Bootloader unlocking | Pre-requisites of rooting an Android Device

Abhijeet Singh
2 min readOct 30, 2023

What is Bootloader Unlock?

A bootloader is a program that is the first thing that boots up in your device whenever you turn ON your device. It commands the device to run the appropriate programs in order to run smoothly and provide better performance. Moreover, the bootloader is stored away from the reach of the user and is stored at a stable memory so that the user cannot hamper the files. However, there are methods and ways via which you can safely unlock the bootloader of the device and go ahead with flashing a custom recovery to root your device. But, you should make sure to follow a reliable guide and follow the steps correctly in order to avoid any permanent damage to your phone, as it can soft brick or hard brick your device.

Why do we need to unlock the bootloader?

If you want to root your device then you have unlocked the bootloader on your device. It allows the user to go ahead and install restricted apps, mod apps, install custom OS like Lineage OS, etc on the device. Note that the unlocking of the bootloader will void the warranty of your device. So, it is better to allow the warranty period to get over and then unlock it.

Advantages of bootloader unlock

  • You can install any custom ROM like Lineage OS, Resurrection ROM, etc.
  • You can also root your device.
  • Install a custom recovery like TWRP.

Disadvantages of bootloader unlock

Below are the disadvantages of the bootloader unlock that you need to keep in mind before you go ahead and actually unlock the bootloader of your phone:

  • After unlocking the bootloader, it voids the warranty of your device.
  • You will no longer receive the official OTA updates.
  • You can brick your device if you do not follow the steps carefully.

If you want to learn about rooting an AVD(Android Virtual Device) device, you can check out this blog post with step-by-step guidance:

