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Netflix's Second Live Event Went Very Badly--Here's What Happened

"To everyone who stayed up late, woke up early, gave up their Sunday afternoon... we are incredibly sorry."


Love is Blind fans expressed frustration after encountering technical difficulties during the livestream of a planned reunion special on April 16 hosted by Vanessa and Nick Lachey, which was set to stream on Netflix. The event will be made available globally on the streaming service on 12 PM PT on April 17, instead, as a VOD offering.

Deadline was first to report on the mess that followed Sunday as subscribers had the option to join a waiting room for the show 10 minutes before the scheduled start time, but still had them waiting an hour later. Netflix issued an apology for the delay, acknowledging the inconvenience caused to viewers. The statement read, "To everyone who stayed up late, woke up early, gave up their Sunday afternoon... we are incredibly sorry that the Love is Blind Live Reunion did not turn out as we had planned. We're filming it now and we'll have it on Netflix as soon as humanly possible. Again, thank you and sorry."

Cast members from the Seattle-based season of Love is Blind--just like countless frustrated fans--took to social media to address the delay. Marshall Glaze, one of the cast members, posted a picture of himself studying an array of wires, jokingly indicating that he was trying to fix the technical issues. Vanessa Lachey also went live on Instagram briefly from the set, thanking fans for their patience and captioning the post with "Apparently we broke the internet!" She added, "This is so 2023."

This was Netflix's second live-streaming event, following Chris Rock: Selective Outrage in March--which went off without a hitch. Netflix's reluctance to venture into the live streaming arena has been well-documented, setting it apart from its competitors who have found success with live broadcasts. Amazon Prime and Apple TV+ have capitalized on live sports broadcasting, partnering with organizations like the NFL and MLB to attract viewers. However, Netflix has shied away from live content, citing high costs associated with broadcast rights as a primary deterrent.

David Wolinsky on Google+

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