Srbijanka Turajlić passed away

The retired professor of the University of Belgrade, Srbijanka Turajlić, died today at the age of 76, Belgrade media reports.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 25.09.2022.


Srbijanka Turajlić passed away
Foto: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages

Srbijanka Turajlić passed away

Srbijanka Turajlić was a retired associate professor from the Department of Signals and Systems, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade.

At the end of the nineties of the last century, she was an active member of the People's Movement Otpor.

She is the laureate of the Winning Freedom Award for 2009, which is awarded by the Maja Maršićević Tasić Foundation for her contribution to the victory of democracy in Serbia.

She was also the assistant minister for higher education in the Ministry of Education and Sports from 2001 to 2004.

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