Cities: Skylines 2’s Post-Launch Content Roadmap Revealed, First DLC Planned for Q1 2024

The DLC for Cities: Skylines 2 is being pushed back, with the studio instead focusing on performance improvements and bug fixes.

Posted By | On 21st, Nov. 2023

cities skylines 2 panorama

Developer Colossal Order has revealed its roadmap for post-launch content for Cities: Skylines 2, also announcing that it is delaying the game’s DLC to 2024. The release roadmap reveals that the first piece of DLC for the game, the Beach Properties Asset Pack, is planned for release in Q1 2024.

CEO Mariina Hallikainen has expanded on the studio’s decision to push back DLC for the game, instead focusing on releasing updates that improve the game’s performance, as well as prioritise development on the game’s mods editor. Hallikainen states on the studio’s official forums that the current development priorities are, in order, performance improvements, bug fixing, and modding support.

Hallikainen also states that, once the PC version is where the studio wants it to be, development will then be focused on the console release and DLC for Cities: Skylines 2.

Earlier this month, Hallikainen revealed that, while Colossal Order is still working on improving the performance and fixing bugs in Cities: Skylines 2, the cadence of updates will be slower moving forward, with the studio opting to release bigger update with more fixes rather than smaller, quicker updates.

cities skylines 2 roadmap

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