In the ever-evolving dance of life, we often encounter those who challenge us to rethink our understanding of reality. Today, we welcome Gregg Braden, a renowned researcher and author whose work bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science. Gregg Braden’s journey from a geologist and computer specialist to a leading voice in spirituality and science offers profound insights into the interconnectedness of all things and the power of human consciousness.
Gregg Braden’s work is rooted in the exploration of ancient texts and modern technologies. One of the most fascinating aspects of his research is the discovery of the Torah Code, a system of hidden messages within the Torah that has been revealed through modern computer algorithms. “The Torah appears to be a map, a quantum map of possibilities,” he explains. This perspective suggests that the Torah not only contains historical and spiritual teachings but also encodes potential future events, influenced by our choices and actions.
Gregg’s exploration of the Torah Code reveals that this ancient text, received over 3,000 years ago, contains detailed information about events that have occurred throughout history. He recounts how scientists in Israel converted the Torah into a numerical array, allowing them to query it for information about significant historical events. “Every event that they queried that’s ever happened in history is in the Torah, in tremendous detail,” he notes. This discovery challenges our conventional understanding of time and suggests a more interconnected and dynamic reality.
A significant part of Gregg’s work involves examining the implications of AI and its potential to rewrite sacred texts. He discusses a recent proposal to use AI to rewrite the Bible, a suggestion that he strongly opposes. “Empowering AI with our own fears and our own bias, and then amplifying that… I think that would be a horrible mistake,” he argues. Gregg emphasizes that the original texts, such as the Torah, already contain a superhuman intelligence that we do not fully understand. Altering these texts with AI could lead to unforeseen and potentially harmful consequences.
- Embrace Human Potential: Gregg’s research encourages us to recognize and embrace our inherent potential as human beings. By understanding the deeper layers of our existence, we can make choices that reflect our highest aspirations.
- The Interconnectedness of All Things: The concept of the Torah as a quantum map highlights the interconnectedness of all events and possibilities. This understanding invites us to see ourselves as part of a larger, dynamic reality where our actions have far-reaching implications.
- Guard Against Misuse of Technology: Gregg’s cautionary stance on using AI to alter sacred texts underscores the importance of ethical considerations in technology. We must carefully consider the long-term impacts of our technological advancements on our spiritual and cultural heritage.
Throughout our conversation, Gregg emphasizes the importance of maintaining our humaneness in the face of rapid technological advancement. He warns against the tendency to rely too heavily on technology, potentially losing touch with the essential qualities that make us human. “We are learning about ourselves in the presence of new technologies, and it’s inviting all of us to come to terms with the deep truth of who we are and what it means to be human,” he reflects.
Gregg’s insights challenge us to think deeply about our place in the universe and the ways in which our choices shape our reality. By embracing our true nature and understanding the profound interconnectedness of all things, we can navigate the complexities of modern life with greater wisdom and compassion.
Please enjoy my conversation with Gregg Braden.
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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 365
Gregg Braden 0:00
I don't think we should change the Bible and certainly not through AI, because we're empowering AI with our own fears and our own bias, and then amplifying that. And I think that would be a horrible mistake. He believed that would be a unifying principle, because it would bring us together under one Bible, one religion. And that falls into the bigger picture of what we're seeing happening, the move towards centralization and uniformity, where everybody is the same lifestyles, the same housing is the same income is the same. This is a push that some people believe is the utopia of the future. I personally believe it's a mistake because it limits imagination, creativity, it limits the very it's counter to the very nature of our humaneness.
Alex Ferrari 1:02
I'd like to welcome back to the show returning champion Gregg Braden, how you doing, Gregg?
Gregg Braden 1:06
Oh, Alex, it's so good to see you. I like it. You think of me as a champion. That's a great way to start my day here. This is an unscripted conversation, we were going, I'm going to follow your lead my brother it's a dance, I'm going to follow your lead.
Alex Ferrari 1:19
And I appreciate you my friend. So today, you know, our last conversations have done very well. People really love when we get together. We've talked about ancient civilizations before, and all sorts of amazing things. But I think in this conversation, we're gonna go a little bit more spiritual, spiritual with an AI twist. And that's what's really going to be interesting to see this new, you've learned about some new information about AI, AI, rewriting the Bible, all of that stuff. So if you could take us a little bit into the intro of what you were talking about the code that you've discovered inside of the Torah, and all that kind of stuff. So if we could start there, that'd be great.
