, this is, it's, everything is completely fine, we're not going to destroy ourselves and disappear, and none of that stuff is happening. That's just the fear based system to want to control you. Right now, we're just going through the dark night of our soul to take care of a few things that we still need to take care of, like, you know, for instance, your you want to become a super, super spiritual person, and you want to follow these teachings, and I'm using this as an analogy for all of mankind, for all of humanity. And you but you still have this horrible grudge for your, your family member, or like neighbor, John, right, like, Oh, I hate John, I hate that guy. So much like, I can't even move on in my life. All right, you can't move on anywhere in your spiritual journey in life, until you deal with whatever that piece is, that is holding you back, whatever that darkness is, whatever that thing you got to deal with, right? That maybe like, Oh, you, I'm just gonna say this very like, loosely, you live in a certain place, you have a certain history of, of fences, and people who are telling you where to live, like, in the end of the day, the whole thing is, this is silly. We're all humans on the earth, we're humanity, we need to come together and realize that the silliness of what we're doing still with trying to create war, but it's ridiculous, but it's fading, every time war and all these things are pushed on us, we're rejecting it more and more and more as a collective. And we are becoming more peaceful it but it's a process that's got little bumps in the road, and little things that are going to happen, but try to see the bigger picture and try to see what you're a part of. Because when you're kept in that conditioned, small mindset of being nothing, and that we're a survival of fish species species, and that we could disappear at any time, you get controlled through fear very easily. But if you realize the truth of who you are this divine being that, by the way, you know, your energy that's external, you never actually die, and you live forever. And you're just here to experience this physical reality for a certain amount of time. And then you learn lessons and you come back, when you realize that those fear systems don't really exist anymore. They sort of melt away. Right?

Alex Ferrari 1:22:59
Without question. I have to you man there was something you talked about the eagle and the serpent? Sure, Iconography. Can you talk a little bit about that and how it's connected worldwide?

