Philosophy (& ethics) of artificial intelligence

A Bot Might Have Written This: Imagine a generation of students and professionals who rely on a machine to think for them.

Statement on AI Risk: AI experts and public figures express their concern about AI risk.

In AI We (Don’t) Trust: Chatbots like ChatGPT are trained to mimic patterns they find in how the internet speaks. What does this mean for what we trust online?

Is artificial intelligence more persuasive than humans? A meta-analysis

How AI can distort human beliefs: Models can convey biases and false information to users

AI is entering an era of corporate control: A new report on AI progress highlights how state-of-the-art systems are now the domain of Big Tech companies. It’s these firms that now get to decide how to balance risk and opportunity in this fast-moving field.

Should countries build their own AIs? AI will soon touch many parts of our lives. But it doesn’t have to be controlled by big tech companies

As AI Spreads, Experts Predict the Best and Worst Changes in Digital Life by 2035: They have deep concerns about people’s and society’s overall well-being. But they also expect great benefits in health care, scientific advances and education

How AI could spark the next pandemic: New research highlights how language-generating AI models could make it easier to create dangerous germs

The AI Apocalypse: A Scorecard – How worried are top AI experts about the threat posed by large language models like GPT-4?

Why tech tycoons are ignoring the clear and present dangers of AI

Stop talking about tomorrow’s AI doomsday when AI poses risks today: Talk of artificial intelligence destroying humanity plays into the tech companies’ agenda, and hinders effective regulation of the societal harms AI is causing right now.

Microsoft Says New AI Shows Signs of Human Reasoning

Preparing for an AI Apocalypse Is As Preposterous As Preparing for an Alien Invasion

Most Aliens May Be Artificial Intelligence, Not Life as We Know It: Human intelligence may be just a brief phase before machines take over. That may answer where the aliens are hiding

Le vocabulaire utilisé donne l’illusion que l’IA possède des attributs humains? Vrai: Le vocabulaire que nous utilisons pour décrire l’IA, de même que le langage employé par les informaticiens eux-mêmes dans leur conception de ces agents conversationnels, peut renforcer l’impression que ceux-ci ont des caractéristiques humaines. Il est en fait relativement facile de créer cette illusion.

Artificial Intelligence Is Making The Housing Crisis Worse: Landlords are increasingly turning to private equity-backed artificial intelligence (AI) screening programs to help them select tenants (…). The prevalence of incorrect, outdated, or misleading information in such reports is increasing costs and barriers to housing, according to a recent report from federal consumer regulators.

There’s Little Evidence for Today’s AI Alarmism: Today’s concerns can be grouped into at least a dozen broad categories:

1. AI-based automation will eliminate millions of white- and blue-collar jobs.

2. AI systems are inherently biased and discriminatory.

3. AI systems and algorithms are unaccountable and unexplainable.

4. AI will destroy privacy and lead to a surveillance state.

5. AI will lead to further increases in societal inequality.

6. AI-based deep fakes will undermine trust and disrupt politics and society.

7. Autonomous AI systems and weaponry will destabilize international relations.

8. Hostile powers will seek to dominate the world through AI.

9. AI lacks human values and ethics.

10. General artificial intelligence will soon surpass that of humans.

11. AI will diminish human worth.

12. AI systems will go rogue, take control of society, and make humans expendable.

ChatGPT, or the Eschatology of Machines: Perhaps some new premises concerning human-machine relations can liberate our imagination. Here are three (though certainly more can be added):

1) Instead of suspending the development of AI, suspend the anthropomorphic stereotyping of machines and develop an adequate culture of prosthesis. Technology should be used to realize its user’s potential (here we will have to enter a dialogue with Amartya Sen’s capability theory) instead of being their competitor or reducing them to patterns of consumption.

2) Instead of mystifying machines and humanity, understand our current technical reality and its relation to diverse human realities, so that this technical reality can be integrated with them to maintain and reproduce biodiversity, noodiversity, and technodiversity.
3) Instead of repeating the apocalyptic view of history (a view expressed, in its most secular form, in Kojève and Fukuyama’s end of history), liberate reason from its fateful path towards an apocalyptic end. This liberation will open a field that allows us to experiment with ethical ways of living with machines and other nonhumans.

Infographic showing the progress in artificial intelligence towards thinking machines. Includes a timeline, the difference between ANI, AGI, and ASI, testings for AGI, and current state of art benchmarks for AI.