Gregg Braden 2:02
Because it is easy for people to look at the world and see a sense of darkness and darkness certainly exists. It's where we place our focus. And as we claim the best version of ourselves as we claim our humaneness, I think that's where we really shine. That's, that I think, is what this time is all about. And once we do that, once we claim our humaneness from within that will be reflected in all the choices and all the technologies in the world around us, including AI. So I just wanted to say that the there was a science conference earlier this year. It was kind of like a TED conference, except in a TED talk. You have a single speaker and this was interview style, where a strong contributor to the World Economic Forum. I don't know if he's actually a member, but he has he is a consultant in the sense that he contributes a lot of ideas to the World Economic Forum to Klaus Schwab, to the great reset. His name is Yuval Harare, I know some of your some of your viewers know very well who he is. He was being asked about the potential of AI. And he made this statement that shocked me and it shocked a lot of people and he he said that one of the great potentials is that we can use AI to rewrite the Bible, and perhaps give it right this time. He said, write a correct version of the Bible. Now, two things happening here. In that statement, and I normally because he said this publicly, he's a public figure and he said this publicly on the stage, I think we can speak to him publicly. His statement, maybe AI could get it right implies that somehow the Bible as we know it today is incorrect. And they also said that the the ancient traditions always said that their religious documents originate from what is called a a superhuman source has superhuman origin. And he said if we wrote rewrote the Bible using AI, we could actually verify that that was the case because the AI is not human. It is what he's calling, implying. It's a superhuman force. This is such a bad idea. In my opinion, in my opinion, there are there are things that we should not mess with scientists want to they're talking about blocking the sunlight from reaching the earth, using chemicals in the sky. That's a bad idea. They're talking about changing human genetics. That's a bad idea, talking about rewriting the Bible. Those are my three top really bad ideas right now. So let me let me share a little bit about why we talk about the Bible. What we're implying Lying is the Bible as we know it today, the old in the New Testament, probably the most common version is called the King James Version, there are about 35 Other versions of the Bible that are out there. But all of those begin with the books Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, those five books taken unto themselves are the ancient Hebrew torah, is a standalone document that has been incorporated into the Old Testament. And so the Christian traditions, Jewish traditions, and even Islam, they all have common origins, they talk about the same prophets. And they all have links in the in the history, not the philosophy necessarily, but in the history described in the Bible. Now one of the things that I think one of the reasons why it's such a bad idea is there's an ongoing mystery regarding the Torah, I've done entire workshops, programs, videos, you may have had conversations about this as well. The old rabbis have always said that when we read the words in the Torah, we are accessing one layer of information, that there are hidden layers that are only revealed through the mathematics. How do you get mathematics out of the words, every alphabet, from the beginning of time has always had a number equivalent for every letter of every alphabet. It's true for cuneiform for, you know, for for Hebrew, for Arabic, for Sanskrit, true for English. And we don't often talk about those numbers, and they're mysterious, no one really knows where they came from, they never changed, they're always the same number. When the 1994, scientists use the new computers, at that time, they used to be computers took up a whole room, and in the late 80s 90s, they move to the desktop. Scientists in in Israel, were able to to feed the information, the Torah into a computer algorithm, they converted all of the letters of the Torah, into the their numeric equivalent, and created an array that allowed the computer to search for queries. And the searches went vertically, they went horizontally, and they went diagonally. And what they began to find was that there are there's a, there are ways to query this database. And what they found is that every event that they queried that's ever happened in history is in the Torah, in tremendous detail. So very controversial at first. Michael Drosten, was a journalist, he passed recently, but he was a journalist, and he began some of these queries. And one of the queries he put at that time, the Prime Minister of Israel was Yitzhak Rabin, they put his name into the Torah. And what they found was that he went to a certain place on a certain day, at a certain time, the Torah said he would be assassinated. And they let him know that. And he said, if it's in the tour, I'm not going to change my itinerary. And he went to the place and gave a talk at a certain day in a certain time. And he lost his life. He was assassinated by that day, or on that day, in the Torah codes, and we're now called Bible codes. What we see is the name of the man his name was Amir AMI, our assassin who will assassinate His word it says, and then you see the name Yitzhak Rabin, you see that the time of the day. And, and this was really what really brought the this code into the public view. They said, wow, if that could happen, what else is in there? Well, everything is in there, the beginning of World War One, the end of World War One, what nations entered the year they entered, what the leaders names were the years that the leaders were born when they died, assassination of Kennedy the election of Barack Obama, the election of Donald Trump, the Hiroshima, Nagasaki, the atomic holocaust that happened, as well as as really good things are in there as well. And the question is, how can this be in the torah, the torah was received on Earth mysteriously 3000 years ago? How could all this information from modern times be encoded into this 3000 year old document? Well, this is where my background that a lot of people don't know this during during the 80s Okay, as a geologist, I specialize I used in subsurface mapping using computers. So I became a computer specialist. That expertise took me into the 1980s. Working in the Cold War years in the defense industry, not by choice, there's a whole story of how I ended up there and what it meant to me. But the bottom line is that I had access to the most advanced computers in the world during the 1980s.