Matt Lacroix 1:23:10
Yeah, it's really interesting. When you study some of the most ancient lineages of these civilizations, going back to the very beginning, you saw that they had symbols associated with certain aspects of us. Now remember, there are three aspects of us, which we talked about, right? Like the mind, body, the soul, or we talked about this aspect of energy, like feminine energy and masculine energy, and then there's like higher energy that can be merged. Well, but the end of the day, though, there are still two very defined energies that we can be ruled under. And if we don't have that balance, which is why that symbol the cross is so important that I honest, is that by not understanding balance, you can become so extreme in one end, that you can be you can literally become like a monster. Give me Give me an example is that divine masculine energy is incredibly powerful and important. But if used in the wrong way, masculine energy, energy can turn someone into like a war empire that kills and destroys everyone and like causes utter misery, right? Same thing divine feminine energy is beautiful and important as part of creation, but in an unbalanced way, which I would even argue we're in right a bit right now. teetering on is if you get too feminine, then you lose all that strength, and all of that, that what you have in you don't want to push you to go forward. It's about a balance. It's about a balance of divine masculine and about a balance of the divine feminine. Okay, those symbols, the divine feminine and masculine, left brain, right brain, these aspects of us, let's call them the extreme aspects of us, okay. Have had symbols associated with them throughout history. The masculine energy is usually associated with the symbol of the eagle. The eagle is a symbol that has to do with strength and power, and it actually ended up being eventually becoming a war symbol now has nothing to do with real eagles, by the way, had to do with the symbol that they use in ancient times. Whereas the symbol that had to do with creation and understanding balance with the other aspect had was was shown through the serpent, or the snake, which is why in the Garden of Eden story is that Adam and Eve are tempted, right, they're tempted by the serpent, to know the guard the knowledge of good and evil, there was these figures there that had to do with our ancient history, and our lineage that had to do with ancient Sumerian gods. And that goes down like a whole long road that I don't want to necessarily go down. But I'll just say that these archetypes of humanity will call them whether or not it's the power of the masculine in an unbalanced way, or the power of of the feminine, those are shown to the eagle or the serpent. me give an example. If you were to go right now, and go on Google. And you could do that I encourage anyone to do that, as I'm talking. Go look up war empires with an eagle. Okay, just for a moment, you might shock and blow your mind that nearly every war empire throughout history, and literally every single one has had a symbol has had the symbol of the eagle on its cross, on its flag or on its crest or something associated with it. Whereas we throughout history, ancient civilizations. And I want to say the pre civilization is not the later versions that came later that is incredibly important. The versions we see it like the Aztec and the Maya that was practicing blood sacrifice and war. That was a completely later iteration of those civilizations that had nothing to do with the original builders of them. The original builders, though, of the Mayan Aztec civilization down South America, they worshiped the serpent, and they called the entire region was called an Maruka. If anybody doesn't know that, that's the original name, where America came from it had nothing to do with the Italian explorer, and Maruka was derived from the Peruvian Bolivian name Amaroo Amaroo was their equivalent of cuckoo Khan or Katsa quantal. So to give people a little background, the Maya worshipped the serpent. In fact, Chichen Itza, the entire temple of Kukulkan is based on this, this ascension, this nine levels, which by the way is that completion number is one of the completion numbers so three, six and nine. So look at the three triptych number. Go back to Nikola Tesla. He says, You want to know the answers to everything in the universe, you simply need to know three, six and nine. That's what he was talking about. So a teacher needs to you have nine levels. Going up to the ninth level are stairs. And during the equinoxes, you find that there is a serpent shadow that that shone on the stairway with serpents at the bottom during those specific times a year when the sun is during the equinox points. Okay, meaning directly above. How did they possibly know how to build that? How would you build a temple that during only two times of year, you would have the sun hidden at a specific time where the shadow would create a serpent along the stairs with the serpent statues at the bottom that would teach you the ascension like be like Ascension temple, mind blowing, okay. All right. Design was woven all around the world but not just that. Their god who taught them everything that the temple is named after is cuckoo, Colin, cuckoo Khan was shown as a feathered serpent. A feathered serpent is simply a dragon. A dragon is simply the higher metamorphosis of the serpent. So if you imagine consciousness and us as being like serpents without wings, they're trying to show the metamorphosis of like gaining wings. And that's what that was supposed to be. So the feathered is wings. So Kukulkan is known as a feathered serpent. He wasn't really that it was a symbol. It was a it was a symbol, okay? For him being a grand teacher, and he taught them. All of that now, when I was in teaching needs to several years ago, I was searching for evidence of this struggle with the eagle in the serpent, Because I realized that the eagle and the serpent are shown all around the world, all around the world. And the flag of Mexico shows the eagle eating the serpent, and that civilization was conquered. Knowing that when I was at Chichen Itza and walking around, and you have the hundreds and hundreds of people there with the all like the brutal sign, right, everyone's clustered around coupons temple, you can't see anything. It's like a nightmare. It truly is not, like a pleasant thing. to be to be at. I say that though, because everybody's focused on like a couple little things off to the side, I'm walking around, and there's this little altar site called the Temple of the Jaguars. Okay? On the temple, the Jaguars if anyone thinks you can't make discoveries, because under the mindset of archaeologists, this just sort of came with the wrong label, or meaning. I noticed that on that, it showed an eagle, and it showed cuckoo con with serpents coming out of his hair, okay. But on that it showed a progression of a story. And it showed cuckoo Khan going in and teaching them all the wisdom of the knowledge of the universe. And they committed, you know, teaching pizza and building those temples was about astronomical alignments and just like we see around the world, but then you see this period of time where something happens, and then there's an eagle and he's eating the seed of knowledge. He's eating it. Okay, what happened to the Maya? Well, they started as a pure civilization, building all these incredible things aligned to the stars, and then they turned into a blood sacrifice war civilization. Not only that, but Aztec. The people that fought were called Eagle warriors. Okay. And you see in the Aztec the eagle being a war symbol in the Aztec civilization later on, and they're called the eagle wars, and you see this influence in something that happened? What happened, you know, how could that have happened? Well, meanwhile, the Aztec, if you look at Tanaka lon, that there was conquered by the Aztec Cortes, who had the symbol of the eagle on their crest, you see that the new flag of Mexico, which wasn't the original flag, they created that flag shows that the eagle is eating the serpent and conquering them. Now imagine you have regions. Imagine you have the pre Maya pre Aztec pre Inca, right? And they're all serpents civilizations. Cuckoo cones is a feathered serpent god Kensico, exact same person, by the way, who just traveled and did the same thing. Serpent fled feathered serpent god, same one. And then Amaroo. In South America, same thing Majan, you create these grand civilizations,

