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In Cleveland, fish fry season is in full swing, but a new study suggested that eating just one serving of freshwater fish per year could have potentially harmful consequences.
Stakeholders in the local fishing industry were alarmed to learn that eating just one serving of freshwater fish per year could be equivalent to a month of drinking water laced with the "forever chemical," or PFAS, at potentially harmful levels.
"To me, that is a signal that we should know more," said Chef Doug Katz, an ambassador to the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch task force.
Environmental group warns 1 serving of freshwater fish
He was concerned about customers and the people who eat fish, according to Tom McIntyre of Kate's Fish at the West Side Market, as per Cleveland19.
Forever chemicals found in freshwater fish in places like Lake Erie and the Rocky River were 280 times higher than those found in some commercially caught fish, according to EWG researchers.
Denny Sharrone, captain of 22 Sport Fishing Charters, averages about 50 charters per year out on Lake ELrie.
"It's concerning. "I think that's why we need to listen to a variety of information," he said.
Industrial polluters dump PFAS into our lakes and rivers, and they never disappear.
Exposure has been linked to immune system suppression, decreased vaccine efficacy, an increased risk of certain cancers, elevated cholesterol, and reproductive and developmental issues.
The Ohio Sport Fish Consumption Advisory does not currently have any recommendations for PFAS in fish.
The Ohio Department of Health, on the other hand, issues its advisories.
Their recommendations are intended to protect even the most vulnerable segments of Ohio's population, such as young children.
This means that anyone eating Ohio-caught fish is safe if they follow the guidelines.
Adults can safely consume four to six ounces of Ohio fish per week, while children can consume two to three ounces.
Some fish species from specific bodies of water may be subject to a more or less stringent advisory.
Some foods should never be consumed.
Sharrone believes we must remain aware of the studies that are available so that we can continue to be safe.
Sharrone also admitted that there is a lot of conflicting information.
Mcintyre claimed that this will not affect what he sells or his confidence in the safety of lake fish.
It's difficult to see these intangible things that may or may not exist.
It's certainly worth paying attention to the warnings and doing what's best for your health.
However, he believed that the benefits of seafood outweigh any risks.
According to Katz, moderation is key here, as is including farm-raised fish in our diet.
The conservation of wild fish populations is known as fish conservation, as per AllThingsNature.
Fish conservation scientists and ecologists may work directly with a species of fish, developing policies to protect that species' future, or they may work to protect and clean up the environment in which fish live.
Fish populations worldwide are declining in 2011, making fish species conservation critical.
Responsible fisheries management is one aspect of fish conservation.
Many species of fish caught for food have seen dramatic population declines in recent decades.
This population decline can be attributed to a variety of factors, including increased demand for seafood, a change in water temperature, and an increase in pollution.
Even though the number of fish available has decreased for many fish species, demand for these fish is often increasing.
Scientists and government agencies must frequently collaborate to conserve fish species by imposing strict limits on fishing, both in aspects of the number of fish that can be excluded from a given body of water and when those fish can be taken.