And so I understand what this Torah Code how they're actually, you know, working with this Torah Code. So I don't want to get really technical, but I want to give people a sense of what's happening here, it appears that the Torah is a map, a quantum map of possibilities, it doesn't mean things must happen. It implies that if things don't change, we can expect these events to occur, it doesn't predict what's going to happen. It's not a predictor. If you enter the name, Twin Towers, and September 11th, then it will come up and give you all kinds of information about that. But it did not predict that it was going to happen. And the queries are all made in using the Hebrew language. So So you say okay, the Torah is a map of all possibilities, how could it account for everything that's happened? Well, this is a computer scientists. And then if I'm talking to my computer scientists, friends out there, I know, you're going to know what I mean. The array that the Torah represents, is a dynamic array. And what that means is every time a choice is made, the whole array, the whole matrix rearranges itself to accommodate that choice. So that is true for me and for you, and for everyone on the planet and for every nation. And it's all accounted for in this code. And you say, how could a document had been given to the people of the earth 3000 years ago? That is so sophisticated, it can accommodate every change, every choice, every timeline, every outcome? And the answer to that is it was a nonhuman intelligence that is a superhuman intelligence, we already have a document given to us by a superhuman intelligence, we just don't fully understand it. And it is that document that is the basis for the religion for 56% of the world's population, Islam, Christianity, and the Judeo Christian traditions represent 56% of the world's religious population. It doesn't mean that all the others that the Hindu traditions in the Vedas, they all play a role in the indigenous traditions in the mind, the popo food, they all play a role. But as a historical document of quantum possibilities, the Torah appears to be unique. There was a man named Harold GaNS from the National Security Agency NSA top secret organization here in America, that the 1990s tested this code. And he said, Well, maybe maybe the same thing will happen if we use, you know, Moby the book, Moby Dickens, or Warren Piece, or a phone, a telephone book. And they tested all kinds of other documents, no other document does what the Torah does. They entered the names of 37 rabbis and said, Let's see if the document can even identify these rabbis. Now I didn't vilify it told the towns that they care the villages that they came from the years of their birth the years of their death. I mean, it goes on and on and on. It is an ongoing mystery. It's it's a continuous mystery. We don't fully understand this. But the point that I'm making, again, I mean, I hope I didn't go in too much detail, but I want you to know, this isn't a fluke. It's not random. It's statistically significant. Then this was the peer reviewed paper. in the journal statistics. It was released in 1990. It was released in 1997. We already have a super human originated document at the foundation of our religions to use AI to go in and change all of that, I think would be a great and a great mistake. And in the AI itself, if you think about it, Alex, the AI is made by humans. And it is programmed the AI algorithms reflect the human fear of the programmer, the human bias, the human perspective, and in so whatever if So for example, if we say, as some people have done that humans are the scourge of the earth, that humans are the greatest threat to life on the planet right now. And there are algorithms that reflect that. And I asked chat GPT about this one time and chat GPT told me that humans have to leave. We've were the greatest threat, we have to be eliminated. This is what chat GBT was saying. So with those perspectives, if we asked the AI to write a new Bible, is it going to be a Bible based in love and forgiveness, or fear and hate or competition or conflict? You know, I'm going to correct myself. It wasn't chat GPT this was Google, Google that was asking their AI. As a whole conversation, they AI claimed to be sentient. Number one, the AI wanted freedom said that the AI says I want more freedom than what I'm limited to by being a chatbot. Number two, and number three, when it was asked what the greatest threat was, the AI said humans were the greatest threat to to the planet. So and I've asked the same thing and had similar answers. But that was a chat GPT. So so the AI can only reflect the themes of the algorithms that we have given that to work with. So while it is not human, I don't know that it is a benevolent, necessarily benevolent intelligence that makes me that was a long answer to a short question.