All about higher consciousness, the cosmos. And then imagine enormous amounts of time go by maybe that civilization like disappears. And then imagine if another one comes through, and they end up being influenced by other things, war empires and other things, and they end up going down a very different road. That is exactly what happened around the world. Because what we see in Sumur, in the ancient Sumerian murals, when this symbol first emerged anywhere on the earth, it shows that they're passing knowledge of something. But in this in some specific cases, the mentality of what they're showing is an eagle head. Okay, right. They have an eagle head, but it's a symbol. So imagine you're, if I'm talking to you, and I'm like, Hey, I'm going to teach you something you don't know. And you're like, what? Now like, I'm going to teach you how to build your entire empire in clunker, everything you could ever imagine. I'm going to teach you how to do that. That's what we're talking about. Versus you could also be like, Hey, I'm going to teach you how to build 10 temples align to the stars, and reach the highest states of consciousness you could ever imagine. I'm going to teach you that. Well, think about the differences in those teachings. What kind of road would those civilizations go down? If with those influences, that's what this is. I realized and wrote a lot about that. In the book, the previous book, I wrote the stage of time, that there's a struggle around the world. In symbols we see even today like our flag has an eagle on it. We have we're a war empire, we conquer all around the world, every it's there right in front of us and staring at us and the symbol of a serpent, shown all throughout history. Go back to the Vedic and the Hindus. The serpent was the most divine symbol they could have. They should show the serpent seven serpents coming out of someone's head showing the seven colors of the visible light spectrum. And they basically are showing that the serpent represent like higher consciousness, when they this aspect of how right you see that the rod of Asclepius right the wings of Hermes coming up the spiral around our spinal cord with wings, they just trying to show us all along. But the medical caduceus symbol to this day with the wings is still on a serpent, a serpent staph. Still there, it's still there. Hermes still has the serpent staff. They're all there. It's been woven around the serpent was the ancient symbol that embodied our spiritual A creative aspect of us, okay, because it is a feminine energy, that is a feminine energy. Whereas we became a warlike civilization. And we did this the eagle became this symbol of war all around the world. And we have been stuck at that as being a warlike civilization for 1000s of years, 1000s of years we've been conquered. And that's the last thing I want to add on that is that, then the serpent, the eagle civilizations, literally like Cortez and Pizarro literally went around the world conquering the serpent civilization was it was like, that's the war is that these mentalities are like it's basically, there's only two paths you can take in life and the civilization, think of it like this. There's only two dividing roads, here a civilization you're emerging, you can either follow the path of reaching higher states of consciousness, and energy. Or you can follow the path of being a war empire and consuming resources around you and conquering. There is no other path. What other we're in a sort of a weird hybrid path right now, where we're like, we're a war Empire, but we're also trying to do the other things. But that transition of those two things happening is is that those two paths sort of colliding right now, in that we're understanding that we can't follow one, like we can't follow being just an empire, because empires are always unsustainable, and they always collapse eventually. And that tells them that that's not the inherent nature of what of what we're ever supposed to be long term.

