HMS Saas (v5.8.0) Laravel Multi Hospital Management System HMS Saas Hospital Appointment Booking Free Download
HMS Saas Laravel Multi Hospital Management System HMS Saas Hospital Appointment Booking Free Download v5.8.0
HMS Saas Laravel Multi Hospital Management System HMS Saas Hospital Appointment Booking Free Download v5.8.0 | HMS Saas Laravel Multi Hospital Management System HMS Saas Hospital Appointment Booking Nulled v5.8.0 | This is Laravel Multi Hospital Management System Nulled where the Super admin can manage all the hospitals, and Hospitals can do the registration via this platform and manage their data separately.
Table Of Content
- HMS Saas Laravel Multi Hospital Management System HMS Saas Hospital Appointment Booking Free Download v5.8.0
- HMS Saas Feature Description
- Landing Page
- Super Admin Panel
- Registered Hospitals
- Subscription Plans
- Prorating your plans support
- Transactions
- Subscribers
- Front CMS
- Settings
- Admin Panel
- Landing Page
- Dashboard
- Users
- Covid-19 Vaccination Support
- Expense/Income Charts
- IPD (In Patient Department)
- Consultant Register
- Diagnosis
- Timeline
- Prescription
- Charges
- Payments
- OPD (Out Patient Department)
- Visits
- Timelines
- Diagnosis
- Changelog HMS Saas Nulled
hms-laravel-multi-hospital-management-system-hms-saas-hospital-appointment-booking-ulled.zip (LATEST)
Its Comes up with a powerful hospital admin panel and a beautiful hospital landing page from where users can get information about the hospital.
InfyHMS-Saas – Laravel Multi Hospital Management System Nulled
HMS Saas Feature Description:
Here are some Key Features and Concepts that InfyHMS-Saas Nulled provides.
Landing Page
Beautiful landing page with attractive interface, And yes its totally mobile-friendly.
In the Landing page you can add your business information, its comes up with about us, contact us, FAQs and pricing page. that’s all users need
Users can register for their hospital via landing page and also check the pricing plans.
Super Admin Panel
Registered Hospitals
Here you can see lists of registered hospital users and other information. You can check their current subscribed plan.
Subscription Plans
Here you can add your plans as per your needs. you can create trial plans, free plans and paid plans.
You can select related currencies as per your region.
Prorating your plans support
We support prorate mechanism, so if you want to switch plans any times, your amount will be adjusted as per your new plan price / days.
Can see lists of transaction hospital users did. if someone is registered and paid via stripe / papal, you can see that transaction details here.
Your followers can subscribe to your system via landing page. you can see lists of subscribers information here. and use their emails for notify them.
Front CMS
Here you can manage all front contents including single header text. yeah, it’s all configurable, so you can add/edit any text of landing page by using this.
Here you can manage all your application settings including :
- Application Name
- Phone
- Logo & Favicon
- etc
Admin Panel
Landing Page
Each hospital will get his separate landing page (ui will be same).
In Landing page we are showing the basic hospital information with its services and staff lists.
User can also submit enquiry from here if any. And yes the main thing its comes up with 9 language.
Admin can get insights of the total sum of Invoices, Bills, Payments and advance payments beautifully. Also, he will be able to see the total number of Doctors, Patients, and available Beds. Also, an admin will be able to access all the data and add/update everything in the system and manage currencies and languages.
Admin can add new users for specific role wise by using this module.
Covid-19 Vaccination Support
Admin/Doctor can add new vaccine by using this module. also they can vaccinate specific patient with specific vaccine.
Expense/Income Charts
You can show your expenses/incomes in bar chart into dashboard. you can also filter them according to date-range whatever you want.
IPD (In Patient Department)
Admin can manage Patient IPD details in this module. IPD is like Patient admission where admin can manage all details when patient is admitted and which bed he/she reserved.
There is charges management too in which patient charges should be managed and from it admin can generate bill.
Admin/Doctors/Receptionist can able to manage IPD module data.
Consultant Register
By using this module admin can add constant for patient. and also add some extra instructions.
By using this module doctors can diagnosis details to patient IPD. doctors can add report type, report date and also attached some document while adding report.
Timeline is like one-one conversations. doctors or admin can add timeline records by date and attach documents to it. Patient should be able to see all the timeline details entered by his consultant.
Doctors can write prescription for patient. in which he can add header and footer notes. and also add medicines details, which medicine patient needs to take and in how much dosage of it.
By using this module you can add charges of patient by charge categories. will do sum of all added charges while generating bill.
Admin can manually accept cash and cheque payments of patient. added payments will be reflected to bill.
OPD (Out Patient Department)
Outpatient Department. An OPD is a hospital department designed to be a first contact point between the patient, and the hospital staff. This is very usefull to track patient records. it has 3 more sub modules from where you can manage patient details.
By using this module you can check which patient has visited the hospital at which time. all your patient visiting history will manage into this module.
You can also ask patient to again revisit at specific date.
Admin/Doctors/Receptionist will add timelines to here for patient. here you will add some suggestions for patient. that which medicine he want to take and what is best for him.
you can add attach a document also for a specific timeline.
By using this module doctors can diagnosis details to patient IPD. doctors can add report type, report date and also attached some document while adding report.
hms-laravel-multi-hospital-management-system-hms-saas-hospital-appointment-booking-ulled.zip (LATEST)
Changelog HMS Saas Nulled
v5.8.0 (2024-7-25)
Add lazy loading at livewire datatable
Add patient smart card icon in patient panel
Set expiry date of medicines at medicines bill
Store price amount with point value
Add Dynamic Google Json File in Doctor login
Responsive and other minor Bugs fixes.
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