Good, Mediocre, and Poor Ways to Tell if Time Is Actually Passing

In some stages of human life, it is difficult to tell if time is passing. Use this handy cheat sheet to help you assess the passage of time.


Are there children around? Are they getting larger and/or gaining language skills? If so, time is probably passing.


Are there adults around? Are they staying exactly the same? This is not a way to know whether or not time is passing.


Are there plants around? Are they getting larger and/or dying? If so, it is likely that time is passing. (Note: If plants stay the same size, this does not necessarily mean that time is not passing.)


Are you hungry? This is sometimes a way to tell if time is passing.


Do you go to a job? Do the days feel stagnant and similar, like not much distinguishes one from the other, like perhaps you are just a little battery-run person made to do work, spend money, then sleep and eat and go to the gym and see friends just so that you can recharge to do work, spend money, then sleep and eat and go to the gym and see friends just so you can do more work? This may make it feel like time is not passing, but, honestly, time is probably passing.


Though there are opposing viewpoints, many scientists and most of society are in agreement that time keeps moving forward, whether you notice it or not. Therefore, generally speaking, if you are alive, it’s not far-fetched to just assume that time is passing. (See: “Good, Mediocre, and Poor Ways to Tell If You Are Actually Alive” for further information on this topic.)


Is the weather around you getting colder, then warmer, then colder, then warmer? Do you find yourself doing things like taking sweaters and warm socks down from the top of your closet, then putting them back up some time later? This could mean that seasons are changing, which is a good indication that time is passing. (Note: Method is not foolproof. See: “Good, Mediocre, and Poor Ways to Tell If You Actually Live in California.”)


Leave a sandwich out on the counter and see if it gets moldy. If it gets moldy, time is likely passing.