Quotations by Author
- Faults are soon copied.
- Horace
- He who postpones the hour of living rightly is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses.
- Horace
- He will always be a slave who does not know how to live upon a little.
- Horace
- I will not add another word.
- Horace
- If you wish me to weep, you must mourn first yourself.
- Horace
- Mix a little foolishness with your prudence: It's good to be silly at the right moment.
- Horace
- Of writing well the source and fountainhead is wise thinking.
- Horace
- Remember when life's path is steep to keep your mind even.
- Horace
- The appearance of right oft leads us wrong.
- Horace
- There is a measure in everything. There are fixed limits beyond which and short of which right cannot find a resting place.
- Horace
- With silence favor me.
(Favete Linguis) - Horace
- He who has begun has half done. Dare to be wise; begin!
- Horace, Epistles
- He wins every hand who mingles profit with pleasure.
- Horace, Epistles
- It is when I struggle to be brief that I become obscure.
- Horace, Epistles
- Make money, money by fair means if you can, if not, but any means money.
- Horace, Epistles
- Once a word has been allowed to escape, it cannot be recalled.
- Horace, Epistles
- The covetous man is ever in want.
- Horace, Epistles
- The years as they pass plunder us of one thing after another.
- Horace, Epistles
- Think to yourself that every day is your last; the hour to which you do not look forward will come as a welcome surprise.
- Horace, Epistles
- To flee vice is the beginning of virtue, and to have got rid of folly is the beginning of wisdom.
- Horace, Epistles
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