I’d like to add two writers for the site.

You’ll be asked to provide at least one article per month, following AP style. A style guide will be provided for you to follow. Pieces are expected to be a minimum of 750 words. You can write about any Mets-related topic you wish, as long as no other writer at the site has covered the same topic recently. If I write an article about Jeff McNeil on Thursday, we don’t need another one on him Monday.

Also, the expectation for new writers is that they’ll be participants in the Game Chatters, at least 2-3 times a week. One of the recurring themes from our September Customer Survey was the wish for more real-time interaction at the site. There’s nothing more real time than the Game Chatters.

If interested, please send a sample article to Mets360 @outlook.com — omitting the space between “360” and “@.”

If it’s good – I’ll tell you. If it shows promise but needs work, I’ll tell you what to fix. But I will not lie to you and tell you that something lousy is acceptable.

The once-a-month writing position is unpaid. If you want to write three times a week, we can talk about some type of profit sharing/cost sharing arrangement.



3 comments on “Wednesday catch-all thread (11/2/22)

  • ChrisF

    As someone that submitted articles for several years, I can say this is a great opportunity to share your thoughts with the Mets community. Brian is awesome to work with as you might suspect from the articles he authors. if you have an inkling to write about the Mets this is a great place!


  • Mike W

    Thanks to Brian for running this awesome site. And congratulations to Andres Gimenez for winning a Gold Glove.

  • Woodrow

    And thanks to Steve Cohen for giving us a big summer!


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