jason david frank

Power Ranger Jason David Frank Leaves Earth At 49

90s kids everywhere received horrible news over the weekend with the discovery that actor Jason David Frank, eighth degree black belt in karate and star of the original Power Rangers series, had passed. He was 49.

Out of all the hundreds of Rangers that have ever been, Frank’s character was perhaps the most iconic. Introduced as the Green Ranger and originally in a villainous role, Tommy Oliver reformed at the end of his arc and eventually turned into the White Ranger, leading the team from that point. While there were some young actors who had higher aspirations and couldn’t run away from Power Rangers fast enough, Frank LOVED the show and its fans, and stuck around as long as he possibly could.

Because of this, Tommy Oliver is the one constant in the rotating, nearly 30-year history of the series. He was the lead in both the original Mighty Morphin’ series and its follow-up Zeo. He guest-starred in Power Rangers Turbo, reappeared during the tenth anniversary, and came back for a role in nearly every episode of Power Rangers Dino Thunder. More recently he had cameo appearances in the Ranger shows Super Megaforce, Ninja Steel, and the forgettable 2017 “reboot” feature film. His last appearance was in 2018.

Co-star Amy Jo Johnson said in an Instagram message “Jase, you were beautiful and truly unique. My life just won’t be the same without your frenetic, hilarious, caring, driven and creative ball of energy. I will always love you, dear friend. Please Rest now In Peace.” The cause of his death has not been confirmed, but we hope rumors of a suicide aren’t true.

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Avatar of Takuya


5,481 messages 0 likes

Please dont flop! Please dont flop. I am manifesting box office success.

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Avatar of Farah


16 messages 1 likes

Sam Worthington's career lies upon from this movie. He had been irrelevant for a decade,

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Avatar of NeonZ

Active Member

6,410 messages 13 likes

We waited 13 years for this.

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Avatar of ozadin


59 messages 3 likes

I saw the sneak peek scene after the Avatar remastered Imax release. It was the most beautiful photo exhibit I'd ever seen. It reminded me of why 3D was so exciting in the first place. When the screen extends all the way to the ceiling and the image is crystal clear, you get a great sense of depth. The high frame rate was also pleasing to the eye. Some shots appear to be very smooth, and the dialogue scenes retain a cinematic feel. See it in the largest theater possible. I'm certain of it that you won't have regrets. My eyes are thanking me with all that visuals.

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Avatar of BC1014

Emergency, Dekaranger!

15 messages 0 likes

This implies that a large number of goods are produced. The Navi and the Avatars improves roughly the last ten years The first 3D film I saw was Avatar, and I was completely blown away by how beautiful it was and how well the 3D effects were executed. The graphics are much more realistic, and the water simply entices you. When I first saw Avatar, it was my first time seeing a 3D film, and I was blown away by how realistic the graphics are. The fact that a sequel was made brings back so many happy memories, and to be honest, I'd do anything to go on the same adventure again.

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Avatar of gohan210


474 messages 5 likes

Tonight I'm going to rewatch the first film in the series. As a movie fan, I have to wipe my eyes as I watch
Cameron and his team bring this story to life. Long before cameras or other technologies made it possible, he had the idea. And he waited so long to do it before finally doing it 13 years ago. He knew the second part would have to wait until technology caught up again, so he waited. And I can only imagine how difficult that must be for a director. We simply want people to see our work. But he was aware. He has always been aware. Cameron is one of the people who has had the most influence on me, and I can only hope that one day I will be able to create something as good as his. This film turned out to be absolutely incredible, and I'd like to thank everyone who worked on it for helping Cameron realize his vision. The film fans community cannot thank you enough for demonstrating what it means to believe in your vision.

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Eric Allen

New Member

21 messages 2 likes

I can hardly contain my joy... Avater blew me away the first time I saw it, and I ended up watching it more than once. The sequel to this film means a lot to me and anyone else who has a strong connection to the first one. I like how little profit is given away, how lovely the second one is, and how some of the money is used to help real oceans. Everything about this is incredible, and I couldn't be more excited.

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Avatar of lizaberowxn

British Columbia Made

411 messages 43 likes

Those Special effects are begging me to buy tickets.

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Avatar of Maverick

I hate WOKE trash

377 messages 4 likes

Im disappointed. Nothing I've seen has persuaded me that this film isn't essentially the same as
the first, but instead of a jungle, it takes place in water. Some of the previous movie's characters
are even making a comeback In a year, I might be able to stream it. It appears to be a poor knockoff of the first film.which had at best a mediocre story This film will not be carried in 3D like the first.
There was one. Nobody cares. This isn't going to do well at the box office, and if I'm wrong about that, I'm going to eat a piece of rock.

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