Alex Ferrari 1:36:32
And that's why the Kundalini energy that the the Vedic texts and the Hindus talk about is a serpent going up your spine, actually, as you awaken your Kundalini awakening up the chakras and stuff. My I could talk to you for another four or five hours, and we're definitely gonna have to have you back on the show, man, because we didn't even touch on Atlantis. And that's a whole other long conversation. Next Next time,Lumerians

Matt Lacroix 1:36:58
Alex, I'd love you back on just let me know.

Alex Ferrari 1:36:59
Okay. I'm gonna ask you a few questions asked all my guests, my friend. What is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Matt Lacroix 1:37:06
I think that my definition of living a fulfilled life is following that voice within you. That is telling you this intuitive, this intuitive voice that is guiding you on what it already wants. I think that there's already a guidance system within us on what we should be fulfilling, or what we love, and what really speaks to us. And I think in order to feel to lead a fulfilling life, you need to follow that voice and follow who you truly are, and not live the life for anyone else in the way that they want to.

Alex Ferrari 1:37:36
If you had a chance to go back in time and talk to little Matt, what advice would you give him?

Matt Lacroix 1:37:41
Oh, my gosh, I can't even imagine like little Mattie has come along way.

Alex Ferrari 1:37:46
Little Alex has come a long way to my friend.

Matt Lacroix 1:37:49
I think I would I think what I would tell little Matt. And maybe this can help a lot of other people as well that that think about this as well. I would I would sit him down and be like, Don't worry, it's okay that you're completely different than everyone else. And really weird and really strange. And you like all those the things you do. There's nothing wrong with you. You're You're exactly who you're supposed to be. And if you could only embrace that and be true to it, no matter what anyone says he'll be you'll be great in life.

Alex Ferrari 1:38:20
How do you define God or source energy?

Matt Lacroix 1:38:23
I define that and I think the word God is very polluted down. Sure. So I like to define it as the the underlying aspect that exists behind underneath everything in the universe, that perfection of nature, and balance and harmony that exists, this creation of what we're in the universe, multiverse, whatever you want to call it, this creation that we're been in, that's been made in perfection, and us being made imperfection for a story that's incredible, that creator and that lives in everything, and you can feel through love and through the connected lives. connectedness of all, is what I considered God or, or source or the Prime Creator. What is the ultimate purpose of life? I think the ultimate purpose of life is to achieve harmony and balance from a state of being unbalanced. And I think that's on purpose. And I think that the part of and that's within us along with with everything else in the macrocosm, but I think that we are living out that story that's playing with a playing out within us for that totality of the cosmos, in the way that if we can reach balance and find out the truth of who we are and the divine nature of who we are, we will ascend to become gods. And I think that the potential of what we are in will we're going to become in the future is almost limitless.

Alex Ferrari 1:39:51
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world my friend?

Matt Lacroix 1:39:56
I think I think everybody that supported me for all all the yours is struggling to get to this point now. And it's very exciting starting my own company, I honest legacy, and this incredibly multi $100,000 film project to basically go to Turkey and Bolivia, with experts around the world and change history. And so if people want to be part of that, that, that journey, we definitely can't do without you. And I can't do without you. And so thank you so much for everyone supports me, please go to the stage of If you want to be part of this amazing journey, and buckle up, because there's a lot of exciting things to come.

Alex Ferrari 1:40:35
And you have any parting messages for the audience?

Matt Lacroix 1:40:38
I think I just want to leave by saying that we're at this at this. Pinnock, this point, this this moment where we're about to change, we're about to go down a very, very different path, and all of the breadcrumbs and all of the pieces that have been laid in place to get to here, it's just a very beautiful thing to see humanity, transitioning into this completely different road that we're going to walk down. And people like you, Alex, that help to try to understand the more spiritual and ancient side of us is truly, we're all part of that. And I really just want to say, you know, join us in that in that incredible task of changing history, and redefining who we truly are.

Alex Ferrari 1:41:20
Matt I appreciate you and the work you're doing my friend, thank you again, I can't wait to have you back on and keep our conversation going. So I appreciate you, man.

Matt Lacroix 1:41:27
Thank you, Alex. You as well, my friend. We'll talk soon.

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