Friday, April 19, 2024

Twitter API is breaking links, images, and more across the website


Twitter is breaking in several places, and it looks like it’s due to Twitter’s own API. Slow load times, broken links, and services like TweetDeck are currently down, displaying an error related to Twitter’s API. This is not the first hurdle Twitter has seen due to its API under the new leadership of Elon Musk.

When using a link on Twitter or accessing a service like TweetDeck, you’ll see this message: “{“errors”:[{“message”:”Your current API plan does not include access to this endpoint, please see for more information”,”code”:467}]}” It’s not too helpful — going to the website address in the error will take you to a page with the same error.

Taylor Frint/Digital Trends Graphic

Although Twitter itself is still loading, it takes several seconds for your feed to populate. The issue seems related to Twitter’s API, which touches several services. The Twitter developer website is down, and both the Twitter Dev and Twitter API accounts have yet to post an update.

Links still render on Twitter, but attempting to click the link will block your connection and display the error above. Images are having trouble, as well, many of which refuse to load both in preview and when you expand the image.

It seems the issue is related to Twitter’s switch to a paid API. The company announced in early February that it would switch to a paid API service, resulting in many third-party apps like Twitterific being shut down. Now, it seems Twitter itself is running into issues related to its paid API system.

Reporter Aidan Moher speculates that links and images are broken due to Twitter’s data tracking. When using a link out of Twitter, the website captures data about where you’re going, which is sent through the Twitter API. That service, according to Moher, seems to have lost API access due to the switch to Twitter’s new paid system.

Twitter Support says that “some parts of Twitter may not be working as expected.” The issue, according to the account, is the result of “an internal change that had some unintended consequences.” The team is working on a fix now and said it will share when that fix has been implemented.


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