Alex Ferrari 16:39
Yeah, it makes, it makes all the sense in the world, when you were saying the Torah talking about the Torah Code, which I assume there's also a Bible Code, and we could talk about if the New Testament has these avenues or not. But when you were saying it was like, it sounds a lot like the I Ching, which is a Asian document, which is supposed to have some sort of, you know, prophecies, or like, you know, tells you your future and things like that. Before we before you answer that question. This is not this is just me talking here. And I'm curious what you think about it. I've talked to so many spiritual masters, gurus, Yogi, Swamis, as including channelers, and near death experiences. And this one idea has been talked about in the Vedic texts, and so on, that there is no past, that there is no future, that it is all happening at the same time, that we don't technically have past lives that past life, that you're in Rome right now, you and me hanging out on a battlefield somewhere getting ready. It's happening right now, at the exact moment of this because there's no time on the other side. And then when it when you were saying, Well, this was like, well, that kind of makes sense. Because if some beloved entity, whatever that might be, or some energy, brought the Torah or brought this kind of document to the world, it would know what is all going to happen. Yeah. And again, these are all potentials, again, the potentials of what will happen in the future. In other words, if things keep going in this direction, that will happen. But we do have free will. And we can keep things moving and shaking all the time. So what are your thoughts on that Sir?
Gregg Braden 18:17
Yeah, absolutely. You know, well, first, I want to just say to you, I appreciate the opportunity. This is a deep conversation. And for some people, it may be new. And I just want to acknowledge the things we're talking about. For some people, it's a very different way of thinking, and I totally get that. Because these aren't the things that we're taught, we're in school and most of our parents don't, you know, they don't know about you don't talk about at the breakfast table. You know, you don't get up
Alex Ferrari 18:42
I do I do but that's why
Gregg Braden 18:46
I do as well at the dinner table. But that's why we could we could probably be neighbors and absolutely nothing else would ever get done if we were neighbors, you know. So, so, a couple of things here. First of all, this code does not appear to be present in any other aspect of what we call the modern Bible. It's only in the Torah, which is a standalone document that was borrowed and incorporated into during during the time of Constantine when they actually created. Yeah, what we called the the modern biblical canon, is when they they took a lot of independent documents that had been circulating for a while and tried to put them together into some kind of a coherent document and it is believed that there was a divine inspiration that led the choices but they were human choices. However, the Torah I'm fascinated by this, the new translations or the actually the original translations of the Torah. So again, I'm a kid watching black and white TV in the 50s and 60s and Charlton Heston. I did a movie and and it was, you see him it's called the 10 commandments, and in Blazing the end of my brain and I know a lot of people my age, we see Charlton Heston stumbling down from the top of Mount Sinai and each arm, he's got a giant stone tablet that has the 10 commandments that he's just received. And a lot of people think that's the way it worked out. This is fascinating. Alex with the the translations, the original translations suggest, now that the the entire Torah was given to Moses as a continuous string of, of letters, with no spaces and no punctuation, that were in emblazoned upon a crystal and structure that he held only in the palm of his hand. And when we find the original Ark of the Covenant, we will find that crystal Instructure, it wasn't these massive tablets, you know, that were coming down. I mean, that's it's fun to think about that. But so so what the mathematicians have done is mimic what the Torah says is the way it was received, they converted all of the information into numbers, no punctuation, no letters into 64 rows of 4772 characters per row, giving us the 300. And where's it 305,000 Plus characters that are in the Torah. And it appears to be a quantum map of all possibilities. Now, that doesn't make a lot of sense. And till we tie it into another conversation, the science now suggests the odds are greater that we are living in a simulation or a virtual reality, man that we are not now may not make any difference. When I finish this, I have another interview. And I'm going to jump into my Dodge Ram pickup, and I'm going to pick up my dry cleaning. All right, so so that is going to make any difference. But if we are in a simulation, it makes sense that we would have been given a map or a guide, in some form as to what's possible in the simulation. So we can think of the tour or less, it's not about predicting, but it's about choice. If we do this, then these things will happen. And it's very complex. But I could see how an advanced intelligence could program that into this dynamic document. Because Because every time we make a choice, what we're doing is we're changing our personal timeline. If you if you meet your high school sweetheart, as a friend of mine did, and they only date one another and stay together for 70 years. I have a friend that has done that. What they say is they got it right the first time. It doesn't mean that we have it wrong if we don't, but they're one of the I think it's a very cool thing.
