An open-world game is perhaps one of the toughest to develop. Studios need to account for the world’s design and its activities and incorporate features like weather, wildlife, vegetation and the player’s relation to it all. Throw in expansive campaigns and gameplay systems like crafting, spaceship design, loot, boss battles and more, and they can quickly turn into a nightmare. Nevertheless, there are several open-world games that not only succeed but stand out as some of the finest titles in gaming. Let’s look at the top 30 best open-world games of all time that are worth playing.
30. Just Cause 2
Although almost all games in the Just Cause series are fine sandbox experiences, the second game is perhaps the best the franchise has to offer. Featuring over the top bombastic action set pieces along with stellar mission design, Just Cause 2 features a vast playground to do some of the craziest things possible in video games. Although the combat is disappointing, it’s the open world and the crazy amount of destruction one can do in it is the star of the show here.