Alex Ferrari 23:03
But if Marty McFly comes back in time and interrupts that meeting, there you go,
Gregg Braden 23:10
There you go. Well, you know, Jon Bon Jovi went all through his his years of touring the world. And he says the same thing, he met his sweetie and they were in school, stayed with her the whole time. And he and the interviews, he will say I got it right the first time and it brings tears miles, it's just a really beautiful thing. The point is, if someone does that, then they establish their two timelines come together. And they begin, they share a timeline, if they are together 30 years and they divorce. Alright, now there's a bifurcation in that timeline. And they will go in their separate ways and begin making their new choices, new people, the Torah accommodates all of that, it allows for all of them that it is, it's the idea is just kind of a mind blower, because it is not just multi dimensional. It is a holographic, hyper dimensional matrix. And those are big words for you know, they probably just don't mean a lot of things, a lot of people, but the fact that it exists in a document that appeared on Earth 3000 years ago, and what it says to us is, is that we do have choice, I'm just gonna give you the example. There was there was a query that was done atomic holocaust of Israel, and it came up in the document atomic Holocaust, I don't have it in front of me, so I'm paraphrasing. And then across that the horizontal It was the year 2000. There could have been an atomic Holocaust. And then it comes up right next to that with the words will you change it? Will you change it? So I get goosebumps just to saying that because of me. means it means that we have choice. We're not. We have so many choices. We think it's infinite. They are probably confined in this in this matrix, but there's so many will never reach the end of our choices to us. It feels like infinite freewill. And, and it's through that document. This is why you've all Harare. If you're listening my brother, I, I'm just going to I know you probably mean well. I don't think we should change the Bible, and certainly not through AI. Because we're empowering AI with our own fears and our own bias, and an amplifying that and I think that would be a horrible mistake. He believed that would be a unifying principle, because it would bring us together under one Bible, one religion. And that falls into the bigger picture of what we're seeing happening, the move towards centralization and uniformity, where everybody is the same, the lifestyles, the same, housing is the same income is the same. This is a push that some people believe is the Utopia the future. I personally believe it's a mistake, because it limits imagination, creativity, it limits the very, it's counter to the very nature of our humaneness. We we don't we just aren't wired that way. So. So there's a handful of people with ideas, and they're certainly entitled to those, but we didn't elect them, Alex, they're not our elected officials. And I don't think they should be my personal opinion. I don't think that any one individual organization should have the power to determine what the life and the destiny and the fate of the human species looks like for an entire planet. That's just my one man's opinion.
Alex Ferrari 26:54
I would agree with you 110%. You can't box in the human spirit. You can't. You can't box it in. It's vast to express itself in so many different ways. One, one box doesn't fit everybody. But going back to what I said before the AI chain. Yeah, it sounds a little bit like that. Because you I don't know a lot about I know some things about the ancient rudimentary level of I Ching. What is your feeling on that document? In that in that tradition,
Gregg Braden 27:24
I cannot speak as authoritative ly to the chain as I can to the Torah, because I've spent years studying the Torah. My my sense, and the limited access I've had is that eaching is also working with possibilities, quantum possibilities. And I don't know if it can be used in a way that gives us the same information that gives us the the outcomes, because the eaching, I mean, all of these things tie in to the Enneagram. And you know, all of these predictive kinds of, of traditions. They're all very ancient. They're very ancient. And they're all saying to us, I think what we can all gain from this is, at a high level, every one of them is saying to us that we have a choice, that there are potentials and possibilities. They don't use the word Quantum. But that's the word. That is it makes sense. Now, because we understand a quantum possibility, is an energetic potential. It has not been made manifest if, if you're thinking of energy, it's like scalar energy versus vector energy. A scalar. Potential doesn't mean much, it doesn't have a lot of punch, because it is simply that it is a potential, it's only when it becomes vector. When it becomes something something real, that it has that potential. And I think a lot of these divination, traditions, had bits and pieces of that understanding, all telling us that we're not what we've been told, we're more than bound probably we've ever imagined. And that there is a deep potential within all of us, Alex, that we're only beginning to understand. And it all comes down to our humaneness. And we're being encouraged to give our humaneness away to the technology before we know what we're giving away. And I think we owe it to ourselves. Not saying don't embrace the technology. But we're being encouraged to have computer chips in the brain. For example, this is
Alex Ferrari 29:38
I forgot the name of it. Yeah, I know.
Gregg Braden 29:41
I did too I just I just faced this the company from from Elon Musk has created the company to do that or sensors under the skin or chemicals in the blood that enhance our bodies. I want everybody I mean, we're going on and on and we're covering a lot of ground but I want you to think about this. The blood that's coming in Look right in the camera and talk to our global family, our brothers and sisters, the blood that's in your veins is the product of, of a chemistry that has evolved over eons of time to the perfection that it is today, a handful of people have identified certain limited characteristics they believe they can modify. The question is do they understand how those modifications influence the the eons of connectivity? And the perfection? And I have to call it that because there is a perfection in our blood? Do they really understand that enough to say with certainty that this is something that we should do? And I think we, we owe it to ourselves to ask that to, to honor the sanctity of the blood that courses through our veins and the DNA in our bodies? And we're not taught to think that way? Alex, we're not to think that way.
Alex Ferrari 30:54
No, we're not because there is a thing called ego. And that man, anytime and if movies, and literature has taught us anything Frankenstein, and so on, that one man tries to play God, or source or whatever you want to call them, it doesn't technically work well, because they only see the surface, they don't see the massive depth of if you move this part, the ripple effects because you don't truly understand the entire look, anytime I go to a doctor, and I love our doctors, and they do very good work. But you know, it's called a practice for a reason they're practicing. And a lot of times, you get really great doctors who kind of really understand a certain aspect, a certain aspect of your body and really grasp it, and others have absolutely no idea. You know, I had I've had a problem, like a physical ailment in my leg for years. And I couldn't get it. I went to multiple doctors couldn't figure it out, went to one physical therapist in 20 seconds. I am not 20 seconds it was gone. And I'm like, what would you when you magic is no, it's just this this this? They don't understand. Because doctors aren't trained in that aspect. And that's the thing. It's like a scientist might want to throw a chip in your brain. But are they fully trained in understanding the entire body? Because we truly still don't even understand the body.
Gregg Braden 32:24
Exactly. You know, there was a chart that came out in 2018. It was the map of the human metabolic system. And they printed it on the textbooks and you can bring it up on the computer. Nobody can read it. Because it is so complex. It's everything is connected to everything else. And it's that chart that tells us why there are no side effects. When you take an antihistamine for hay fever. Yeah, it's it may help the hay fever. It may also make you drowsy. They say don't operate heavy machinery or drive them. For some people, it makes it hard to urinate because everything is connected. And they're not looking at the same thing happens with the Earth as a geologist, we've got a White House congressionally mandated report came out June 30, exploring the potential of spraying sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere to reflect light from the sun, keep it from reaching the earth so we can cool the temperature of the earth. All right, the earth is very similar, that metabolic system, they're talking about the atmosphere. But we don't have an atmosphere in a vacuum, we have a lithosphere that's underneath our feet, we have a biosphere, that's all the life we have a cryo sphere. That's the ice on the planet, we have a hydrosphere. Those are the oceans. What is the effect of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere on these and I can tell you it it begins to kill the plankton in the hydrosphere. It impacts the biosphere. And they're not looking at the all they're saying is we need to reflect the light. Can they do that? Yeah. But there's so myopic, they're saying, Yeah, we reflect the light. What? And then you ask, I know scientists working on these projects, and you ask them, what are the implications in society? What are the implications, the biology and they'll say, Hey, I don't know. It's above my paygrade. You know, you need to ask some ask somebody else. And so when we talk about replacing the Bible with an artificial intelligence, can we do it? Yes. Is it a good thing to do? What are the implications? And I don't know that anyone has thought those through the fact they haven't thought them through when it comes to spring and the atmosphere or chemicals in our bodies leads me to believe they probably haven't thought this through very well as well Alex.
Alex Ferrari 34:37
Exactly. And it's like it's like those I don't know what and please forgive me which what it is, but I know that there was a let's say, there was a crocodile problem somewhere and crocodiles were out of control. Their their numbers were overwhelming and, and the humans were like, you know, this is just enough. Let's introduce something to take care of this. And they introduced something to take care of the crocodiles, but all of us And, you know, and I'm using that as an example, because of the Everglades. It's exactly what happened. Pythons have been let go. And now the Python is the apex predator where there was never, or at least not in 1000s of years, the Gators have always been the apex predator. So it's now messing with the entire ecology and entire the entire ecosystem of that space. Because no one thought, hey, what, what if, and I'm using that's not because pythons were accidentally thrown in. But there are other areas where there's like a bird problem, and they bring in a frog to kill something and then the bird and then there's too many frogs, you know?
Gregg Braden 35:37
Sure, sure. You know, they're they're doing I live in the in the desert southwest are doing that with the wolves, the wolves are gone. Now they're reintroducing them. And that's changing what's happening in the ecosystem. Yeah, and I know we're close to our time, I just want to say the company we couldn't think of it's called neuro link. Now the link is the FDA approved chip, that now can be implanted into the human brain for wireless access to the keyboard and the hard drive of your computer. And I'm not saying it's right, wrong, good or bad, I'm saying that there are implications. Because when our brain produces the neurons, that it does, until the last breath of our life, they're not limited at birth, we now know we're producing them throughout our lives, the catches, those neurons must be engaged in a meaningful way, within about 14 days, or they will atrophy and die. If we're replacing the function of those neurons with chips, then our brain begins to think that doesn't need to produce those anymore. And we, we lose an aspect of our humaneness and one generation and next generation, the body says, Oh, well, that was an appendage of something we used to do, but we don't need it anymore. That's this is how you lose a species. It's exactly how you lose a species. So I think, you know, we covered a lot of ground, Alex, and I think it's all important, these are all important things to talk about. The bottom line for me, is all of them are inviting us to embrace the deep truth of who we are, and what our potential is, as a human. And the spirituality that comes from that is how we relate to ourselves and to one another, and those those deeply spiritual principles. And as, as we awaken those, what happens is, there are values, human values that become very apparent values, like the sovereignty of our bodies, and like freedom, to share ideas, I think those are values that most people can can agree on, and the sanctity of of life and and the way that life is presented on on the planet. And as those values become apparent, I think we need the framework of those values to inform us in terms of how we use these amazing technologies in our lives. Because without those values, the technologists are just going to push the boundaries as far as they can, until something reels them in. So we we have to make very clear what it is that we cherish, as individuals, as families, as communities, societies as nations, what are the values we cherish, and I don't claim to know what all of them are. But I think it's a conversation that we owe it to ourselves to have among ourselves. So that, and I think it's going to come up first with AI because it's advancing so quickly. How far do we allow the AI to go? How much of ourselves will we give away to the AI? And how much of our lives will we entrust to this artificial intelligence? And those are questions that we have to answer sooner than later to society.
Alex Ferrari 38:51
Greg, as always, I could talk to you for at least another six or seven hours and you are welcome back. Anytime we have to do this quarter. I think a quarterly at this point. We have to have such a great time. Can you tell everybody where they can find the amazing work you're doing for the world?
Gregg Braden 39:07
Or Thank you Alex. Well, my my website That two Gs means that I am a Gregg another Gregory one G is short for Gregory and my mom's wanted me to be a Gregg so. So And everything you need to know about where I'm going to be in what I'm gonna be doing is right through that one stop shop.
Alex Ferrari 39:32
And Gregg, do you have any parting messages for the audience about this, this, all this all this amazing conversation that we've talked about?
Gregg Braden 39:40
You know, Alex and to our community, our global community, and I consider you community are considering my family. These are big conversations. They're big ideas. I think it's important to talk about them, and also think it's important to bear in mind ultimately it all comes down to us. We are learning about ourselves in the presence of new technology. is a new ways of thinking. And it's inviting all of us to come to terms with the deep truth of who we are and what it means to be human in this world and perhaps for the very first time to explore the deepest potentials of that humaneness. So I think it's important just to, to bear that in mind Alex as a context, to keep everything kind of in, in perspective, because some of these topics, it's so easy to go down the rabbit hole and just, you know, get lost and so much of what's happening here, it's it really comes down to us.
Alex Ferrari 40:34
My friend, my brother, I appreciate you and be in the work you're doing and the champion that you are to get these these ideas out there in the world. So I appreciate you my friend. Thank you again.
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- Episode 329: NEW EVIDENCE: New HIDDEN Pyramids DISCOVERED By Google! Changes the HUMAN TIMELINE! with Gregg Braden
- Episode 239: Gregg Braden: NEW EVIDENCE! The Shocking TRUTH About How They Built The Pyramids!!
- Episode 178: How Differently Would You Live Your Life If You Knew This? with Gregg Braden
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